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IEEE 334 2007


IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEEE 2007 29
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Revision Standard – Active. Reaffirmed March 2012. It is required that Class 1E motors, with their interfaces, meet or exceed the specified performance requirements throughout their service life. This is accomplished through a program that includes, but is not limited to, design, qualification, production quality control, shipping, storage, installation, operation, maintenance, periodic testing, and surveillance. This standard addresses the qualification portion of the program. It discusses the requirement for maintenance, repair, and surveillance of motors to maintain qualification of motors throughout their installed life but does not provide detailed guidance about how these programmatic items must be implemented and maintained. The qualification requirements of this standard, when met, demonstrate and document the ability of the motor and/or insulation system to perform its safety function(s) under specified service conditions.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Standard for Qualifying Continuous Duty Class 1E Motors for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
3 Title page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
7 Patents
11 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
2. Normative references
12 3. Definitions
14 4. Qualification methods
4.1 General
4.2 Initial qualification
4.2.1 Type testing
15 4.2.2 Operating experience
4.2.3 Analysis
4.2.4 Combined methods
4.3 Extension of qualified life
4.4 Condition monitoring
16 5. Qualification procedures
5.1 Specification requirements
5.1.1 Qualified life objective
5.1.2 Service conditions
17 5.1.3 Motor performance
5.2 Qualification requirements in mild environments
18 5.3 Qualification requirements in harsh environments
5.3.1 Type test plan
5.3.2 Type test model
19 5.3.3 Type test sequence
20 5.3.4 Normal service conditioning
21 5.3.5 Seismic conditions
5.3.6 Design-basis-event conditions
22 5.3.7 Acceptance criteria
5.4 Maintenance of qualification
5.5 Margin
23 5.6 Winding insulation endurance
5.7 Radiation endurance
5.7.1 Negligible radiation levels
5.7.2 Significant radiation levels
5.8 Motor lead cable
24 5.9 Bearings
5.9.1 Anti-friction bearings
5.9.2 Sleeve and sliding bearings
5.10 Lubricants
5.11 Seals and gaskets
5.11.1 Rotating seals
25 5.11.2 Gaskets
5.12 Accessories
5.13 Seismic
5.13.1 The seismic design basis event
5.13.2 Safety functions
5.13.3 Equipment boundary and interfaces
26 6. Simulated test profiles
7. Documentation
7.1 General
7.2 Mild environment documentation
27 7.3 Harsh environment documentation
7.3.1 General requirements
7.3.2 Test plan
7.3.3 Age conditioning
28 7.3.4 Report of test results
7.3.5 Summary and conclusions
7.3.6 Approval signature
7.3.7 Report format
29 Annex A (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 334 2007