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IEEE ISO 11073 20601 2010


ISO/IEC/IEEE Health informatics–Personal health device communication–Part 20601: Application profile–Optimized exchange protocol

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IEEE 2010 208
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– Active. Adoption of IEEE Std 11073-20601-2008. Within the context of the ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards for device communication, this standard defines a common framework for making an abstract model of personal health data available in transport-independent transfer syntax required to establish logical connections between systems and to provide presentation capabilities and services needed to perform communication tasks. The protocol is optimized to personal health usage requirements and leverages commonly used methods and tools wherever possible.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 11073-20601
3 Contents
6 Foreword
8 Introduction
9 Important notice
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
10 1.3 Context
13 2. Normative references
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
14 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
4. Guiding principles
15 5. Introduction to IEEE 11073 personal health devices
16 5.1 General
5.2 Domain information model (DIM)
5.3 Service model
5.4 Communication model
6. Personal health device DIM
6.1 General
18 6.2 Nomenclature usage
6.3 Personal health object class definitions
6.3.1 General
20 6.3.2 MDS class
26 6.3.3 Metric class
31 6.3.4 Numeric class
34 6.3.5 RT-SA class
35 6.3.6 Enumeration class
38 6.3.7 PM-store class
42 6.3.8 PM-segment class
45 6.3.9 Scanner classes
53 6.4 Information model extensibility rules
7. Personal health device service model
54 7.1 General
7.2 Association service
7.3 Object access services
55 7.4 Specific application of object access EVENT REPORT services for personal health devices
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Confirmed and unconfirmed event reports
7.4.3 Configuration event report
57 7.4.4 Agent- and manager-initiated measurement data transmission
58 7.4.5 Variable, fixed, and grouped format event reports
7.4.6 Single-person and multiple-person event reports
59 7.4.7 Temporarily stored measurements
60 8. Communication model
8.1 General
8.2 System context
61 8.3 Communications characteristics
8.3.1 General
63 8.3.2 Common communications characteristics
64 8.3.3 Reliable communications characteristics
8.3.4 Best-effort communications characteristics
8.4 State machines
8.4.1 Agent state machine
67 8.4.2 Manager state machine
68 8.4.3 Timeout variables
69 8.5 Connected procedure
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Entry conditions
8.5.3 Normal procedures
70 8.5.4 Exit conditions
8.5.5 Error conditions
8.6 Unassociated procedure
8.6.1 General
8.6.2 Entry conditions
8.6.3 Normal procedures
8.6.4 Exit conditions
8.6.5 Error conditions
71 8.7 Associating procedure
8.7.1 General
8.7.2 Entry conditions
8.7.3 Normal procedures
75 8.7.4 Exit conditions
8.7.5 Error conditions
76 8.7.6 Test association
77 8.8 Configuring procedure
8.8.1 General
8.8.2 Entry conditions
8.8.3 Normal procedures
79 8.8.4 Exit conditions
8.8.5 Error conditions
80 8.9 Operating procedure
8.9.1 General
8.9.2 Entry conditions
8.9.3 Normal procedures
91 8.9.4 Exit conditions
8.9.5 Error conditions
93 8.10 Disassociating procedure
8.10.1 General
8.10.2 Entry conditions
8.10.3 Normal procedures
94 8.10.4 Exit conditions
8.10.5 Error conditions
8.11 Message encoding
8.12 Time coordination
8.12.1 General
95 8.12.2 Absolute time
96 8.12.3 Relative time
97 8.12.4 High-resolution relative time
9. Conformance model
9.1 Applicability
98 9.2 Conformance specification
9.3 Implementation conformance statements (ICSs)
99 9.4 General conformance
9.4.1 General ICS
100 9.4.2 Minimum requirements ICS
101 9.4.3 Service support ICS
102 9.5 Device additions/extensions ICS
9.5.1 General additions/extensions ICS
103 9.5.2 Personal health device DIM object and class (POC) ICS
9.5.3 POC attribute ICS
104 9.5.4 POC behavior ICS
9.5.5 POC notification ICS
105 9.5.6 POC nomenclature ICS
106 Annex A (normative) ASN.1 definitions
138 Annex B (informative) Scale and range specification example
140 Annex C (informative) The PM-store concept
145 Annex D (informative) Transport profile types
148 Annex E (normative) State tables
159 Annex F (normative) Medical device encoding rules (MDER)
171 Annex G (informative) Encoded data type definitions
190 Annex H (informative) Examples
198 Annex I (normative) Nomenclature codes
202 Annex J (informative) Derivation and modification history
205 Annex K (informative) Bibliography
IEEE ISO 11073 20601 2010