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ASCE 9780784410363 2009


World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009

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ASCE 2009 6733
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This collection contains 663 papers presented at the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, held in Kansas City, Missouri, May 17-21, 2009.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
5 Table of Contents
58 11th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium (WDSA 09)
Asset Management
Bursts Identification in Water Distribution Systems
66 Damage Detection of Operating Transmission Mains with Measured Boundary Conditions
77 Evaluating Risk of Multi-Segment Pipes for Prioritizing Pipe Rehabilitation
88 Water Distribution Systems Corrective Maintenance Supported by Real-Time Use of Hydraulic Models
99 Water Price Forecasting Method Based on Marginal-Cost Theory: A Case Study in China
109 Field Work
Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Treatment Plant Design and Operation
118 Axial Dispersion Coefficients for Laminar Flows in Water Distribution Systems
128 Case Study: Homeowner’s Preference Trade-Offs toward Plumbing Systems in Pipe Failure Prone Area
136 Field-Scale Assessment of a Multispecies Water Quality System: A Chloramination Study
150 Pressure vs. Flow Relationship for Pipe Leaks
160 Seoul (Korea) Online Water Quality Monitoring of Drinking Water
169 Hydraulic Transients and Biofilms
Air/Vacuum Valve Breakage Caused by Pressure Surges – Analysis and Solution
179 The Impact of Biofilm Development on Pipe Roughness and Velocity Profile
192 In-Line Partially Closed Valves: How to Detect by Transient Tests
202 Simple Model of Attachment and Detachment of Pathogens in Water Distribution System Biofilms
215 Network Modeling 1
Impact of Storage Tanks on Energy Consumption in Municipal Water Distribution Systems
222 Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Network Using Harmony Search
231 Integrated Hydraulic Analysis and Data Management Tool for Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries
244 The Impacts of Demand Variability on Distribution System Hydraulics and Transport
256 Network Modeling 2
Augmented Gradient Method for Head Dependent Modelling of Water Distribution Networks
266 Enhanced Global Gradient Algorithm: A General Formulation
276 Enhanced WDN Analysis: Representation of Actual Pipe Connections
285 Identification of the Hydraulic Model from Operational Measurements for Supervisory Pressure Control
295 Network Modeling 3
An Operative Approach to Water Distribution System Rehabilitation
308 Calibration of Water Distribution Network Models as a Tool for Detecting Missing and Erroneous Cadastral and Hydraulic Information
321 Integrated Planning for Dual Distribution Systems
329 Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems Using Graph Decomposition
340 Network Modeling 4
A Framework for Alternative Formulations of the Pipe Network Equations
352 Inexpensive Modeling of Intermittent Service Water Distribution Networks
362 Operational Perspective of the Impact of Failures in Water Distribution Systems
372 Network Monitoring and Sampling
New Concepts for Meter Placement in Water Distribution Systems for Demand Estimation
380 Online Hydraulic State Prediction for Water Distribution Systems
403 Sampling of Residential Water Use for Leak Control via Water Budgets
413 Smart Pipe—Nanosensors for Monitoring Water Quantity and Quality in Public Water Systems
421 Network Optimization 1
An Approach for Integrated Optimization of Wastewater, Recycled, and Potable Water Networks
432 Application of Optimization Technology to Water Distribution System Master Planning
442 Industrial Distribution System Simulation for Optimal Water Resource Assignment Using Probabilistic Tabu Search
452 Optimal Pump Scheduling by Linear Programming
462 Network Optimization 2
An Integrated Approach for Distribution System Hydraulic Criticality and Emergency Response
471 Decision Making under Information Constraints
480 Optimal Distribution of Pressure Measurement Points in Water Distribution Networks
487 Scalable Parallel Computing Framework for Pump Scheduling Optimization
498 Network Security 1
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation Approach to Hazards Mitigation Design for Water Distribution Systems
508 Multi-Objective Sensor Placements with Improved Water Quality Models in a Network with Multiple Junctions
517 Robust Sensor Placement for Detecting Adversarial Contaminations in Water Distribution Systems
527 Sensor Network Design and Performance in Water Systems Dominated by Multi-Story Buildings
541 Network Security 2
Comparative Evaluation of Two Algorithms for Locating Contaminant Ingress Points
552 Comparison of Pressures Simulated Using Transient Analysis with Field Data from a Full-Scale Distribution System
561 Effects of Redesign of Water Systems for Security and Water Quality Factors
572 Propagation of Chlorine Demand Signals Induced by Microbial Contaminants in a Drinking Water Distribution System
582 Network Security 3
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Implementation of Bayesian Contaminant Source Characterization in Water Distribution Systems under Stochastic Demands
593 Conditioned Backward Probability Modeling to Identify Contamination Sources in a Water Distribution System
601 Real-Time Implementation of Contamination Source Identification Method for Water Distribution Systems
611 Threat Perceptions and Risk Management in Urban Water Supply Schemes
622 Network Security 4
Getting More from Your Investment Using Water Security Monitoring Technology for Everyday Operations
632 Modeling a Hydraulic Response to a Contamination Event
641 Novel, Rapid Molecular-Based Technique for Detecting Contamination in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
647 Trajectory Clustering Approach for Reducing Water Quality Event False Alarms
657 Network Water Quality Analysis 1
Comparing Single- and Multi-Species Water Quality Modeling Approaches for Assessing Contamination Exposure in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
671 Real-Time Valve Operation for Water Quality Improvement in Water Distribution Systems
678 Simulation of Particle Transport in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
692 WDS Water Quality Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty
702 Network Water Quality Analysis 2
A Hybrid Heuristic Search Approach for Contaminant Source Characterization
712 Analysis of Model Sensitivity and Uncertainty for Chlorine Transport and Decay in a Water Distribution System
723 Characterizing Reactive Contaminant Sources in a Water Distribution System
729 Low Pressure Propagation at Service Lines
738 North American Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment
Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment: The National Research Council of Canada Perspective
751 National Mains Failure Database Project
757 Needs and Trends of the Nation’s Water Infrastructure—The Utility Perspective
766 Water Usage
Combined Energy and Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems
776 Design of Dual Water Supply Systems
784 Modeling Domestic Water Demand on a Suburb Level
791 Preliminary Spatial-Temporal Statistical Analysis of Hourly Water Demand at Household Level
806 6th Urban Watershed Management Symposium
10,000 Rain Gardens, One Green Region
812 A Level Spreader—Vegetated Buffer System for Urban Stormwater Management
822 A New Methodology to Evaluate Pollutant Removal of Gross Solids Separation Devices
829 A Simplified Model of Combined Sewer Overflows to Estimate Event Driven Enteric Pathogen Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources
839 Source Control: The Solution to Stormwater Pollution
848 A Student-Led Effort to Assess the Effect of Urban Runoff on Potter Lake
856 A Tool for the Performance Assessment of Hydrodynamic Separators
864 Accurate Sampling of Suspended Solids
871 An Evaluation of Stormwater Wetlands in Series
881 An Innovative Approach for Modeling Large Urban Hydrologic Systems
897 Analysis of Bioretention Media Specifications and Relationships to Overall Performance
906 Analyzing the Impacts of a Retrofit Detention Basin Flow Control Strategy on Biodiversity in an Urban Stream System
913 Are Rational C Values Too Low?
921 Assessing Hydrodynamic Separators under High Water Flow Conditions
932 Assessment of Standard Sumps for Stormwater Treatment
942 Bayesian Load Duration Curves for Bacterial Total Maximum Daily Loads: Urban Case Study
961 Bioretention/Bioinfiltration Performance in the Mid-Atlantic
971 Breaking Down the Barriers to Low Impact Development in Colorado
981 Challenges in Attaining Recreational Stream Standards for Bacteria: Setting Realistic Expectations for Management Policies and BMPs
991 Characterizing Water Inputs to Catchments in the Santa Monica Mountains with δ180 and δD
999 Clark County Regional Flood Control District Arc Hydro (CCRFCD Arc Hydro): Toward Ongoing Stormwater Master Planning
1007 Codorus Creek Restoration—A Case Study for the Chesapeake Bay
1014 Combining GIS, BMP Performance, and Strategic Planning to Support Water Quality Implementation Planning
1028 Considerations, Opportunities, and Strategies for Infiltration Stormwater BMPs
1038 Construction and Performance of Bioretention Cells
1048 Cost Estimating Tools for Low-Impact Development Best Management Practices
1061 Data Reporting Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs: Part II
1067 Design of Integrated Bioinfiltration-Detention Urban Retrofits with Continuous Simulation Methods
1077 Design Optimization of Hydrodynamic Separators
1084 Developing a Water Budget for a Constructed Stormwater Wetland
1094 Effects of Media Depth on Bioretention Performance in the Upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina and Bioretention Construction Impacts Study
1104 Engineered Waste Materials as Amendments to Prevent Erosion and to Stabilize Contaminated Sites
1112 Enhancing Rain Garden Design to Promote Nitrate Removal
1123 EPA Aging Water Infrastructure Research Program: State of the Technology for the Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems
1130 Evaluation and Optimization of Distributed Stormwater Controls in Spreadsheet
1140 Evaluation of Atriplx Shrubs Growth in Semi Arid Area
1149 Evolutionary Optimization of Combined Sewer Overflow Control
1162 Examination of Pervious Concrete and Porous Asphalt Pavements Performance for Stormwater Management in Northern Climates
1180 Field Evaluation of Indicator Bacteria Removal by Stormwater BMPs in North Carolina
1190 Field Testing Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs: Part II
1200 From Grey to Green: Strategies and Concepts for Implementing Green CSO and Wet Weather Solutions
1229 Generalized Storage-Reliability-Yield Equations for Rainwater Harvesting Systems
1239 How the Heart of America is Goin’ Green to Solve Water and Sewer Issues
1246 Graywater Irrigation as a Means to Meet Water Demands in Arid Regions
1256 HCFCD M3 System: Maximizing and Maintaining Local Investments in Floodplain Modeling
1266 Hydrologic Footprint Residence: A New Metric to Assess Hydrological Alterations Due to Urbanization
1274 Hypothesis-Based Flow Monitoring for Green Solutions
1278 Impact of Wet-Weather Peak Flow Blending on Disinfection Performance
1295 Improving Hydrologic Sustainability of Texas A&M University Campus
1305 An Investigation of Infiltration in a Constructed Stormwater Wetland and Implications for Groundwater Quality
1316 Integration of Low Impact Development Studies into the International Stormwater BMP Database
1326 Kansas City—Balancing Green Infrastructure with Traditional Approaches for CSO Control
1335 Kansas City, Missouri Overflow Control Plan Summary
1348 Kansas City’s Stream Setback Ordinance: A Case Study on the Benefits of Stream Buffers in Urban Areas
1357 KC-One: Comprehensive City-Wide Management Plan Creates Leading Stormwater Management Program
1366 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs
1371 Land Use and Runoff Uncertainty
1382 Linking Environmental Assessment and Solutions
1392 Long-Term Effectiveness of a Bioretention System Treating Road Runoff in Northeastern Kansas
1401 Looking Upstream and into the Watershed for the Big Picture of Stream Health
1411 LID-SWM Practices as a Means of Resilience to Climate Change and Its Effects on Groundwater Recharge
1421 Maintenance of Stormwater BMPs
1429 Modeling Performances of Detention Basins with Uncertainty Analysis
1439 Monitoring the Hydrologic Effects of an Extensive Green Roof
1457 Multiple Watershed Scales Approach for Placement of Best Management Practices in SUSTAIN
1467 Nexus Projects in Kansas City’s Suburban Watersheds
1488 Non-Point Source Nutrient Loading in an Urban Watershed
1497 Pervious Pavement System Evaluation
1505 Planning for Sustainable Growth and Water Resources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
1508 Pollutant Transport within the Vadose Zone: Interactions of Soil Horizon Chemistry on Water Quality
1517 Potential Data Analysis Methodology to Evaluate the Performance of Manufactured BMPs
1527 Proposed Scaling Relations for Manufactured Stormwater BMPs
1535 Rainwater Harvesting for Non-Potable Use in Gardens: A Comparison of Runoff Water Quality from Green vs. Traditional Roofs
1545 Redesigning Constructed Stormwater Wetlands: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Optimize Form and Function
1555 Research of Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance of Four Linear Wetlands in Eastern North Carolina
1562 Reservoir Sedimentation Estimation Using Genetic Programming Technique
1571 Sediment Monitoring Bias by Autosampler in Comparison with Whole Volume Sampling for Parking Lot Runoff
1580 Selecting Optimal Water Supply Options—A Regional Water Supply Case Study in the Upper Kissimmee Basin, FL
1592 Simplified Solution for Groundwater Mounding under Round Stormwater Infiltration Facilities
1609 South Lake Park Bioretention Gardens
1619 State of the Practice of Wet Weather Flow Analysis
1629 The Application of Environmental Site Design Processes to Design a Residential Subdivision
1639 Effect of Bioretention on Runoff Temperature in Trout Sensitive Regions
1646 The Lawrence Technological University Greenroof Performance Evaluation Project
1657 The Road to LID Plan Approval in Coastal North Carolina: Development of a Spreadsheet Modeling Tool for LID Based Designs
1667 The Runoff Reduction Method
1679 Unit Process Modeling of Stormwater Flow and Pollutant Sorption in a Bioretention Cell
1688 Use of the Basin Development Factor to Evaluate Urban Watershed Response
1698 Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties of the Permeable Friction Course
1708 Water Quality Design Storms for Stormwater Hydrodynamic Separators
1721 Water Sustainability Index: Application of CWSI for Ahwaz County
1728 Development of Watershed Management Modeling System: The Los Angeles County Flood Control District’s Watershed Based Approach for Urban Runoff and Stormwater Quality
1738 7th Symposium on Groundwater, Hydrology, Quality, and Management
Aquifer Characterization and Protection
Implementing Source Water Protection Programs in Texas
1746 Lithostratigraphy of Nigeria—An Overview
1754 Specific Problems Related to Partially Penetrating Wells in Confined Aquifers
1767 Tool for Estimation of Additional Drawdown Due to Partially Penetrating Wells in Confined and Semi-Confined Aquifers
1778 Groundwater Characterization and Monitoring
A Novel Approach to Groundwater Model Development
1787 Groundwater Mixing Using Pulsed Dipole Injection/Extraction Wells
1792 Groundwater Management and Its Uncertainty
A Critical Realization Identification Method Based on Pareto Dominance Analysis
1800 Combining Rule-Based Fuzzy Model with GIS to Predict Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination
1810 Evaluation of Alternative Geospatial Models Using Image Ranking and Machine Learning: An Application in Shallow Groundwater Recharge and Discharge
1814 Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept in the Field of Groundwater Management
1824 Projecting Future Groundwater Availability for Power Generation Plant Licensing
1834 Simulation of Subsurface Water Flow by Galerkin Finite Element Method in Dhaka City Aquifer
1844 Groundwater Quality and Human Health
A Methodology to Reconstruct Groundwater Contamination History with Limited Field Data
1851 A Tale of Two Cities—Source Water Protection Case Studies for Systems in Rural Settings
1861 Quantifying the Spread of Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater of the Brahmaputra Floodplains, Assam, India: A Threat to Public Health of the Region
1871 Vadose Zone Transport of Nitrate in the Sierra Pelona Groundwater Basin, Agua Dulce, California
1881 Groundwater Quality Modeling—Solute Transport and Reactive Transport
Exploring the Potential of Nonlinear and Non-Equilibrium Alcohol Partitioning for Assessment of DNAPL Source Zone Architecture
1890 Solute Flux Rate Uncertainty Evaluation at a Monitored Boundary
1899 An Analytical Solute Transport Model for In Situ Estimation of Retardation
1907 Assessing Postulated Accidental Releases of Radioactive Liquid Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants
1917 Modeling of Chlorinated VOCs Transport under Dual Bioreactions
1924 Reaction Rates in a Transport System with Both Kinetic and Equilibrium Reactions
1950 Impacts of Urbanization on Groundwater Quality and Quantity
Comparative Study of Two Standard Septic Tank Drain Fields Using Different Sand with Recirculation for Nutrient Removal
1964 Environmental Impacts on Surface Water and Groundwater for Expanding Urban Water Supply Capacity Using Stone Quarries
1976 Groundwater Baseflow Sourced from Miocene Rocks and Residuals Carries Elevated Selenium into Southern California
1986 Investigating the Temperature Effects on Nutrient Removal in Green Sorption Media
1996 Nutrient and Pathogen Removal with an Innovative Passive Underground Drainfield for On-Site Wastewater Treatment
2008 Selection and Prioritization of Best Management Practices for Potential Sources of Contamination in a Wellhead Protection Area
2017 Interaction of Stream and Groundwater and Integrated Management
Controlling Saltwater Intrusion to Environmental Sensitive Areas Due to the Construction of the Rio Anton Ruiz Flood Control Project
2028 Estimating Groundwater Seepages to St. Lucie Estuary
2047 Analytical-Numerical Solution for Seepage along an Earth Canal Disconnected from the Shallow Aquifer
2056 Hydrogeologic Investigation for New Water Supply for Water District No. 1 of Johnson County, Kansas
2063 Probabilistic Methods for Aquifer Parameter Estimation and Groundwater Modeling and Inverse Modeling
A Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Alignment and Matching of Borehole Stratigraphy
2071 Composite Analysis of Test-Well and Observation-Well Data during Constant-Head Test
2079 Wavelet Analysis of Characteristic Length Scales of Permeability in Stationary and Non-Stationary Porous Media
2088 Education and Research
Framing the Design Process in an Undergraduate Environmental Engineering Class
2091 Integrating Design Heuristics in an Environmental Engineering Course
2095 Non-Traditional University Research Partners That Facilitate Service Learning and Graduate Research for Sustainable Development
2106 Emerging and Innovative Technology
EIT Posters
A Decision Support System for Beneficial Use of National Dam Water Resources in Swaziland
2120 Assessment of Combined Hydroseeding and Coconet Reinforcement to Control Soil Erosion
2130 Designing Effective Rainfall Harvesting Systems in Developing Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
2142 Innovative Design at Lake Lenexa
2153 Production of Drinking Water from Lake Water Sources with a Nanofilter Membrane to Prevent the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts
2162 Rainwater Harvesting Experiences in the Humid Southeast USA
2169 Emerging and Innovative Technology in Wastewater Treatment
Deployable Decentralized Biofilm System to Degrade Organic Carbon, Nutrients and Benzene from Wastewater
2181 Development of Slow-Release Chemical Oxidation Methods for Environmental Remediation
2192 Peracetic Acid as an Alternative Disinfection Technology for Wet Weather Sewer Overflows
2202 Recycling of Multiple Waste Streams for Transportation Fuel Production via Algae Cultivation at Wastewater Treatment Plants
2212 Emerging and Innovative Technology in Water Treatment
Development of a Community Water Security Filtration System Using Composite Cartridges
2223 Evaluation of a UV/Ozone Treatment Process for Removal of MTBE in Groundwater Supplies in New Mexico
2230 Removal of Waterborne Particles by Electrofiltration
2239 Water Distribution Optimization: Taking SCADA One Step Forward
2248 Environmental Cyber-Sensing and Modeling I
ARC Population and Employment Allocation Disaggregator—A Simple GIS-Based Tool for Parcel-Scale Population Projection
2258 How to Build a Broadly Useable GIS Toolset for Estuary Analysis
2267 Predicting CSOs for Real Time Decision Support
2277 Protocol Considerations to Improve the Reliability of Data Collection in a Radio Telemetry System
2293 Visualizing Hydrologic Drought Information on the Web Using State-of-the-Art Geospatial Mapping Technology
2299 Environmental Cyber-Sensing and Modeling II
“Let It Rain”—Gage-Adjusted Radar Rainfall (GARR) Data for Peachtree Creek Sewer Basin Modeling
2312 Adaptive Long-Term Monitoring at BP Environmental Restoration Sites
2321 Application of Radio Frequency Tracers to Individual and Group Particle Displacement within a Laboratory
2329 Cost-Effective Automated Water Quality Monitoring Systems Providing High-Resolution Data in Near Real-Time
2339 South Florida Water Control System Tracker: Real-Time Water Budgeting for Pragmatic Water Control Operations
2349 Interdisciplinary Education Programs
Coordinating and Implementing a Graduate Course on Interdisciplinary Modeling for Water-Related Issues
2352 Experiences Teaching a Multi-Disciplinary Course
2357 Rural Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries
Water Resources in Sudan: Enhancing Rainfall Harvesting Methods for Water Supply
2368 Water Resources and Environmental Vision 2050
Environment and Water Resources in 2050: The Challenge for Engineering Education
2373 Environmental and Developmental Risks and Stressors Impacting a 2050 Vision
2383 Flood Risk Management circa 2050
2393 Urban Stormwater Management in 2050
2402 Urban Water and Wastewater Management in 2050
2412 Water Resources Disasters Waiting to Happen
Challenges of Managing California’s Sacramento—San Joaquin Delta
2422 Characterization of Water Resources and Environmental Disasters
2429 How Reliable is New York City’s Water Supply?
2433 Environmental
Environmental Modeling
Assessing Pollutant Loads and Evaluation of Treatment Systems to Achieve Water Quality Goals for Land Development Projects
2443 Characterization of a Perchlorate Contaminated Site
2454 Numerical Modeling of Ozonation of Organic Chemicals in Surface Water
2464 Simulation of Tehran Air Pollution Using Artificial Neural Networks
2475 Environmental Permitting
Distributed Power Generation at State Facilities: Economic Analysis of Savings and Carbon Credits
2484 Drive for Zero Net Carbon Impact
2491 Permitting of Confined Animal Feeding Operations: Issues and Challenges
2501 Environmental Sustainability
A Comparative Study of Water Quality Indices for Karun River
2510 Beyond Compliance and toward Sustainability: Advantages of Systems Environmental Engineering
2519 Environmental Impact of Coffee Processing Effluent on the Ecological Integrity of Rivers Found in Gomma Woreda of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia
2529 How to Save the Second Aral Sea?
2537 Environmental Track Poster Session
Air-Borne Heavy Metal Contamination to River Ganga (India)
2547 The Effect of Sewage Pollutant of Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company on Benthic Macofauna Community Using Biodiversity Indices and Bioindicators
2556 Landfills and Waste Treatment
Enzymatic Treatment of a Modified Food Processing Wastewater
2562 The Effect of Municipal Landfill Leachate on the Characterization of Fluid Flow through Clay
2577 Time Series Analysis of Performance Data from Closed Landfills to Forecast Post Closure Monitoring Needs
2587 Using Tracers to Derive Sediment Provenance after the Occurrence of a 500-Year Flood in a Midwestern Stream
2597 Nutrients in the Environment
Nitrification Inhibition by UVA Photocatalytic TiO2 Nanoparticles: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species on Nanotoxicity
2604 The Economic and Environmental Significance of Nonpoint Source Abatement in Large Watersheds
2614 The Nitrogen Budget of DRW in Northeastern China
2623 Wastewater Utilities: Are You Ready for Kansas’ Nutrient Removal Policy?
2632 Soil and Subsurface Remediation 1
Application of Biopile System for the Remediation of Petroleum-Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils
2642 Peroxidase-Mediated Stabilization of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in a Model Humin-Mineral Geomaterial
2647 pH Variation and Its Effect on Metal Concentration during Electrokinetics
2650 Pore-Scale Characterization of Residual Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) in Fractional Wettability Porous Media
2660 Soil and Subsurface Remediation 2
Addressing Contaminated Groundwater and Promoting Environmental Stewardship in Wichita, Kansas—The Gilbert and Mosley Project Story
2670 Use of In-Planta Solid Phase Sampling Devices to Delineate VOC Plumes
2677 Soil and Subsurface Remediation 3
Application of a Mass Balance-Based Subsurface Contaminant Transport Model
2687 Association of PAHs with Size Fractionated Sediment Particles
2697 Sorption and Desorption of Testosterone in Agricultural Soils
2704 Wetland Mitigation and Water Management
A Study on Spatial Distribution of Water Quality and the Behavior of Do Concentration in Tidal Area of Urban Rivers
2714 Development of an Amphibian Biotic Index to Evaluate Wetland Health in Northern Missouri
2725 GIS-Based Landscape Parameters for Wetland Evaluation Related to Amphibian Health
2735 The Rush Creek Detention Facility: Planning a Permanent BMP in the Real World
2744 Hydraulics and Waterways
Bridge Scour
General Hydraulic Characteristics of an Open Channel with Narrow Path
2754 Mathematical Modeling of Bed—Topography Changes at Bridge Abutments
2762 Predicting Rock Scour in an Alluvial River with a One-Dimensional Model
2771 Predicting Rock Scour in an Alluvial River with a Two-Dimensional Model
2784 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics I
3D Numerical Modeling of John Day Lock Tainter Valves
2794 A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model for Flow in a Lock Filling System
2804 Challenges on Three-Dimensional Simulations of Free Surface Flow
2814 Comparison of the Princeton Ocean Model and the Regional Ocean Modeling System Hindcasts in the Delaware River and Bay
2829 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics II
A Process-Based Unsteady Model for Wave-Current-Morphodynamic Changes in Two-Dimensions
2845 Simulation of Multilayer Shallow Water Fluid Flow Using Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and High Performance Computing
2853 Two Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling of the Lower Skokomish River
2863 Using Computational Model ADH to Evaluate Relationship of Water Surface Elevation to Wing Dikes
2873 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics III
ADH = Fast and Stable 2D Finite Element Model
2880 Evaluation of Methods to Reduce Backflows from the Chicago Waterway System to Lake Michigan
2890 Modeling the Evolution of Incised Streams in Hammar Mesopotamian Marsh with Emphasis on the Contribution of Tidal Flow in the Filling Requirements
2900 Numerical Simulations of Coastal Floods and Morphological Changes Due to Sea Level Rise and Hazardous Storm
2910 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics IV
Comparison of HEC-RAS and InfoWorks RS: A Case Study in Grand Prairie, Texas
2920 Diversion of S-4 Basin Drainage from Lake Okeechobee: Hydraulic Modeling of Alternatives Using HEC-RAS
2930 New Floodplain Delineation Capabilities in HEC-RAS
2937 Transitioning NWS Operational Hydraulics Models from FLDWAV to HEC-RAS
2948 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics V
Numerical Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Downstream of Three Gorges Dam
2959 On a Two-Dimensional Temperature Model: Development and Verification
2973 Simulations of Aquaculture Dissolved Waste Transport and Mixing in Near-Coastal Waters
2981 The Importance of In-Stream Hydraulics in River Water Quality Models: Lessons from the Blackstone River
2990 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics VI
Inundation Mapping Using Hydraulic Models and GIS: Case Studies of Steady and Unsteady Models on the Tar River, NC
3000 Performance Evaluation of Articulated Concrete Matting (ACM) Spillway at Lake Odessa, Iowa
3008 The Development of a Neural-Based Biomarker Forecasting Tool for Classifying Recreational Water Quality
3016 Use of Hydraulic Modeling to Develop a Small Dam for the Geum River Reach in Sejong City
3027 Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics VII
An Efficient Solution for Water Supply Networks
3034 Comparison of Mean Flow and Turbulence around Experimental Spur Dike
3044 Measuring Discharge with ADCPs: Inferences from Synthetic Velocity Profiles
3053 Statistical Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Design Using Harmony Search
3064 Dam Operation, Management, and Safety I
Alternatives Study of Willwood Diversion Dam Siltation Removal in Wyoming, USA
3083 Managing Reservoir Discharge through Accurate Flow Measurement
3093 Numerical Modeling of Flushing Process in Dez Dam Reservoir by HR Wallingford Method
3100 Simulation Study for Minimizing Diurnal Variation of Flow in a Hydroelectric Project to Reduce Downstream Impact
3110 Dam Operation, Management, and Safety II
Optimal Design and Operation of Fuse-Gates Considering Water Loss Due to Gates Tilting
3118 The Effect of Step Height on Energy Dissipation in Stepped Spillways
3129 The Geneva Dam, IL, Hydraulic Roller Problem: Design of a Temporary Steep Riprap Ramp
3139 Eco-hydraulics
Fish Passage and Abundance around Grade Control Structures on Incised Streams
3149 Fish Passage Can Be Improved by Introducing Hydraulic Refuge: Can the Effects Be Quantified?
3164 Hydraulic Model Study of Canoe Chute and Fish Passage for the Chicago River North Branch Dam
3175 Some Findings on Effective Discharge Determination for Gravel Bed Rivers
3187 Eco-hydraulics Modeling
Expanded Method for Filtering Submerged Objects in Echosounder Data
3193 Numerical Simulation of Chemical Spills Using CCHE2D Model and Chemical Property Database
3206 One-Dimensional Modeling of Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems in Streams
3216 Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Habitat Unit Composition Modeling
3224 Eco-hydrology
Considering River-Scale Ecological Improvements within Flood Management Planning: The Lower Menomonee River Watercourse Status Report
3232 Developing Linkages between Biological Impairment and Stream Siltation: A Case Study in the Northern Great Plains Ecoregion
3243 The Effect of Natural Hydrological Disturbances (Defined from HSPF Simulated Hydrographs) on Trout Populations in Ungaged Streams of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
3253 Upper Mississippi River Basin Envirohydrologic Observatory
3263 Hydraulic Structure
A Comparison of Formed Suction Inlets for Flood Control Applications
3272 Case Study: Impact of Varying Mitered Suction Elbows on Large Wastewater Pumps
3279 In-Stream Structures for Habitat Restoration
Culvert Retrofit and Fish Passage: An Update
3291 Field Evaluation of Engineered Large Woody Debris for Structure Performance and Habitat Value
3301 Numerical Analysis of the Performance of Rock Weirs: Effects of Structure Configuration on Local Hydraulics
3313 Quantitative Evaluation of Rock Weir Field Performance
3324 Large River Habitats
A Digital Floc Camera for Nonintrusive Measurement of Floc Parameters
3330 Multi-Criteria Assessment of Pallid Sturgeon Habitat Restoration for the Missouri River
3346 River Bed Sediment Classification Using ADCP
3357 Large River Restoration
Environmental Aspects of Dredging: What About Air Quality?
3367 Integrating Fluvial Geomorphology and Two-Dimensional Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Modeling to Support Sustainable Design of Large River and Floodplain Improvements: The Trinity River Corridor Project, Dallas, Texas, USA
3376 Rehabilitation of the Middle Rio Grande near Bernalillo, New Mexico
3389 USACE River Ecosystem Restoration Planning: Lessons Learned from the Illinois River Study
3398 Modeling Dam Breach
A Depth-Averaged 2-D Model of Non-Cohesive Dam/Levee Breach Processes
3408 A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Dam Break Flows
3417 Comparison of Dam Breach Parameter Estimators
3427 Representation of Linear Terrain Features in a 2D Flood Model with Regular Cartesian Mesh
3437 Risk Uncertainty
Flood Risk Assessment of Complex Riverine Systems
3447 Optimal Design of Water Diversion System: A Case Study
3457 River Stabilization
Kansas River Bank Stabilization and Post-Project Conditions
3468 Adverse Effects of Flood Flow at Skewed Railroad Crossings
3476 Physical Modeling of River Spanning Rock Structures: Evaluating Interstitial Flow, Local Hydraulics, Downstream Scour Development, and Structure Stability
3489 Redesign and Rehabilitation of Railroad Bridges with Advanced Adverse Lateral Migration
3494 Sediment Transport Modeling I
A Direct Method for Determining Riprap Size for Erosion Protection in Rivers
3498 Modeling of Sediment Particle Deposition and Resuspension Processes Using a Stochastic Jump Diffusion Particle Tracking Model
3508 Numerical Model of Channel Meandering in the Middle Sacramento River
3519 One- and Two-Dimensional Modeling of Deep Gravel Mining in the Rio Salado
3528 Sediment Transport Modeling II
Effects of Gas Ebullition on Cohesive Sediment Resuspension and Cap Stability
3538 Empirical Equation for Abrasion of Stilling Basin Caused by Impact of Sediment
3548 Investigation of Land-Use Change and Hydrologic Forcing upon Streambank Erosion and In-Stream Sediment Processes Using a Watershed Model and Sediment Tracers
3564 Retrofitting Stormwater BMPs in a Supercritical Flow Regime: A Hydraulic Perspective
3574 Sedimentation I
Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport and Morphological Change of JiJi Weir Reservoir
3586 One-Dimensional Modeling of Sedimentation Processes on the Puyallup River
3596 Physical Experimentation and CFD Modeling to Evaluate Sediment Scour in Catchbasin Sumps
3606 Sedimentation Characteristics of the Lower Nakdong River Upstream of the Nakdong River Estuary Barrage
3619 Sedimentation II
Experimental Results on the Stability of Non-Cohesive Sediment Beds Subject to Vertical Pore Water Flux
3629 Suspended Sediment Concentration Measurements of Muddy Sediments with an ADV
3636 The Connectivity of Upland and Instream Processes
3646 Upstream Intrusion Effect of CSO Event in Bubbly Creek, IL
3657 Stream Restoration I
A Simple Analytical Design Method for Small Alluvial Channels
3666 Bankfull Discharge for Kansas Natural Alluvial Channel Design
3672 Sediment Load Based Single Thread Alluvial Channel Classification
3683 Using Watershed Scale Geomorphic Assessment to Improve Urban Stream Restoration Design
3693 Stream Restoration II
Habitat Restoration on the Middle Fork John Day River
3705 Hungry Canyons Alliance: Streambed Stabilization in Western Iowa
3715 Rehabilitation of Mine Impaired Creek in Idaho
3727 The Value of Protecting Ozark Streams: An Economic Evaluation of Stream Bank Stability for Phosphorus Reduction
3747 Stream Restoration III
Developing Probability of Failure Estimates for Stream Restoration Design Components
3756 Bedload Composition and Development of 2D Stream Sediment Model for Stream Restoration Design Applications in Urbanizing Watersheds
3764 Two-Dimensional BOD and DO Water Quality Model for Engineering Applications: The Case of Bubbly Creek in Chicago, Illinois
3779 Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Design Functions for Geomorphic Channel Design and Analysis
3789 Stream Restoration IV
A Monitoring and Assessment Framework to Evaluate Stream Restoration Needs in Urbanizing Watersheds
3800 Post Project Appraisal of Riparian, Wetland, and Aquatic Habitat Restoration at Best Slough, Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA
3810 Predicting Streambank Seepage Flows: Sensitivity to Soil Properties and Layering
3820 A Seepage Erosion Sediment Transport Function and Geometric Headcut Relationships for Predicting Seepage Erosion Undercutting
3830 International
Improving Hydrologic Prediction in Developing Countries
A Blueprint for Advancing Hydrologic Predictability in Developing Countries: A Case Study for the Nile River Basin
3839 Distributed Hydrologic Model for Flood Prevention in the Yuna River Water shed, Dominican Republic
3846 Evaluation of Land Use Land Cover Changes in Palleru (K-11) Sub Basin of River Krishna Using GIS and NDVI
3858 On the Local-Scale Spatial Variability of Daily Rainfall in the Highlands of the Blue Nile: Observational Evidence
3867 International Water Resources Planning and Management
Characteristics of Integrated Water Resource Management in the Zambezi River and Great Lakes Basins: A Comparison of Two Approaches
3877 Determining the Causes of Declining Upper Great Lakes Levels—Phase I of the International Upper Great Lakes Study by the St. Clair River Task Team
3884 Economic Sustainability Evaluation of an Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project Using GWP Statement
3892 Recent Developments in Water Policy in the Americas
3900 The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University of Zambia and the University of Michigan: Conception and Subsequent Implementation Goals
3910 Rural Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries
Environmental and Water Resources in Developing Countries: Development of Micro Irrigation Facility at Parsoda Village
3916 Feasibility Study for Implementing Renewable Energy to Power a Groundwater Pump in Rural Guatemala
3926 Drinking Water Field Analyses for the Detection and Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria in Rural Guatemalan Highlands
3934 Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Projects in Nicaragua
3944 Transboundary Water Issues
Framework for Improving Water Security in the Middle East
3954 A War for Water
3963 Water Resources in Jordan: Challenges and Accomplishments
3974 Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems in Developing Countries
Impacts of Mining in the Upper Zambezi River Basin: An Overview of the Zambian Copperbelt
3984 Improving the Water Quality of One of the World’s Great Lakes: Tai Lake Case Study of Environmental Responsibility in the Developing World
3994 Investigating Aquatic Ecosystems of Small Lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
3998 Prediction of Thermal Stratification in Proposed Bakhtyari Reservoir with CE-QUAL-W2
4006 Irrigation and Drainage
Crop Production and Water Balance
Physiological and Yield Response of Green Bell Pepper to Soil Moisture Sensor Controlled Drip Irrigation
4016 Water Production Functions for High Plains Crops
4025 Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity of Different Media Used for Containerized Agriculture Systems
4036 Water Use and Evapotranspiration Coefficients for Camelina Sativa
4046 Current Irrigation Scheduling Advisory Systems 1
Irrigation Scheduling for Deficit Irrigation
4055 The Arkansas Irrigation Scheduler
4065 The Next Generation of Irrigation Management Programs
4074 Woodruff Irrigation Charts
4083 Current Irrigation Scheduling Advisory Systems 2
A Web-Based Advisory Service for Optimum Irrigation Management
4093 Estimating Crop Coefficients from Fraction of Ground Cover and Height
4108 Manure Application to Soybeans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
4115 On-Line Irrigation Scheduling within the Belle Fourche Irrigation District
4125 Drainage Infrastructure and Nonpoint Sources
Agricultural Drainage Management Systems Task Force (ADMSTF)
4135 Denitrifying Bioreactors for Treatment of Tile Drainage
4145 Drainage Main Rehabilitation in Iowa
4150 ET in Water Rights and Water Transfers 1
Alfalfa Reference ET from a Weighing Lysimeter and Estimates from the ASCE Standardized Reference ET Equation in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado
4159 ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Alfalfa Reference ET and Crop ET Estimates for Arkansas River Compact Compliance in Colorado
4173 Interstate Collaboration in the Arkansas River Compact Compliance Process: The “Nuts and Bolts” of Developing PET for Canal Service Areas for Input to the H-I Model
4186 Overview of Development and Use of Crop ET Estimates with Hydrological Models for Interstate Compacts
4198 ET in Water Rights and Water Transfers 2
Adjusting Wind Speed Measured over Variable Height Alfalfa for Use in the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation
4215 Estimation of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration during Nongrowing Seasons Using a Dual Crop Coefficient
4229 Evapotranspiration and Net Irrigation Water Requirements for Nevada
4244 Integrated Water Management in an Ancestral Water Scheme in a Mountainous Area of Southern Spain
4253 ET Measurement and Calculation
Comparison of Sensible Heat Flux Measurements by a Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Correlation Methods
4261 Mid-Summer Deficit Irrigation of Alfalfa as a Strategy for Saving Water
4268 Recursive and Explicit Combination Methods for Calculating Reference Evapotranspiration
4278 Some Results of Evapotranspiration Measured by Three Weighing Lysimeters in La Mancha, Spain
4288 Irrigation and Drainage Issues
Application of SIRMOD to Evaluate Potential Tailwater Reduction from Improved Irrigation Management
4299 Evaluation of Magnetic Meters for Irrigation Pipeline Measurement
4307 Increasing Field Work Productivity in Irrigation Evaluation Processes through the Use of Combined Irrigation Models
4320 Neighborhood Channel is Redefined with Boulder Armoring
4329 Landscape Irrigation Scheduling and Water Management
Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Efficiency and Adequacy by Various Control Technologies Compared to Theoretical Irrigation Requirement
4348 Irrigation Rain Sensors Accuracy
4359 Preliminary Results for Bench Testing of Evapotranspiration-Based Irrigation Controllers in Florida
4370 The Use of Soil-Water Sensors in Turf Irrigation Control—How Effective Are They?
4377 Evapotranspiration
Application of SVMs Algorithms for Prediction of Evaporation in Reservoirs
4387 Controlled Drainage Effects on Crop Yield and Water Use Efficiency under Semi-Arid Conditions of Iran
4395 Estimation of Regional Reference Evapotranspiration from Land Surface Temperature and Co-Kriging Method at Tehran Province, Iran
4404 Remote Sensing of ET 1
Comparison of Evapotranspiration Estimates from Remote Sensing (SEBAL), Water Balance, and Crop Coefficient Approaches
4419 Independent Comparisons among Calibration and Output of Energy Balance Components Estimated by the METRIC Procedure
4429 Measuring Soil Moisture in a Heterogeneous Field
4439 Performance Evaluation of Soil Heat Flux Models in Great Plains
4449 Remote Sensing of ET 2
Application of Remote Sensing Based Tillage Mapping Technique to Evaluate Water Quality Impacts of Tillage Management Decisions in Upper White River Basin
4457 Automated Selection of Anchor Pixels for Landsat Based Evapotranspiration Estimation
4468 Mapping ET at High Resolution in an Advective Semi-Arid Environment with Airborne Multispectral Imagery
4479 Local Issues—Kansas City Regional Topics
Brentwood Stream Restoration Project – Lenexa, Kansas
4487 Golden Eagle—Brown County, Kansas: Emergency Streambank Stabilization
4500 Hutchinson, KS—4th and Carey Groundwater Remediation and Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Facility Project
4510 Hutchinson, KS—4th and Carey Site Groundwater and Source Control Measures at Two Grain Elevators
4520 Impacts of Biota on Bioretention Cell Performance during Establishment in the Midwest
4533 Importance of Levees in the Kansas City Area
4548 Kansas City, Missouri Wet Weather Solutions Program: A Twelve Step Program
4555 Kansas City, MO Overflow Control Program: Line Creek/Rock Creek Sanitary Sewer Study
4566 Lake Winnebago Dam Relocation Project
4576 Zona Rosa and Rush Creek Conservation Area—Applied Ecology in a Mixed-Use Development
4583 Modeling Impacts of Conventional and Low Impact Stormwater Controls on Receiving Streams
4593 Potable Water from a Superfund Site?
4603 Riveside-Quindaro Bend Levee (L-385) on the Missouri River: The Essential Role of O&M and Documentation
4613 Protecting Infrastructure: Emergency Streambank Stabilization
4628 The Impact of Smaller Detention Basins on Flood Hazard Areas in Lenexa, Kansas
4638 Water Quality of Streams in Johnson County, Kansas, 2002-07
4647 Water-Quality Assessment of the Largely Urban Blue River Basin, Metropolitan Kansas City, USA, 1998 to 2007
4656 Planning and Management
A Bayesian Framework for Cost Effective Management of Sediment Reduction in the Minnesota River Basin
4665 A Decentralized Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Agent System Based Watershed Management
4673 A Decision Support System for Water Resources Planning and Management for the North Slope of Alaska
4680 A Framework for Determining the Possible Impacts of a Changing Climate on Water Supply
4691 A GIS-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Evaluation of Environmental Justice Impacts of Community Infrastructure Projects
4701 A Pragmatic Cycle for Ongoing Water Resources Research and Management
4711 A Spatio-Temporal Drought Analysis for the Midwestern US
4721 Agent Based Models for Simulation of Watersharing in a River Basin
4731 Analysis on Effect to EVW from Policy Intervention
4736 Application of Genetic Algorithms for Estimation of Flood Routing Model Parameters
4746 Application of Multi-Objective Differential Evolution Algorithm (MDEA) to Irrigation Planning
4756 Assessing Potential Implications of Climate Change for Long-Term Water Resources Planning in the Lower Colorado River Basin
4765 Asymptotic Variance of Regional Growth Curve for Generalized Logistic Distribution
4774 Balancing the Budget: A Limited Detail Approach to Flood Studies
4784 Climate Flow Forecast Model for the Brazilian Hydropower System
4793 Collaborative Groundwater Model Development
4796 Communicating Drought Severity and Re-Evaluating Firm Yield—Cumberland County, Tennessee As a Case Study
4806 Computer-Aided System for Managing, Controlling, and Analyzing Data from Hydroelectric Plants
4815 Copula Approach for Reducing Uncertainty in Design Flood Estimates in Insufficient Data Situations
4829 Deriving Rule Curve for Hydropower Reservoirs: Seymareh Experience
4839 Detection of Streamflow Trends and Variability in Karun River, Iran as Parts of Climate Change and Climate Variability
4851 Developing Artificial Neural Networks to Represent Salinity Intrusions in the Delta
4861 Developing Best Practices for Computer Aided Dispute Resolution
4866 Development of a Fuzzy Based Pipe Condition Assessment Model Using PROMETHEE
4876 Development of Regression Models to Estimate Flow Duration Statistics at Ungaged Streams in Oklahoma Using a Regional Approach
4889 Development of Sustainable Water Supply Scheme in Reservoir Operation: Case Study
4897 Developments on Stochastic Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMS 2009)
4907 Does Collaborative Modeling Lead to Better Management of Our Water Resources?
4911 Flow Augmentation for Dissolved Oxygen Improvement in Chicago Waterways
4921 Examining the Flow Regime Alteration and Its Potential Impacts to Freshwater Ecosystems under Changing Climate Conditions
4932 FEMA Flood Map Accuracy
4942 Generating Different Scenarios of BMP Designs in a Watershed Scale by Combining NSGA-II with SWAT
4951 Hardening a Great and Growing City’s Water Supply
4962 High Resolution Radar Precipitation Evaluation
4974 Hydrologic Modeling for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources of the Rio Conchos Basin
4984 Hydrological Feasibility of Environmental Flows in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
4995 Impacts of the Upstream Storage Reservoirs on Itaipu Hydropower Plant Operation
5004 Inflow Forecasting for Real-Time Reservoir Operation Using Artificial Neural Network
5013 Integrated Management of a Finite Water Supply in the Desert
5022 Long-Lead Forecasting of Monthly Rainfall Using Large Scale Climate Signals and Statistical Disaggregation Models
5032 Looking for a Solution—Joint Front Range Climate Change Vulnerability Study
5040 Managing Salinity in the Upper Santa Clara River System of California
5050 Modeling Techniques to Incorporate Low Impact Development Features into Detention Analyses
5060 MOPSO in Multipurpose Operation of Single-Reservoir System
5069 Multi-Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty in Rainfall-Runoff Calibration: A Fuzzy Compromise Programming Approach Based on Alpha Level Sets
5079 Multiobjective Differential Evolution and Differential Evolution for Irrigation Planning
5087 Multireservoir Simulation Using Multipurpose Constraints and Object-Oriented Software Design
5098 Nonlinear Dependence in Hydrologic Time Series
5108 Paleo Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Upper Colorado River Basin Streamflow
5118 Planning for Climate Change
5124 Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts Based on Hydrologic Persistence in Central Texas
5134 Providing a Physical Basis for Statistical Homogeneity in Regional Frequency Analyses
5144 Reducing Uncertainty of Continuous Streamflow Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) Using Regional Constraints: Using Regional Constraints for PUB
5154 San Joaquin River Restoration Program Monitoring and Management Plans
5164 Selection of Overflow Control Strategies for the Austin Clean Water Program
5172 Spatial Evolutionary Algorithms for Characterizing Large-Scale Spatial Groundwater-Vegetation Dynamics in Arid Region
5182 Study on the Water Value Conversion between Economy and Ecology and Countermeasures of Water Resources Distribution for Coordinated Development of Economy and Ecology
5194 The Implications of Discretizing Continuous Random Variables: An Example Using the U.S. Geological Survey Reporting Standards for Streamflow Data
5200 Uncertainty Analysis: You Need to Know What You Don’t Know
5210 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Models with Calibrated Parameters
5220 Vulnerability of the Hydraulic Resources of the River Basin of the San Juan-Brave River with the Global Climatic Change
5230 Water Demand Forecasting for the City of the Future against the Uncertainties and the Global Change Pressures: Case of Birmingham
5245 Water Quality Effects of Varying Crop, Fertilizer, and Carbon Prices
5249 Water Resources Planning under Non-Stationary Hydroclimate in a Snow Dominant Watershed
5259 Water Supply and Energy Generation
5269 Watershed Management in the Indian Himalayan Region: Issues and Challenges
5281 Whatever It Takes: From Water Availability Model to Cost of Water
5294 Student and New Professionals
Student Author Competition Winners
Current Water Management Practices and the Effects of Climate Change on the Colorado River Basin
5303 Does Polymer Have an Effect on Bacterial Regrowth in Anaerobically Digested Biosolids?
5310 Effect of Acid Mine Drainage on Aluminum Release from Clay Minerals
5318 Sensitivity Analysis of HEC-HMS Hydrologic Model to the Number of Sub-Basins: Case Study
5327 Study of Low Dosage Pre-Ozonation on Sand Filtration Efficiency
5334 The Dubai Palms: Construction and Environmental Consequences
5340 Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Retrofitting Stormwater BMPs
Developing Green Streets Prototypes to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows for Cincinnati, Ohio
5350 Implementation and Performance of Stormwater Best Management Practice Retrofits in Wilmington, NC
5360 Modeling Stormwater Basins for Potential Retrofit Designs
5370 Stormwater Infiltration Retrofits: Experience Gained through Long Term Monitoring
Stormwater Research I
5378 A Tool for Determining Effectiveness and Whole Life Costs of BMPs
5391 Controlled Full-Scale Field Testing of an Up-Flow Filtration Device
5400 The Observed Effects of Stormwater Infiltration on Groundwater
5410 Water Quality Assessed by Benthic Macro-Invertebrates: Proposing the WQABI Method
5421 Stormwater Research II
A Robust and Fast Model for Simulating Street Flooding
5431 Evaluating the Mixing Mechanism of Outfall Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems
5437 Physical Processes Resulting in Geyser Formation in Rapidly Filling Stormwater Tunnels
5447 The “Silver Bullet”: Proprietary BMPs and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District’s Stormwater Program
5456 Security Enhancements in Water and Wastewater Utilities 1
Survey of Water and Wastewater Utility Security Standards
5462 Security Enhancements in Water and Wastewater Utilities 2
Advances in Data Validation, Event Detection, and Communications Structures for a CWS: Case Study—Glendale, Arizona
5468 Implementing a Contamination Warning System at a Department of Defense Facility: Case Study—Port Hueneme, California
5475 Concentrate Management in Desalination I
Concentrate Management and Disposal Practices in Australia
5485 Desalination of Brackish Groundwater and Deep Well Injection of Concentrate in El Paso, Texas
5494 Membrane Treatment of Rio Grande Water for Municipal Water Production during the Non-Irrigation Season
5504 Synopsis of National Research Council’s Report on Desalination
5512 Concentrate Management in Desalination 2
Cost Comparison of Membrane Treatment and Concentrate Management Practices at Drinking Water Treatment Plants in Florida
5519 Desalination Concentrate: Bay vs. Ocean
5529 Future Water Supply Desalination Technology: Forward Osmosis Co-Located with Power Generation
5535 New Strategies for Managing Desalination Concentrate with Zero Liquid Discharge from Two WRF Research Projects
5545 Water. Wastewater, and Stormwater Topics
A Mobile Emergency Drinking Water System Powered by Renewable Energy
5555 Adding Value to Sanitary Sewers—An Important Asset of Municipalities
5566 Ecosystem Services Approach to Public Facility Planning
5576 An Evaluation of Graywater Reuse Utilizing a Constructed Wetland Treatment System
5586 Application of Enhanced Methods of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater
5595 Bench-Scale Ozonation of Raw Industrial and Municipal Wastewater
5607 Biological Nutrient Removal from On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems Using a Membrane Aerated Bioreactor
5614 Boundary Conditions for Simulating Complex Storm-Sewer Systems in Free Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Flow Conditions
5625 City of St. Louis Permeable Pavement Alley Pilot Study
5634 Competing Risks and the Development of Adaptive Management Plans for Water Resources: Field Reconnaissance Investigation of Risks to Fishes and Other Aquatic Biota Exposed to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Lake Mead, Nevada, USA
5659 Construction of a Low-Flow Channel in Barber Creek: Case Study in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
5669 Decentralized Anaerobic Treatment of Blackwater: A Sustainable Development Technology Concept for Urban Water Management
5681 Development of a National GIS Database for Municipal Water and Wastewater Pipe Infrastructure System
5691 Engineering Natural Filtration Systems to Remove Selenium, Nitrate, and Bacteria from Impaired Surface Waters—Foundational Studies
5704 Extension of an LA-QUAL Model for Evaluating a Proposed Wastewater Discharge to Realistic Receiving Water Temperature and Flow Conditions
5719 Gray Water and Treated Effluent Reuse
5729 Green Alternatives to Channel Stabilization
5735 Hydraulic Modeling and Engineering Evaluation of Fort Myers Beach’s Water Distribution System
5747 Innovative Strategies Alleviate Water Stress in South East Queensland, Australia
5755 Multi-Objective Design of Transient Network Models
5765 Municipal Water Systems in the Columbia River Basin: A Portfolio Management Approach for Multiple Benefits
5774 Reliability Based Design of Water Distribution Network (WDN) Considering the Reliability of Nodal Pressures
5783 Removal of Selenium and Nitrate from Surface Waters Using a Subsurface Microbial Filter
5791 Research and Application of Activated Sludge Models
5799 Risk Assessment to the Environment Due to Anionic Surfactants in Treated Sewages and Dried Sludges
5810 Riverbank Filtration for Water Supply: Indian Experience
5819 Sustainable Design and Construction of Earthen-Dam Reservoirs for Water Produced in Association with Coalbed Natural Gas in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
5829 Sustainable Development of Agriculture: Urban Waste Water a Viable Mean for Irrigation
5857 Treatment Performance of Wastewater Lagoons in South Yungas Province of Bolivia
5869 Understanding and Controlling Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors
5875 Using Media Filters in a Distributed Wastewater System Serving an Ecotourism-Oriented Development
5885 Water Treatment Industry Course Correction
5890 Watershed
Debris Flow Hazard Analysis and Modeling
Associated Disasters to the Debris Flows
5902 Experimental Analyses of Sedimentation in the Slit Dam Reservoir
5914 Great Rivers of the World
Geochemistry of Yukon and Copper River Tributaries, Alaska
5921 The Hydrology of the Congo River Basin: A GIS-Based Hydrological Water Balance Model
5937 Preliminary Assessment of Planform Change at Low Flows with Vegetation Expansion: Platte River, Nebraska
5947 Sediment Management for Shallow Water Habitat Creation on the Missouri River
5953 Hydrologic Monitoring Network
Design of Solar Radiation Sensor Network Using Geo-Statistical Methods
5963 EPM Approach for Erosion Modeling by Using RS and GIS
5971 Evaluation of Improvised Spatial Interpolation Methods for Infilling Missing Precipitation Records
5981 Quantifying Uncertainty in Discharge Measurements: A New Approach
5989 Land Use/Cover Changes and Water Quality/Quantity
Assessment of Lumped, Quasi-Distributed and Distributed Hydrologic Models of the US Army Corps of Engineers
6000 Change in Surface Hydrology Due to Land Use Change in a Midwestern Watershed
6010 Do Upland Soil Conservation Measures Reduce Watershed Sediment Yield?
6018 Human Impact on the Mobilization of a Naturally-Occurring Source of Selenium in an Urbanizing Catchment
6028 Long Term Effect of a Stream Restoration Plan on Water Quality
6038 Measurement of Velocity and Discharge of a Stream Using a New Floating Rod Equipped with a GPS Receiver
6047 Prediction of Nitrate Concentration in Stream Water Based on Watershed Land Use and Stream Flow Rate
6057 Studying the Impact of Land Use/Cover Changes on the Water Quality of Weeks Bay, AL: Model vs. Regression
6067 Mississippi River Basin
Modeling the Hydrology and Hydraulics of the Cache River System
6077 The Mississippi River: A National Resource
6085 The Nature Conservancy’s Mississippi River Program: Sustainable Conservation of a Working River that Works
6089 Modeling Hydroclimate
Historical Reconstruction of Hydroclimatic Data Based on the Control Runs of GCMs over Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia
6097 Statistical Characteristics of Land Surface Properties for the Regional Hydroclimate Model
6106 Modeling Hydroclimate—Statistical Approaches
Modeling the Kinematic Wave Parameters with Regression Methods
6116 On the Use of Data Uncertainty in Hydro-Climatic Modeling: A Bayesian Approach
6126 NEXRAD Data Analysis
Adjustment of the Z-R Relationship in Real-Time for Use in South Florida
6138 Radar-Rainfall Analysis for Extreme August Storm in Sacramento
6149 Use of Lightning and Storms Life Cycle Information in Radar Rainfall Estimation
6160 Use of NEXRAD Rainfall Data to Develop Climatologically Homogenous Rain Areas for Central and South Florida
6171 NEXRAD Data Analysis and Application
Impacts of Different Rainfall Estimates on Hydrological Simulation and Satellite Rainfall Retrieval Error Propagation
6183 NEXRAD Data Application to Hydrologic Modeling
Application of NEXRAD for Freshwater Inflow Estimates to Texas Bays and Estuaries
6196 Distributed Hydrologic Modeling: From Research to Operational Forecasting
6206 Flash Flood Forecasting for Ungauged Locations with NEXRAD Precipitation Data, Threshold Frequencies, and a Distributed Hydrologic Model
6216 Gauge-Based Adjustment of Historical Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Fields and Resulting Effects on Hydrologic Simulations
6228 Prediction Tools in Watershed Management
Estimating Probability of Extreme Events
6237 Prediction of Changes in Soil Moisture Due to Rainfall, Infiltration, and Evapotranspiration Using a Physically-Based Model
6248 Reining in Log-Pearson Type III Flow-Frequency Estimates—Applying a Reasonable Bound through the Skew Parameter
6260 Understanding Water Quality Responses to Long-Term Acidic Deposition in a High-Elevation Southern Appalachian Watershed: A Focus on Soil Watershed Processes
6272 Probabilistic Approaches for Watershed Processes 1
Estimation of TMDLs and Margin of Safety under Conditions of Uncertainty
6282 Probable Maximum Precipitation for 24 Hour Duration over Four Central Provinces in Iran
6288 Regional Regression Analysis and the Rational Method
6296 Stochastic Non-Equilibrium Bedload Transport Model
6305 Probabilistic Approaches for Watershed Processes 2
Parameter Uncertainty Estimation of Hydrologic Models Using Bootstrap Resampling
6315 Optimization of Regional Stormwater Quality Control Systems Using Genetic Algorithms
6325 Statistical Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting: An Intercomparison and Evaluation of Current Forecasting Procedures
6335 Watershed Management 1
Analysis of Water Quality Trends and Pollutant Loading for Cypress Creek Watershed
6345 Assessment of the Capability of Hydrologic and Artificial Neural Network Models for Flood Warning System in Land Use Change Condition
6356 Estimating Groundwater Pumping and Return Flow Based on Hydrologic Recession Analysis
6366 Historical Changes in the Streamflow in Kansas Streams: Variation, Causes, and Implications
6376 Modeling Water Quality Impacts in Delaware’s Coastal Bays with AGNPS
6384 Parameterization of Seasonal Freshets for the Study of Effects of Freshwater Inflows on Galveston Bay
6394 Runoffs of the Xiangride and Qaidum Rivers in the Arid Qaidum Basin, Northwest China
6404 Watershed Management 2
Design and Implementation of Optimized Hydrologic Unit Watersheds for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
6414 Effects of Rainfall-Runoff on Soil Surface Roughness and Erosion Processes
6422 Hydrologic Modeling and Flood Frequency Analysis of the Sonora River Watershed in Sonora, Northwest Mexico
6432 Integrated Watershed Protection Plan and Management Strategy for the Calleguas Creek Watershed in Ventura County
6442 McCormick Place West Hall Conference Center Stormwater Reclamation Tunnel and “Green Roof” Helps Advance Chicago’s Clean Water Agenda
6452 Spatial Variation of Sediment Oxygen Demand in Athabasca River: Influence of Water Column Pollutants
6464 Watershed Management 3
A Comparison of a SWAT Model for the Cannonsville Watershed with and without Variable Source Area Hydrology
6469 Effective Management of Natural Resources under Dry Land Farming through Watershed Basis
6474 Evaluation of Uncertainties in the Simulation of Watershed Nutrient Load: A Case Study
6484 Modeling Framework for Establishing Water Quality Trading Units near Pacific, Missouri
6493 Statistical Evaluation of BMP Effectiveness in Reducing Nutrient Impairment in Mermentau and Vermilion-Teche River Basins
6503 Using “Big Data” to Optimally Model Hydrology and Water Quality across Expansive Regions
6518 Watershed Modeling 1
Application of Northeast Regional Climate Center Research Results for the Purpose of Evaluating and Updating Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves –Case Study: Rochester, New York
6527 Assessment of Flood Risk Due to Storm Surge in Coastal Bayous Using Dynamic Hydraulic Modeling
6537 Effects of Freezing and Thawing Processes on Bank Stability
6546 Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Modeling of Orange River Basin in Southwest Florida for Flood Mitigation/Ecosystem Restoration
6556 Spatially Distributed Modeling of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport at Watershed Scale
6566 The Role of the Clast Layer of Desert Pavement in Rainfall-Runoff Processes
6574 Watershed Models for Storm Water Management: Comparing Hydrologic and Hydraulic Procedures
6584 Water Subdivision for Modeling
6594 Wetlands
Integrated Watershed Modeling
6610 Understanding Uncertainties in Water Budget for Large Constructed Wetlands
6620 Author Index
6625 B
6633 C
6640 D
6644 E
6646 F
6650 G
6655 H
6664 I
6667 K
6675 L
6681 M
6690 N
6692 O
6695 P
6699 Q
6700 R
6705 S
6716 T
6720 U
6721 V
6723 W
6729 X
6730 Y
6731 Z
ASCE 9780784410363 2009