AS 4072.1:2005 (R2016)
Components for the protection of openings in fire-resistant separating elements – Service penetrations and control joints
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AS | 2005-09-09 | 37 |
Specifies requirements for the testing, interpretation of test results, and installation of penetration sealing systems and control joints sealing systems in fire-resistant elements of construction. The Standard is based on the testing of standard configurations and provides minimum requirements for these fire-stopping systems. It is intended to complement the fire-protection requirements of the Building Code of Australia and is to be read in conjunction with the testing regimes set out in AS 1530.4.
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the construction, installation and application of fire resistance tests to sealing systems –
(a) around penetrations through separating building elements that are required to have a fire resistance level (FRL) or, if applicable, a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and
(b)at control joints between building elements that are required to have a fire resistance level (FRL).
1 Explanatory notes and comment on the testing regime are included in Appendix A.
2 This Standard does not address smoke leakage through sealing systems around penetrations and at control joints. Other Standards, such as AS/NZS 1530.7, may be used for evaluating the potential for smoke spread.
3 The regulatory authority may require some evidence of compliance of the sealing systems installed in a building. Should this be the case, the recommended practice is given in Appendix B.