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ASCE 9780784410950 2010


GeoFlorida 2010

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ASCE 2010 3353
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GSP 199 contains technical papers presented at GeoFlorida 2010, Advances in Analysis, Modeling, and Design, held in West Palm Beach, Florida, February 20-24, 2010.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
12 Table of Contents
40 Keynote Lectures
Prediction in Geoenvironmental Engineering: Recommendations for Reliable Predictive Modeling
53 Reliability-Based Geotechnical Engineering
92 Dynamic Analysis of Free-Falling Penetrometers in Soil Deposits
108 Application of Numerical Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering Practice
128 Geotechnical Modeling
Modeling and Design of Geoenvironmental Systems
Parameters Controlling Strength of Coal Fly Ash—Lime Improved Soil
138 Using WiscLEACH to Estimate Groundwater Impacts from Fly Ash Stabilized Layers in Roadways
148 Novel Implicit Automated Time Stepping Algorithm for Contaminant Transport through Soil
158 Advances in Computational Limit State Analysis and Design
168 State-of-the-Art: Consolidation-Induced Contaminant Transport for High Water Content Geo-Materials
178 Modeling of Geotechnical Engineering Systems
A Coupled Damage and Plasticity Drucker-Prager Model Based on Thermodynamics of Internal Variables
186 Nonlinear Analysis for a Single Vertical Drain Including the Effects of Preloading Considering the Compressibility and Permeability of the Soil
196 Multi-Physical Simulation of Freezing Unsaturated Soil
206 Limit Equilibrium of 2D and 3D Nonhomogeneous Loaded Ground Masses
214 A Comparison of Numerical Algorithms in the Analysis of Pile Reinforced Slopes
223 Numerical Study of Effect of Encasement on Stone Column Performance
233 Development of Performance Upgrade Technique of Existing Rockfall Protection Fence
243 Modeling Soil-Pile Interaction under Axial Loading Using a Bilinear Mohr-Coulomb Based Model
253 Numerical Modeling of Discontinuous Rock Masses
Fracture and Fragmentation of Rock Subjected to Uniaxial Cyclical Loading
263 Rock Catchment Area Design Charts
273 Load Transfer to Micro Pile Rock Socket
283 Evaluating Ground Settlement above a Mined Area
293 Rock Slope Stability Modeling
303 Prediction of Side Resistance in Poor Quality Rock: RQD vs. GSI
312 Slope Stability with Permanent Rock Anchors
322 Stability Analysis of Vertical Boreholes Using a Three-Dimensional Hoek-Brown Strength Criterion
332 Simulation of Pore-Scale Fluid Flow through Glass Beads Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
340 Unsaturated Soil Modeling in Engineering Practice
Analysis of Engineering Properties of Red Clay during Drying Process
346 Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soil-Geotextile Interfaces
356 Tidal Influence on Embankment Settlement in Coastal Louisiana
367 Dynamic Capillary Effect and Its Impact on the Residual Water Content in Unsaturated Soils
377 Characterization of Unusual Ground Fissuring in a Dry Lakebed—Broadwell Basin, San Bernardino County, California
386 Performance of Reinforced Collapsible Soil
396 Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Lateritic Soil Treated with Bagasse Ash
409 Analytical Model for Prediction of Strains for Tunneling in Swelling Grounds
420 A Refined True Triaxial Cell for Modeling Unsaturated Soil Response under Suction Controlled Stress Paths
429 Suction Stress Influence on Earth Retaining Structures
439 Soil Water Characteristic Curves of Compacted Clay Subjected to Multiple Wetting and Drying Cycles
449 Impact of Effective Stress on the Dynamic Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Sand
459 Computational Methods in Unsaturated Flow and Coupled Processes
Design Charts for Vertical Drains Considering Soil Disturbance
469 Modeling Rheological Properties of Coarse Grained Materials
479 Strain Localization Based on the Bifurcation Theory: An Application to the Hypoplastic Constitutive Model
491 Visco-Hypoplastic Model for Structured Soils
500 Modification of the Hypoplasticity Von Wolffersdorff Equation Using a Bounding Surface and State-Dependent Peak Dilatancy Criterion
509 Simulation of Expansive Clay Behavior under Simultaneous Heating- Hydration for Nuclear Waste Storage Applications
519 Imaging Applications
Application of Electrical Resistivity for Subsurface Characterization of Hattian Bala Landslide Dam
529 Application of Surface Geophysics for Providing a Detailed Geotechnical Assessment of a Large Resort Development Site in Anguilla, BWI
539 An X-Ray Computed Tomography Study: The Influence of Inherent Particle Characteristics on the Packing Density of Granular Materials
549 Using Outcrop-Scale Digital Images for Size Distribution of Boulders and Blocks
559 Imaging Piles in Bridge Foundations Using Tomography and Horizontal Seismic Reflector Tracing
569 Microbehavior of Soils and Granular Media
Micromechanical Modeling of Granular Materials Including Crushing
Static Fatigue Produces Time Effects in Granular Materials
579 Grain Shape Quantifications and Their Relationship to Dilatancy
589 Crushing of Particles under Simulated Static and Centrifuge Forces
599 Measurement of the Abrasion of Granular Materials Using Fractals
609 Micro-Mechanics of Granular Soils: Experimentation, Modeling, and Computational Analyses
3-D Arching Effect in the Trap-Door Problem: A Comparison between X-Ray CT Scanning and DEM Analysis
619 From Micromechanics Particle Simulation to Macroscopic Experimental Phenomena of Cross-Anisotropic Soil Elasticity
630 A Hypoplastic Sand Model Taking into Account Fabric Anisotropy
639 DSS Test Results Using Wire-Reinforced Membranes and Stacked Rings
647 Microscale Properties to Macroscale Behavior of Engineered Soils
Settlement Behavior of Compacted Soils Containing a Small Amount of Organic Matter
657 Pamper Bacteria, They Will Help Us: Application of Biochemical Mechanisms in Geo-Environmental Engineering
667 Influence of Ionic Concentration and Internal Porosity on the Behavior of Diatom-Clay Mixtures
677 Analysis of Particle Shape Using Fractals
685 Behavior of Sand-Rubber Mixtures According to Strain Level
695 Meso-Scale Heterogeneity Effects on Excess Pore Water Pressure Dissipation
703 Soil and Geotechnical System Characterization
Characterization of Problematic Soils
New Developments in the Modeling and the Design of Geosynthetic Reinforcements of Platforms Subjected to Localized Sinkholes
711 Experimental Study on Subsurface Erosion of Peats
720 Development Mechanism and Remediation of Multiple Spontaneous Sinkholes: A Case History
728 Load Deformation Behavior of Drilled Shafts in Residual Soil
738 Florida Clay Gets a Bad Rap
747 Study of Expansive Soil Behavior Using Low to Medium Frequency Electromagnetic Waves
756 Equivalent Effective Stress in Unsaturated Fine Sand
766 A Case History of Construction Induced Sinkholes
776 A Case History of Pile Foundation Remediation for Karst Activity
786 Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Expansive Soil in Stress Path Tests
796 Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Stabilized Sulfate Constaining Soil with Lime and Class C Fly Ash
806 Influence of Lime Dosage on Stabilization Effectiveness of Montmorillonite Dominant Clays
816 Experimental Study on the Creep Behavior of the Yangtze River Sand
822 Stiffness Response of Residual and Saprolitic Soils Using Resonant Column and Bender Element Testing Techniques
832 Characterization of Problematic Expansive Soils from Mineralogical and Swell Characterization Studies
842 Particle Size Analysis of Shale-Rich Mined Clay from Appalachian Ohio
852 Laboratory and Field Investigation of Variation of Erodibility with Dry Unit Weight of Different Soils
862 Assess the Stress-Strain and Interfacial Frictional Behavior of Nonwoven Geotextile Reinforced Residual Soils
872 Cyclic Triaxial Behavior of Pond Ash
881 Static and Dynamic Properties of a Calcareous Sand from Southwest Puerto Rico
891 Characterization of Reinforced Asphalt Pavement Structures Built over Organic Soils Employing Falling Weight Deflectometer
901 A Case Study on the Geotechnical Characteristics of Collapsed Cut-Slope in Yeosu, Korea
911 Non-Destructive Technologies for Geo-Materials and Infrastructure Assessment
Living with Deep Foundation Defects
921 Non-Destructive Test to Measure Pollutant Transport into Landfill Liners
931 Estimation of Shear-Wave Velocity Profiles: Inversion of Spatial Autocorrelation Coefficients
939 Mapping Soft Soil Zones and Top-of-Bedrock beneath High-Traffic Areas in Honolulu Using 2D ReMi
949 A Simple Attenuation Prediction Method for Ground Vibration Induced by High-Speed Trains
959 Site Characterization and Modeling for an Underground Water Storage Tank, Black Hawk, Colorado
969 The Effect of Water Content on Light Weight Deflectometer Measurements
979 Evaluation of Stiffness and Void Ratio by Field Velocity Probe in Soft Soils
989 Relationships between Compression Wave Velocity and Unconfined Compression Strength for Weathered Florida Limestone
999 A Smart Health Monitoring System for the New I-10 Twin Span Bridge over Lake Pontchartrain
1009 Motion Sensors for Scour Monitoring: Laboratory Experiment with a Shallow Foundation
1019 Integrating Multiple Subsurface Exploration Technologies in Slope Hydrogeologic Investigation: A Case Study in Taiwan
1029 In Situ Testing for Geo-Engineering Analysis and Design
Cone Tip Resistance of Highly Compressible Jeju Beach Sand
1037 Evaluation of the PVD Smear Zone Using Micro Penetrometer
1047 Updating Uncertainties in Undrained Shear Strengths by Multivariate Correlations
1057 Estimation of Consolidation Coefficient from Piezocone Dissipation Tests in Jiangsu Quaternary Clay Deposits, China
1068 Application of Effective Cone Factor for Strength Characterization of Saturated Clays
1076 Suspension P-S Logging for Geophysical Investigation of Deep Soil and Bedrock
1088 Soil Parameter Evaluation from Hybrid In Situ Penetration-Geophysics Testing
1098 Seismic Site Classification Using Boreholes and Shear Wave Velocity: Assessing the Suitable Method for Shallow Engineering Rock Region
1108 Site Characterization of Clay Deposits in Northeast Nile Delta
1118 Demands for Seismic Site Investigation at Wind Power Station Foundation in Former Mining Areas
1129 Numerical Investigation of the Pressuremeter Results Affected by Anisotropy of Geomaterials
1139 Comparison of Underwater MASW, Seismic CPT, and Downhole Methods: Offshore Croatia
1147 End of Primary Consolidation for the Gulf Coast Soils
1155 Evaluating Shear Wave Velocity of In-Place Compacted Backfill
1171 Characterizing Subsurface Conditions Using Drilling Parameters for a Deep Foundation Project in Boston, MA, USA
1181 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition for Site Geo-Characterization
Improvement of Rainer System with a Porous Plate
1191 Characterisation of an Urban Site by Ambient Noise HVSR Method: Resonance Frequencies and Site Amplifications
1201 Bridge Restoration and Landslide Correction Using Stabilization Pier and Grade Beam Structural System
1211 Real-Time Slope and Wall Monitoring and Reporting Using 3-D MEMS-Based, In-Place Instrumentation System
1221 Assessment of Slope Failure Using Advanced Geotechnical Tests: Case Study in Harrisonburg, Louisiana
1230 Levee Evaluation Studies in Sacramento, California: Correlating Helicopter-Borne EM Data, Borings, and Geology
1240 The Use of Forensic Engineering in Sinkhole Investigations
1247 Experimental Study on Triaxial Geogrid-Reinforced Bases over Weak Subgrade under Cyclic Loading
1256 A Study on the Development of Anisotropic Shear Modulus for Soft Clay during the K[sub(0)] Consolidation
1266 A Suggested Approach to Study Variability of Impact Hardness Strength in Heterogeneous Rock Materials
1276 Installation of Downdrag Instrumentation on a Bridge Abutment Foundation: Lessons Learned
1285 Landslide Stability Analysis Utilizing Shear Strength of Slip Surface Soil: Asato and Tyunjun Landslides, Okinawa, Japan
1294 Measurement Techniques of Ground Vibration for Rail System
1304 Shear Deformation Behavior of the Cemented Interface between Concrete and Argillaceous Siltstone
1314 Photoelastic Sensors for Measurement of K[sub(0)]
1323 Evaluation of Compacted Silt Characteristics by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing
1333 Development of Opto-Laser Borehole Scanning System
1342 Site Characterization by Surface Wave Method
Optimum MASW Survey—Revisit after a Decade of Use
1352 Characteristic Shear Velocity Profiles for Predominant Sediment Fill Units in the Las Vegas Basin
1360 Shallow Marine MASW: A Case History and Lessons Learned
1369 The Use of MASW to Improve the Geotechnical Site Characterization of the 18.5 Km (11.5 Miles) Long Augusta Levee—Preliminary Findings
1379 Joint Use of a Surface-Wave Method and a Resistivity Method for Safety Assessment of Levee Systems
1389 MASW Survey Identifies Causes of Sink Activity along I-476 (Blue Route), Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
1399 Improving MASW Results for a Site with Shallow Bedrock through the Use of Higher-Mode Data
1408 A Comparison of Linear-Array Surface Wave Methods at a Soft Soil Site in the Mississippi Embayment
1418 The Use of Higher Modes in Surface Wave Testing
1428 Towards Non-Contact Surface Wave Testing of Subsonic Soil Layers Using Microphones
1433 MASW Imaging of the Deccan Basalt Lava Flows and Their Weathering Zones: A Case Study from Ghatia, India
1441 Multiple Impact Surface Waves (MISW)—Improved Accuracy for Pavement System Thicknesses and Moduli vs. Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)
1451 Foundation Engineering Design Problems
Deep Foundations
Effects of Soil Improvement by Mass Mixing on the Lateral Capacity of Pile Group Using Finite Element Method
1461 An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Dynamic Pile-Soil-Pile Interaction under Vertical Motion
1471 Prediction of Pile Settlement Using Artificial Neural Networks Based on Cone Penetration Test Data
1481 Predicting Non-Linear Response of Laterally Loaded Pile Groups via Simple Solutions
1489 Studies on Short Drilled Shaft Failures in Expansive Clayey Soils in a Cold Environment
1499 Numerical Modeling of Rammed Aggregate Pier Construction
1509 Analysis of a Deep Shaft Excavation in Argillaceous Rock
1518 Birmingham Bridge Emergency Repairs: Micropile Foundation Retrofit
1527 Analysis of Large Diameter Pipe Pile Drivability in Tokyo Bay Using Piezocone Data
1537 Measured Soil-Pile Interaction Pressures for Small-Diameter Laterally Loaded Pile in Loose Sand
1546 Reliability Analysis of Extrapolated Ultimate Load of Drilled Shafts Embedded in Weathered Rock
1554 Pile Responses Due to Lateral Soil Movement of Uniform and Triangular Profiles
1562 Axial Load-Displacement Behavior of Augered Cast-in-Place Piles and Pressure-Injected Footings
1572 Design and Construction Considerations for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations in North America
1582 Case Study of the Influence of Flexural Stiffness on the Developed Soil Reactions of Three Laterally Loaded Piles
1592 Evaluation of Base Grouted Drilled Shafts at the Audubon Bridge
1602 Jet Grouting and Soil Mixing for Increased Lateral Pile Group Resistance
1612 Pile Foundations in Weak Soils
Setup Prediction of Piles Driven into Louisiana Soft Clays
1622 Simulation of a Centrifuge Model Test of Pile Foundations in CDSM Improved Soft Clays
1631 An Innovative Prefabricated Pile Installation Method Utilizing Jetting and Pressure Grouting
1641 Increased Lateral Resistance of Pile Group in Clay Using Compacted Fill
1651 Design Challenges of a NYC Waterfront Development
1661 Characterizing Lateral Load Behavior of a Pile in Improved Soils Surrounded by Soft Clay Using the Winkler Analysis Concept
1672 Shallow Foundations
Full-Scale Field Verification of Vibro-Replacement Ground Improvement for Improving Static and Seismic Shallow Foundation Performance
1680 Part I: A Generalized Formulation of Continuum Models for Elastic Foundations
1690 Part II: Application of Newly Derived and Calibrated Continuum Subgrade Models in the Analysis of Beams on Elastic Foundations
1700 Analysis of Structurally Restrained Eccentrically Loaded Footings
1709 Verification of the Load Transfer Mechanism of Geocell Reinforced Soil in Large Scale Model Tests and Different In Situ Test Fields
1719 Use of Rigid Foundation System on Expansive Soils
1729 Predicted Tunnel-Induced Settlement and Damage to Findlater’s Church with Respect to Freefield and Constructed Side Considerations
1739 Settlement Behavior of a Shallow Foundation in Dry Sand under Simulated Earthquake Motion on a Biaxial Shake Table
1747 Estimation of Settlement of Footings under Working Loads Using Equivalent -Linear Elasticity
1757 Soil-Foundation Interaction Due to Ground Movements
Prediction of Load Transfers in Granular Layers Used in Rigid Inclusions Technique—Experimental and Discrete Element Method Analysis
1766 Behavior of Uplift Pile Foundation during Large-Scale Deep Excavation
1776 A Numerical Case Study of Soil-Pile-Shield Tunneling Interaction for Guangzhou Subway Project
1786 Shear Strength Reduction at Soil Structure Interface
1796 Characterization of “t-z” Parameters and Their Variability for Auger Pressure Grouted Piles Using Field Load Test Data
1806 Simplified Design Approach of Laterally Loaded Short Piles on Finite Slope in Cohesionless Soil
1816 Modeling Stability of Stacked Geotextile Tubes
1825 Failure Analysis of an Instrumented Stiff Clay Slope
1835 Failing Tunnels from Changed Conditions?
1845 Modeling Differential Settlement in the Partial-Cut and Partial-Fill Embankments of the Mountainous Expressways of China
1855 The Behavior of a Deep Retained Excavation in Soft San Francisco Bay Mud
1866 Design of Drilled Shafts for Slope Stabilization
1876 Field Study of Drilled Shafts Behavior during Surcharge Load Induced Slope Movement
1886 Riverbank Instability from Imperfect Adherence to Instructions
1896 Finite Element Analysis of an Offshore Wind Turbine Monopile
1905 Deep Soil Mixing (DSM) Columns to Improve Foundation Support for Bridge Approach Embankments
1915 A Case Study of Drilled Shaft Performance from Excavation Induced Slope Movements
1924 Reliability Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
Practical Reliability-Based Methods in Geo-Engineering
Estimation of Soil Properties and Deformations in Staged Constructions Based on MCMC Method
1934 Reliability Assessment of Excavation-Related Movements of Underground Structures
1943 Complexity of Limit Equilibrium Based Slope Reliability Problems
1953 Reliability-Based Design for Basal Heave in an Excavation Considering Spatial Variability
1963 Use of Reliability Methods as a Project Management Tool: The Cherry Island Landfill Expansion Project
1973 Risk Assessment Tools in Geotechnical Engineering
Coastal Wastewater Systems and the Mitigation of Geohazards
1983 Risk Modeling Issues and Appropriate Technology
1991 Comparison of Slope Reliability Methods of Analysis
2001 Statistical Evaluation of Levee Design Data
2011 Expected Design Factor of Safety from a Pile Load Test Program
2021 Statistical Assessment of Repeatability of Soil-Geomembrane Interface Shear Tests
2031 Applications of Risk Analyses for Civil Infrastructures
Dynamic Risk Management System for Large Project Construction in China
2041 Safety Assessment of Quake Lakes
2051 Geotechnical Baseline Reports for Foundation Projects
2061 Probabilistic Analysis of Slope Stability of Earth Dams during Rainfall Infiltration
2071 Forensic Analysis of an Excavation Bracing System Failure
2081 Random Fields: Modeling, Estimation, Simulation, and Design
Simulating Differential Settlement of Landfill Foundations Using Random Fields
2091 A New 2D Failure Mechanism for Face Stability Analysis of a Pressurized Tunnel in Spatially Variable Sands
2101 Random Fields for Site Response Analysis
2112 The Importance of the Spatial Variability of Geotechnical Properties for Numerical Models of Downhole Seismic Arrays
2122 Reliability Analyses of Slopes Incorporating Head and Flow Anistropy as Random Variables
2132 LRFD and Partial Factor Design
Model Uncertainties in “Terzaghi and Peck” Methods for Estimating Settlement of Footings on Sand
2142 Calibrating Resistance Factors of Single Bored Piles Based on Incomplete Load Test Information
2152 Load Resistance Factor Design Using Target Reliability Approach for External Seismic Stability of Reinforced Soil Walls
2162 Parametric Study of Seismic AASHTO Design Methods for Metallic Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
2172 Reliability-Based Analysis of Strip Footings Subjected to an Inclined or an Eccentric Loading
2182 A Reliability-Based Approach to the Design of Spread Footings on Granular Soil
2192 LRFD Resistance Factors Including the Influence of Pile Setup for Design of Steel H-Pile Using WEAP
2202 Incorporating Geostatistical Aspects in LRFD Design for Deep Foundations
2212 Geotechnical Engineering Construction Problems
Dam Design and Construction
A Comparative Evaluation of Unbalanced Loads in the Stability Analysis of TWalls Subjected to Hurricane Loading
2221 Case History: Finite Element Analysis of Time Dependent Settlement of Lake Jessup Bridge Embankment in Central Florida
2231 Risk Analysis of Tangjiashan Landslide Dam
2241 Raising a Rattlesnake: Rattlesnake Hollow Ash Pond Dam Crest Raise
2251 Geotechnical Characterization of Dredging Sediments for Valorization in Road Embankments: Case of the Cheurfas Dam (Algeria)
2261 Stability Analysis of Fault Rock Heterogeneity on the Left Pressure Shaft Collapse of Siah Bisheh Dam, North Iran
2271 Reinforced Soil Slopes and Walls
A Case History of MSE Wall Failure: Finite Element Modeling and Evaluation
2282 Evaluation of Kinematic Constraints Based Method for Reinforced Soil Walls
2292 Numerical Simulation of the Failure of Dense Sands Reinforced with a Smooth Brass Plate in Plane Strain Compression
2302 Seismic Behavior of Gravity Retaining Walls
2310 Simplified Method of Design of Nailed Soil Wall
2320 A Model for Rockfall Protection Structures Based on a Multi-Scale Approach
2330 Finite Element Simulation of Strip Footings Resting on Double Faced Wrap- Around Reinforced Soil Walls
2340 Tunnels
Nonlinear Analysis of Tunneling Effects on Building Using Macro-Elements
2350 Investigation on Tunnel-Induced Successive Surface Displacements during Construction Period at Shallow Depths in Shanghai Soft Ground
2358 Risk Assessment of Voids behind the Lining of Mountain Tunnels
2368 Centrifuge Modeling of Face Excavation in Tunnels with a Deformable Lining
2378 Numerical Modeling of Seismic Response of a Cut-and-Cover Tunnel with Improved Ground
2388 Three-Dimension FEM Analysis of Large Cross-Section Tunnel in Collapsible Loess Constructed by CRD Method
2398 Shallow NATM Tunnel with Advancing Face Support: Numerical Analysis with Hypoplastic Model
2407 Health Monitoring of Tunnel Shotcrete Lining Using Nondestructive Testing Methods
2417 Soil Improvement
The Behaviour of Ballasted Track Foundations: Track Drainage and Geosynthetic Reinforcement
2427 Undrained Load Response of Soft Clays Reinforced with Geosynthetic- Encased Sand Columns
2437 Large-Scale Plate Load Testing of Ground Improved Using Displacement Grout Columns
2445 Wick Drains and Rock Fill Save the Day: A Case for Settlement and Stability Solutions
2455 Prediction of Earth Pressures in Soil-Bentonite Cutoff Walls
2465 A Practical Method to Account for Strength Variability of Deep-Mixed Ground
2473 I-78 and PA-33 Sinkhole Mitigation Measures
2483 Comparison of Measured and BEM Computed Contact Area between Roller Drum and Layered Soil
2493 Soil-Cement: Advances in Mix Design, Geochemistry, and Performance
Stabilization and Erosion Control of Slopes Using Cement Kiln Dust
2501 Behavior of Vertical Hydraulic Barriers Composed by Sandy Soil, Bentonite, and Cement Subjected to Alkaline Contaminants
2511 Design and Pilot Tests of Binder Stabilization of Oily Refinery and Dredged Marine Sediments
2521 A Laboratory Study of Binder Stabilization of Oily Refinery and Dredged Marine Sediments
2531 Evaluation of Two Aluminum Powders for Soil-Cement Applications
2541 Pavement Systems
Analysis and Modeling of Pavement Layered Systems
Yeager Airport Runway Extension: Tallest Known 1H:1V Slope in U.S.
2550 A Best-Fit Rigid Pavement Back-Calculation Method Based on Site-Specific FEM Analysis
2560 Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of the Alligator Cracking Model Using Regional Data
2570 FDOT Testing and Evaluation of a Beneficial Re-Use Base Course Material
2580 Finite Element Sensitivity Analysis of Permanent Deformation under Accelerated Loading
2590 A Numerical Study on Stress-Strain Responses of Biaxial Geogrids under Tension at Different Directions
2600 A Review on Flexible Pavement Performance Life Assessment
2610 Modeling of Subgrade Soils and Pavement Materials
Bearing Strength and Swelling Behavior of Jingmen Expansive Soil
2620 Controlling Preshear Relative Density in Triaxial Tests and Its Effects on Undrained Behavior of Sand
2630 Simulating Rate-Dependent Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced Sands by FEM
2640 Nonlinear Cyclic Characteristics of Soils
2650 Applicability of Burger Model in Predicting the Response of Viscoelastic Soil Beds
2660 Soft Computing Methodology to Determine Pavement Thickness from Falling Weight Deflectometer Testing
2670 Design of Effective Subsurface Drainage for Flexible Pavement
2680 Evaluation of EICM for Subsurface Moisture, Temperature, and Frost Depth in Flexible Pavements
2690 Application of Random Vibration Techniques to Resonant Column Testing
2701 Mechanistic Based Pavement Design
Modeling Fracture and Failure of Heterogeneous and Inelastic Asphaltic Materials Using the Cohesive Zone Concept and the Finite Element Method
2711 Sensitivity of Predicted Flexible Pavement Performance to Unbound Material Hydraulic Properties
2721 Plastic Deformation of Recycled Base Materials
2731 Geoenviromental Engineering Problems
Physico-Chemical Response of Soils
Effect of Alkali Solution of Swell Behavior of Soils with Different Mineralogy
2741 An Assessment of Soil Parameters Governing Soil Strength Increases with Chemical Additives
2751 Laboratory-Prepared Iron Oxide Coatings on Coarse-Grained Soils as Residual Soil Simulants
2761 Revealing Fluoride Contaminated Aquifers in Hard Rock Terrain Using Electrical Resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP) Methods
2771 Firing Range Soils: Advances in Characterization, Metal Speciation, and Treatment
The Effect of Plants on Lead Dissolution
2780 Fragmentation and Distribution of Lead Following Firing into Various Types of Range Soils
2788 Immobilization of Cu, Pb, and W in Mixed Munitions Firing Range Contaminated Soils by Various Amendments
2798 Geoenvironmental Processes for Soil Remediation and Geohazard Mitigation
Characterization and Evaluation of Stabilized/Solidified Heavy Metal Contaminated Clays
2808 An Experimental Setup for Electromagnetic Stimulation of Air Sparging
2818 Comparative Assessment of Contaminant Sorption in Lateritic Soil—Bentonite Mixtures
2826 A Feasibility Study on Reducing Flowability of Vacuum Tower Bottoms Using Aggregate
2833 Passive Reactive Berm to Provide Low Maintenance Lead Containment at Small Arms Firing Ranges
2840 Treatment of Metals-Contaminated Soil by the Application of Lime and Grasses
2850 Probabilistic Design and Cost Assessment for a Deep Geologic Repository
2860 Landfills
Lysimtery versus Deep Water Content Monitoring: Field Performance Evaluation of Alternative Landfill Covers
2869 Seismic Translational Failure Analysis of MSW Landfills Using Pseudo-Static Approach
2879 Spatial Correlation of Groundwater and Leachate Quality Data from a Solid Waste Disposal Site
2888 Lysimeters versus Actual Earthen Caps: Numerical Assessment of Soil Water Storage
2898 Use of SHANSEP Design Parameters in Landfill Design: A Cost/Benefit Case Study
2906 In-Service Hydraulic Properties of Two Landfill Final Covers in Northern California
2917 Methane Emissions and Oxidation in Landfills
Developing a Design Approach to Reduce Methane Emissions from California Landfills
2927 Methane Emission Estimation and Control through the Life Cycle of MSW Landfills
2935 Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soils
2945 Comparison between Field and Laboratory Methane Oxidation Rates
2955 Hydraulic Aspects of the Design of a Passive Methane Oxidation Biocover
2964 Sustainable Geotechnics: Beneficial Use and Material Substitutions
Sustainable Geotechnical Design
2972 A Model for the Characterization of the Scrap Tire Bale Interface
2982 Design of Dredged Material Containment Area Dikes on Soft Foundations
2992 Characterization of Slag Fines for Use as a Dredged Material Amendment
3002 GeoHazard Mitigation Problems
Earthquake Engineering
SCOP: Gaining Permission for Explosive Blasting near Cultural Resources on Bureau of Reclamation Lands
3012 Design Charts for Retaining Walls in Seismic Areas
3021 Analysis of the Effects of Soil Behavior Law on the Transfer and Impedance Functions in Soil-Pile Interaction Models
3031 Centrifuge Testing of Segmental Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls Subject to Modest Seismic Loading
3038 Application of Interpolation Methods for Peak Ground Acceleration Estimation in Emergency Management of Metropolises
3048 Dynamic Response of Pile Foundation in Partially Saturated Soils
3058 Wedge Stability Assessment of a High Rock Slope
3068 Experimental Calibration and Verification of Equivalent Linear Models for Intrinsic Damping in Soil-Structure Dynamics
3078 Seismic Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction: Analytical Models
3091 Challenges in Prediction Earthquake-Induced Settlements of Partially Saturated Sands
3101 Liquefaction Computational Models
Analytical Study on Mitigation of Liquefaction-Related Damage to Flume Channel Using Sheet-Pile with Drain
3111 Investigation of Critical Depth of Liquefaction in Soil Deposits Containing Double Loose Sand Lenses
3119 A Simplified Coupled Soil-Pore Water Pressure Generation for Use in Site Response Analysis
3129 Slopes
A Slope Stability Case Study by Limit Equilibrium and Finite Element Methods
3139 Rational Analysis of Slope Stabilization with Piers and Determination of Unfactored Pier Load
3149 Stability Analysis for a Landfill Experiencing Elevated Temperatures
3159 Wave-Induced Failure of Soft Cliff and Its Evaluation
3169 Deterministic Landslide Hazard Assessment at Regional Scale
3179 Reduction in Factor of Safety for Various Landslide Repair Works with Earthquake Induced Ground Shaking
3188 Application of Recovered Strength in Stability Analysis of Reactivated Landslide, Xuechengzhen, China
3194 Analysis of Landslide Reactivation Mechanisms in Daunia Clay Slopes by Means of Limit Equilibrium and FEM Methods
3204 Influence of Laboratory-Created OCR on Large Deformation Shear Strength: Ring Shear Behaviour of Two Types of Landslide Slip Surface Soil
3214 Examination of Simplified Displacement-Based Methods for Dynamic Analyses of Slopes
3224 Evaluation of a Complex Landslide by Means of a 3D Geotechnical Model
3235 A Case Study on Geomorphological Characteristics of Cut Slope Failure in Soksil District, Korea
3246 Use of Properly Designed Flexible Barriers to Mitigate Debris Flow Natural Hazards
3256 Drained Residual Strength for Landslides
3266 Geotechnical Engineering Education
A Project-Based Introductory Geotechnical Laboratory Course
3276 America’s Research-Active, Geotechnical Faculty Members—A Snapshot of the Community
3286 Teaching with Case Histories through Critical Thinking
3296 Integrating Engineering into a General STEM Program for Middle School Girls
3305 Reinvigorating Geology through Case-Based and Hands-On Learning
3314 The Use of Term Paper Projects to Learn Geo-Engineering
3324 Geoengineering and Refereed Journals: A Survey
3334 Using Modern Sensors in High School Science Labs to Promote Engineering Careers
3344 GeoWall: Creativity, Statistics, and Reliability
ASCE 9780784410950 2010