AS 2365.7:2006
Methods for sampling and analysis of indoor air – Determination of total suspended particulate matter – Gravimetric method
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AS | 2006-07-21 | 13 |
Sets out requirements for a method for the sample collection and gravimetric analysis of suspended particles in indoor air. Suspended particles are emitted from indoor air from a number of sources, including cigarette smoke, food cooking and space heating.
This Standard sets out the method for the sample collection and gravimetric analysis of suspended particles in indoor air over the sampling period employed. The particles collected will have an equivalent aerodynamic diameter (EAD) of less than approximately 50 µm and greater than about 0.5(1 µm depending on filter loading.
This method is applicable to the measurement of total suspended particles in indoor air at concentrations above 5.0 µg/m(sup)3. The sampling head does not incorporate size selection.
1 Sampling is normally of 8 h duration to average out the effect of the variations in particle levels and to enable collection of sufficient mass of particulate matter, provided that the mass of the filter is determined under carefully controlled laboratory conditions.
2 It is possible that some particulate matter, depending upon its hygroscopic and/or volatility, may alter in mass from its initial as-sampled state. this is because of the environmental conditions and filter equilibration procedure referred to in Clause 6. The degree of mass change is largely due to the nature of the sampled aerosol and may vary from day to day, site to site and seasonally.
3 A proportion of some particles in indoor air environments (including smoke) which are finer than 1 µm EAD may be trapped.
4 Fibres from indoor air environments arising from textiles, carpets and mineral sources will also be trapped.
This Standard applies to indoor air environments such as homes, enclosed spaces accessible to the general population, educational and child and aged care institutions and offices. This Standard does not apply to spaces covered by occupational atmospheric standards.