IEEE 1636.2-2010
IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | 2010 |
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Interoperability between components of automatic test systems (ATS) is promoted and facilitated. The standard facilitates the capture of maintenance action information (MAI) associated with the removal, repair, and replacement of a particular system component (e.g., unit(s) under test) in order to maintain/support that particular operational system. The MAI schema becomes a class of information that can be used within the SIMICA family of standards. The exchange format utilizes the XML formats.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | IEEE Std 1636.2-2010 Front Cover |
2 | Blank Page |
3 | Title Page |
6 | Introduction Notice to users Laws and regulations Copyrights |
7 | Updating of IEEE documents Errata Patents |
8 | Participants |
10 | Contents |
12 | Blank Page |
13 | 1. Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Purpose |
14 | 1.3 General 1.4 Application 1.5 Conventions used in this standard |
15 | 2. Normative references |
16 | 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations |
17 | 4. Maintenance action information schema 4.1 General 4.2 Elements |
23 | 4.3 Complex types |
28 | 5. Conformance 6. Extensibility |
29 | Annex A (normative) Maintenance action information model A.1 AssociatedTestEvent |
30 | A.2 Code A.3 FailureCode A.4 Observation A.5 ParameterValue A.6 Qualifier |
31 | A.7 RelativeSkill A.8 SequenceCode A.9 Category |
32 | A.10 MaintenanceActionValue A.11 MaintenanceType A.12 EquipmentDescription A.13 Equipment |
33 | A.14 InstallAction A.15 Maintainer |
34 | A.16 MaintenanceAction |
35 | A.17 MaintenanceActionInformation |
36 | A.18 MaintenanceActionStatus A.19 MaintenanceDelay |
37 | A.20 MaintenanceEvent |
38 | A.21 NoAction A.22 Parameter |
39 | A.23 Reason |
40 | A.24 RemoveAction A.25 RepairAction A.26 Resource |
41 | A.27 TestResult |
42 | A.28 MAI model EXPRESS-G diagrams |
46 | Annex B (normative) SimicaCommon XML schema B.1 Schema―SimicaCommon.xsd |
55 | Annex C (normative) SIMICA common information model C.1 Abbreviation C.2 AddressComponent C.3 Date |
56 | C.4 DateTime C.5 DescriptionType C.6 Duration C.7 EmailAddress |
57 | C.8 Exclusion C.9 Identifier C.10 IdentifierType C.11 NameType C.12 SequenceCode |
58 | C.13 PhoneNumber C.14 URL C.15 Uuid C.16 Version C.17 DescriptionOrReference |
59 | C.18 Contact C.19 DiagnosticContextModel |
60 | C.20 Document C.21 HardwareInstance |
61 | C.22 IdentificationNumber C.23 ItemDescription C.24 MailingAddress |
62 | C.25 MaintenanceLevel |
63 | C.26 ManufacturerIdNumber C.27 Organization |
64 | C.28 Person C.29 PowerOn C.30 QualifiedIdNumber |
65 | C.31 SoftwareInstance C.32 SystemInstance |
67 | C.33 TestResultsAndSessionInformation C.34 Warranty |
68 | C.35 WorkOrder |
69 | C.36 SIMICA COMMON Model EXPRESS-G diagrams |
73 | Annex D (informative) Maintenance Action Information instance documents (.XML files) and user examples D.1 Maintenance Action Information instance documents (.XML files) |
74 | D.2 User examples |
78 | Annex E (informative)Bibliography |