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ASCE 9780784411148 2010


World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010

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ASCE 2010 4905
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This collection contains 484 papers presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, held in Providence, Rhode Island, May 16-20, 2010.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
7 Table of Contents
48 2010 EWRI Technical Paper Contest Winners
The Rivers of Madison County: Determination of Bacterial Contamination in the Flint River during Winter Flood Stage
54 Reclamation of Tile Effluent: Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactors
61 Comparison of Water Quality Data to Determine Effects of Urbanization on the Flint River, Madison County, Alabama
66 Suspended Sediment Transport in a Southeastern Plains Watershed
76 Study of the Effects of Ozonation and Flow on Corrosion of Cement Mortar Lined Water Pipe
Climate Change Impacts in International Basins
River Water Pollution Modeling under Climate Change in Kura-Araks Basin for Watershed Management.
93 Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Flow Measures in Satluj River Basin in India
107 Climate Change Impacts on River Basins
Transboundary Climate Change Effects on the Hydrologic Regime in the Rio Conchos Basin
116 Assessing the Impacts of Climate Variability on the Water Resources in the Rio Grande/Río Bravo Basin
128 Combined Effect of Global Climate Projection and Hydrologic Model Uncertainties on the Future Changes of Streamflow
139 Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts to Reservoir Operations within the Connecticut River Basin
148 Decision Support Systems for Climate Change
Framework for Water and Wastewater Utility Climate Change Adaptation Decision Making
154 A Framework of Hydroclimate Modeling and Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Water Resources Planning in a Changing Climate
162 Impacts of Climate Change on Flooding and Urban Drainage
Preliminary Analysis of Trends in Australian Flood Data
172 Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources
Impacts of Climate Change and Growth on Water Demands in the Puget Sound Region
182 Water Quality Management in the Context of Climate Change: Importance for Adapting Critical Condition and Uncertainty Analysis in the Threshold or Scenario Approach
191 Aquifer Storage and Recovery as a Viable Climate Change Adaptation Technique: Sustainable Development under the Current Regulatory Framework
201 Mechanistic Determination of Arsenic Remobilization at ASR Sites and Corresponding Adaptation Techniques
211 The Challenges of Downscaling Climate Data
Topographic Factors in Precipitation Dynamics Affecting Water Resource Engineering in the Contiguous U.S.: Notes from Hydroclimatic Studies
Leadership and Communication
How to be an Effective Expert Witness
228 Using Radio to Promote Water-Related Engineering
Diversity Panel Organized by the Education and Research Council, EWRI
History and Status of Women in Civil Engineering Academia
249 Education and Research Posters
Does Study of “Economy & Risk” Alter Engineers’ Views of Sustainability Issues?
255 GPS/GIS Technology to Provide Sustainable Solutions
265 From Bridges to Forts and Water Pipes: Engineering History
Joseph Totten, Fort Adams, and America’s Third System of Coastal Fortifications
273 Gray Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe—Some Historical Benchmarks Impacting Condition Assessment
287 Preserving Hydroelectric History in Mexico: Developing the Remate Project as an Interpretive Park
297 Global Education
Missouri S&T’s Global Studies Minor Development Experience
305 A 2050 Vision for Water Resources/Environmental Engineering Education
Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Water and Environmental Resources in 2050
Emerging and Innovative Technology for Control of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Peracetic Acid and Twin Oxide as Disinfectants in Drinking Water
317 Laboratory and Field Evaluation of a Nanofilter Membrane to Remove Disinfection Byproduct Precursors and Microorganisms from Lake Water Sources Used for Drinking Water
326 Two-Stage Groundwater Filtration for Control of Manganese and DBPs
328 Emerging and Innovative Technology for Treatment of Household Drinking Water
Evaluation of a Pour-Through Water Treatment Device for Use as Microbiological Purifier
336 Evaluation of Long-Term Performance of Point of Use (POU) Systems for Drinking Water Treatment
347 Environmental Sensing and Cyberinfrastructure: Emerging Technologies and Applications
Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Theory and Application of an Urban Observatory
354 Managing Environmental Flows Information
362 NASA’s Applied Sciences for Water Resources
372 Integrated Real Time Geospatial Sensor Web and Visual Analytics for Environmental Decision Support
382 Forecasting Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas by Model Fusion
391 Detection of Breaking Waves Using X-Band Pulse Radar in the River Mouth Region
400 Emerging Sensors and their Implications for the Future of Environmental Observatories
407 Innovative Strategies and Technologies for Stakeholder Involvement
Integrated Strategy for Public Involvement at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
417 Use of Structured Public Involvement to Identify Community Preferences for a Superfund Site End State Vision
428 Use Of Community-Based Participatory Communication to Identify Community Values at a Superfund Site
438 Casewise Visual Evaluation for High-Performance Collaborative Visioning of PGDP Nuclear Enrichment Plant End State
448 Nanotechnology for Remediation
Development of a Treatability Study Work Plan for Testing Nanoparticles at a US DOE Superfund Site
458 Nanotechnology for TCE and PCB Dechlorination from Water: Nanoparticle Synthesis and Reactivity
464 Rapid Destruction of Perchlorate on Ion Exchange Resin Using Stabilized, Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles (nZVI)
475 Poster for Innovative and Emerging Technologies
Criteria for Evaluating Distribution Network Early Warning Systems
495 Rainwater Harvesting Applications
Integrating Rainwater Harvesting for Innovative Stormwater Control
502 Demonstration and Monitoring of Rainwater Harvesting Technology in North Carolina
512 The Impact of First Flush Removal on Rainwater Quality and Rainwater Harvesting Systems’ Reliability in Rural Rwanda
522 Advanced Water Budget Analysis for Rainwater and Related Harvesting Applications
532 Rainwater Harvesting Performance in a Changing Climate
542 Analysis and Treatment of Harvested Rainwater
551 Sustainable Planning
Transitional Approaches to the Development of Sustainable Civil Engineering Infrastructure
561 Techniques for Nitrogen Management in Municipal Solid Waste Composting
572 Sustainable Water Resources
Prospects of Using Rainwater as a Local Resource
582 Evaluation and Optimization of Cooling Water Use in Nuclear Power Generation
592 Technologies for Student Involvement in International Water Issues
Use of Ceramic Pot Filters for Drinking Water Disinfection in Guatemala
606 Field Testing of a Small Water Purification for Non-PRASA Rural Communities
615 Evaluating the Effects of Waterjet Delivered Amendment on Benthic Organism
625 Water for All International Manual Well Drilling Method
Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
GHG Emissions of Livestock Manure Management Operations and the Mandatory Reporting Requirements in the USA
641 Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Highway-Generated Air Pollution in a Residential Urban Neighborhood: Comparison of Monitoring and Dispersion Modeling Results
649 Solid Waste Management
From Problem Statement to Pilot Scale: A Hybrid Passive Treatment System for Landfill Leachate in North Bay, Ontario, Canada
661 Evaluation of SWCC Model and Estimation Procedure for Soil and Fly Ash
670 Water Pollution and Environmental Health
A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Success of Water Quality Trading Programs
681 Water Quality Analysis in a Residential Area of Kuwait
Advances in Groundwater Modeling Tools and Techniques
ASCE/EWRI KSTAT 3 Standard Guideline for K Estimation—Implementation of Example Code as an Excel Function
694 A Particle Tracking Model, IGSM_PT, as a Post-Processor to Finite-Element Groundwater Flow Model, IGSM
705 Three Dimensional Land Motion in Response to Aquifer Depressurization
715 Effect of Input Data on Predicting Plume Location Using MAROS Mode
725 Automated Well Permitting via GIS Geoprocessing Tools
735 Applications of Groundwater Simulations Tools and Techniques
Empirical Equation for Spacing of Ground Water Heat Pump Systems
745 Statistical Methods in Ground Water: Review and Applications
754 Visualisation Modules for Solute Transport in Ground Water
762 Engineered Well Injection and Extraction to Enhance Mixing in Aquifers
770 Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Modeling (Invited)
An Industry Perspective on Water Management / Optimization Applications
776 Treatment of Uncertainty in Groundwater Modeling: A (Limited) Research Perspective
784 An Industry Perspective on Groundwater Flow Model Calibration
791 Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources
Sustainability of Gravity-Fed Water Systems in Alto Beni, Bolivi a: Preparing for Change
799 Forecasting Salt-Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers Due to Climate Change
808 Climate-Groundwater-Surface Water Interrelationships Over the South Eastern US
815 Developing Countries Water Issues
Rainwater Harvesting in an Indian Village
823 River Bank Filtration for Protection of Jordanian Surface and Groundwater
829 River Bank Filtration in North India
839 Using Water Conservation and Rain Water Harvesting to Recharge Groundwater: Groundwater Protection and Cultural Understanding of Hydrogeology in Abheypur, India
842 Island Groundwater: A Limited and Vulnerable Resource
853 Ceramic Water Filters Impregnated with Silver Nanoparticles for Point-of-Use Water Treatment: Results of Field Studies in Guatemala and South Africa
855 Changes of Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns of Nitrate-Nitrogen in the Farmland Groundwater Resulting from Water-Saving Irrigation in the Hetao Irrigation District of China
869 Emerging Issues in Water Resources
Water Pump Scheduling System Using Scatter Search, Tabu Search and Neural Networks—The Case of Bouregreg Water System in Morocco
880 Thermal Measurement, Analysis & Interpretation of a Pilot Standing Column Well
893 Macro Scale Wetlands Restoration by Drainage Canal Removal—Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned.
903 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Improving the Modeling of Chlorinated Solvent Natural Attenuation in Bedrock Aquifers
915 Hydrogeologic, Geologic, and Sustainable Challenges and Interpretations for the Installation of a Geothermal Well
927 Borehole Geophysics and the Interpretation of Subsurface Conditions Contributing to the Design of a Sustainable Geothermal Well
938 Groundwater Characterization and Monitoring
Phosphorus Distribution in Reservoir Sediments: Implications for Groundwater Transport
946 Piloting of a National Groundwater Monitoring Network: Meeting the Challenges
952 Groundwater Management and Its Uncertainty
Bayesian Inference of Groundwater Contamination Source
960 Wavelet Analysis of Steady State Groundwater Flow in a Bounded Domain
969 Groundwater Quality and Human Health
Clean Water Everywhere: A Look at Source Water Assessment and Protection across the United States
981 The Effect of Atmospheric Chemical Release on the Reduction in Groundwater Pollution by CVOCs
987 Implementing Voluntary Source Water Protection in the State of Texas
996 Characterization of On-Site Wastewater Nitrogen Plumes in Shallow Coastal Aquifers, North Carolina
1006 Hydrogeophysics and its Applications
Use of Multi-Electrode Resistivity Profiling to Estimate Hydraulic Properties of Preferential Flow Paths in Alluvial Floodplains
1017 Impacts of Urbanization on Groundwater Quality and Quantity
Nutrient and Pathogen Removal in a Passive On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System (OSTDS) with a Recirculation Filtration Tank
1030 Using a Subsurface Upflow Wetland for Nutrient and Pathogen Removal in an On-Site Sewage Treatment and Disposal System
1041 Porous Pavement Hydrology
1049 Interaction of Stream and Groundwater and Integrated Management
Statistical Analysis of Flow Exchange and Salt Loading between the Rio Grande and Underlying Aquifers
1059 Adjoint Model for the Selection of Groundwater Well Locations to Minimize Stream Depletion
1068 A Smart Market for Ground and Surface Water with Hydropower Generation
1077 Evaluation of Alluvial Well Depletion Analytical Solutions from a Stream—Aquifer Analysis Test along the North Canadian River in Oklahoma
1087 Impact of Preferential Flow Paths on Stream and Alluvial Groundwater Interaction
1099 Microbial Quality and Emerging Contaminants
Occurrence of Steroid Hormones and Antibiotics in Groundwater Impacted by Livestock Waste Control Facilities
1109 Assessment of Estrogenicity and Estrogenicity Drivers in a WWTP Mixing Zone
1119 Microbial Transport in the Subsurface
A Micofluidic Device for Studying Contaminant Mixing in Porous Media
1129 Probabilistic Methods for Aquifer Parameter Estimation, Groundwater Modeling, and Inverse Modeling
Historical Reconstruction of Groundwater Contamination at Contaminated Sites and Uncertainty Analysis
1134 Ensemble Modeling of Nonlinear Hydrologic Processes under Uncertainty Using Symmetry Methods and Its Application to 2-D Unconfined Groundwater Flow in Heterogeneous Aquifers
1146 Saltwater Intrusion Modeling and Management of Coastal Aquifers
Analysis of Saltwater Intrusion Driven by Areal-Recharge
1149 The Effects of Uncertainty on a Ground Water Management Problem Involving Saltwater Intrusion
1161 Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Seawater Intrusion: Two Sides of the Same Problem with Major Quantification Gaps
1171 The Influence of River Bottom Topography on Salt Water Encroachment Along the Lamone River (Ravenna, Italy), and Implications for the Salinization of the Adjacent Coastal Aquifer
1183 Three-Dimensional Mapping of Seawater Intrusion Using Geophysical Methods
1193 Driving the Modeling of Saltwater Intrusion at the Venice Coastland (Italy) by Ground-Based, Water-, and Air-Borne Geophysical Investigations
1203 Vadose Zone Hydrology
A Study on the Influence of Unit Weight on Tensiometric Measurement
1209 Effect of Ethanol on Water Flow in the Vadose Zone
1219 Prediction of Transport Properties in Reconstructed Unconsolidated Porous Media
1228 Water Reuse as Related to Groundwater Quality
Waterjet Placement of Remediation Amendments into Contaminated Sediments
Bridge Scour
I-90 Over Cattaraugus Creek Bridge Scour Reevaluation and Plan of Action
1256 Computational Hydraulics
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Transport in the Wachusett Reservoir
1262 Lampricide Hindcast Modeling in Missisquoi Bay
1272 Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Flow Circulations in Lake Pontchartrain
1286 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling of Flow into the Aerated Grit Chamber of the MWRD’s North Side Water Reclamation Plant, Illinois
1297 Optimal Flood Control in Alluvial Channel Using Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis
1313 Air Entrainment and Sequent Depths in Horizontal Closed Conduits
1325 Differences between Open-Channel and Culvert Hydraulics: Implications for Design
1335 Safe and Economical Design and Operation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Pipelines: From the Perspective of Hydraulic Transients
1345 Computational Modeling of Midwest Flood 2008: Levee Breaching and Flood Propagation
1351 Numerical Modeling of Flow through a Breached Levee and during Levee Closure
1364 2D Numerical Simulation of Breaching Process of Unlined Cohesive Earthen Dam
1374 Flood Hazards from Impoundment Failure in Nuclear Power Plant Sites
1382 A Depth-Averaged 2-D Model for Coastal Levee and Barrier Island Breach Processes
1394 Dam Breach Modeling with HEC-RAS Using Embankment Erosion Process Models
1404 A Finite Element Dam and Levee Break Model
1418 Finding Flooding Solutions Using Interfacing Tools to Aid in Model Calibration and Public Collaboration
1432 Toward a 3-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Tidal Currents in San Francisco Bay
1442 Evaluation of Water Level Forecast Guidance from Real Time Ocean Forecast Systems
1459 Numerical Modeling of the St. Clair River and Sediment Mobility Analysis
1468 Soft Bedrock Erosion Modeling with a Two-Dimensional Model
1480 Numerical Modeling of Mobile-Bed Hydrodynamics of the Lower Mississippi River
1490 Eco-Hydraulics
Theoretical Analyses for Interaction between Vegetation Bending and Flow
1498 Relating Vegetation Composition in a Bioretention Cell to Small-Scale Hydrologic and Topographic Variability
1505 Environmental and Recreational Water Needs: A Colorado Case Study
1515 Response of Riparian Evapotranspiration to Groundwater Fluctuations
1524 Fish Movement and Weir Drown-Out
1534 Environmental Engineering
Forecast and Early Warning System of Water Pollution Accident
1542 Developing a System Dynamics Model for Phosphorous TMDL in Reservoir: A Case Study
1550 Stormwater Phosphorus Removal Using an Innovative Filtration Media
1559 Hydraulics and Water Resources
The Ohio River Community HEC-RAS Model
1571 Hydraulic Modeling of Flash Floods in Sana’a
1581 Optimal Cost Model for Water Systems Planning
1587 Hydraulics and Waterways
Reducing the Error Associated with Manning’s Roughness in Culvert Design for Improved Fish Passage
1601 Field Studies and Proposed Solutions to Facilitate Migration of the Peruvian Shrimp (Cryphiops Caementarius)
1613 Lock Approach Improvements at Lock and Dam No. 22, Upper Mississippi River
1623 Levee Evaluation and Certification under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
1633 Use of CFD Analysis in Designing a Channel Mixing Structure
1643 Formed Suction Inlet Design for Mixed Flow Pump Applications
1651 Analysis of Seepage through Dam Foundation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Meshless Method
1660 Small and Medium Size Dam Air Vent Sizing for Low-Level Outlet Works
1669 Optimization of Energy Dissipation Works for Nai Gaj Dam Project
1681 Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Modeling for Cache Creek Settling Basin, Woodland California
1690 Can Climate Change Affect Sediment Transport in a Watershed?
1700 Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions Affect New Jersey and New York Water Supply and Power Grids in 2002
1717 Hydraulics Measurements and Experimental Methods
Waterjet Amendment for Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Using Absorptive and Dechlorinating Compounds in Compromised Waterways
1723 Relationship between Acoustic Backscatter Strength and Suspended Sediment Concentration using a 6 MHz Nortek Vector Velocimeter
1730 Estimation of Water Stage over Wetlands of South Florida Using TRMM Precipitation Radar Observations
1739 Mean Flow and Turbulence around Two Series of Experimental Dikes
1749 Turbulent Burst around Experimental Spur Dike
1759 Failure Analysis of Gated Culvert Structure by Numerical Simulations
1769 River Restoration
Guidelines for Assessing Sediment-Related Effects of Dam Removal
1781 Dam Removal: Adaptive Management & Bed Sediment Monitoring Before and After
1784 Simulating Dam Removal with a 1D Hydraulic Model: Accuracy and Techniques for Reservoir Erosion and Downstream Deposition at the Chiloquin Dam Removal
1797 Redefining the Dam Removal Paradigm in Formerly Glaciated Forested Headwater Systems
1806 Dams and Clams: Freshwater Mussel Surveys and Translocations in the Context of Dam Removal Projects
1824 Pre-Restoration Assessment, Big Sunflower River, Mississippi: Where to Begin?
1835 The Rosgen Rosetta Stone: Translating Rosgen Terminology
1844 Restoring the River Discontinuum: Looking at the Example of Beaver Dams
1854 An Analytical Reference-Reach Method for Natural Channel Design
1863 A Consolidated Approach to Stream Stability Analysis
1875 Integration of Restoration Education into Undergraduate Course Work and Community Group Activities through the Lost Creek Restoration Project
1885 Stream Restoration Education and Professional Development: Working Toward a Consensus
1897 Post-Restoration Changes within Codorus Creek, South-Central Pennsylvania
1901 A Modeling Approach to Restoring Pool-Riffle Structure in an Incised, Straightened Channel of an Urban Stream
1911 Restoring Function to Boneyard Creek, Urbana IL
1920 Sedimentation Tech
Streambank Erosion Assessment in Southeastern Plains Ecoregion Channels Using In Situ Monitoring and Submerged Jet Testing
1928 Surface Erosion and Sediment Yields on Steep-Sloped Coal Mining Reclamation Sites in the Appalachian Region
1940 A Model of Surface Fine Grained Laminae, Streambed and Streambank Processes Applicable to the Watershed Scale
1952 Experiments Identifying Worst Case Scour Conditions of Gated Weir Stilling Basins
1962 Extending the Useful Life of Small-to-Medium Reservoirs in the United States
1973 Estimation of Particle Concentrations Using the Stochastic Particle Tracking Method in Open Channel Flows
1983 Flocculation Population Dynamics of Cohesive Houston Ship Channel Sediments
1989 The Development of a Rouse-Type Profile for Nonequilibrium Suspended Sediment
International Sustainability: Case Studies
Water Quality, Sedimentation, and Hydrological Changes Due to the Construction of Large Dams: A Three Gorges Dam Focus
2007 Risk Analysis in Development of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Programs of Urban Water Infrastructures
2017 Flooding Impacts and Modeling Challenges of Tropical Storms in Eastern Yemen
2027 An Overview of the Water Situation in Amman, Jordan
2037 IWRM and Millennium Development Goals
Providing Clean Water to Communities in Need: Living Waters for the World’s Sustainable Clean Water Systems
2047 An Analysis of Household Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Falelima, Samoa
2057 A New Water Treatment Product for the Urban Poor in the Developing World
2073 Integrated Water Resources Management in Ghana: Past, Present, and the Future
2085 Transboundary Water Issues
Evaluation of Water Conservation Measures Implemented in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
2095 Improving Lake Superior Outflow Regulation—Phase 2 of the International Upper Great Lakes Study
Irrigation Hydrology
Comprehensive Evaluation and New Development of Determination of Critical and Normal Depths for Different Types of Open-Channel Cross-Sections
2116 Regional Regression Analysis for Small Watersheds in Southwestern Utah
2127 Simulation of Unsteady Flow and Soil Erosion in Irrigation Furrows
2137 Irrigation Water Management
Surface Aerodynamic Temperature Derived from Wind/Temperature Profile Measurements over Cotton and Alfalfa in a Semi-Arid Environment
2149 Meeting Irrigation Demands in Water Deficit Counties of Texas Panhandle: Biotechnology and Other Novel Strategies
2159 Poster Session—Irrigation and Drainage
Review of Electro Kinetic Techniques in Controlling Nitrate Contamination in Different Soils
2168 Impact of Irrigation Management Changes on Lower Chenab Canal System
Network Models I
Challenges and Opportunities in Modelling a Regional Water System with Interchangeable Sources
Collaborative Tools and Processes
Collaborative Approaches Leading to Improved Outflow Management of the Great Lakes
2197 A New Angle on Adaptive Management—Reducing Plausible Vulnerability in the Upper Great Lakes
2209 Collaborative Modeling for Water Supply Controversies in Colorado: Technical Challenges and Lessons Learned
2220 Water Planning under an Unsustainable Condition: Challenges for the Laguna Region, Mexico
2232 Shared Vision Planning for Clean Water Act Permits: An Experiment in Colorado
2241 Evaluating Water Resource Management in the Transboundary Rio Grande/Bravo using Cooperative Game Theory
2251 Shared Vision Planning as Policy Analysis: Opportunities for Shared Learning and Methodological Innovation
2270 FEMA Flood Map Modernization Program
2278 Connecticut River
Relations between Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and New England River Flow
2288 Optimizing Reservoir Operations in the Connecticut River Basin
2298 Evolutionary Computations
Evolutionary Algorithm Memory Enhancement for Real-Time CSO Control
2307 Application of Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization in Operation Management of Reservoirs with Sedimentation Problems
2316 Impact of Climate Change Projections and Best Management Practices on River Flows and Sediment Load
2325 Optimization of Nonlinear Muskingum Method with Variable Parameters Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
2332 Operations Management
Development of an Algorithm for Risk Based Strategic Water Supply Planning: A Case Study
2341 Stochastic and Probabilistic Methods for Water Resources Planning and Management
Short Lead-Time Hydrologic Ensemble Forecasts from Numerical Weather Prediction Model Ensembles
2352 OHRFC and National Water Resources Outlook
2360 Uncertainty Assessment for Real-Time Stage Forecasting
2371 Improving Stochastic Rainfall Generators
2375 Dam Spillways Adequacy Evaluation through Bivariate Flood Frequency Analysis and Hydrological Continuous Simulation
2387 Long Range Streamflow Forecasting Based on Hydrologic and Climatic Data
2399 The Impact of Stormwater Recharge Practices on Boston Groundwater Levels
2409 2009-2010 El Niño: Predicted Hydrologic Response in the United States
2418 Derivation of the Modified Anderson-Darling Test Statistics for the Generalized Extreme Value and Generalized Logistic Distributions
2426 Assessment of Hydrological and Physical Similarity of Southeastern Watersheds
2435 A Modified Region of Influence Approach for Flood Regionalization
2462 Application of Regional Frequency Analysis to Non-Stationary Rainfalls in Korea
2469 Bayesian GLS Analysis of California Regional Skew
2479 Trends in Heavy Rainfalls in the Observed Record in Selected Areas of the U.S.
2488 Evaluation of Antecedent Storm Event Characteristics for Different Climatic Regions based on Interevent Time Definition (IETD)
2498 An Example of the Impact that Filled-In Peakflow Data Can Have on Flood Frequency Analysis
2503 Comparison of the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient Test Statistics for the General Extreme Value Distribution
2514 Bivariate Models Constructed by the Marginal Transformation Method: With Applications in Hydrology
2525 Systems Analysis for Watershed Management
Prospects for Systems Analysis in an Age of Changing Systems: Thoughts from a Saturday Afternoon
2532 Optimization of Hydrosystem Operation—A 40-Year Retrospective
2539 Comparison of Model Evaluation Methods to Develop a Comprehensive Watershed Simulation Model
2549 Watershed-Based Optimal Stormwater Management: Part 1—Application of StormWISE to Little Crum Creek in Suburban Philadelphia
2560 The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conflict: Chicken or Prisoner’s Dilemma?
2569 Watershed-Based Optimal Stormwater Management: Part 2—Hydrologic Modeling of LID/BMP Sites on Little Crum Creek in Suburban Philadelphia
2578 Restoring the Northern Everglades: A Systematic Approach to Lake Okeechobee Watershed Management
2590 A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Simulate Urban Water Resources Sustainability
2597 Multivariate Non-Stationary Stochastic Streamflow Models for Two Urban Watersheds
2609 System Analysis to Improve Wetland Water Allocation at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah
2619 Evaluating Conservation Potential in Agricultural and Municipal Water Use in South Florida.
2631 Development of Water Supply Plans Using System Dynamics Approach in the Han River Basin, South Korea
2639 The GV Loganathan Memorial Track on Reservoir Operation
Optimal Reservoir Operation Considering Downstream Water Quality and Environmental Flow Needs
2649 Deriving Near-Optimal Solutions to Deterministic Reservoir Operation Problems
2666 Optimum Management of Existing Surface Water Resources and Land of a Water Logged Area Using DP Model
2677 Utility of Climate Forecasts in Promoting Inter-Basin Transfer in the North Carolina Triangle Area
2686 Analyzing the Change in Trends of Rainfall- Runoff to the Reservoir Sites in Indiana Using Self Organizing Maps
2696 Assessment of Dam Operations for a Severe Drought in Korea
2703 Water Resources Planning and Management
A Multi-Agent System Based Model for Water Allocation Management in the Yellow River Basin
2711 North Slope Decision Support System: Technological Aspects
2720 Institutional Dimensions of River/Reservoir System Modeling: Lessons from Implementation of the Texas Water Availability Modeling System
2730 Modeling of Flood Wave Propagation through Levee Breach Using MIKE21, A Case Study in Helleh River, Iran
2741 Caspian Sea Negotiation Support System
2750 Multi-Objective Planning for Ice Road Routes on Alaska’s North Slope: Algorithms and Technology Development
2755 A Drought Frequency Analysis for Palmer Drought Severity Index Using Boundary Kernel Function
2764 Spatial Assessment of Droughts Vulnerability Using MODIS Image in South Korea
2771 Hydrological Drought in the Upper Nakdong River Basin
2781 Robust Optimization of the Water System in Amman, Jordan
2791 Water Resources Management Strategies for Development of a Water-Saving Society in Golmu City, Qinghai Province, China
2801 Developing an Integrated Drought Monitoring System Based on Socioeconomic Drought in a Transboundary River Basin: A Case Study
2809 Integrated Urban Water Management in a New Coastal Developed Area in United Arab Emirates
2819 Development of Large Topographic Datasets for Hydrologic Analysis
2828 Integration of Watershed Model AnnAGNPS and Stream Network Model CCHE1D for the Development of a New GIS-Based BMP Planning Tool
2838 Evaluation of Hargreaves Equation for ET[sub(0)] Calculations at Selected Synoptic Stations in Iran
2849 Public Water Supply Adequacy: The Challenge of Changing Climates and Institutions
2857 The Impact of Large Scale Desalination on Water Quality: An Operational Perspective
2867 A 2050 Vision for Colorado’s Water Supply Future
Regional Flood Modelling: Use of Monte Carlo Cross-Validation for the Best Model Selection
2888 Design Flood Estimation for Ungauged Catchments: Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Eastern Australia
2898 Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform Method to the Analysis of Varying Timescales in Sediment Transport
2907 Scaling Issues in Design Flood Estimation for Ungauged Catchments: A Case Study for Eastern Australia
CSO/SSO Case Studies
Real Time Savings: Using High Density Real Time Monitoring and Control to Optimize South Bend, IN’s CSO System
2927 Japan’s System for Verification of Sewerage Technology
2936 Flushing Bay CSO Retention Facility—Hydraulic Performance Evaluation
2946 Large Interceptor Capacity Analysis Using a Dynamic Hydraulic Model
2955 Infiltration—Permeable Surfaces
Permeable Pavement Monitoring at the Edison Environmental Center Demonstration Site
2964 Improving Ground Water Recharge Using Pervious Cement Concrete Made of Aggregates Recycled from Crushed Concrete Wastes
2974 Infiltration and Soils in Urban Environments
Nutrient Leaching from Disturbed Soil Horizons
2986 Impact of Triclosan in Greywater on Antibiotic-Resistance in Soil Microbial Communities
2997 Integrating Green and Gray Solutions for Combined Sewer Overflow Control
Integrating Green Infrastructure into a Combined Sewer Service Area Model
3011 LID—Bioretention
Integration of Site Water Chemistry and Media Characteristics to Design (Bio)(In)Filtration Systems
3024 Laboratory Evaluations to Support the Design of Bioretention Systems in the Southwestern U.S.
3041 Mitigating the Effects of Bridge Deck Runoff: A Case Study Using Bioretention and a Bioswale
3053 Impacts of Roadside Filter Strips, Dry Swales, Wet Swales, and Porous Friction Course on Stormwater Quality
3065 The Effects of Rain Garden Size on Hydrologic Performance
3075 Metal Sequestration and Remobilization in Bioretention Media
3085 Nitrogen Retention in Bioretention Mesocosms with Outlet Controls
3095 Impact of Maintenance and (Im)Properly Sizing Bioretention on Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance
3107 LID—Hydromodification and Flow Control
Bioretention Outflow: Does it Mimic Non-Urban Watershed Shallow Interflow?
3118 Effectiveness and Downstream Impacts of Stormwater Detention Ponds Required for Land Development
3129 LID—Policy and Ordinance
A Low Impact Development (LID) Model Ordinance and Guidance Document
3135 The Tolland Low Impact Development Design Manual: The Changing Paradigm for Land Development
3142 The Application of Environmental Site Design Processes to Design a LID Subdivision
3152 LID from Rules to Reality—The Role of the Plan Reviewer
3160 Modeling Stormwater BMP Performance
A Process Identification Algorithm for Predicting Highway Stormwater Pollutographs
3170 Optimizing the Placement of Low Impact Development in an Urban Watershed
3176 Modeling Stormwater Basins for Potential Retrofit Designs: An Update
3180 Multivariate Models of Watershed Suspended Sediment Loads for the Eastern United States
3192 Prediction of Water Quality Parameters Using an Artificial Neural Networks Model
3201 Waitakere City Vehicle Testing Station Raingarden—Stormwater Quality Monitoring and Performance
3212 Development and Application of Particle Separation Efficiency Model for a Hydrodynamic Separator with Cumulative Probabilistic Distribution Functions
3218 Monitoring and Indices
Development and Use of Water Quality Indices (WQI) to Assess the Impact of BMP Implementation on Water Quality in the Cool Run Tributary of the White Clay Creek Watershed
3228 Significance of Using Different Particulate Matter Indices on Representing Particulate-Bound Metals Load and BMP Performance during Stormwater Events
3235 Water Resources GIS System Applied to an Urban Watershed
3245 Pathogens in Wet Weather Flow
Characterization of Escherichia Coli for Sediment Basin Systems at Construction Sites
3256 Performance of Stormwater Management Systems
Assessing BMP Performance Using Microtox Toxicity Analysis
3265 Indicator Bacteria Removal by Stormwater BMPs in Coastal North Carolina
3273 Sediment and Erosion Measurement and Control
Development of a Laboratory Based Stormwater Sampling and Test Facility Utilizing Natural Stormwater Runoff
3284 Evaluation of Stormwater Management Practices for Stream Erosion
3295 Why We Need Improved Characterization of Solids in Wastewater, Stormwater, and Combined Sewer Flows
3298 Stormwater Management—Total Water and Integrated Approaches
Total Water Management: The New Paradigm for Urban Water Resources Planning
3308 Stormwater Management Assessment Tools
Developments in LIDRA 2.0: A Planning Level Assessment of the Cost-Effectiveness of Low Impact Development
3318 Current Capabilities and Planned Enhancements of SUSTAIN
3328 Development of a Rainfall Statistical Analysis Tool for Analytical Probabilistic Models for Urban Stormwater Management Analysis
3338 Stormwater Manufactured Treatment Devices
Quantity and Quality of Stormwater Solids Trapped by Hydrodynamic Separators at Highway Sites
3348 Evaluation of Rainfall-Runoff Particulate Metals Removal by Hydrodynamic Separation and Batch Settling Clarifier
3354 Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Calibration of Urban Snow Process and Water Quality Model for Logan Airport
3361 Integrated Collection Systems Model for Hartford, Connecticut
3376 Urban hydrology
An Experimental Study of Stage-Discharge Relationships for Thick-Walled Concrete Orifices
3386 Estimation of Rational Runoff Coefficients for Texas Watersheds
3396 Water Quality Management in Urban Environments
Roof Runoff Water Quality—A Comparison of Traditional Roofing Materials
3403 Using Electronic Conductivity and Hardness Data for Rapid Assessment of Stream Water Quality
3413 Characterization of First Flush Phenomenon in an Urban Stormwater Runoff: A Case Study of Flamingo Tropicana Watershed in Las Vegas Valley
3423 Total Dissolved Solids Contribution to the Colorado River Associated with the Growth of Las Vegas Valley
3433 Water Supply / Demand Sustainability
Developing an Alternative Water Supply Strategy for the City of Plantation, Florida
3446 Watershed Management—Pollutant Sources and Management including TMDLs
Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance: An Innovative Approach to Meet a Range of Stormwater Management and Ecological Goals
3461 Assessment of PAH Concentrations and Toxicity of Runoff from Sealed Asphalt Surfaces
3471 Preliminary Results of the Examination of Thermal Impacts from Stormwater BMPs
3499 The Potential for Green Infrastructure Practices to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows as Examined in Nashville, Tennessee
3509 Urban Runoff and Stormwater Quality Management Using the Los Angeles County Flood Control District’s Watershed Management Modeling System: A Pilot Application
3521 Evaluation of Indicator Bacteria Export from an Urban Watershed
3532 Characterisation of Urban Stormwater Quality in the Auckland Region (New Zealand)
Concentrate Management in Desalination
EWRI Effort to Establish Monograph on Concentrate Management in Desalination Case Studies
3554 Concentrate Volume Reduction Research In El Paso, Texas
3566 Concentrate Management by Deep Well Injection at North County Regional Water Treatment Plant in Naples, Collier County, FL
3576 Silica Removal from Brine by Using Ion Exchange
3589 Sea vs. Bay Water Desalination: Which One is for You?
3599 Modeling the High Salinity Discharge from Creation of a Salt Cavern
3609 Feasibility Evaluations for St. Johns River Membrane Water Plant Demineralization Concentrate Management
3620 Treatment of a Soybean Flour Processing Plant Wastewater
3631 Issues Associated with Large Scale Water Recycling
3642 Small Scale Water Purification Projects—Determinants of Success
3651 Using a Mobile Pilot Plant to Evaluate Need and Protocol for a Previously Failed Coagulant Changeover
3659 Evaluation of Ceramic Media Against GAC and Sand/Anthracite Filtration for Organics Removal
3671 An Innovative Approach to Water Supply—The Groundwater Replenishment System
3687 Infrastructure, Planning, and Design in Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Manifold Flow in Wastewater Pressure-Distribution Systems
3699 Surge Analysis and Design for a Wastewater Transmission System in Hernando County
3709 Transitioning of Urban Water Distribution Systems
3722 The Value Added to Flood Control Projects by Use of External Review Panels
3730 Effects of Carbon Dioxide Stripping on Solids Settling in Pure Oxygen WWTP
3740 DCWASA’s Impervious Area Information System: Designed to Allocate the Costs of the Mandated Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan
3750 Flow Dynamics in Combined Storm-Sewer Systems: Application of the Illinois Transient Model (ITM) to the Calumet TARP System in Chicago, Illinois
3765 Vortex Valves—Effective Flow Regulation for Economical Stormwater Management
3776 Incorporating Storm Sewer Exfiltration into SWMM: Proof of Concept
3784 An Innovative and Rapid Method of Assessing Particle Shape and Size in Stormwater Runoff
3792 A Modernized Biosolids Management Plan for New York City’s Water Pollution Control Plants
3803 Field Assessment of Grit Removal Systems
3811 Residence Time Distribution and the Investigation of Bed Movement in a Continuously Operated Upflow Filter (COUF) for Tertiary Wastewater Treatment
3821 Removal of Heavy Metals Using Pervious Concrete Material
3831 Two-Dimensional Modeling of Contaminant Spills to a Drinking Water Supply Reservoir
3840 Water Quality Component Development and Integration with USACE Watershed Hydrologic Models
3851 Security Enhancements and Emergency Challenges or Suggested Changes
Evolution of Sandia’s Risk Assessment Methodology for Water and Wastewater Utilities (RAM-W)
3858 Emergency Drinking Water Supply Challenges for Public Health
3864 Emergency Water Supply Planning for the National Capital Region
3877 Cross Sector Emergency Planning for Water Supply Utilities and Healthcare Facilities
3889 National Guidelines on Physical Security for Water, Wastewater, & Stormwater Facilities—WHEN?
3896 A Comprehensive City Wide Platform for Accessing Data and Communicating with Security and Water Quality Monitoring Systems
3906 Water/Wastewater Perspectives on Chlorine Security
3912 Natural Disaster Response Lessons Learned for Water and Wastewater Utilities
3919 Critical Information Policies for Water Utilities—Water Research Foundation project #3106
3926 Stormwater Infrastructure
Wet Weather Rules, Regulations, and Policies: A National Survey
3936 Systemwide Monitoring: Los Angeles County Flood Control District Automated Storm Water Monitoring Project
3948 Survey of Retention Basin Hydraulic Performance in Florida
3958 Watershed Retrofit and Management Evaluation for Urban Stormwater Management Systems in North Carolina
3968 New Rules, Familiar Tools: Efficient Use of Stormwater Storage and Flow Control
3980 Investigation of Water Quality and Quantity of Five Rainwater Tanks in Western Sydney Australia
3989 Evaluating Short-Circuiting Potential of Stormwater Ponds
3999 Dissolved Oxygen Impairment and BMP Effectiveness in Mermentau River Basin
4008 A Randomization Process for Modeling Constructed Wetlands with an Optimization Example
4018 Stormwater Temperature Mitigation Beneath Porous Pavements
4027 Unit Process Simulation of a BioInfiltration Stormwater Control Measure
4037 Determination of Evapotranspiration in SCM’s Using a Weighing Lysimeter: An Experimental Approach
4047 Evaluation and Modeling of Bacteria Water Quality in an Urbanizing Stream
4057 Modeling Oxygen Mass Transfer Rate through the Air-Water Surface in Stratified Flows
4066 Sustainability
Predicting and Verifying Physiological Performance of Plants in a Bioretention System in an Arid Climate
4072 Independence from Fossil Fuel Usages in Northeastern United States: Important Tasks for a Sustainable Geothermal Pilot Well Project
4083 Choosing Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies to Enhance Integrated Watershed Management in Developing Countries
4095 Rainwater Tank Water Quality Testing in Western Sydney Australia
4106 Sustainable Sites Initiative: Protect On-Site Water Resources and Receiving Water Quality
4114 Sustainable Site Initiative—A Rating System for Green Sites
4123 Alternative Site-Assessment Hydrologic Metrics for Urban Development
4133 Sustainable Site Initiative—Protecting and Restoring Site Ecosystem Services
4140 Water Conservation and Reuse: A Case Study of the Energy-Water Nexus in Texas
4156 Long-Term Effects of Graywater Irrigation on Soil Quality in Arid Regions
4165 Decentralized Anaerobic Blackwater Management: A Sustainable Development Technology Concept for Urban Water Management
4176 Sustainable Water Supply Development with Use of Brackish Supplies and Carbon Neutral Energy
4185 Water Distribution Systems Symposium
Using Life-Cycle Assessment to Evaluate the Environmental Impacts of Water Network Design and Optimization
4195 Scouring Stress for Large Solids
4205 Estimating Design Flows for Self Cleansing Sewers
4215 Making Optimal Pump Scheduling Models Work
4227 Relationship between Pump Horsepower and Energy Usage in Municipal Water Networks
4232 Detection of Leaks in Water Distribution System Using Routine Water Quality Measurements
4240 WDS Designer—A Tool Algorithmic Generation of Water Distribution Systems based on GIS Data
4252 How Many Network Sources are Enough?
4262 Deciding Whether to Replace or Repair a Pipe After a Break Using Advanced Analytical Tools
4272 Flexible Design of Urban Water Distribution Networks
4284 Improved Leakage Detection and Model Calibration Using Night Fire Flow Testing
4300 An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Conservation Practices on Water Resources Sustainability
4307 Alternative Formulation for DBP’s Minimization by Optimal Design of Booster Chlorination Stations
4317 Estimating and Verifying Household Potential to Conserve Water
4330 Estimating Non-Residential Water Use with Publicly Available Databases
4340 Optimal Planning of Regional Water Distribution Systems: A Case Study
4350 An Energy Methodology for the Design of Water Distribution Systems
4361 Adjoint-Based Probabilistic Characterization of Contaminant Sources in Water Distribution Systems under Transient Flow Conditions
4370 Adaptive Bayesian Contaminant Source Characterization in Water Distribution Systems via a Parallel Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
4377 Cluster Analysis for Water Distribution Systems Security Enhancement
4386 An Agent-Based Modeling Approach for Simulating Contamination Events Applied to the Mesopolis Water Distribution System
4394 Identification of Reactive Contaminant Sources in a Water Distribution System under the Conditions of Data Uncertainties
4404 WDS Vulnerability Analysis: Focusing on Random Factors, Consumer Behavior, and System Dynamics in Contamination Events
4411 H[sub(2)]OFate—A New Software for Fate and Transport Simulations in Water Distribution Systems
4421 Water Quality Parameter Estimation for Water Distribution Systems Considering Parameter and Measurement Uncertainties
4430 Kinetics of Free Chlorine Decay in Water Distribution Networks
4440 Chlorine Bulk Decay Coefficients to Calibrate the GCWW All-Pipes Distribution System Model
4452 Chlorine Wall Decay Coefficients to Calibrate the GCWW All-Pipes Distribution System Model
4461 Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Reduction of Water Supply Systems
Application of Tractive Force Methodology
Effects of Rough Surface Slopes on Surface Depression Storage
4484 Characterization of Surface Roughness and Computation of Depression Storage
4494 Quantitative Evaluation of the Relationship between Grid Spacing of DEMs and Surface Depression Storage
4505 Scattergraph Principles and Practice: Evaluating Self-Cleansing in Existing Sewers Using the Tractive Force Method
4515 Hydroclimate Committee of Watershed Council
Calculating the Macrodispersion Coefficient in the Stochastic Transport Equation
4524 An Innovative Study on the Effects of Land Management Practices on Rill Erosion Using an Instantaneous Profile Laser Scanner
4532 Incorporating Affects of Raised Roads into Hydrology Model to Improve Simulation of Low-Relief Watershed
4547 Climatology of Monthly Runoff: Causality and Relations to Seasonality in Precipitation and Temperature
4557 Climate, Streamflow, and Nutrients Variability Over the Southeastern United States
4567 Climatic and Anthropogenic Influences on Freshwater Availability in the Eastern United States
4584 Hurst Analysis of Hydrologic and Water Quality Signals
4594 Canonical Correlation Analysis for Hydroclimatic Datasets with Known Measurement Uncertainties
4604 Climate Change Assessment on Water Resources in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia, Based on the Downscaled GCM Outputs Using Regional Hydroclimate Model
4611 Reconstruction of Hydro-Climate Data for the Watershed Modeling over Foothills Region, California
4618 Hydrologic and Environmental Modeling for Upper Putah Creek Watershed Using Reconstructed Historical Atmospheric Data by Dynamical Downscaling
4626 Rainfall Downscaling Using Statistical Downscaling Model and Canonical Correlation Analysis: A Case Study
4635 Quantifying Hydrological Uncertainty for Rain- and Snow-Dominated Watersheds with Adaptation Strategy
4645 Optimal Selection of GCM Predictors Combined with a New Procedure for Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation
4655 Short Lead-Time Streamflow Forecasting by Machine Learning Methods, with Climate Variability Incorporated
4667 Hydrologic Monitoring Network
Evapotranspiration Network Design Study: Ground Sensor Network Design for Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
4680 NEXRAD Rainfall Data Analysis and Application
Seamless Integration of Weather and Climate Information in Developing Operational Streamflow Forecasts
4686 Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation for the Cool Season in Northern California: Case Studies from the NOAA Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT)
4695 Prediction of Heavy Rainfall in the 0-6 Hour Time Range: Current and Evolving Approaches Utilizing Radar and Numerical Weather Prediction Forecasts
4706 Infilling Missing Precipitation Data Using NEXRAD Data: Use of Optimal Spatial Interpolation and Data-Driven Methods
4715 Estimation of Regionally Specific Z-R Relationships for Radar-Based Hydrologic Prediction
4728 Utility of Optimal Reflectivity-Rain Rate (Z-R) Relationships for Improved Precipitation Estimates
4739 Uncertainty Analysis Approaches in Hydrologic Modeling
Design Flood Estimation Using Monte Carlo Simulation and RORB Model: Stochastic Nature of RORB Model Parameters
4749 Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of SLAMM for the Purpose of Habitat Vulnerability Assessment and Decision Making
4757 Robust Optimization Using a Variety of Performance Indices
4767 Resolution and Sensitivity Analysis of a Block-Scale Urban Drainage Model
4777 Effect of Land Use Uncertainty on Watershed Modeling
4787 Analyzing Uncertainty and Risk in the Management of Water Resources for the Texas Water Development Board.
4791 Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Distributed Hydrologic Model Using Monte Carlo Simulation
4804 Flood Risk Assessment of Complex Riverine Systems
4816 Sampling Schemes for Uncertainty Assessment of a Hydrologic Simulation Model
ASCE 9780784411148 2010