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ASCE 9780784409268 2007


Coastal Sediments ’07

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ASCE 2007 2633
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This collection contains 197 papers presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Process, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 13-17, 2007.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
8 Contents
24 Volume One
Sediment Transport Fundamentals I
Wave-Related Transport and Nearshore Morphology
38 Closed Form Solution for Threshold Velocity for Initiation of Sediment Motion under Waves
51 Influence of Velocity Moments on Sand Bar Movement During CROSSTEX
65 Development of a New Practical Model for Sand Transport Induced by Non-Breaking Waves and Currents
79 A Total Load Formula for the Nearshore
91 Sediment Transport Fundamentals II
Longshore Sand Transport Rate Measurements Using Small-Scale Physical Models
105 Pressure-Induced Subsurface Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone
119 Tracking Sediment Particles under Wave-Current Coexisting Field
133 Sediment Transport in Response to Wave Groups Generated by High-Speed Vessels
147 Sediment Transport Fundamentals III
Flume Experiments under Cat-Scan to Measure Internal Sedimentological Parameter During Sediment Transport
160 The Effects of Bed Slope and Wave Skewness on Sediment Transport and Morphology
174 Sediment Transport off Northeast Florida Outside the Surf Zone during Hurricanes
188 Longshore Transport
Geomorphic and Sedimentologic Evidence for Net Littoral Drift—A Review
202 Cross-Shore Variation of Predominant Longshore Sediment Transport Rate
216 Longshore Sand Transport Calculated by Time-Dependent Shear Stress
230 Sediment Budget of the Danube Delta Coastal Zone
244 Field Measurements and Modeling of Longshore Sediment Transport
258 Sediment Transport Fundamentals IV
Infragravity Waves in Mobile-Bed Laboratory Experiments
271 Large-Scale Laboratory Modeling of Suspended Sand Concentration Fluctuations under Irregular Waves
282 Change in Longitudinal Profile Using Sand of Mixed Grain Size in Large Wave Tank and its Numerical Simulation
295 Probabilistic-Deterministic Modelling of Swash Zone Morphology
309 Modelling Sheet Flow Sediment Transport Using Convolution Integrals
323 Shoreline Change Modeling
A Middle-Term Evolution Model for Beaches
337 Model for Predicting Beach Changes on Coast with Sand of Mixed Grain Size Based on Bagnold’s Concept
350 A Circulation Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Conditions for Shoreline Instabilities
364 An Alternative Explanation for the Shape of ‘Log-Spiral’ Bays
374 The Response of Spit Shapes to Wave-Angle Climates
387 Observed Shoreline Change
Historical Shoreline Changes and Morphodynamics of Parramore Island, Virginia (1852-2006)
401 Temporal and Spatial Scales of Profile and Planform Adjustment on a Nourished Beach
415 Shoreline Response to Dike Failure at Grand Marais Harbor, Lake Superior, Michigan
429 Successful Beach Modelling, Monitoring and Management for a Large LNG Facility
443 Gravel Coasts I
The Design of Stable and Aesthetic Beach Fills: Learning from Nature
457 Variation in the Organization of Gravel-Dominated Coastal Systems: Evidence from Nova Scotia and Southern England
472 Profile Dynamics and Particle Tracer Mobility of a Cobble Berm Constructed on the Oregon Coast
486 Mixed Sediment Beach Processes: Kachemak Bay, Alaska
500 Mixed Sand and Gravel Beach Design and Construction for Habitat Restoration
515 Gravel Coasts II
Influence of Changing Management Regimes on the Morphodynamic Response of a Mixed Gravel and Sand Barrier Beach
529 The Influence of Groundwater on Profile Evolution of Fine and Coarse Sand Beaches
543 Effects of Permeability on the Performance of Mixed Sand-Gravel Beaches
554 Cross-shore and Longshore Transport of Tracer Pebbles on a Macrotidal Mixed Sediment Beach, Sommc Estuary, France
568 Why Are Shingle Beaches Replacing Sandy Beaches? (Coastal Zone of NW Portugal)
584 Gravel Coasts III
Field Measurements of Shore Conditions to Assess Bulkhead Effects in Thurston County, South Puget Sound
595 Coral-Gravel Storm Ridges: Examples from the Tropical Pacific and Caribbean
607 Field Observations of Step Dynamics on a Macrotidal Gravel Beach
621 Large-Scale Scour of the Sea Floor and the Effect of Natural Armouring Processes, Land Reclamation Maasvlakte 2, Port of Rotterdam
635 Dunes and Profiles
Dune Erosion Prediction Methods Incorporating Effects of Wave Periods
649 Reevaluation of Equilibrium Beach Profile Scale Parameter
656 Shoreface Response to Sediment Deficit
670 Louisiana Coast
The Challenges of Restoring Louisiana Barrier Islands: From Design through Construction
684 Field Observations of Wave-Current-Sediments Dynamics, Atchafalaya Shelf, Louisiana, USA
694 Investigation of Morphosedimentary Processes on a Schematic Louisiana Barrier Island Using Process-Based Numerical Modeling
708 Restoration-Quality Sand from Ship Shoal, Louisiana: Geotechnical Investigation for Sand on a Drowned Barrier Island
722 Mississippi River Sand for Barrier Island Restoration in Louisiana: Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations for Sand Mining
735 Mississippi River Delta
Re-Engineering the Mississippi River as a Sediment Delivery System
745 Sediment Flux and Fate in the Mississippi River Diversion at West Bay: Observation Study
759 Initial Morphologic and Stratigraphic Delta Evolution Related to Buoyant River Plumes
772 Physical and Numerical Modeling of River and Sediment Diversions in the Lower Mississippi River Delta
785 A Geomorphic Process-Response Model for Chenier-Plain Evolution in Southwestern Louisiana, USA
799 Marshes and Wetlands
Sediment Analysis for Habitat Restoration: Adaptation of Open-Coast Beach Nourishment Principles
808 Subsurface Exploration and Containment Dike Design Criteria for Coastal Louisiana Marsh Restoration
821 Ice Raft Formation, Dispersion and Sedimentation on New England Salt Marshes
837 Effects of Large Scale Morphological Changes to a Back-Bay System
873 Contents
885 Volume Two
887 Deltas and River Mouths
Morphodynamic Feedbacks on Deltaic Coasts: Lessons from the Wave-Dominated Danube Delta
901 Coastal and River Mouth Morphology Change in Sri Lanka Due to 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
915 Holocene Evolution of the Merrimack Embayment, Northern Massachusetts, Interpreted from Shallow Seismic Stratigraphy
926 The Use of Historic Topography for the Characterization of Time-Dependent Geomorphic Change and Sediment Delivery
941 Impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Lili on the Inner Shelf of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Delta
947 Storms I
Coastal-Change Impacts during Hurricane Katrina: An Overview
956 Modeling Dune Response Using Measured and Equilibrium Bathymetric Profiles
970 Sediment Transport along the Southwestern Louisiana Shoreline: Impact from Hurricane Rita, 2005
980 Heterogeneity and Dynamics on a Shoal during Spring-Winter Storm Season, South-Central Louisana, USA
994 Winter Storm and Tropical Cyclone Impacts on the Short-Term Evolution of Beaches and Barriers along the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
1010 Storms II
Impact of a Major Storm on Sediment Exchanges between the Dunes, Beach, and Nearshore
1022 Storm Patterns and Climatic Trends Based on Water Level Fluctuations: Duck, North Carolina, USA
1035 Hindcasting Potential Hurricane Impacts on Rapidly Changing Barrier Islands
1045 EOF Analysis of Morphological Response to Hurricane Ivan
1055 Storm Surge and Sediment Process Owing to Hurricane Isidore in Terminos Lagoon, Campeche
1067 Tsunami I
Tsunami Damage Estimation in Consideration of Beach Transformation and Dike Failure
1078 Beach Morphology at Banda Aceh, Indonesia in Response to the Tsunami on 26 December 2004
1092 Dune Morphology as an Indicator of Paleotsunamis
1106 Sedimentological Characteristics of Regional-Scale Washover Deposits Caused by Hurricane Ivan
1120 Tsunami II
Impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Southwest Coasts of Sri Lanka
1134 Reconstructing Tsunami Run-Up from Sedimentary Characteristics—A Simple Mathematical Model
1148 Numerical Study of Tsunami Run-Up over Erodible Sand Dunes
1162 Predicted Sedimentary Record of Reflected Bores
1176 Tsunami Inundation and Sediment Transport in Vicinity of Coastal Mangrove Forest
1188 Sea Level Rise I
From Transgression to Regression: Coastal Evolution near The Hague, The Netherlands, around 5000 Years BP
1201 Changing Orientation of Ocean-Facing Bluffs on a Transgressive Coast, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1212 Modeling Barrier Island Response to Sea-Level Rise in the Outer Banks, North Carolina
1224 1880 to 2005 Morphological Evolution of a Transgressive Tidal Inlet, Little Pass Timbalier, Louisiana
1238 Sea Level Rise II
Impacts of Rising Sea Level to Backbarrier Wetlands, Tidal Inlets, and Barrier Islands: Barataria Coast, Louisiana
1252 Modeling Future Coastal Wetland Transition Induced by Relative Sea-Level Rise
1259 Morphological Interactions within UK Estuaries: A Preliminary Analysis of Critical Rates of Sea-Level Rise
1273 Variable Shoreline Responses to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change
1286 Model Scenarios of Shoreline Change at Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii: Seasonal and Extreme Events
1300 Wind-Blown Sand
Aeolian Processes, Coastal Dunes, and the Coastal Engineering Manual, Part III, Chapter 4—”Wind-Blown Sediment Transport”
1314 Distribution of Horizontal Distance Traveled by Saltating Sand Grains in Air
1328 Beach Stabilization Works Against Wind Blown Sand on Beaches: Experiences from Japan
1342 Coastal Dunefield Evolution in Conditions of Limited Sediment Availability: Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on the Corralejo Dunes
1356 Coastal Inlets I
Hydrodynamic and Morphologic Modeling at Sebastian Inlet, FL
1370 Erosion and Channel Migration at the Shoalwater Bay Reservation, Willapa Bay, Washington
1385 Sediment Management Plan Development for the St. Lucie Inlet, Martin County, Florida
1399 Sand Bypassing Restores Natural Processes to Assateague Island, Maryland
1413 Morphological Responses to Jetty Construction at Tidal Inlet: Lake Saroma, Japan
1422 Coastal Inlets II
Morphodynamics of Texel Inlet, The Netherlands
1436 Sedimentation Patterns in a Stabilized Migratory Inlet, Blind Pass, Florida
1450 Approaches to Understanding Multiple-Inlet Stability
1464 Engineering Guidelines for the Siting of Sand Bypassing Discharges
1476 Shoreline Implications of Flood-Tide Delta Morphodynamics. The Case of Port Stephens (SE Australia)
1490 Mud Coasts I
Using Simple Semi-Empirical Models for Integrated Assessment of Scenarios for a Navigation Channel. The Case of the Port of Ostend, Belgium
1500 Sediment Processes and Mangrove-Habitat Expansion on a Rapidly-Prograding Muddy Coast, New Zealand
1514 The Influence of Mud on the Inner Shelf, Shoreface, Beach, and Surf Zone Morphodynamics—Cassino, Southern Brazil
1525 The Hurricane Katrina Storm Surge in Mississippi
1534 Texas Inlets
Coastal Inlets of Texas, USA
1548 Cedar Bayou—Inlet Dynamics and Engineering
1561 Navigation Improvements, Mouth of the Colorado River, Texas
1574 Long-Terra Inlet Stability of a Multiple Inlet System, Pass Cavallo, Texas
1588 Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
1602 Coastal Inlets III
Evolution of a Relocated Tidal Inlet: Mason Inlet, NC
1616 Present Hydrodynamics of Ancao Inlet, 10 Years after its Relocation
1630 The Influence of Tidal Prism and Vegetation on Tidal Channel Morphology: Implications for Marsh Stability
1641 Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Morphodynamics of Big Sarasota Pass, Florida
1648 Morphological Behavior of Seasonal Closure of Tidal Inlets
1660 Estuaries
The National Academies Report on Mitigating Shore Erosion along Sheltered Coasts
1668 Field Measurement and Modeling of Scour Pit Dynamics in a Sandy Estuary
1682 Projection of Topographic Change of an Estuary Terrace by Horizontal 2-D Simulation Model, Considering Grain Size
1694 Examining the Contribution of Sediment Stratification to the Evolution of Seabed Morphology
1706 From River Basin to Barrier Reef: Pathways of Coastal Sediments
1719 Mud Coasts II
Wave Evolution on Fluid Mud Bottom
1728 A Fine Sediment Transport Modeling Framework and its Application to Fluid Mud Processes
1737 Field Measurement of Fine Sediment Transport Process around Navigation Channel
1749 Time Dependent Mud Fluidization and Irregular Wave Transformation on Muddy Profiles
1783 Contents
1789 Volume Three
1791 Regional Processes I
Regional Beach/Cliff System Dynamics along the California Coast
1803 Factors Influencing the Long-Term Stability of the Carbonate Sand Beaches of Mauritius
1817 Evolution of Erosion Hot Spots on a Barrier Island: Fire Island, New York
1826 Tropical Mixed Wave/Tide Dominated Barrier-Spit System: A Case Study from NE Brazil
1835 Regional Shoreline and Beach Changes in the Santa Barbara Sandshed
1849 Regional Processes II
Engineering Activities Influencing Historical Sediment Transport Pathways at the Columbia River Mouth, WA/OR
1863 Implementing Regional Sediment Management to Sustain Navigation at an Energetic Tidal Inlet
1882 Decadal Evolution of Shoreface Geometry in South Carolina, USA
1894 Improving Statistical Validity in Calculating Erosion Hazards from Historical Shorelines
1908 Linking Coastal Evolution and Super Storm Dune Erosion Forecasts
1922 LIDAR and ARGUS
CHARTS-Enabled Data Fusion for Coastal Zone Characterization
1932 Using Topographic LIDAR Data to Delineate the North Carolina Shoreline
1946 Exploring Rippled Scour Depressions Offshore Huntington Beach, CA
1960 A Study of Intertidal Bar Dynamics Using the Argus Video System
1972 Depth of Closure Derived from Airborne Laser Bathymetry
1981 Remote Sensing
Assessing Nearshore Bar Movements during Storms Using Time-Averaged X-Band Radar Images
1995 Longshore Migration of Coastal Features Observed with X-Band Radar
2005 Detailed 3-D Models of New Zealand Barrier Stratigraphy Provide Insight into Coastal Evolution in Various Spatial and Temporal Settings
2019 Swash Zone
A Formula for Longshore Sediment Transport in the Swash
2033 Importance of the Swash Longshore Sediment Transport in Morphodynamic Models
2042 Direct Bed Shear Stress Measurements in Bore-Driven Swash and Swash Interactions
2056 Limits of Beach and Dune Erosion in Response to Wave Runup Elucidated from SUPERTANK
2070 Interaction of Dune Face and Swash Zone
2083 Barrier Island Breaching
Critical Width of Barrier Islands and Implications for Engineering Design
2097 Barrier Island Vulnerability to Breaching: A Case Study on Dauphin Island, Alabama
2106 Morphologic Modeling of Multiple Barrier Island Breaches for Regional Application
2120 Breach Stability and Growth Analysis Using a Morphological Model
2132 Spatial Distribution of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Rate for Berm Formation and Erosion
2144 Overwash and Washover
Sediment Transport Patterns During Overwash
2156 Characterization and Modeling of Washover Fans
2169 Experimental Study of Overwash
2179 Backbarrier Evolution and Complete Overwash Occurrence
2192 Sand Bars, Beach Cusps
Geomorphic Features Shaped by Crossing Waves
2206 Observation and Modeling of Crescentic Bars in Barcelona Embayed Beaches
2219 Mesoscale Behaviour of Longshore Bars—Net Onshore or Net Offshore Migration
2232 Morphological Characteristics of Rip Current Embayments on the Oregon Coast
2246 Geologic Framework of the Long Bay Inner Shelf: Implications for Coastal Evolution in South Carolina
2259 Sand Waves and Channels
A Relic Sand Wave Field in a Tidal Channel
2272 Geometric and Statistical Characteristics of Bed Forms in the Lower Mississippi River
2286 Bathymetric Evolution of a Sandy Bed under Transient Progressive Waves
2294 Analysis of Sebastian Inlet, FL, Morphologic Changes Using Complex Empirical Orthogonal Functions (CEOF)
2308 Investigating Ship Induced Scour in a Confined Shipping Channel
2324 Beach Nourishment
Evolution of Grain-Size Distribution on Bogue Banks: Implications for Selection of Borrow Material
2337 New Findings in Equilibrium Grain Size Distribution
2349 Determination of Overfill Factor for Offshore Sand in Barrier Island Restoration on the Louisiana Coast
2360 Broward County Beach Demonstration Project: From Beers to Beaches
2374 Beach Nourishment Evolution in the Canciin Beach, Quintana Roo, México
2387 Case Studies
Geomorphic Response and Elements of Sediment Budget at St. Joseph Harbor, Southeast Lake Michigan
2401 Chesapeake Bay: Headland Control Systems Performance Including Hurricane Isabel
2416 Coastal Protection against Wind-Wave Induced Erosion Using Soft and Porous Structures: A Case Study at Lake Biel, Switzerland
2426 Physical Processes Study of Goldsmith Inlet, New York
2440 Dredging
Design of Navigation Channel Deepening Works Using a Morphological Model in Barranquilla, Columbia
2453 Beach Renourishment through Spoil Disposal Downdrift of a Dredged Entrance Channel
2467 Desktop Methodology for Estimating Maintenance Dredging Requirements for Widened and Deepened Navigation Channels
2477 A Mass-Balance, Control-Volume Approach for Estimating Vertical Sediment Flux and Settling Velocity within Dredge Plumes
2489 What Does “Physical Regeneration” of Marine Aggregate Dredging Sites Mean?
2497 Beach Nourishment and Structures
Performance of Beach Fill and Nearshore Breakwaters at East Ocean View Beach, Norfolk, VA
2513 Assessing Fill Compatibility through Project Performance Evaluation
2527 Coastal Structure Design for Shore Protection and Sand Retention: Practical Aspects
2541 Quantitative Evaluation of Controlling Effect of Headland on Longshore Sand Transport Using Model for Predicting Changes in Contour Lines and Grain Size
2555 Evaluation of Controlling Effect of Sand Transport by Detached Breakwaters Built on Dynamically Stable Beach
2568 Seafloor Mapping
Geologic Characterization of Offshore of Shelf Areas Using usSEABED for GIS Mapping, Modeling Processes and Assessing Marine Sand and Gravel Resources
2582 USGS Advances in Integrated, High-Resolution Sea-Floor Mapping: Inner Continental Shelf to Estuaries
2596 A Rapid Compatibility Analysis of Potential Offshore Sand Sources for Beaches of the Santa Barbara Littoral Cell
2610 Presence of Beach-Compatible Sediments in Offshore Borrows: New Challenges and Trade Offs in Developing Codifications
2624 Indexes
Subject Index
2625 G
2626 S
2628 Author Index
2629 E
2630 I
2631 N
2632 S
2633 W
ASCE 9780784409268 2007