ASCE 9780784409268 2007
Coastal Sediments ’07
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ASCE | 2007 | 2633 |
This collection contains 197 papers presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Process, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 13-17, 2007.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Cover |
8 | Contents |
24 | Volume One Sediment Transport Fundamentals I Wave-Related Transport and Nearshore Morphology |
38 | Closed Form Solution for Threshold Velocity for Initiation of Sediment Motion under Waves |
51 | Influence of Velocity Moments on Sand Bar Movement During CROSSTEX |
65 | Development of a New Practical Model for Sand Transport Induced by Non-Breaking Waves and Currents |
79 | A Total Load Formula for the Nearshore |
91 | Sediment Transport Fundamentals II Longshore Sand Transport Rate Measurements Using Small-Scale Physical Models |
105 | Pressure-Induced Subsurface Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone |
119 | Tracking Sediment Particles under Wave-Current Coexisting Field |
133 | Sediment Transport in Response to Wave Groups Generated by High-Speed Vessels |
147 | Sediment Transport Fundamentals III Flume Experiments under Cat-Scan to Measure Internal Sedimentological Parameter During Sediment Transport |
160 | The Effects of Bed Slope and Wave Skewness on Sediment Transport and Morphology |
174 | Sediment Transport off Northeast Florida Outside the Surf Zone during Hurricanes |
188 | Longshore Transport Geomorphic and Sedimentologic Evidence for Net Littoral Drift—A Review |
202 | Cross-Shore Variation of Predominant Longshore Sediment Transport Rate |
216 | Longshore Sand Transport Calculated by Time-Dependent Shear Stress |
230 | Sediment Budget of the Danube Delta Coastal Zone |
244 | Field Measurements and Modeling of Longshore Sediment Transport |
258 | Sediment Transport Fundamentals IV Infragravity Waves in Mobile-Bed Laboratory Experiments |
271 | Large-Scale Laboratory Modeling of Suspended Sand Concentration Fluctuations under Irregular Waves |
282 | Change in Longitudinal Profile Using Sand of Mixed Grain Size in Large Wave Tank and its Numerical Simulation |
295 | Probabilistic-Deterministic Modelling of Swash Zone Morphology |
309 | Modelling Sheet Flow Sediment Transport Using Convolution Integrals |
323 | Shoreline Change Modeling A Middle-Term Evolution Model for Beaches |
337 | Model for Predicting Beach Changes on Coast with Sand of Mixed Grain Size Based on Bagnold’s Concept |
350 | A Circulation Modeling Approach for Evaluating the Conditions for Shoreline Instabilities |
364 | An Alternative Explanation for the Shape of ‘Log-Spiral’ Bays |
374 | The Response of Spit Shapes to Wave-Angle Climates |
387 | Observed Shoreline Change Historical Shoreline Changes and Morphodynamics of Parramore Island, Virginia (1852-2006) |
401 | Temporal and Spatial Scales of Profile and Planform Adjustment on a Nourished Beach |
415 | Shoreline Response to Dike Failure at Grand Marais Harbor, Lake Superior, Michigan |
429 | Successful Beach Modelling, Monitoring and Management for a Large LNG Facility |
443 | Gravel Coasts I The Design of Stable and Aesthetic Beach Fills: Learning from Nature |
457 | Variation in the Organization of Gravel-Dominated Coastal Systems: Evidence from Nova Scotia and Southern England |
472 | Profile Dynamics and Particle Tracer Mobility of a Cobble Berm Constructed on the Oregon Coast |
486 | Mixed Sediment Beach Processes: Kachemak Bay, Alaska |
500 | Mixed Sand and Gravel Beach Design and Construction for Habitat Restoration |
515 | Gravel Coasts II Influence of Changing Management Regimes on the Morphodynamic Response of a Mixed Gravel and Sand Barrier Beach |
529 | The Influence of Groundwater on Profile Evolution of Fine and Coarse Sand Beaches |
543 | Effects of Permeability on the Performance of Mixed Sand-Gravel Beaches |
554 | Cross-shore and Longshore Transport of Tracer Pebbles on a Macrotidal Mixed Sediment Beach, Sommc Estuary, France |
568 | Why Are Shingle Beaches Replacing Sandy Beaches? (Coastal Zone of NW Portugal) |
584 | Gravel Coasts III Field Measurements of Shore Conditions to Assess Bulkhead Effects in Thurston County, South Puget Sound |
595 | Coral-Gravel Storm Ridges: Examples from the Tropical Pacific and Caribbean |
607 | Field Observations of Step Dynamics on a Macrotidal Gravel Beach |
621 | Large-Scale Scour of the Sea Floor and the Effect of Natural Armouring Processes, Land Reclamation Maasvlakte 2, Port of Rotterdam |
635 | Dunes and Profiles Dune Erosion Prediction Methods Incorporating Effects of Wave Periods |
649 | Reevaluation of Equilibrium Beach Profile Scale Parameter |
656 | Shoreface Response to Sediment Deficit |
670 | Louisiana Coast The Challenges of Restoring Louisiana Barrier Islands: From Design through Construction |
684 | Field Observations of Wave-Current-Sediments Dynamics, Atchafalaya Shelf, Louisiana, USA |
694 | Investigation of Morphosedimentary Processes on a Schematic Louisiana Barrier Island Using Process-Based Numerical Modeling |
708 | Restoration-Quality Sand from Ship Shoal, Louisiana: Geotechnical Investigation for Sand on a Drowned Barrier Island |
722 | Mississippi River Sand for Barrier Island Restoration in Louisiana: Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations for Sand Mining |
735 | Mississippi River Delta Re-Engineering the Mississippi River as a Sediment Delivery System |
745 | Sediment Flux and Fate in the Mississippi River Diversion at West Bay: Observation Study |
759 | Initial Morphologic and Stratigraphic Delta Evolution Related to Buoyant River Plumes |
772 | Physical and Numerical Modeling of River and Sediment Diversions in the Lower Mississippi River Delta |
785 | A Geomorphic Process-Response Model for Chenier-Plain Evolution in Southwestern Louisiana, USA |
799 | Marshes and Wetlands Sediment Analysis for Habitat Restoration: Adaptation of Open-Coast Beach Nourishment Principles |
808 | Subsurface Exploration and Containment Dike Design Criteria for Coastal Louisiana Marsh Restoration |
821 | Ice Raft Formation, Dispersion and Sedimentation on New England Salt Marshes |
837 | Effects of Large Scale Morphological Changes to a Back-Bay System |
873 | Contents |
885 | Volume Two |
887 | Deltas and River Mouths Morphodynamic Feedbacks on Deltaic Coasts: Lessons from the Wave-Dominated Danube Delta |
901 | Coastal and River Mouth Morphology Change in Sri Lanka Due to 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami |
915 | Holocene Evolution of the Merrimack Embayment, Northern Massachusetts, Interpreted from Shallow Seismic Stratigraphy |
926 | The Use of Historic Topography for the Characterization of Time-Dependent Geomorphic Change and Sediment Delivery |
941 | Impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Lili on the Inner Shelf of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Delta |
947 | Storms I Coastal-Change Impacts during Hurricane Katrina: An Overview |
956 | Modeling Dune Response Using Measured and Equilibrium Bathymetric Profiles |
970 | Sediment Transport along the Southwestern Louisiana Shoreline: Impact from Hurricane Rita, 2005 |
980 | Heterogeneity and Dynamics on a Shoal during Spring-Winter Storm Season, South-Central Louisana, USA |
994 | Winter Storm and Tropical Cyclone Impacts on the Short-Term Evolution of Beaches and Barriers along the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico |
1010 | Storms II Impact of a Major Storm on Sediment Exchanges between the Dunes, Beach, and Nearshore |
1022 | Storm Patterns and Climatic Trends Based on Water Level Fluctuations: Duck, North Carolina, USA |
1035 | Hindcasting Potential Hurricane Impacts on Rapidly Changing Barrier Islands |
1045 | EOF Analysis of Morphological Response to Hurricane Ivan |
1055 | Storm Surge and Sediment Process Owing to Hurricane Isidore in Terminos Lagoon, Campeche |
1067 | Tsunami I Tsunami Damage Estimation in Consideration of Beach Transformation and Dike Failure |
1078 | Beach Morphology at Banda Aceh, Indonesia in Response to the Tsunami on 26 December 2004 |
1092 | Dune Morphology as an Indicator of Paleotsunamis |
1106 | Sedimentological Characteristics of Regional-Scale Washover Deposits Caused by Hurricane Ivan |
1120 | Tsunami II Impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Southwest Coasts of Sri Lanka |
1134 | Reconstructing Tsunami Run-Up from Sedimentary Characteristics—A Simple Mathematical Model |
1148 | Numerical Study of Tsunami Run-Up over Erodible Sand Dunes |
1162 | Predicted Sedimentary Record of Reflected Bores |
1176 | Tsunami Inundation and Sediment Transport in Vicinity of Coastal Mangrove Forest |
1188 | Sea Level Rise I From Transgression to Regression: Coastal Evolution near The Hague, The Netherlands, around 5000 Years BP |
1201 | Changing Orientation of Ocean-Facing Bluffs on a Transgressive Coast, Cape Cod, Massachusetts |
1212 | Modeling Barrier Island Response to Sea-Level Rise in the Outer Banks, North Carolina |
1224 | 1880 to 2005 Morphological Evolution of a Transgressive Tidal Inlet, Little Pass Timbalier, Louisiana |
1238 | Sea Level Rise II Impacts of Rising Sea Level to Backbarrier Wetlands, Tidal Inlets, and Barrier Islands: Barataria Coast, Louisiana |
1252 | Modeling Future Coastal Wetland Transition Induced by Relative Sea-Level Rise |
1259 | Morphological Interactions within UK Estuaries: A Preliminary Analysis of Critical Rates of Sea-Level Rise |
1273 | Variable Shoreline Responses to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change |
1286 | Model Scenarios of Shoreline Change at Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii: Seasonal and Extreme Events |
1300 | Wind-Blown Sand Aeolian Processes, Coastal Dunes, and the Coastal Engineering Manual, Part III, Chapter 4—”Wind-Blown Sediment Transport” |
1314 | Distribution of Horizontal Distance Traveled by Saltating Sand Grains in Air |
1328 | Beach Stabilization Works Against Wind Blown Sand on Beaches: Experiences from Japan |
1342 | Coastal Dunefield Evolution in Conditions of Limited Sediment Availability: Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on the Corralejo Dunes |
1356 | Coastal Inlets I Hydrodynamic and Morphologic Modeling at Sebastian Inlet, FL |
1370 | Erosion and Channel Migration at the Shoalwater Bay Reservation, Willapa Bay, Washington |
1385 | Sediment Management Plan Development for the St. Lucie Inlet, Martin County, Florida |
1399 | Sand Bypassing Restores Natural Processes to Assateague Island, Maryland |
1413 | Morphological Responses to Jetty Construction at Tidal Inlet: Lake Saroma, Japan |
1422 | Coastal Inlets II Morphodynamics of Texel Inlet, The Netherlands |
1436 | Sedimentation Patterns in a Stabilized Migratory Inlet, Blind Pass, Florida |
1450 | Approaches to Understanding Multiple-Inlet Stability |
1464 | Engineering Guidelines for the Siting of Sand Bypassing Discharges |
1476 | Shoreline Implications of Flood-Tide Delta Morphodynamics. The Case of Port Stephens (SE Australia) |
1490 | Mud Coasts I Using Simple Semi-Empirical Models for Integrated Assessment of Scenarios for a Navigation Channel. The Case of the Port of Ostend, Belgium |
1500 | Sediment Processes and Mangrove-Habitat Expansion on a Rapidly-Prograding Muddy Coast, New Zealand |
1514 | The Influence of Mud on the Inner Shelf, Shoreface, Beach, and Surf Zone Morphodynamics—Cassino, Southern Brazil |
1525 | The Hurricane Katrina Storm Surge in Mississippi |
1534 | Texas Inlets Coastal Inlets of Texas, USA |
1548 | Cedar Bayou—Inlet Dynamics and Engineering |
1561 | Navigation Improvements, Mouth of the Colorado River, Texas |
1574 | Long-Terra Inlet Stability of a Multiple Inlet System, Pass Cavallo, Texas |
1588 | Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas |
1602 | Coastal Inlets III Evolution of a Relocated Tidal Inlet: Mason Inlet, NC |
1616 | Present Hydrodynamics of Ancao Inlet, 10 Years after its Relocation |
1630 | The Influence of Tidal Prism and Vegetation on Tidal Channel Morphology: Implications for Marsh Stability |
1641 | Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Morphodynamics of Big Sarasota Pass, Florida |
1648 | Morphological Behavior of Seasonal Closure of Tidal Inlets |
1660 | Estuaries The National Academies Report on Mitigating Shore Erosion along Sheltered Coasts |
1668 | Field Measurement and Modeling of Scour Pit Dynamics in a Sandy Estuary |
1682 | Projection of Topographic Change of an Estuary Terrace by Horizontal 2-D Simulation Model, Considering Grain Size |
1694 | Examining the Contribution of Sediment Stratification to the Evolution of Seabed Morphology |
1706 | From River Basin to Barrier Reef: Pathways of Coastal Sediments |
1719 | Mud Coasts II Wave Evolution on Fluid Mud Bottom |
1728 | A Fine Sediment Transport Modeling Framework and its Application to Fluid Mud Processes |
1737 | Field Measurement of Fine Sediment Transport Process around Navigation Channel |
1749 | Time Dependent Mud Fluidization and Irregular Wave Transformation on Muddy Profiles |
1783 | Contents |
1789 | Volume Three |
1791 | Regional Processes I Regional Beach/Cliff System Dynamics along the California Coast |
1803 | Factors Influencing the Long-Term Stability of the Carbonate Sand Beaches of Mauritius |
1817 | Evolution of Erosion Hot Spots on a Barrier Island: Fire Island, New York |
1826 | Tropical Mixed Wave/Tide Dominated Barrier-Spit System: A Case Study from NE Brazil |
1835 | Regional Shoreline and Beach Changes in the Santa Barbara Sandshed |
1849 | Regional Processes II Engineering Activities Influencing Historical Sediment Transport Pathways at the Columbia River Mouth, WA/OR |
1863 | Implementing Regional Sediment Management to Sustain Navigation at an Energetic Tidal Inlet |
1882 | Decadal Evolution of Shoreface Geometry in South Carolina, USA |
1894 | Improving Statistical Validity in Calculating Erosion Hazards from Historical Shorelines |
1908 | Linking Coastal Evolution and Super Storm Dune Erosion Forecasts |
1922 | LIDAR and ARGUS CHARTS-Enabled Data Fusion for Coastal Zone Characterization |
1932 | Using Topographic LIDAR Data to Delineate the North Carolina Shoreline |
1946 | Exploring Rippled Scour Depressions Offshore Huntington Beach, CA |
1960 | A Study of Intertidal Bar Dynamics Using the Argus Video System |
1972 | Depth of Closure Derived from Airborne Laser Bathymetry |
1981 | Remote Sensing Assessing Nearshore Bar Movements during Storms Using Time-Averaged X-Band Radar Images |
1995 | Longshore Migration of Coastal Features Observed with X-Band Radar |
2005 | Detailed 3-D Models of New Zealand Barrier Stratigraphy Provide Insight into Coastal Evolution in Various Spatial and Temporal Settings |
2019 | Swash Zone A Formula for Longshore Sediment Transport in the Swash |
2033 | Importance of the Swash Longshore Sediment Transport in Morphodynamic Models |
2042 | Direct Bed Shear Stress Measurements in Bore-Driven Swash and Swash Interactions |
2056 | Limits of Beach and Dune Erosion in Response to Wave Runup Elucidated from SUPERTANK |
2070 | Interaction of Dune Face and Swash Zone |
2083 | Barrier Island Breaching Critical Width of Barrier Islands and Implications for Engineering Design |
2097 | Barrier Island Vulnerability to Breaching: A Case Study on Dauphin Island, Alabama |
2106 | Morphologic Modeling of Multiple Barrier Island Breaches for Regional Application |
2120 | Breach Stability and Growth Analysis Using a Morphological Model |
2132 | Spatial Distribution of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Rate for Berm Formation and Erosion |
2144 | Overwash and Washover Sediment Transport Patterns During Overwash |
2156 | Characterization and Modeling of Washover Fans |
2169 | Experimental Study of Overwash |
2179 | Backbarrier Evolution and Complete Overwash Occurrence |
2192 | Sand Bars, Beach Cusps Geomorphic Features Shaped by Crossing Waves |
2206 | Observation and Modeling of Crescentic Bars in Barcelona Embayed Beaches |
2219 | Mesoscale Behaviour of Longshore Bars—Net Onshore or Net Offshore Migration |
2232 | Morphological Characteristics of Rip Current Embayments on the Oregon Coast |
2246 | Geologic Framework of the Long Bay Inner Shelf: Implications for Coastal Evolution in South Carolina |
2259 | Sand Waves and Channels A Relic Sand Wave Field in a Tidal Channel |
2272 | Geometric and Statistical Characteristics of Bed Forms in the Lower Mississippi River |
2286 | Bathymetric Evolution of a Sandy Bed under Transient Progressive Waves |
2294 | Analysis of Sebastian Inlet, FL, Morphologic Changes Using Complex Empirical Orthogonal Functions (CEOF) |
2308 | Investigating Ship Induced Scour in a Confined Shipping Channel |
2324 | Beach Nourishment Evolution of Grain-Size Distribution on Bogue Banks: Implications for Selection of Borrow Material |
2337 | New Findings in Equilibrium Grain Size Distribution |
2349 | Determination of Overfill Factor for Offshore Sand in Barrier Island Restoration on the Louisiana Coast |
2360 | Broward County Beach Demonstration Project: From Beers to Beaches |
2374 | Beach Nourishment Evolution in the Canciin Beach, Quintana Roo, México |
2387 | Case Studies Geomorphic Response and Elements of Sediment Budget at St. Joseph Harbor, Southeast Lake Michigan |
2401 | Chesapeake Bay: Headland Control Systems Performance Including Hurricane Isabel |
2416 | Coastal Protection against Wind-Wave Induced Erosion Using Soft and Porous Structures: A Case Study at Lake Biel, Switzerland |
2426 | Physical Processes Study of Goldsmith Inlet, New York |
2440 | Dredging Design of Navigation Channel Deepening Works Using a Morphological Model in Barranquilla, Columbia |
2453 | Beach Renourishment through Spoil Disposal Downdrift of a Dredged Entrance Channel |
2467 | Desktop Methodology for Estimating Maintenance Dredging Requirements for Widened and Deepened Navigation Channels |
2477 | A Mass-Balance, Control-Volume Approach for Estimating Vertical Sediment Flux and Settling Velocity within Dredge Plumes |
2489 | What Does “Physical Regeneration” of Marine Aggregate Dredging Sites Mean? |
2497 | Beach Nourishment and Structures Performance of Beach Fill and Nearshore Breakwaters at East Ocean View Beach, Norfolk, VA |
2513 | Assessing Fill Compatibility through Project Performance Evaluation |
2527 | Coastal Structure Design for Shore Protection and Sand Retention: Practical Aspects |
2541 | Quantitative Evaluation of Controlling Effect of Headland on Longshore Sand Transport Using Model for Predicting Changes in Contour Lines and Grain Size |
2555 | Evaluation of Controlling Effect of Sand Transport by Detached Breakwaters Built on Dynamically Stable Beach |
2568 | Seafloor Mapping Geologic Characterization of Offshore of Shelf Areas Using usSEABED for GIS Mapping, Modeling Processes and Assessing Marine Sand and Gravel Resources |
2582 | USGS Advances in Integrated, High-Resolution Sea-Floor Mapping: Inner Continental Shelf to Estuaries |
2596 | A Rapid Compatibility Analysis of Potential Offshore Sand Sources for Beaches of the Santa Barbara Littoral Cell |
2610 | Presence of Beach-Compatible Sediments in Offshore Borrows: New Challenges and Trade Offs in Developing Codifications |
2624 | Indexes Subject Index A B C D E F |
2625 | G H I J L M N O P R |
2626 | S T U V W |
2628 | Author Index A B C D |
2629 | E F G H |
2630 | I J K L M |
2631 | N O P Q R |
2632 | S T U V |
2633 | W Y Z |