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IEEE 1450.6 2005


IEEE Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vector Data-Core Test Language (CTL)

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEEE 2005 123
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New IEEE Standard – Active. The Core Test Language (CTL) is a language created for a System-on-Chip flow (or SoC flow), where a design created by one group is reused as a sub-design of a design created by another group. In an SoC flow, the smaller design embedded in the larger design is commonly called a core and the larger design is commonly called the SoC. The core is a design provided by a core provider, and the task of incorporating the sub-design into the SoC is called Core System Integration.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 1450.6™-2005, IEEE Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vector Data—Core Test …
6 Introduction
Notice to users
8 Contents
11 1. Overview
1.1 General
12 1.2 SoC flow
14 1.3 Scope
1.4 Purpose
1.5 Limitations of this standard
15 1.6 Structure of this standard
2. Normative references
16 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
17 4. CTL orientation and capabilities tutorial
4.1 Introduction
18 4.2 CTL for design configurations
26 4.3 CTL for structural information
31 4.4 CTL for test pattern information
36 4.5 Beyond the examples
37 5. Extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999 and IEEE Std 1450.1-2005
5.1 STIL name spaces and name resolution
5.2 Optional statements of IEEE Std 1450-1999
5.3 Restricting the usage of SignalGroup and variable names
38 5.4 Additional reserved words
5.5 STIL statement—extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999, Clause 8
39 5.6 Extensions to IEEE Std 1450-1999, 17.1 and 23.1
42 5.7 Extensions associated with the LockStep construct of Clause 13 of IEEE Std 1450.1-2005
46 6. Design hierarchy—cores
6.1 CoreType block and CoreInstance statement
6.2 CoreType block syntax descriptions
47 6.3 CoreType block code example
48 7. Cell expression (cellref_expr)
49 8. Environment block—extensions to IEEE Std 1450.1-2005, Clause 17
8.1 General
8.2 Definition of FileReference keywords
53 8.3 Example of Environment block FileReference syntax
8.4 Extension to NameMaps
54 8.5 Extension to the inheritance of environment statements
55 9. CTLMode block
9.1 General
9.2 CTLMode syntax
57 9.3 CTLMode block—syntax descriptions
63 9.4 CTLMode block syntax example
66 10. CTLMode—Internal block
10.1 General
10.2 Internal syntax
70 10.3 Internal block syntax descriptions
86 10.4 Internal BlockSyntax examples
89 11. CTLMode—ScanInternal block
11.1 General
11.2 ScanInternal syntax
91 11.3 ScanInternal block syntax descriptions
11.4 ScanInternal block syntax example
93 12. CTLMode—CoreInternal block
12.1 General
12.2 CoreInternal syntax
94 12.3 CoreInternal block syntax descriptions
12.4 CoreInternal block syntax examples
95 13. CTLMode—Relation Block
13.1 General
13.2 Relation syntax
13.3 Relation block syntax descriptions
97 13.4 Relation block syntax example
99 14. CTLMode—ScanRelation block
14.1 General
14.2 ScanRelation syntax
14.3 ScanRelation block syntax descriptions
15. CTLMode—External block
15.1 General
100 15.2 External statement syntax
15.3 External block syntax descriptions
103 15.4 External block syntax example
16. CTLMode—PatternInformation block
16.1 PatternInformation syntax
106 16.2 PatternInformation block syntax descriptions
114 16.3 PatternInformation block syntax example
119 Index
120 A
121 E
122 L
IEEE 1450.6 2005