API PUBL 352-1999
Management for Residual Materials: 1997
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
API | 1999 | 104 |
The 1997 API Refining Residential Survey collected data on the manner in which U.S. petroleum refineries manage their residual materials. This report summarizes the characteristics of the facilities that responded, and presents nationwide trends in residual management practices. The nationwide estimates were determined from a regression analysis of the respondent data in terms of residual quantity in wet tons by refinery capactiy in barrels per stram day (bsd).
The 1997 survey collected data on the management of 14 residual streams and requested cost data on six of these streams. By comparison to the quantities reported for 30 residual streams in the surveys prior to 1994, these 14 streams are believed to represent nearly 80% of the total quantity of residuals managed at U.S. refineries. As with previous surveys, data were collected on the age, size, location, and type of refinery, and on the configuration of the wastewater treatment systems.