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AS 3798:2007


Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2007-03-12 49
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Provides guidance on the specification, execution, and control testing of earthworks and associated site preparation works for commercial and residential developments; and on the interpretation and application of the relevant test methods specified in the AS 1289 series of Standards.


This Standard provides guidance on the specification, execution, and control testing of earthworks and associated site preparation works for commercial and residential developments. This Standard does not in itself constitute a specification for earthworks and the specifier should consider the applicability of these guidelines to the project under consideration.
The Standard is not intended to be used for pavements, major roadworks, or water-retaining structures. Such works require special consideration.
Residential developments in the context of this Standard are intended to include single lot development up to broad acre subdivisional development for detached or semi-detached housing. The Standard is not intended to be sufficient for medium- or high-density residential development without due consideration by a suitably qualified professional.
Historically, previous editions of this Standard have been used to assist in the specification and execution of earthworks beyond the intended scope of the document. Whilst with due consideration some aspects of this Standard may be applicable to such works, designers and specification writers should be aware the guidance given herein may not be applicable. In such circumstances, appropriate advice should be sought from a suitably qualified professional before adopting this Standard.
Where the depth of filling required for works to which this Standard would otherwise be applicable exceeds 5 m, advice from a geotechnical professional should be sought.

AS 3798:2007