The Australian business community operates within a dynamic and complex economic, legislative and industrial environment. Businesses (of all sizes), government agencies, professional associations and peak bodies have also been dealing with, and will continue to deal with, the raft of challenges arising from globalisation
and the shift in Australia’s population demographics. As well as learning how to accommodate an increasingly diverse and mobile workforce they need to plan for an ageing workforce with diverse needs and flexibilities.
Workforce planning is not just an imperative for expanding workplaces or those that need to replace workers, it is also critical when downsizing or undergoing restructures, mergers and acquisitions. These guidelines on workforce planning have been prepared to further inform business managers on the topic. They provide an overview of a simple and proven approach to incorporating workforce planning into normal business practice. They are supported with current references and a step-by-step guide to implementing a workforce planning project.
The guidelines are applicable for all size businesses including: industry peak bodies, organisations, associations, government agencies and industry skills groups. It is anticipated these guidelines will be updated regularly and will become a staple resource for all business managers.
This document is not a Standard and it is not intended to be prescriptive.