Specifies requirements for most forms of concrete and terracotta roof tiles. Requirements include dimensional tolerances and transverse strength. Test methods are issued separately as AS 4046.
This Standard sets out requirements for concrete and terracotta roof tiles and for the associated accessories. It establishes standards for -(a) performance, fit and finish; (b) quality of materials; and (c) the finished product.
The following types of roof tile are considered, other types are not precluded: (i) Shingle (plain) tiles.
(ii) Side-locking tiles.
(iii) Head-and-side-locking tiles.
Appendices A, B and C illustrate the various terms used in this Standard. This Standard will be referenced in the Building Code of Australia by way of BCA Amendment 5, intended for publication in May 1993, thereby superseding the previous editions, AS 1757-1989 and AS 2049-1989, which will be withdrawn 12 months from the date of issuance of BCA Amendment 5. Users are advised that when BCA Amendment 5 is issued, it will not necessarily have been gazetted in each state/territory at the time of printing.