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ASCE QuantitativeRiskManagementDecision 2017


Quantitative Risk Management and Decision Making in Construction

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ASCE 2017 321
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Quantitative Risk Management and Decision Making in Construction introduces valuable techniques for weighing and evaluating alternatives in decision making with a focus on risk analysis for identifying, quantifying, and mitigating risks associated with construction projects. Singh addresses such topics as probabilistic cost estimating, contingency analysis, cause-effect diagrams, FAST diagrams, and decision trees, and explains the tools available to quantify risks such as payoff matrices, Bayes’ theorem, matrix analysis, and analytical hierarchy process. Finally, Singh shows how the information gained from analysis can be applied to mitigate risks using a risk-analysis card game, by monitoring performance, and by managing inventory. Intended for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, each topic is accompanied by numerous examples, drawings, and exercises to illustrate and reinforce these concepts. In addition, the common techniques can be executed by business and construction managers for practical construction risk assessment.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
3 Other Titles of Interest
5 Copyright
8 Contents
16 Preface
20 1. Risk Management Planning
1.1 Introduction
21 1.2 Risk Identification
22 1.2.1 Risk Recognition
1.2.2 Risk Categorization
24 1.3 Risk Assessment and Analysis
1.3.1 Qualitative Risk Analysis
27 1.3.2 Quantitative Risk Analysis Value Assignment
28 Simulation Probabilistic Techniques
29 Discrete Events
1.4 Risk Control
30 1.4.1 Risk Reduction
31 1.4.2 Risk Distribution
32 1.4.3 Risk Acceptance
33 1.5 Risk Allocation
34 1.6 Risk Monitoring
1.7 Risk Planning
35 1.8 Summary
36 1.9 Exercises
37 References
38 2. Probabilistic Cost Analysis
2.1 Introduction
39 2.2 Triangular (Three-Point) Estimates
40 2.3 Cost Items (Work Packages
2.4 Work Package Cost Fluctuations
2.5 Price Probability
41 2.6 Triangular Distribution
42 2.7 Requesting Prices
43 2.8 Background
2.9 Probability Evaluation by Triangular Distribution
46 2.10 Probabilities of Project Cost
47 2.11 Cumulative Probability of Project Costs
48 2.12 Finding the Bid Price
51 2.13 Additional Perspectives
2.13.1 The Owner’s Perspective
2.13.2 Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP
52 2.13.3 Contractor’s Risk Transfer and Subcontractor’s Risk
2.14 Summary
53 2.15 Exercises
2.16 Acknowledgments
54 References
56 3. Contingency Analysis and Allocation
3.1 Introduction: Contingency Cost Management
57 3.2 Contingency Cost Process Overview
58 3.2.1 Contingency Cost Allocation Methodology
3.3 Critical Cost
3.3.1 Identifying Critical Work Packages
60 3.3.2 Handling Noncritical Work Packages
3.3.3 Criticality Rule Examples
61 3.4 Monte Carlo Simulation
3.4.1 Creating the Monte Carlo Slab
62 3.4.2 Generating Random Numbers
63 3.5 Cumulative Probability Profile
64 3.6 Contingency Allocation
65 3.7 Drawdown Curve
68 3.8 Summary
3.9 Exercises
70 References
72 4. Cause-and-Effect Diagrams
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Kaoru Ishikawa
73 4.3 Applications of Cause-and-Effect Diagrams
75 4.4 Types of Cause-and-Effect Diagrams
4.4.1 Drawing the Dispersion Analysis Type of Cause-and-Effect
78 4.4.2 Drawing the Cause Enumeration Type of Cause-and-Effect
79 4.4.3 Drawing the Production Process Classification Type of
Cause-and-Effect Diagram
4.5 Example Problems
80 4.5.1 Example 1: Dispersion Analysis Type
83 4.5.2 Example 2: Production Process Classification Type
84 4.5.3 Example 3: Cause Enumeration type
89 4.6 Exercises
90 5. Function Analysis System Technique—Structuring Uncertainty
5.1 Introduction
91 5.2 Background of the Functional Analysis System
Technique (FAST
92 5.3 Function Analysis
93 5.3.1 Defining Function
97 5.3.2 Classifying Functions Basic Functions Secondary Functions
98 Higher-Order and Lower-Order Functions Assumed Functions
99 All-Time Functions Dependent and Independent Functions Critical Path Analyzing Functions
100 5.4 Function Analysis System Technique and Value Methodology
5.4.1 The How–Why Concept
102 5.4.2 When Logic
103 5.4.3 And/Or Logic
5.4.4 FAST Procedure Tree
110 5.5 Conclusion
5.6 Exercises
112 References
114 6. Decision Trees
6.1 Objective
6.2 Introduction
6.2.1 Understanding the Potential and Limits of Decision
115 Marketing Problem
117 6.3 Diagram Breakdown
119 6.4 Example Problems
6.4.1 Example 1: Application in Construction Engineering
123 6.4.2 Example 2: Application in Fundraising
130 6.4.3 Example 3: Application in Insurance
136 6.5 Review
6.6 Exercises
138 7. Payoff Matrix
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Method
140 7.3 Example Problem 1: Increasing Monthly Profits
141 7.4 Answer to Example Problem 1
7.4.1 Determining Decision Alternatives
7.4.2 Determining States of Nature
142 7.4.3 Determining Maximin
7.4.4 Determining Maximax
143 7.4.5 Determining Minimax Regret
144 7.4.6 Expected Monetary Value
7.4.7 Expected Opportunity Loss
145 7.4.8 Decision Tree Approach
146 7.5 Example Problem 2: Limiting Decision Costs
7.6 Answer to Example Problem 2
7.6.1 Setting up a Payoff Table
147 7.6.2 Determining Minimax
7.6.3 Determining Minimin
148 7.6.4 Determining Minimax Regret
149 7.6.5 EMV
150 7.7 Example Problem 3: Qualitative Decision Making
7.8 Answer to Example Problem 3
7.8.1 Maximin
151 7.8.2 Maximax
7.8.3 Minimax Regret
152 7.8.4 EMV
153 7.9 Importance of the Payoff Matrix
154 7.10 Exercises
156 8. Bayes’ Theorem
8.1 Introduction
8.2 What is Bayes’ Theorem
157 8.3 Criticism and Advantages
8.4 Derivation of Bayes’ Theorem from First Principles
8.4.1 Events and Sample Space
159 8.4.2 Conditional Probability and Dependence
160 8.4.3 Bayes’ Theorem Derived from Conditional Probability
162 8.5 Logic of Prior/Posterior Probabilities and Tree Diagrams
164 8.6 Examples and Sample Exercises: Applications of Bayes’ Theorem
165 8.6.1 Example 1: Contractor Performance Information
168 8.6.2 Example 2: Defective Parts at a Firearms Manufacturer
172 8.7 Exercises
179 8.8 Conclusion
180 References
182 9. Matrix Analysis
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Criteria
183 9.3 Alternatives/Activities
184 9.4 Weights
185 9.5 Scores
186 9.6 Case Study 1: Construction Site Preparation
188 9.7 Case Study 2: Selection of an Engineering College
190 9.8 Case Study 3: Selecting Solar Panels
191 9.9 Case Study 4: Bid Analysis
193 9.10 Discussion
9.11 Exercises
194 References
196 10. MCDM and the Analytic Hierarchy Process
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP
197 10.3 Users of AHP
198 10.4 AHP Approaches—The Deductive Approach and the Systems
10.5 Weighting Criteria
199 10.6 Structuring a Problem
10.7 Cross Tabulation
201 10.8 Criteria Ranges
10.8.1 Ranges by Rank
202 10.8.2 Range Between 0 and 1
203 10.8.3 Weighting the Criteria
204 10.9 Comparison Matrix
10.9.1 Pairwise Comparison
206 10.9.2 Geometric Mean
207 10.9.3 Largest Eigenvalue
10.9.4 Consistency Index
208 10.9.5 Random Index and Consistency Ratio
209 10.9.6 Sensitivity Analysis
10.10 AHP Advantage and Critiques
210 10.11 Conclusion
10.12 Exercises
211 References
212 11. Project Planning—The OOPS Game
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Origins
11.3 How to Play the OOPS Game
214 11.3.1 OOPS Game Example
216 11.4 OOPS Game Analysis
11.4.1 Reducing the Scope of Analysis
219 11.4.2 Approach of the Analysis
221 11.5 Results of Analysis
11.5.1 All Scores
222 11.5.2 All-BUILD Strategy
11.5.3 All PLAN Strategies
224 11.6 Analysis of Data
228 11.6.1 Lowest-Mean-Cost Strategy of 6T0 through 6T6 Strategies
229 11.6.2 BUILD When Probability of Success is Greater than
50% (P > 0.5
232 11.6.3 BUILD When the Probability of Success is Greater than
or Equal to 50% (P = 0.5
233 11.6.4 Varying the Threshold for Attempting to BUILD
235 11.6.5 Choosing PLAN in the Beginning
236 11.7 Conclusion
237 11.8 Exercises
238 12. Tracking Performance through Control Charts
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The History of Control Charts
239 12.3 Causes of Process Variation
240 12.4 Run and Control Charts, Upper Control Limit and
Lower Control Limit, and Six Sigma
12.5 Control Chart Concepts
242 12.6 Variable Control Charts
247 12.7 Attribute Control Charts
248 12.7.1 The p Chart
254 12.7.2 The np Chart
256 12.7.3 The c Chart
257 12.7.4 The u Chart
258 12.8 Control Chart Analysis
261 12.9 Summary, Analysis, and Conclusion
262 12.10 Exercises
265 References
268 13. Economic Order Quantity for Inventory Control
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Costs Associated with Carrying Inventory
13.2.1 Ordering Costs
269 13.2.2 Carrying Costs
271 13.2.3 Total Inventory Cost
13.3 Economic Order Quantity
272 13.3.1 Derivation of EOQ
273 13.3.2 Assumptions of the EOQ Model
274 13.4 EOQ Example
13.5 Reorder Point
275 13.5.1 Case where L × S < EOQ
276 13.5.2 Case where L × S > EOQ
13.6 Sensitivity of EOQ Model
277 13.7 Average Inventory
13.8 Weaknesses of the EOQ Model
278 13.9 Safety Stock
279 13.9.1 Setting the Safety Stock Level
280 13.10 EOQ with Back-Ordering
283 13.10.1 Back-Ordering Example
13.11 Ordering with Quantity Discounts
284 13.11.1 Quantity Discounts Example
285 13.12 Exercises
286 References
288 Appendix 1 Case Study for a Risk Plan: Kapi‘olani Boulevard
A1.1 Introduction
A1.2 Background
289 A1.3 Risk Management
A1.3.1 Roundabout at Kapi‘olani Boulevard and Ward Avenue
291 A1.4 Risk Identification
A1.4.1 Risk Identification for the Roundabout at Kapi‘olani
Boulevard and Ward Avenue
292 A1.5 Risk Assessment
294 A1.5.1 Risk Assessment for the Roundabout at Kapi‘olani
Boulevard and Ward Avenue
295 A1.6 Risk Analysis
296 A1.6.1 Risk Analysis for the Roundabout at Kapi‘olani
Boulevard and Ward Avenue
297 A1.7 Risk Mitigation and Planning
298 A1.8 Risk Allocation
300 A1.9 Risk Monitoring and Updating
A1.9.1 Risk Monitoring and Updating for the Roundabout at
Kapi‘olani Boulevard and Ward Avenue
A1.10 General Discussion
301 A1.11 Case-Study Problem
303 References
304 Appendix 2 Example Contingency Fund Evaluation Problem
A2.1 Steps to Solution
312 Index
320 About the Author
ASCE QuantitativeRiskManagementDecision 2017