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BS ISO 16063-41:2011


Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers – Calibration of laser vibrometers

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2011 54
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This part of ISO 16063 specifies the instrumentation and procedures for performing primary and secondary calibrations of rectilinear laser vibrometers in the frequency range typically between 0,4 Hz and 50 kHz. It specifies the calibration of laser vibrometer standards designated for the calibration of either laser vibrometers or mechanical vibration transducers in accredited or non-accredited calibration laboratories, as well as the calibration of laser vibrometers by a laser vibrometer standard or by comparison to a reference transducer calibrated by laser interferometry. The specification of the instrumentation contains requirements on laser vibrometer standards.

Rectilinear laser vibrometers can be calibrated in accordance with this part of ISO 16063 if they are designed as laser optical transducers with, or without, an indicating instrument to sense the motion quantities of displacement or velocity, and to transform them into proportional (i.e. time-dependent) electrical output signals. These output signals are typically digital for laser vibrometer standards and usually analogue for laser vibrometers. The output signal or the reading of a laser vibrometer can be the amplitude and, in addition, occasionally the phase shift of the motion quantity (acceleration included). In this part of ISO 16063, the calibration of the modulus of complex sensitivity is explicitly specified (phase calibration is provided in Annex D).

NOTE Laser vibrometers are available for measuring vibrations having frequencies in the megahertz and gigahertz ranges. To date, vibration exciters are not available for generating such high frequencies. The calibration of these laser vibrometers can be estimated by the electrical calibration of their signal processing subsystems utilizing appropriate synthetic Doppler signals under the following preconditions:

  • the optical subsystem of the laser vibrometer to be calibrated has been proven to comply with defined requirements comparable to those given in 5.5.3;

  • synthetic Doppler signals are generated as an equivalent substitute for the output of the photodetectors.

More detailed specifications of this approach (see Reference [25]) lie outside the scope of this part of ISO 16063.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
7 1 Scope
2 Normative references
8 3 Classification of laser vibrometers and principles of test methods
3.1 Classification of laser vibrometers
3.2 Principles of test methods
10 4 Uncertainty of measurement
11 5 Requirements for apparatus and other conditions
5.1 General
12 5.2 Environmental conditions
5.3 Vibration generation equipment
5.3.1 General
13 5.3.2 Electro-dynamic vibration exciter
5.3.3 Piezo-electric vibration exciter
5.4 Seismic block(s) for vibration exciter and laser interferometer
5.5 Interferometer system
5.5.1 Common requirements for methods 1, 2 and 3
14 5.5.2 Laser
5.5.3 Photodetector
15 5.5.4 Laser light reflector and adjustment facilities
5.6 Instrumentation for interferometer signal processing
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Instrumentation for fringe counting (method 1)
5.6.3 Instrumentation for zero-point detection (method 2)
16 5.6.4 Instrumentation for sine approximation (method 3)
17 5.7 Applicability of laser vibrometer standards (LVSs)
5.7.1 General consideration
5.7.2 Laser optical transducer
5.7.3 Mode of operation
5.7.4 Motion sensing position
5.7.5 Laser
5.7.6 Photodetector
18 5.7.7 Adaptability of optics
5.7.8 Laser light spot
5.7.9 Doppler signal conditioning
5.7.10 Digital signal processing
5.7.11 Digital interface
5.7.12 Optional phase measurement
5.7.13 Traceability
5.8 Voltage measuring instrumentation
19 5.9 Distortion measuring instrumentation
5.10 Oscilloscope
20 5.11 Reference transducer
5.12 Other requirements
6 Preferred amplitudes and frequencies
21 7 Common procedure for primary calibration (methods 1, 2 and 3)
8 Method using fringe counting (method 1)
8.1 General
22 8.2 Specific procedure for method 1
8.3 Expression of results for method 1
9 Method using minimum-point detection (method 2)
9.1 General
23 9.2 Specific procedure for method 2
9.3 Expression of results for method 2
24 10 Methods using sine approximation: method 3 (homodyne version) and method 3 (heterodyne version)
10.1 General
10.2 Specific procedure for method 3
25 10.3 Data processing
26 11 Method using comparison to a reference transducer (method 4)
11.1 Specific procedure for method 4
27 11.2 Expression of results for method 4
12 Report of calibration results
BS ISO 16063-41:2011