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BS ISO 24083:2021


Information and documentation. International archives statistics

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2021 52
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This document specifies guidelines for the archives community on the collection and reporting of statistics for the following purposes:

  1. strategic planning and internal management of archives;

  2. aggregating and comparing operational and performance statistics at regional, national, and international levels;

  3. reporting to stakeholders such as funding institutions, politicians, researchers, and the general public;

  4. promoting the role and value of archives for advancing learning and research, education and culture, and social and economic life;

  5. improving the management of processes, reinforcing transparency and supporting good governance.

This document does not apply to records centres responsible for records that are still in the legal custody of the organization that created or received them, although it is recognized that some archives also have responsibilities for appraising, acquiring, and managing the current records of organizations that can or not be transferred to the archives for permanent retention. When applying this document to archives that also perform records management functions, the archives can exclude statistics that pertain to its records management functions, including measures pertaining to holdings and their usage and preservation, funding and expenditures, space and facilities, staffing and management.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
7 Foreword
8 Introduction
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 General
10 3.2 Types
11 3.3 Governing authority of archives
12 3.4 Archives services, programs and use
15 3.5 Holdings
19 3.6 Space and facilities
21 3.7 Funding and expenditure
22 3.8 Holdings management
25 3.9 Archives staff
26 4 Structure and tasks of archives
4.1 General
4.2 Tasks of archives
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Appraisal
27 4.2.3 Acquisition
4.2.4 Arrangement and description
28 4.2.5 Preservation and conservation
4.2.6 Access to archives and their holdings
29 4.2.7 Public outreach
4.2.8 Technical advice
5 Uses and benefits of archives statistics
5.1 Background
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Objectives
30 5.1.3 Quality
5.2 Selection of statistics for the archives
5.3 Use of statistics
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 External communication
31 5.4 Presenting statistics to stakeholders
6 Reporting statistical data
6.1 General
6.2 Time period to which data refer
32 6.3 Data estimated by sample
7 Collecting statistical data
7.1 General
7.2 Archives
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Types
33 7.2.3 Foundation year
7.2.4 Governing authority of the archives
7.2.5 Ownership
7.2.6 Number of archives separate physical locations
34 7.2.7 Archives website
7.3 Archives services and their use
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Opening hours and conditions
7.3.3 Users
35 7.3.4 Consultancy rooms
7.3.5 Technical equipment
7.3.6 Reference and informational questions
36 7.3.7 Online use and services
37 7.3.8 Use, copies and loans of archives holdings
38 7.3.9 Activities
39 7.3.10 Publications
40 7.4 Holdings
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Years covered by the archives holdings
7.4.3 Total holdings at the end of the reporting period
41 7.4.4 Acquisitions during the reporting period
7.4.5 Acquisition mode
7.4.6 Deaccessions during the reporting period
7.4.7 Deaccession mode
42 7.4.8 Descriptive records and finding aids
7.4.9 Appraisal assessment
7.5 Funding and expenditure
7.5.1 Operating (ordinary) expenditures
44 7.5.2 Capital expenditures
7.6 Space and facilities
7.6.1 User places
45 7.6.2 Public access workstations
7.6.3 Reprographic facilities
7.6.4 Public access Wi-Fi
7.6.5 Space
46 7.6.6 Security and environmental systems
7.7 Management
7.7.1 Cooperative projects
47 7.7.2 Partnerships
7.7.3 Preservation/conservation
48 7.7.4 Digitization
7.7.5 Microform
7.8 Archives staff
7.8.1 General
7.8.2 Total staff
49 7.8.3 Staff training
7.8.4 Professional education
7.8.5 Staff allocation to service areas/working areas
50 7.8.6 Auxiliary archivist
51 Bibliography
BS ISO 24083:2021