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IEEE C57.13.5 2009


IEEE Standard of Performance and Test Requirements for Instrument Transformers of a Nominal System Voltage of 115 kV and Above

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IEEE 2009 81
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Revision Standard – Active. Single-phase instrument transformers of a nominal system voltage of 115 kV and above with capacitive insulation system for line-to-ground connection and for both indoor and outdoor application are discussed in this standard. This standard is intended for use as a supplement to IEEE Std C57.13-2008 and as a basis for performance and safety of equipment. It also describes test sequences, criteria, methods and documentation for the test.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std C57.13.5™-2009, Front cover
3 Title page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
Laws and regulations
7 Updating of IEEE documents
10 Contents
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
14 2. Normative references
3. Definitions
15 4. General
4.1 Insulation requirements
4.1.1 Voltage ratings, dielectric test levels, and prescribed extinction voltages
17 4.1.2 Capacitance and dissipation factor requirements
4.1.3 Creepage distance requirements
18 4.1.4 External radio influence voltage (RIV) requirements
19 4.1.5 Routine partial discharge test
4.1.6 Insulation resistance requirements
20 4.1.7 Power frequency voltage withstand test
4.1.8 Duration of power frequency voltage withstand test for test frequency higher than 120 Hz
4.2 Mineral oil requirements
4.3 Requirements for accuracy and accuracy calibration systems
21 4.4 Mechanical performance requirements
4.4.1 Sealing tests Oil-immersed instrument transformers Gas-filled instrument transformers
22 4.4.2 Mechanical strength of the transformer
23 4.5 Thermal performance requirements
4.6 Ground shield requirements
4.7 Dissolved gas and water content requirements for new oil-immersed transformers
24 4.8 Endurance capability for fast high voltage transient
4.9 Performance of internal arc protection
4.10 Identification of test sample in the type test report
4.11 Secondary short-circuit capability for voltage transformers
5. Test conditions
25 6. Classification of test
6.1 Routine tests and test sequences
6.1.1 Routine tests applicable to instrument transformers
6.1.2 Routine test applicable to current transformers
6.1.3 Routine test applicable to voltage transformers
26 Sequence of the routine tests
28 6.2 Type tests and test sequences
6.2.1 Type tests applicable to instrument transformers
6.2.2 Type test applicable to current transformers
6.2.3 Sequence of the type tests
31 6.2.4 Maximum number of samples used for the type tests
6.3 Special tests
7. Routine test procedures (applicable to instrument transformers)
7.1 Verification of terminal markings and polarity
7.2 Capacitance and dissipation factor test
32 7.3 Applied voltage test on secondary windings
7.4 Insulation resistance test on windings
7.5 Lightning impulse voltage test on the primary winding
7.5.1 Determination of sample size
7.5.2 Test procedure and criteria
33 7.6 Power frequency voltage withstand test
7.7 Partial discharge test
34 7.8 Dissolved gas and water content analysis for oil-immersed transformers (of a nominal system voltage of 345 kV and above)
7.9 Sealing test
7.9.1 Sealing test for oil-immersed transformers
7.9.2 Sealing test for gas-filled transformers
35 7.10 Ground shield check
7.11 Tests on the mineral oil
8. Routine test procedures (applicable to current transformers)
8.1 Inter-turn over-voltage test
8.1.1 Procedure A
36 8.1.2 Procedure B
8.2 Accuracy test for the metering rated current transformers
37 8.3 Resistance measurement of relaying rated secondary windings
8.4 Performance characteristics of relaying rated current transformers
38 9. Routine test procedures (applicable to voltage transformers)
9.1 Applied voltage test on the neutral terminal
9.2 Accuracy test
9.3 Excitation characteristics with respect to rated voltage factor
39 9.4 Resistance measurement of windings
10. Type test procedures (applicable to instrument transformers)
10.1 Dissolved gas and water content anaylsis
10.2 Mechanical test
10.2.1 Transformers for pedestal mounting
40 10.2.2 Transformers for suspension mounting
10.3 Lightning impulse voltage test on the primary winding
41 10.4 Switching impulse voltage test on the primary winding—wet
10.5 External radio influence voltage (RIV) test
42 10.6 Power frequency voltage withstand test —wet
10.7 Power frequency voltage withstand and partial discharge test—dry
43 10.8 Temperature rise test
10.8.1 Temperature rise test for current transformers at the continuous thermal current rating RF
10.8.2 Effects of the dielectric losses on temperature rise for current transformers
44 10.8.3 Temperature rise test for voltage transformers
10.9 Short-time mechanical and thermal rating test
45 10.9.1 Short-time mechanical test for current transformers
10.9.2 Short-time thermal rating test for current transformers
10.9.3 Short-time mechanical and thermal rating test for voltage transformers
46 10.9.4 Short-time thermal rating calculations
10.9.5 Criteria for the short-time mechanical and thermal rating test
10.10 Accuracy performance test
10.11 Creepage distance measurement
47 10.12 Sealing system test for gas-filled instrument transformers
11. Type test procedure (applicable to current transformers)
11.1 Secondary open-circuit voltage withstand test
48 12. Special test procedures
12.1 Endurance chopped wave test
12.2 Internal arc test
49 12.2.1 Requirement of the fuse element installation
12.2.2 Test conditions
12.2.3 Test Requirements
12.3 Seismic qualification
50 13. Identification of test sample in the type test report
13.1 Document package related to transformer type
13.2 Requirements of the document package
52 Annex A (normative) Test code
56 Annex B (informative) Dielectric test performed at an altitude of 1000 m or less for instrument transformers designed for installation at altitudes greater than 1000 m
58 Annex C (informative) Dielectric tests, oil sampling, and other related measurements in the field
59 Annex D (informative) Internal arc protection for instrument transformers
60 Annex E (normative) Validity of type test reports and guidance for reviewing the design comparison report for the modified design
62 Annex F (informative) Rated voltage factor
63 Annex G (normative) Current transformers used for the detection of unbalance current of capacitor banks
79 Annex H (informative) Current transformers having transient performance requirements
80 Annex I (informative) Electrical endurance test, explanatory note
81 Annex J (informative) Bibliography
IEEE C57.13.5 2009