AA 14:1984
Aluminum Forgings Application Guide
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AA | 1984-02 | 46 |
Forging, as an industry, is as old as the Industrial Revolution; it was also among the earliest fabricating techniques applied to aluminum. But the greatest advances of aluminum forging technology occurred with the development of modern aircraft. The demands of aeronautics for lightweight, high-strength components with complex configurations led to the rapid growth and great sophistication of the aluminum-forging art.
This natural combination of high strength with lightweight, outstanding properties of aluminum alloy forging and impacts, has led to a rapidly expanding range of applications. Aluminum forging and impact extruding technology is also equally notable for the ease with which unusual shapes and extremely large components with excellent mechanical properties can be obtained.
The scope of the aluminum industry's research and development activities in metallurgy and forging technology is unmatched. It reflects more than a half-century of experience and vastly expanded production facilities.
The purpose of this brochure is to provide sufficient informative data to assist the designer of commercial products to better understand the characteristics and advantages of aluminum forgings and impacts.
Each product-illustrated example in this publication attempts to demonstrate graphically the unique combination of advantages that makes aluminum forgings and impacts the right answer in a wide variety of product applications.
We hope these examples will help spur your imagination in many areas.