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AAMI PC76 2021


ANSI/AAMI PC76:2021, Active implantable medical devices-Requirements and test protocols for safety of patients with pacemakers and ICDs exposed to magnetic resonance imaging

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AAMI 2021 136
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Provides requirements and test protocols for implantable pacemakers and ICDs exposed to magnetic resonance imaging. Physicians are increasingly using magnetic resonance imaging as tool for differential diagnostic, thus exposing pacemakers and ICD patients to such equipment. Current product standards for implantable pacemakers and ICDs do not include requirements and test protocols for implantable pacemakers and ICDs, which would ensure patient safety during such procedures.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 ANSI/AAMI PC76:2021; Active implantable medical devices—Requirements and test protocols for safety of patients with pacemakers and ICDs exposed to
magnetic resonance imaging
3 Title page
4 AAMI Standard
Copyright information
5 Contents
10 Committee representation
11 Foreword
13 1 Scope
2 Normative references
14 3 Terms and definitions
18 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 General requirements for non-implantable parts
6 Global malfunction
20 6.1 Pacing monitoring in radiated environment
21 7 General considerations for application of the tests of this document
22 8 Protection from harm to the patient from lead electrode heating
8.1 General
8.2 Hotspot determination
8.3 MRI RF lead modelling framework
23 8.3.1 RF birdcage coils and excitation Coil types Coil excitation Field rotation
24 8.3.2 Human body library
8.3.3 Body position in bore (landmark)
8.3.4 Lead pathways Device locations Lead tip locations
25 Lead pathway definition
8.3.5 RF electrical lead model
8.4 Model validation
26 8.4.1 In-vitro lead model validation Phantom selection Tissue simulating medium (TSM)
29 RF coil and excitation Lead paths
30 Phantom landmarks In-vitro lead model validation data and analysis Simulations Measurements Data comparison and analysis
31 8.5 Human RF hotspot power prediction
8.5.1 Human body simulations
8.5.2 Etan extraction
32 8.5.3 Lead model simulation and pdf
8.5.4 Uncertainty analysis
8.6 Physiologic response
33 8.6.1 CEM43 (cumulative equivalent minutes at 43 C)
8.6.2 Change in pacing capture threshold (∆PCT) Acute versus chronic insult response ∆PCT versus power data set
34 Power level determination Standard leads Custom power delivery devices
35 Power delivery signal loss
8.7 Combining simulated power profile with physiologic response
8.7.1 CEM43
8.7.2 ∆PCT
8.8 Requirement
8.8.1 CEM43
36 8.8.2 ∆PCT Acute insult response requirement while in MRI mode
37 Chronic insult response requirement
8.9 Cumulative effect
9 Protection from harm to the patient from device heating
9.1 Test equipment
9.2 Test method
38 9.2.1 Gradient induced temperature rise due to eddy currents on the device surface (without leads) Tier 1: Temperature measurement in TSM Tier 2: Power method
40 9.2.2 RF induced temperature rise from injected RF
41 9.2.3 RF Induced Temperature Rise from local E-field at the CAN
9.2.4 Reporting the results from injected and radiated test
9.3 Requirement
10 Protection from harm to the patient caused by gradient-induced vibration
10.1 Test Method
42 10.2 Magnetic resonance environment
10.2.1 Magnetic field parameters (B0 and dB/dt) CRM devices labeled for a maximum slew rate CRM devices labeled for a maximum slew rate of 200 T/m/s per axis
43 10.2.2 Maximum clinical excitation
10.2.3 Test duration and temperature
10.3 General test procedure
10.3.1 Device setup in an MR scanner
10.3.2 Test methods
10.3.3 Device monitoring setup
10.3.4 Tier 1 Monitoring (if a scanner is used)
10.3.5 Method 2 Monitoring (if a shaker table is used)
10.4 Assess for device malfunction and damage
44 10.5 Assess for tissue damage
11 Protection from harm to the patient caused by B0-induced force
11.1 B0 and B Measurements
11.2 B0 and B Measurements
11.2.1 Determining the Z-axis location
11.2.2 Determining maximum dB/dz
45 11.3 Lead force measurements
11.3.1 Lead body and distal end force measurements
46 11.3.2 Lead proximal connector force measurement
11.4 Device force measurements
11.4.1 Device force measurement system limitations
47 11.5 Force requirements
11.5.1 Tier 1 – Device force limit
11.5.2 Tier 2 – Device force limit
48 11.5.3 Lead force limit
11.6 Extrapolating the maximum |B|
11.6.1 Extrapolation calculation
49 11.6.2 Labeling requirements
12 Protection from harm to the patient caused by B0-induced torque
12.1 ASTM F2213-17
12.2 Current induced torque
12.3 Lead torque measurements
12.3.1 Lead proximal connector torque measurement
12.3.2 Lead body and distal end torque measurements
50 12.4 Device torque measurements
12.5 Torque requirements
12.6 Device torque limit
13 Protection from harm to the patient caused by gradient-induced extrinsic electric potential
13.1 Introduction
51 13.2 General requirements
54 13.3 Annex E, Gradient induced probability of UCS calculation method
55 13.4 PG lead connector, gradient pulse leakage test
57 13.5 PG internal circuit, gradient pulse leakage test
13.5.1 Test equipment
13.5.2 Test signal
58 13.5.3 Tier 1- Combined gradient induced charge measurement test procedure
60 13.5.4 Tier 2- Separate transient gradient induced charge and steady state current measurement test procedure Gradient induced charge measurement test procedure
61 Gradient induced current measurement test procedure
62 13.6 Gradient rectification test
13.6.1 Test equipment
63 13.6.2 Test signal
64 13.6.3 Gradient induced rectification measurement test procedure
65 13.7 Gradient pulse distortion of PG pace output test
13.7.1 Test equipment
13.7.2 Test signal
13.7.3 Gradient induced PG output distortion test procedure
67 13.8 PG Test voltages and test case definition
68 13.8.1 Tier 2 Test voltage definitions and values
13.8.2 Tier 3 Test voltage determination
69 Gradient coils and excitation Coil types Gradient coil excitation Human body library Body position in bore (landmark) Lead pathways
13.8.3 Pacemaker test cases
70 13.8.4 ICD Test cases
13.9 PG Test configurations
71 13.9.1 Single chamber pacemaker test connections
72 13.9.2 Dual chamber pacemaker test connections
73 13.9.3 Three chamber, bi-ventricular pacemaker
13.9.4 Single chamber, single coil ICD
75 13.9.5 Dual chamber, dual coil ICD
13.9.6 Three chamber, bi-ventricular, dual coil ICD
76 13.10 Tissue interface network
78 14 Protection from harm to the patient caused by B0-induced malfunction
14.1 General
14.1.1 Scope
14.1.2 Testing basis
79 14.2 CIED classes
80 14.3 Static field testing
14.3.1 Scope
14.3.2 Compliance criteria
14.3.3 B0 field generation
14.3.4 Test conditions
14.4 Test procedures
81 14.4.1 Class 0 test Test procedure
14.4.2 Class 1 test Test procedure
14.4.3 Class 2 test
82 Test procedure
14.5 Test equipment
14.5.1 Field generation
14.5.2 Phantom and tissue simulating medium
14.5.3 CIED monitoring apparatus
14.6 Uncertainty assessment
15 Protection from harm to the patient caused by RF-induced malfunction and RF rectification
15.1 General
15.2 Hazard definition/mechanism
15.3 Objective
83 15.4 Assumptions
15.5 Test method
15.5.1 Test environment
15.5.2 RF Antenna test conditions
84 Modelling method
85 Model validation Simulation parameters
86 Device geometry Device material properties Device terminating impedances
15.5.3 Injection test setup
87 15.5.4 Determination of test conditions
88 RF-level measurement device MRI RF lead modelling framework Model validation RF level prediction in human RF phase conditions
15.5.5 Test signal
90 15.5.6 Application of the test signal
15.5.7 Rectification and malfunction test procedure
91 Device damage test procedure
16 Protection from harm to the patient caused by gradient-induced malfunction
16.1 Introduction
92 16.2 General requirements
16.3 Selecting radiated and injected test methods
16.4 Radiated immunity test
16.4.1 General
93 16.4.2 Test equipment
94 16.4.3 Radiated test signal
96 16.4.4 Pacemaker test cases
16.4.5 ICD test cases
97 16.4.6 Test procedure
16.5 Injected immunity test
16.5.1 General
16.5.2 Test equipment
16.5.3 Injected test signal
100 16.5.4 Pacemaker test cases
101 16.5.5 ICD test cases
16.5.6 Test procedure
16.5.7 Test configurations
102 17 Combined fields test
17.1 Test equipment
17.2 Test setup
104 17.3 System fixation
107 17.4 Test procedure
17.4.1 Before MR exposure
17.4.2 During MR exposure
108 17.4.3 After MR exposure
17.5 Compliance criteria
109 Annex A (informative) RF injection method utilizing standard leads
A.1 General
111 A.2 Measurement to address the concern of common mode at 500 kHz
112 Annex B (informative) Use of standard production leads to deliver a target RF power at 64 MHz to the myocardium in an animal test
B.1 General
B.2 Procedure
116 Annex C (informative) CEM43 C (cumulative equivalent minutes at 43 C)
C.1 General
C.2 CEM43 for heart and skeletal muscle
C.3 CEM43 for the pocket tissue
C.3.1 Skin
C.3.1.1 Starting temperature
117 C.3.1.2 Acceptance criteria free from chronic damage
118 C.3.1.3 Acceptance criteria free from pain
C.3.2 Muscle
C.3.2.1 Starting temperature
C.3.2.2 Acceptance criteria free from chronic damage
119 C.3.3 Scar material
C.4 CEM43 C for the tissue in contact with the lead body
C.5 Scan duration
120 Annex D (informative) In vivo temperature rise in response to applied heat flux
D.1 Background
D.2 Applicable data
D.3 Analysis
121 D.4 Result
122 Annex E (normative) Gradient P(UCS) calculation method
E.1 General
E.2 PDF of Capture Thresholds (Qmin, Rheobase)
123 E.3 Probability analysis
124 E.4 Gradient induced charge and current limits (QGRAD_MAX, IGRAD_MAX)
125 Annex F (normative) RF UCS Compliance criteria
F.1 General
126 F.2 Stress determination
F.2.1 Tier 1
F.2.1.1 See 15.5.4 for information on the determination of test conditions and device malfunction. Leverage the RF modelling framework to generate a set of in-human use conditions that define the peak (30 µT) RF levels at the lead electrode RF entry p…
F.2.1.2 Determine the 99th percentile RF level at each RF entry points into a device and identify the maximum of the 99th percentile RF levels. Use this maximum 99th percentile RF level as the test level for all lead electrode RF entry points into a d…
F.2.1.3 Include phase variation in the testing by applying 0 , 90 , 180 , and 270 phase shift to each RF entry point, one at a time, while injecting RF energy into other RF entry points at 0 .
F.2.1.4 See 15.5.2 for information on the RF antenna test to determine the telemetry antenna injection level. Test the lead electrode test level identified in step 2 with the simultaneous antenna injection level determined in step 7 of cycled…
F.2.1.5 Perform direct RF-injection test at magnitude and phase condition of each RF entry point. Record the magnitude of rectification pulse for each electrode with respect to case.
F.2.1.6 For each electrode, fit the rectification voltage (or current) to an appropriate distribution. Determine the 99th upper tolerance limit with a confidence/reliability of 95/99.
F.2.2 Tiers 2 or 3 – Vector generation
F.2.2.1 In the case of RF rectification, PDF of stress is essentially the PDF of rectified voltage which can be determined by the steps in F.2.2.2 through F.2.2.7.
F.2.2.2 See 15.5.4 for addition information. Leverage the RF modelling framework to generate a set of in-human use conditions that define the peak (30 µT) RF levels at the RF entry points into a device, with RF phase conditions of
F.2.2.3 Sort the use conditions from max to min by total power across all RF entry points to generate the PDF of total power.
F.2.2.4 Span the test vectors from the region of the PDF of total power between the upper bound of the worst-case power and the lower bound resulting in safe levels of rectification as defined by voltage, current or charge. Unique test cases are deter…
F.2.2.5 If phase cycling is used, for each test vector, include that phase variation by applying 0 , 90 , 180 , and 270 phase shift to each RF entry point, one at a time, while injecting RF energy into other RF entry points at 0 . Note that the …
F.2.2.6 See 15.5.2 to determine the telemetry antenna injection levels. Test each test vector identified in previous steps with the antenna injection level determined in step 7 of cycled in phase increments and conditions as specified in 15.5…
127 F.2.2.7 Perform direct RF-injection test at corresponding magnitude and phase condition of each RF entry point. Record the magnitude of rectification pulse for each electrode with respect to case. Typically, the AV and VV delays in MRI mode remove the…
F.2.3 Tier 2 – Injection and analysis
F.2.3.1 For each test vector, take the maximum rectification differential across any pair of electrodes and plot total power vs. rectified voltage (or current) for all vectors tested (Figure F.3). Fit the maximum rectified voltage (or current) at diff…
F.2.3.2 For all power levels less than the minimum tested injection level, assume the rectification is equal to the measured rectification at the minimum injection level.
F.2.3.3 Convert the PDF of total power to the PDF of rectified voltage using the relationship defined in F.2.3.1 and F.2.3.2.
F.2.4 Tier 3 – Injection and analysis
F.2.4.1 For each electrode, plot rectification voltage (or current) vs injected voltage across all vectors tested. Fit the maximum rectified voltage (or current) vs injected voltage to approximate rectified voltage (or current) over entire RF-injectio…
F.2.4.2 For all levels less than the minimum tested injection level, assume the rectification is equal to the measured rectification at the minimum injection level.
F.2.4.3 Convert the PDF of each electrode to the PDF of rectified voltage using the relationship defined in F.2.4.1 and F.2.4.2.
F.3 Strength determination
F.3.1 PDF of strength is essentially the PDF of stimulation voltage required to obtain sustained capture.
F.3.2 Determine the PDF of stimulation voltage required to obtain sustained capture for electrode(s) evaluated. This information is typically available through clinical data.
F.3.3 Calculate the capture stimulation threshold at the measured rectified PW using the strength-duration relationship. If a large transient occurs, the pulse width of the transient shall also be assessed. Specifically, rheobase and chronaxie can be …
128 F.3.4 Generate the PDF of stimulation voltage using all data points from F.3.2 and F.3.3. As specified in Reilly [49], cardiac stimulation typically follows a lognormal distribution.
F.4 Acceptance criteria
129 Annex G (informative) Example of implementation of MR scan protocols for combined fields
G.1 General
130 G.2 Neurological examinations examples
131 G.3 Thoracic examinations examples
132 G.4 Upper limbs examinations examples
G.5 Pelvic examinations examples
133 Bibliography
AAMI PC76 2021