IEEE 1450.6 2005
IEEE Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vector Data-Core Test Language (CTL)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | 2005 | 123 |
New IEEE Standard – Active. The Core Test Language (CTL) is a language created for a System-on-Chip flow (or SoC flow), where a design created by one group is reused as a sub-design of a design created by another group. In an SoC flow, the smaller design embedded in the larger design is commonly called a core and the larger design is commonly called the SoC. The core is a design provided by a core provider, and the task of incorporating the sub-design into the SoC is called Core System Integration.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | IEEE Std 1450.6™-2005, IEEE Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vector Data—Core Test … |
6 | Introduction Notice to users Errata Interpretations Patents Participants |
8 | Contents |
11 | 1. Overview 1.1 General |
12 | 1.2 SoC flow |
14 | 1.3 Scope 1.4 Purpose 1.5 Limitations of this standard |
15 | 1.6 Structure of this standard 2. Normative references |
16 | 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations |
17 | 4. CTL orientation and capabilities tutorial 4.1 Introduction |
18 | 4.2 CTL for design configurations |
26 | 4.3 CTL for structural information |
31 | 4.4 CTL for test pattern information |
36 | 4.5 Beyond the examples |
37 | 5. Extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999 and IEEE Std 1450.1-2005 5.1 STIL name spaces and name resolution 5.2 Optional statements of IEEE Std 1450-1999 5.3 Restricting the usage of SignalGroup and variable names |
38 | 5.4 Additional reserved words 5.5 STIL statement—extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999, Clause 8 |
39 | 5.6 Extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999, 17.1 and 23.1 |
42 | 5.7 Extensions associated with the LockStep construct of Clause 13 of IEEE Std 1450.1-2005 |
46 | 6. Design hierarchy—cores 6.1 CoreType block and CoreInstance statement 6.2 CoreType block syntax descriptions |
47 | 6.3 CoreType block code example |
48 | 7. Cell expression (cellref_expr) |
49 | 8. Environment block—extensions to IEEE Std 1450.1-2005, Clause 17 8.1 General 8.2 Definition of FileReference keywords |
53 | 8.3 Example of Environment block FileReference syntax 8.4 Extension to NameMaps |
54 | 8.5 Extension to the inheritance of environment statements |
55 | 9. CTLMode block 9.1 General 9.2 CTLMode syntax |
57 | 9.3 CTLMode block—syntax descriptions |
63 | 9.4 CTLMode block syntax example |
66 | 10. CTLMode—Internal block 10.1 General 10.2 Internal syntax |
70 | 10.3 Internal block syntax descriptions |
86 | 10.4 Internal BlockSyntax examples |
89 | 11. CTLMode—ScanInternal block 11.1 General 11.2 ScanInternal syntax |
91 | 11.3 ScanInternal block syntax descriptions 11.4 ScanInternal block syntax example |
93 | 12. CTLMode—CoreInternal block 12.1 General 12.2 CoreInternal syntax |
94 | 12.3 CoreInternal block syntax descriptions 12.4 CoreInternal block syntax examples |
95 | 13. CTLMode—Relation Block 13.1 General 13.2 Relation syntax 13.3 Relation block syntax descriptions |
97 | 13.4 Relation block syntax example |
99 | 14. CTLMode—ScanRelation block 14.1 General 14.2 ScanRelation syntax 14.3 ScanRelation block syntax descriptions 15. CTLMode—External block 15.1 General |
100 | 15.2 External statement syntax 15.3 External block syntax descriptions |
103 | 15.4 External block syntax example 16. CTLMode—PatternInformation block 16.1 PatternInformation syntax |
106 | 16.2 PatternInformation block syntax descriptions |
114 | 16.3 PatternInformation block syntax example |
119 | Index |
120 | A B C D |
121 | E F I |
122 | L M N O P R |