25.180.01 – Industrial furnaces in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:46:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 25.180.01 – Industrial furnaces in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 JIS R 0304:1991 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-r-03041991/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:46:24 +0000 Heat Balancing of Continuous Dryer for Ores and Other Materials
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 1991-10-01 52
Heat Balancing of Continuous Dryer for Ores and Other Materials
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 1991-10-01 52
JIS G 3467:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-g-34672013/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:19:55 +0000 Steel tubes for fired heater
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2013-01-21 24
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the carbon steel tubes, alloy steel tubes, austenic stainless steel tubes and nickel-chromium-iron alloy tubes (hereafter referred to as "tubes"), for heating the process fluids in the fired heaters mainly used in petroleum refinery, petrochemical industry, etc.

This standard normally applies to tubes of 60.5 mm outside diameter (nominal diameter: 50A or 2B) to 267.4 mm (nominal diameter: 250A or 10B).

Annex A specifies the special quality requirements which the purchaser can designate in addition to the requirements in the text upon prior agreement with the manufacturer.

JIS B 8415-3:2020:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-8415-32020/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:54:53 +0000 General safety code for industrial combustion furnaces - Part 3: Protective systems
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2021-07 97
This Standard specifies the requirements for protective systems used in industrial combustion furnaces and associated devices.

The safety functional requirements to which the protective systems apply are specified in Part 1 and Part 2 of JIS B 8415.

NOTE The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

ISO 13577-4 : 2014 Industrial furnace and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 4 : Protective systems (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21-1.

JIS B 8415-2:2020 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-8415-22020/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:54:53 +0000 General safety code for industrial combustion furnaces-Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling systems
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2020-03-23 111
This Standard specifies the safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems that are part of industrial furnaces and associated devices (hereafter referred to as the combustion furnaces) to which JIS B 8415-1 applies.

NOTE 1 The general requirements on combustion furnaces are specified in JIS B 8415-1.

This Standard deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to combustion and fuel handling systems as listed in Annex A, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.

This Standard covers the following:

— fuel pipework downstream of and including the manual isolating valve;

— combustion air supply (including oxygen and oxygen enriched combustion air) and flue gas system;

— burner(s), burner system and ignition device;

— functional requirements (protective system) for safety related control system (protective system).

This Standard applies to any oxidation with air or other gases containing oxygen of gaseous and liquid fuels, or any combustion of them to release thermal energy.

For thermal or catalytic post combustion and waste incineration, this Standard applies only to auxiliary burners designed to start-up and/or support the process.

The conditions concerning the pressure hazard of piping and components covered by this Standard shall be as specified in Annex E.

This Standard gives the necessary requirements regarding information for use.

This Standard does not cover hazards from heating generated by electricity.

This Standard does not deal with the hazards created by the release of flammable substances from the products processed in the combustion furnaces.

This Standard is not applicable to the following fuel handling systems:

— welding machines;

— up-stream of manual isolating valve of furnace equipment.

This Standard is not applicable to electrical cabling and power cabling upstream of the furnace equipment control panel/protective system.

NOTE 2 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

ISO 13577-2:2014 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment— Safety—Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling systems (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21-1.

JIS B 8415-1:2020 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-8415-12020/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:54:53 +0000 General safety code for industrial combustion furnaces-Part 1: General requirements
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2020-03-23 51
This Standard specifies the general safety requirements for the industrial combustion furnaces and associated devices (hereafter referred to as the combustion furnaces) heated by gaseous fuel and liquid fuel in the industrial field as shown in the following a) to d).

Further, this Standard specifies the requirements to secure the safety of persons and devices against serious hazards such as predictable mistakes and malfunctions which can occur in the course of commissioning, operation and maintenance.

a) equipment of metallurgic/metallic processing plant

b) equipment of glass manufacturing plant

c) equipment in ceramics manufacturing plant

d) equipment in cement/quicklime/gypsum manufacturing plant

The details of industrial combustion furnaces to be applied are shown in Annex B.

This Standard is not applicable to the following:

— equipment in chemical plant and petroleum plant;

— waste incineration equipment;

— blast furnace and converter furnace in ironmaking plant;

— ambient gas generating device generating flammable gas, and ambient gas;

— equipment for burning in open space;

— equipment supplying flammable gas generated from heated materials (e.g. coke oven)

NOTE 1 An example of list of significant hazards is shown in Annex A.

NOTE 2 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

ISO 13577-1:2016 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment— Safety—Part 1: General requirements (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21-1.

ISO 23495:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-234952021/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:42:39 +0000 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety requirements for steel converter and associated equipment
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2021-04 52
This document applies for new steel converter and its associated equipment (hereinafter referred to as converter plant) used in the process of carbon or stainless steel making as defined in 3.1 and illustrated in Annex B.

This document deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to the converter plant. It covers the intended use and foreseeable misuse.

This document specifies the safety requirements to be met during design, pre-assembly, transport, site-assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance (as described in Clause 5) and decommissioning/dis­assembly of the equipment.

Assembly does not include erection because national regulations, e.g. national civil engineering laws and regulations or occupational health and safety regulations contain such information.

This document applies to:

Steel converter and its associated equipment (see Annex B, Figure B.1 for the oxygen steelmaking process

—    from charging hot metal/liquid steel and scrap;

—    via oxygen refining and stirring;

—    temperature measurement and sampling equipment;

—    up to tapping including slag retaining device;

—    cooling systems;

—    maintenance devices (e.g. relining device, tap hole repair device, device for cleaning the converter mouth);

—    process related interfaces/interactions (e.g. according to design, controls) to

—    process media,

—    primary and secondary gas cleaning plant,

—    material feeding systems and ladle alloying systems,

—    transfer cars for steel ladle and slag pot, and

—    charging/tapping equipment, e.g. crane, scrap chute, ladles and slag pots.

This document does not cover safety requirements for:

—    usage of process media other than oxygen, nitrogen, argon and compressed air;

—    primary and secondary gas cleaning plants;

—    measuring devices with radioactive sources;

—    material feeding systems and ladle alloying systems;

—    transfer cars for steel ladle and slag pot;

—    charging/tapping and de-slagging equipment, e.g. crane, scrap chutes, ladles and slag pots;

—    auxiliary winches and hoists.

For variations of converter process where other gases and process media, e.g. hydrocarbons, fuels, steam, etc. are used, additional safety measures shall be considered which are not covered in this safety standard.

NOTE      In case of revamping, this document can be used as a guideline for the specific parts to be revamped.

This document is not applicable to steel converter and associated equipment manufactured before the date of its publication.

ISO 13579-4:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-13579-42013/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:14:53 +0000 Fours industriels et équipements associés — Méthode de mesure du bilan énergétique et de calcul de l'efficacité — Partie 4: Fours à atmosphère contrôlée ou active
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-01 54
L'ISO 13579-4:2013 spécifie une méthode générale pour mesurer le bilan énergétique et calculer l'efficacité du processus impliquant les fours à atmosphère contrôlée ou active conçus par les fabricants de fours. La présente méthode générale comprend les méthodes de mesure, les calculs (calcul général), le rapport d'évaluation.

L'ISO 13579-4:2013 exclut toutes les efficacités liées au processus proprement dit en dehors des fours à atmosphère contrôlée ou active.

ISO 13579-3:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-13579-32013/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:14:52 +0000 Fours industriels et équipements associés — Méthode de mesure du bilan énergétique et de calcul de l'efficacité — Partie 3: Fours dormants de fusion pour l'aluminium
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-01 44
L'ISO 13579-3:2013 spécifie une méthode générale de mesure du bilan énergétique et de calcul de l'efficacité du processus impliquant les fours dormants de fusion pour l'aluminium, conçus par les fabricants de fours. La présente méthode générale comprend les méthodes de mesure, les calculs (calcul général), le rapport d'évaluation du bilan énergétique et d'efficacité énergétique.

L'ISO 13579-3:2013 ne s'applique pas aux efficacités liées au processus proprement dit en dehors des fours dormants de fusion pour l'aluminium.

ISO 13579-1:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-13579-12013/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:14:51 +0000 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency — Part 1: General methodology
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-01 74
ISO 13579-1:2013 specifies a general methodology for measuring energy balance and calculating the efficiency of the process involving industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment as designed by furnace manufacturers. This general methodology includes measurement methods, calculations (general calculation) and an energy balance evaluation report. ISO 13579-1:2013 is not applicable to any efficiencies related to the process itself outside of industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment.

ISO 13579-2:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-13579-22013/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:14:51 +0000 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency — Part 2: Reheating furnaces for steel
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-01 42
ISO 13579-2:2013 specifies a general methodology for measuring energy balance and calculating the efficiency of the process involving reheating furnaces for steel as designed by furnace manufacturers. This general methodology includes measurement methods, calculations (general calculation) and energy balance and efficiency calculation evaluation report. ISO 13579-2:2013 is not applicable to any efficiencies related to the process itself outside of reheating furnaces for steel.
