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IEEE 2800 2022 FINAL


IEEE 2800-2022: IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems

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IEEE 2022
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This standard establishes the required interconnection capability and performance criteria for inverter-based resources interconnected with transmission and sub-transmission systems.10, 11, 12 Included in this standard are performance requirements for reliable integration of inverter-based resources into the bulk power system, including, but not limited to: voltage and frequency ride-through, active power control, reactive power control, dynamic active power support under abnormal frequency… read more Purpose This standard provides uniform technical minimum requirements for the interconnection, capability, and performance of inverter-based resources interconnecting with transmission and sub-transmission systems. Abstract New IEEE Standard – Active. Uniform technical minimum requirements for the interconnection, capability, and lifetime performance of inverter-based resources interconnecting with transmission and sub-transmission systems are established in this standard. Included in this standard are performance requirements for reliable integration of inverter-based resources into the bulk power system, including, but not limited to, voltage and frequency ride-through, active power control, reactive power

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Front Cover
2 IEEE Std 2800™-2022 Title Page
4 Important Notices and Disclaimers Concerning IEEE Standards Documents
Notice and Disclaimer of Liability Concerning the Use of IEEE Standards Documents
5 Official statements
Comments on standards
Laws and regulations
Data privacy
6 Photocopies
Updating of IEEE Standards documents
8 Participants
14 Introduction
16 Contents
19 1. Overview
1.1 General
20 1.2 Scope
1.3 Purpose
1.4 General remarks and limitations
26 1.5 Word usage
2. Normative references
27 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
40 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
42 4. General interconnection technical specifications and performance requirements
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Coordination and specification of applicability
4.1.2 Registration of IBR plant with TS operator
43 4.1.3 Impact of IBR unit(s) and supplemental IBR device(s) service status
4.1.4 Supplemental IBR devices
44 4.1.5 Hybrid and co-located resources
4.2 Reference points of applicability (RPA)
4.2.1 RPA for ac-connected IBR
45 4.2.2 RPA for dc-connected isolated IBR
4.2.3 RPA for all other cases
4.3 Applicable voltages and frequency
46 4.4 Measurement accuracy
47 4.5 Operational measurement and communication capability
4.6 Control capability requirements
48 4.6.1 Execution of mode or parameter changes
4.6.2 Ramping for control parameter change
4.7 Prioritization of IBR responses
49 4.8 Isolation device
4.9 Inadvertent energization of the TS
4.10 Enter service
4.10.1 Introduction
4.10.2 Enter service and return to service criteria
50 4.10.3 Performance during entering service
4.11 Interconnection integrity
4.11.1 Protection from electromagnetic interference (EMI)
51 4.11.2 Surge withstand performance
4.11.3 Interconnection switchgear
4.12 Integration with TS grounding
52 5. Reactive power-voltage control requirements within the continuous operation region
5.1 Reactive power capability
56 5.2 Voltage and reactive power control modes
5.2.1 General
57 5.2.2 Voltage control
58 5.2.3 Power factor control mode
5.2.4 Reactive power control mode
6. Active-power—frequency response requirements
6.1 Primary frequency response (PFR)
6.1.1 PFR capability
61 6.1.2 PFR performance
62 6.1.3 PFR utilization in operations
63 6.2 Fast frequency response (FFR)
6.2.1 FFR capability
65 6.2.2 FFR performance FFR1: FFR proportional to frequency deviation
67 Other variants of FFR
6.2.3 Fast frequency response from wind turbine generator (WTG)–based IBR plant
69 7. Response to TS abnormal conditions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Voltage
7.2.1 Voltage protection requirements
7.2.2 Voltage disturbance ride-through requirements General requirements and exceptions
72 Voltage disturbances within continuous operation region Low- and high-voltage ride-through within the mandatory operation region
76 Consecutive voltage deviations ride-through capability
78 Dynamic voltage support Restore output after voltage ride-through
79 7.2.3 Transient overvoltage ride-through requirements
80 7.3 Frequency
7.3.1 Mandatory frequency tripping requirements
7.3.2 Frequency disturbance ride-through requirements General requirements and exceptions
81 Continuous operation region
82 Frequency disturbances within the mandatory operation region
83 Voltage phase angle changes ride-through
7.4 Return to service after IBR plant trip
84 8. Power quality
8.1 Limitation of voltage fluctuations induced by the IBR plant
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Rapid voltage changes (RVC) Frequent RVC Infrequent RVC
85 8.1.3 Flicker
8.2 Limitation of harmonic distortion
86 8.2.1 Harmonic current distortion
87 8.2.2 Harmonic voltage distortion
88 8.3 Limitation of overvoltage contribution
8.3.1 Limitation of cumulative instantaneous overvoltage
8.3.2 Limitation of overvoltage over one fundamental frequency period
89 9. Protection
9.1 Frequency protection
90 9.2 Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) protection
9.3 AC voltage protection
9.4 AC overcurrent protection
9.5 Unintentional islanding protection
91 9.6 Interconnection system protection
10. Modeling data
93 11. Measurement data for performance monitoring and validation
99 12. Test and verification requirements
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Definitions of verification methods
12.2.1 General
12.2.2 Type tests
100 12.2.3 Design evaluation
12.2.4 As-built installation evaluation
101 12.2.5 Commissioning tests
12.2.6 Post-commissioning model validation
12.2.7 Post-commissioning monitoring
12.2.8 Periodic tests
12.2.9 Periodic verification
102 12.3 Conformance verification framework
12.3.1 General
12.3.2 Verification methods matrix
107 Annex A (informative) Bibliography
113 Annex B (informative) Inverter-based resource (IBR) interconnection examples
B.1 AC interconnection examples
115 B.2 DC interconnection examples
116 B.3 Complex IBR plant examples
120 Annex C (informative) Inverter stability and system strength
C.1 Introduction to transmission-connected inverter-based resources (IBRs)
124 C.2 System strength and select metrics
131 C.3 Inverter-based resource stability
137 C.4 Grid-forming inverters
141 Annex D (informative) Illustration of voltage ride-through capability requirements
D.1 Interpretation of voltage ride-through capability requirements
144 D.2 Informative figures for voltage ride-through capability requirements
147 Annex E (informative) Recommended practices for voltage harmonics of inverter-based resources (IBRs)
E.1 Introduction
150 E.2 Harmonic limits
E.3 Verification and adherence evaluation
152 Annex F (informative) Guidance on setting protection with inverter-based resources (IBRs)
F.1 Frequency protection
F.2 Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) protection
F.3 AC voltage protection
153 F.4 AC overcurrent protection
F.5 Unintentional islanding protection
154 F.6 Interconnection system protection
155 Annex G (informative) Recommendation for modeling data
G.1 General
G.2 Steady-state modeling data requirements
157 G.3 Stability analysis dynamic modeling data requirements
158 G.4 Electromagnetic transient (EMT) dynamic modeling data requirements
161 G.5 Power quality, flicker, and rapid voltage change (RVC) modeling data requirements
G.6 Short-circuit modeling data requirements
162 Annex H (informative) Data that transmission system (TS) owner and TS operator may provide to the inverter-based resource (IBR) developer
H.1 System data
164 H.2 Interconnection ratings
165 Annex I (informative) Illustration of voltage ride-through performance requirements
169 Annex J (informative) Type III wind turbine generator (WTG) challenges with controllability of negative-sequence current during unbalanced faults
171 Annex K (informative) Guidance on fast frequency response (FFR)
K.1 Introduction to FFR variants
K.2 Variants of FFR
174 K.3 Conditions for return to normal operations
K.4 Performance when returning to normal operations
175 Annex L (informative) Damping ratio
178 Annex M (informative) Consecutive voltage deviation ride-through capability of isolated inverter-based resources (IBRs) interconnected via voltage source converter high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC)
180 Back Cover
IEEE 2800 2022 FINAL