ASCE Standard 7 2022
ASCE Standard 7: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ASCE | 2022 |
Two Standards are combined that explain the critical factor of saturated hydraulic conductivity to effectively and accurately measure groundwater flow and transport of contaminants. All saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements are subject to variability—even in the most geologically homogeneous aquifers—caused by local fluctuations in an aquifer’s textural characteristics. Averages of these fluctuations constitute a set of values that can be subsumed into a more general probabilistic description of the sample by means of a probability density function. Applying probabilistic procedures to the saturated hydraulic conductivity produces the effective hydraulic conductivity, which can be used to estimate the average specific discharge, the average linear velocity, and other key variables in groundwater flow.
ASCE/EWRI Standard 50-08(R2022) provides current guidelines for fitting saturated hydraulic conductivity using probability density functions. Standard ASCE/EWRI 51-08(R2022) addresses the calculation of effective saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ke or Kew) in local-scale groundwater flow, whether or not it is isotropic. Gathered in a single volume, these two Standard are the first in series that will address the knowledge of probabilistic characterization and behavior of saturated groundwater conductivity.
These Standards will be useful to environmental engineers, water resources engineers, and any professional who uses hydraulics in engineering.
An ASCE standard is reaffirmed when it has been reviewed by its technical committee and determined to be current with no need for immediate revision. These standards were reaffirmed in 2016 and 2022.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Cover |
3 | Copyright |
5 | Tips for Using This Standard |
51 | PREFACE |
62 | Standard ASCE/SEI 7-22 Chapter 1: General 1.1 Scope 1.2 Definitions and Symbols 1.2.1 Definitions |
63 | 1.2.2 Symbols 1.3 Basic Requirements 1.3.1 Strength and Stiffness |
64 | 1.3.2 Serviceability 1.3.3 Functionality |
65 | 1.3.4 Self-Straining Forces and Effects 1.3.5 Analysis 1.3.6 Counteracting Structural Actions 1.3.7 Fire Resistance 1.4 General Structural Integrity 1.4.1 Load Path Connections 1.4.2 Lateral Forces 1.4.3 Connection to Supports 1.4.4 Anchorage of Structural Walls 1.4.5 Extraordinary Loads and Events 1.5 Classification of Buildings and Other Structures 1.5.1 Risk Categorization 1.5.2 Multiple Risk Categories |
66 | “1.5.3 Toxic, Highly Toxic, and Explosive Substances ” 1.6 In Situ Load Tests |
67 | 1.6.1 Load Test Procedure Specified Elsewhere 1.6.2 Load Test Procedure Not Specified Elsewhere 1.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
68 | Chapter 2: Combinations of Loads 2.1 General 2.2 Symbols 2.3 Load Combinations for Strength Design 2.3.1 Basic Combinations 2.3.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load 2.3.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads 2.3.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects |
69 | 2.3.5 Load Combinations for Nonspecified Loads 2.3.6 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects 2.3.7 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil 2.4 Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design 2.4.1 Basic Combinations |
70 | 2.4.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load 2.4.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads 2.4.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects 2.4.5 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects 2.5 Load Combinations for Extraordinary Events 2.5.1 Applicability 2.5.2 Load Combinations |
71 | 2.5.3 Stability Requirements 2.6 Load Combinations for General Structural Integrity Loads 2.6.1 Strength Design Notional Load Combinations 2.6.2 Allowable Stress Design Notional Load Combinations 2.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
72 | Chapter 3: Dead Loads, Soil Loads, and Hydrostatic Pressure 3.1 Dead Loads 3.1.1 Definition 3.1.2 Weights of Materials of Construction 3.1.3 Weight of Fixed Service Equipment 3.1.4 Vegetative and Landscaped Roofs 3.1.5 Solar Panels |
73 | 3.2 Soil Loads and Hydrostatic Pressure 3.2.1 Lateral Pressures 3.2.2 Uplift Loads on Floors and Foundations 3.3 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil 3.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
74 | Chapter 4: Live Loads 4.1 Definitions 4.2 Loads Not Specified 4.3 Uniformly Distributed Live Loads 4.3.1 Required Live Loads 4.3.2 Provision for Partitions 4.3.3 Partial Loading 4.3.4 Interior Walls and Partitions 4.4 Concentrated Live Loads “4.5 Loads on Handrail, Guard, Grab Bar, and Vehicle Barrier Systems, and on Shower Seats and Fixed Ladders ” 4.5.1 Handrail and Guard Systems |
77 | 4.5.2 Grab Bar Systems and Shower Seats 4.5.3 Vehicle Barrier Systems |
78 | 4.5.4 Fixed Ladders 4.6 Impact Loads 4.6.1 General 4.6.2 Elevators 4.6.3 Machinery 4.6.4 Elements Supporting Hoists for Façade Access and Building Maintenance Equipment “4.6.5 Fall Arrest, Lifeline, and Rope Descent System Anchorages ” 4.7 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads 4.7.1 General 4.7.2 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads 4.7.3 Heavy Live Loads 4.7.4 Passenger Vehicle Garages 4.7.5 Assembly Area Loads |
79 | 4.7.6 Limitations on One-Way Slabs 4.8 Reduction in Uniform Roof Live Loads 4.8.1 General “4.8.2 Ordinary Roofs, Awnings, and Canopies ” 4.8.3 Occupiable Roofs 4.9 Crane Loads 4.9.1 General 4.9.2 Maximum Wheel Load 4.9.3 Vertical Impact Force Bridge Crane Service Class |
80 | 4.9.4 Lateral Force 4.9.5 Longitudinal Force 4.10 Garage and Vehicular Floor Loads 4.10.1 Passenger Vehicle Garages 4.10.2 Truck and Bus Garages “4.10.3 Sidewalks, Vehicular Driveways, and Yards Subject to Trucking ” 4.10.4 Emergency Vehicle Loads 4.11 Helipad Loads 4.11.1 General 4.11.2 Concentrated Helicopter Loads 4.12 Uninhabitable Attics 4.12.1 Uninhabitable Attics without Storage 4.12.2 Uninhabitable Attics with Storage |
81 | 4.13 Library Stack Rooms 4.14 Seating for Assembly Uses 4.15 Stair Treads 4.16 Solar Panel Loads 4.16.1 Roof Loads at Solar Panels 4.16.2 Load Combination 4.16.3 Open-Grid Roof Structures Supporting Solar Panels 4.17 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
82 | Chapter 5: Flood Loads 5.1 General 5.2 Definitions 5.3 Design Requirements 5.3.1 Design Loads 5.3.2 Erosion and Scour 5.3.3 Loads on Breakaway Walls 5.4 Loads during Flooding 5.4.1 Load Basis 5.4.2 Hydrostatic Loads |
83 | 5.4.3 Hydrodynamic Loads 5.4.4 Wave Loads |
84 | 5.4.5 Impact Loads 5.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
86 | Chapter 6: Tsunami Loads and Effects 6.1 General Requirements 6.1.1 Scope 6.2 Definitions |
90 | 6.3 Symbols and Notation |
91 | 6.4 Tsunami Risk Categories 6.5 Analysis of Design Inundation Depth and Flow Velocity 6.5.1 Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures |
92 | 6.5.2 Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures 6.5.3 Sea Level Change 6.6 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Runup 6.6.1 Maximum Inundation Depth and Flow Velocities Based on Runup 6.6.2 Energy Grade Line Analysis of Maximum Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities |
93 | 6.6.3 Terrain Roughness 6.6.4 Tsunami Bores 6.6.5 Amplified Flow Velocities 6.7 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Site-Specific Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis 6.7.1 Tsunami Waveform |
95 | 6.7.2 Tsunamigenic Sources 6.7.3 Earthquake Rupture Unit Source Tsunami Functions for Offshore Tsunami Amplitude |
96 | 6.7.4 Treatment of Modeling and Natural Uncertainties 6.7.5 Offshore Tsunami Amplitude |
97 | 6.7.6 Procedures for Determining Tsunami Inundation and Runup Determining Site-Specific Inundation Flow Parameters |
99 | Tsunami Design Parameters for Flow over Land 6.8 Structural Design Procedures for Tsunami Effects 6.8.1 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures 6.8.2 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category III Critical Facilities and Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures 6.8.3 Structural Performance Evaluation Load Combinations |
100 | Lateral-Force-Resisting System Acceptance Criteria Structural Component Acceptance Criteria |
101 | 6.8.4 Minimum Fluid Density for Tsunami Loads 6.8.5 Flow Velocity Amplification |
102 | “6.8.10 Physical Modeling of Tsunami Flow, Loads, and Effects ” 6.8.6 Directionality of Flow 6.8.7 Minimum Closure Ratio for Load Determination 6.8.8 Minimum Number of Tsunami Flow Cycles 6.8.9 Seismic Effects on the Foundations Preceding Local Subduction Zone Maximum Considered Tsunami 6.9 Hydrostatic Loads 6.9.1 Buoyancy |
103 | 6.9.2 Unbalanced Lateral Hydrostatic Force 6.9.3 Residual Water Surcharge Load on Floors and Walls 6.9.4 Hydrostatic Surcharge Pressure on Foundation 6.10 Hydrodynamic Loads 6.10.1 Simplified Equivalent Uniform Lateral Static Pressure 6.10.2 Detailed Hydrodynamic Lateral Forces |
105 | 6.10.3 Hydrodynamic Pressures Associated with Slabs Tsunami Bore Flow Entrapped in Structural Wall-Slab Recesses |
106 | 6.11 Debris Impact Loads 6.11.1 Alternative Simplified Debris Impact Static Load |
107 | 6.11.2 Wood Logs and Poles 6.11.3 Impact by Vehicles 6.11.4 Impact by Submerged Tumbling Boulder and Concrete Debris “6.11.5 Site Hazard Assessment for Shipping Containers, Ships, and Barges ” |
108 | 6.11.6 Shipping Containers |
109 | 6.11.7 Extraordinary Debris Impacts 6.11.8 Alternative Methods of Response Analysis 6.12 FOUNDATION DESIGN 6.12.1 Resistance Factors for Foundation Stability Analyses 6.12.2 Load and Effect Characterization |
113 | 6.12.3 Alternative Foundation Performance-Based Design Criteria 6.12.4 Foundation Countermeasures |
114 | 6.13 Structural Countermeasures for Tsunami Loading 6.13.1 Open Structures 6.13.2 Tsunami Barriers 6.14 Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Refuge Structures 6.14.1 Minimum Inundation Elevation and Depth |
115 | 6.14.2 Refuge Live Load 6.14.3 Laydown Impacts 6.14.4 Information on Construction Documents 6.14.5 Peer Review 6.15 Designated Nonstructural Components and Systems 6.15.1 Performance Requirements 6.16 Nonbuilding Tsunami Risk Category III and IV Structures 6.16.1 Requirements for Tsunami Risk Category III Nonbuilding Structures 6.16.2 Requirements for Tsunami Risk Category IV Nonbuilding Structures 6.17 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
116 | Chapter 7: Snow Loads 7.1 Definitions and Symbols 7.1.1 Definitions 7.1.2 Symbols “7.2 Ground Snow Loads, pg ” |
122 | “7.3 Flat Roof Snow Loads, pf ” “7.3.1 Exposure Factor, Ce ” “7.3.2 Thermal Factor, Ct ” “7.3.3 Minimum Snow Load for Low-Slope Roofs, pm ” “7.4 Sloped Roof Snow Loads, ps ” |
123 | “7.4.1 Slope Factor, Cs ” 7.4.2 Slope Factor for Curved Roofs “7.4.3 Slope Factor for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtooth, and Barrel Vault Roofs ” 7.4.4 Ice Dams and Icicles along Eaves |
124 | 7.4.5 Sloped Roof Snow Loads for Air-Supported Structures 7.5 Partial Loading 7.5.1 Continuous Beam Systems |
125 | 7.5.2 Other Structural Systems 7.6 Unbalanced Roof Snow Loads 7.6.1 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Hip and Gable Roofs |
126 | 7.6.2 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Curved Roofs “7.6.3 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Multiple Folded Plate, Sawtooth, and Barrel Vault Roofs ” 7.6.4 Unbalanced Snow Loads for Dome Roofs 7.7 Drifts on Lower Roofs (Aerodynamic Shade) 7.7.1 Lower Roof of a Structure 7.7.2 Adjacent Structures 7.7.3 Intersecting Drifts 7.8 Roof Projections and Parapets |
128 | 7.9 Sliding Snow |
129 | 7.10 Rain-On-Snow Surcharge Load 7.11 Ponding Instability 7.12 Existing Roofs 7.13 Snow on Open-Frame Equipment Structures 7.13.1 Snow at Top Level 7.13.2 Snow at Levels below the Top Level |
130 | 7.13.3 Snow Loads on Pipes and Cable Trays 7.13.4 Snow Loads on Equipment and Equipment Platforms 7.14 ALTERNATE PROCEDURE 7.14.1 Limitations on Snow Loads Derived from Scale Model Studies |
131 | 7.14.2 Consideration of Thermal Performance in Model Studies 7.15 Consensus Standards and other Referenced Documents |
132 | Chapter 8: Rain Loads 8.1 Definitions and Symbols 8.1.1 Definitions 8.1.2 Symbols 8.2 Design Rain Loads 8.3 Bays with Low Slope 8.4 Drainage to Existing Roofs 8.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
136 | Chapter 10: Ice Loads-Atmospheric Icing 10.1 General 10.1.1 Site-Specific Studies 10.1.2 Dynamic Loads 10.1.3 Exclusions 10.2 Definitions 10.3 Symbols 10.4 Ice Loads Caused By Freezing Rain 10.4.1 Ice Load |
137 | 10.4.2 Nominal Ice Thickness 10.4.3 Height Factor 10.4.4 Topographic Factor 10.4.5 Design Ice Thickness for Freezing Rain 10.5 Wind on Ice-Covered Structures “10.5.1 Wind on Ice-Covered Chimneys, Tanks, and Similar Structures ” 10.5.2 Wind on Ice-Covered Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs 10.5.3 Wind on Ice-Covered Open Signs and Lattice Frameworks |
138 | 10.5.4 Wind on Ice-Covered Trussed Towers 10.5.5 Wind on Ice-Covered Guys and Cables 10.6 Design Temperatures for Freezing Rain 10.7 Partial Loading 10.8 Design Procedure 10.9 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
160 | Chapter 11: Seismic Design Criteria 11.1 General 11.1.1 Purpose 11.1.2 Scope 11.1.3 Applicability 11.1.4 Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction 11.1.5 Quality Assurance 11.2 Definitions |
164 | 11.3 Symbols |
167 | 11.4 Seismic Ground Motion Values 11.4.1 Near-Fault Sites 11.4.2 Site Class 11.4.3 Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters 11.4.4 Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters |
168 | 11.4.5 Design Response Spectrum 11.4.6 Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Response Spectrum 11.4.7 Site-Specific Ground Motion Procedures |
169 | 11.5 Importance Factor and Risk Category 11.5.1 Importance Factor 11.5.2 Protected Access for Risk Category IV 11.6 Seismic Design Category 11.7 Design Requirements for Seismic Design Category A 11.8 Geologic Hazards and Geotechnical Investigation 11.8.1 Site Limitation for Seismic Design Categories E and F 11.8.2 Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements for Seismic Design Categories C through F |
170 | 11.8.3 Additional Geotechnical Investigation Report Requirements for Seismic Design Categories D through F 11.9 Vertical Ground Motions for Seismic Design 11.9.1 General 11.9.2 MCER Vertical Response Spectrum |
171 | 11.9.3 Design Vertical Response Spectrum 11.10 Consensus Standards and other Referenced Documents |
172 | Chapter 12: Seismic Design Requirements for Building Structures 12.1 Structural Design Basis 12.1.1 Basic Requirements “12.1.2 Member Design, Connection Design, and Deformation Limit ” 12.1.3 Continuous Load Path and Interconnection 12.1.4 Connection to Supports 12.1.5 Foundation Design 12.1.6 Material Design and Detailing Requirements 12.2 Structural System Selection 12.2.1 Selection and Limitations |
176 | 12.2.2 Combinations of Framing Systems in Different Directions 12.2.3 Combinations of Framing Systems in the Same Direction |
177 | 12.2.4 Combination Framing Detailing Requirements 12.2.5 System-Specific Requirements |
179 | “12.3 Diaphragm Flexibility, Configuration Irregularities, and Redundancy ” 12.3.1 Diaphragm Flexibility 12.3.2 Irregular and Regular Classification |
181 | 12.3.3 Limitations and Additional Requirements for Systems with Structural Irregularities |
182 | 12.3.4 Redundancy 12.4 Seismic Load Effects and Combinations 12.4.1 Applicability 12.4.2 Seismic Load Effect |
183 | 12.4.3 Seismic Load Effects Including Overstrength 12.4.4 Minimum Upward Force for Horizontal Cantilevers for Seismic Design Categories D through F 12.5 Direction of Loading 12.5.1 Direction of Loading Criteria 12.5.2 Seismic Design Category B |
184 | 12.5.3 Seismic Design Category C 12.5.4 Seismic Design Categories D through F 12.6 Analysis Procedure Selection 12.7 Modeling Criteria 12.7.1 Foundation Modeling 12.7.2 Effective Seismic Weight 12.7.3 Structural Modeling 12.7.4 Interaction Effects |
185 | 12.8 Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) Procedure 12.8.1 Seismic Base Shear 12.8.2 Period Determination |
186 | 12.8.3 Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces 12.8.4 Horizontal Distribution of Forces |
187 | 12.8.5 Overturning 12.8.6 Displacement and Drift Determination |
188 | 12.8.7 P-Delta Effects 12.9 Linear Dynamic Analysis 12.9.1 Modal Response Spectrum Analysis |
189 | 12.9.2 Linear Response History Analysis |
190 | “12.10 Diaphragms, Chords, and Collectors ” 12.10.1 Diaphragm Design |
191 | 12.10.2 Collector Elements “12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions for Diaphragms, Including Chords and Collectors ” |
192 | 12.10.4 Alternative Diaphragm Design Provisions for One-Story Structures with Flexible Diaphragms and Rigid Vertical Elements |
194 | 12.11 Structural Walls and Their Anchorage 12.11.1 Design for Out-of-Plane Forces 12.11.2 Anchorage of Structural Walls and Transfer of Design Forces into Diaphragms or Other Supporting Structural Elements 12.12 Drift and Deformation 12.12.1 Story Drift Limit 12.12.2 Structural Separation |
195 | 12.12.3 Members Spanning between Structures 12.12.4 Deformation Compatibility for Seismic Design Categories D through F 12.13 Foundation Design 12.13.1 Design Basis 12.13.2 Materials of Construction 12.13.3 Foundation Load-Deformation Characteristics 12.13.4 Reduction of Foundation Overturning |
196 | 12.13.5 Strength Design for Foundation Geotechnical Capacity 12.13.6 Allowable Stress Design for Foundation Geotechnical Capacity 12.13.7 Requirements for Structures Assigned to Seismic Design Category C |
197 | 12.13.8 Requirements for Structures Assigned to Seismic Design Categories D through F 12.13.9 Requirements for Foundations Subject to Seismically-Induced Soil Displacement or Strength Loss |
199 | 12.14 Simplified Alternative Structural Design Criteria for Simple Bearing Wall or Building Frame Systems 12.14.1 General |
200 | 12.14.2 Design Basis 12.14.3 Seismic Load Effects |
202 | 12.14.4 Seismic Force-Resisting System |
203 | 12.14.5 Diaphragm Flexibility 12.14.6 Application of Loading 12.14.7 Design and Detailing Requirements |
204 | 12.14.8 Simplified Lateral Force Analysis Procedure |
205 | 12.15 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
206 | Chapter 13: Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components 13.1 General 13.1.1 Scope 13.1.2 Seismic Design Category 13.1.3 Component Importance Factor 13.1.4 Exemptions 13.1.5 Premanufactured Modular Mechanical and Electrical Systems 13.1.6 Application of Nonstructural Component Requirements to Nonbuilding Structures 13.1.7 Reference Documents 13.1.8 Reference Documents Using Allowable Stress Design |
207 | 13.2 General Design Requirements “13.2.1 Applicable Requirements for Architectural, Mechanical, and Electrical Components, Supports, and Attachments ” 13.2.2 Load Combinations 13.2.3 Special Certification Requirements for Designated Seismic Systems |
208 | 13.2.4 Consequential Damage 13.2.5 Flexibility 13.2.6 Testing Alternative for Seismic Capacity Determination 13.2.7 Experience Data Alternative for Seismic Capacity Determination 13.2.8 Construction Documents 13.2.9 Supported Nonstructural Components with Greater than or Equal to 20% Combined Weight 13.3 Seismic Demands on Nonstructural Components 13.3.1 Horizontal Seismic Design Forces |
210 | 13.3.2 Seismic Relative Displacements |
211 | 13.3.3 Component Period 13.4 Nonstructural Component Anchorage and Attachment 13.4.1 Design Force in the Attachment 13.4.2 Anchors in Concrete or Masonry 13.4.3 Installation Conditions 13.4.4 Multiple Attachments 13.4.5 Power-Actuated Fasteners 13.4.6 Friction Clips 13.5 Architectural Components 13.5.1 General. |
212 | 13.5.2 Forces and Displacements 13.5.3 Exterior Nonstructural Wall Elements and Connections |
213 | 13.5.4 Glass 13.5.5 Out-of-Plane Bending 13.5.6 Suspended Ceilings |
214 | 13.5.7 Access Floors 13.5.8 Partitions “13.5.9 Glass in Glazed Curtain Walls, Glazed Storefronts, and Glazed Partitions ” |
215 | 13.5.10 Egress Stairs and Ramps 13.5.11 Penthouses and Rooftop Structures 13.6 Mechanical and Electrical Components 13.6.1 General |
217 | 13.6.2 Mechanical Components 13.6.3 Electrical Components |
218 | 13.6.4 Component Supports “13.6.5 Distribution Systems: Conduit, Cable Tray, and Raceways ” |
219 | 13.6.6 Distribution Systems: Duct Systems 13.6.7 Distribution Systems: Piping and Tubing Systems |
220 | 13.6.8 Distribution Systems: Trapezes with a Combination of Systems 13.6.9 Utility and Service Lines 13.6.10 Boilers and Pressure Vessels |
221 | 13.6.11 Elevator and Escalator Design Requirements 13.6.12 Rooftop Solar Panels 13.6.13 Other Mechanical and Electrical Components |
222 | 13.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
224 | Chapter 14: Material-Specific Seismic Design and Detailing Requirements 14.0 Scope 14.1 Steel 14.1.1 Reference Documents 14.1.2 Structural Steel 14.1.3 Cold-Formed Steel 14.1.4 Cold-Formed Steel Light-Frame Construction |
225 | 14.1.5 Cold-Formed Steel Deck Diaphragms 14.1.6 Concrete-Filled Steel Deck Diaphragms 14.1.7 Open Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders 14.1.8 Steel Cables 14.1.9 Additional Detailing Requirements for Steel Piles in Seismic Design Categories D through F 14.2 Concrete 14.2.1 Reference Documents 14.2.2 Modifications to ACI 318 |
226 | 14.3 Composite Steel and Concrete Structures 14.3.1 Reference Documents 14.3.2 General 14.3.3 Seismic Requirements for Composite Steel and Concrete Structures 14.3.4 Metal-Cased Concrete Piles 14.4 Masonry 14.4.1 Reference Documents 14.4.2 R Factors 14.4.3 Modifications to Chapter 7 of TMS 402 14.4.4 Modifications to Chapter 6 of TMS 402 14.4.5 Modifications to Chapter 9 of TMS 402 |
227 | 14.4.6 Modifications to Chapter 12 of TMS 402 14.5 Wood 14.5.1 Reference Documents 14.6 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
228 | Chapter 15: Seismic Design Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures 15.1 General 15.1.1 Nonbuilding Structures 15.1.2 Design 15.1.3 Structural Analysis Procedure Selection 15.1.4 Nonbuilding Structures Sensitive to Vertical Ground Motions |
229 | 15.2 Nonbuilding Structures Connected by Nonstructural Components to other Adjacent Structures 15.2.1 General Requirements 15.2.2 Nonstructural Components Spanning between Nonbuilding Structures 15.3 Nonbuilding Structures Supported by Other Structures 15.3.1 Supported Nonbuilding Structures with Less Than 20% of Combined Weight 15.3.2 Supported Nonbuilding Structures with Greater Than or Equal to 20% of Combined Weight |
230 | 15.3.3 Nonstructural Components Supported by Nonbuilding Structures 15.4 Structural Design Requirements 15.4.1 Design Basis |
233 | 15.4.2 Rigid Nonbuilding Structures 15.4.3 Loads 15.4.4 Fundamental Period 15.4.5 Drift Limit 15.4.6 P-Delta “15.4.7 Drift, Deflection, and Structure Separation ” 15.4.8 Site-Specific Response Spectra |
234 | 15.4.9 Anchors in Concrete or Masonry 15.4.10 Requirements for Nonbuilding Structure Foundations on Liquefiable Sites 15.4.11 Material Requirements 15.5 Nonbuilding Structures Similar to Buildings 15.5.1 General 15.5.2 Pipe Racks 15.5.3 Storage Racks |
236 | 15.6 General Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures not Similar to Buildings 15.6.1 Earth-Retaining Structures “15.6.2 Trussed Towers, Chimneys, and Stacks ” 15.6.3 Amusement Structures 15.6.4 Special Hydraulic Structures 15.6.5 Secondary Containment Systems |
237 | 15.6.6 Telecommunication Towers 15.6.7 Steel Tubular Support Structures for Onshore Wind Turbine Generator Systems 15.6.8 Ground-Supported Cantilever Walls or Fences 15.6.9 Reinforced Concrete Tabletop Structure for Rotating Equipment and Process Vessels or Drums 15.6.10 Steel Lighting System Support Pole Structures 15.7 Tanks and Vessels 15.7.1 General 15.7.2 Design Basis |
238 | 15.7.3 Strength and Ductility 15.7.4 Flexibility of Piping Attachments |
239 | 15.7.5 Anchorage 15.7.6 Ground-Supported Storage Tanks for Liquids |
242 | 15.7.7 Water Storage and Water Treatment Tanks and Vessels |
243 | 15.7.8 Petrochemical and Industrial Tanks and Vessels Storing Liquids 15.7.9 Ground-Supported Storage Tanks for Granular Materials 15.7.10 Elevated Tanks and Vessels for Liquids and Granular Materials |
244 | 15.7.11 Boilers and Pressure Vessels |
245 | 15.7.12 Liquid and Gas Spheres |
246 | 15.7.13 Refrigerated Gas Liquid Storage Tanks and Vessels “15.7.14 Horizontal, Saddle-Supported Vessels for Liquid or Vapor Storage ” 15.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
248 | Chapter 16: Nonlinear Response History Analysis 16.1 General Requirements 16.1.1 Scope 16.1.2 Linear Analysis 16.1.3 Vertical Response Analysis 16.1.4 Documentation 16.2 Ground Motions 16.2.1 Target Response Spectrum |
249 | 16.2.2 Ground Motion Selection 16.2.3 Ground Motion Modification 16.2.4 Application of Ground Motions to the Structural Model |
250 | 16.3 Modeling and Analysis 16.3.1 Modeling 16.3.2 Gravity Load 16.3.3 P-Delta Effects 16.3.4 Torsion 16.3.5 Damping 16.3.6 Explicit Foundation Modeling 16.4 Analysis Results and Acceptance Criteria 16.4.1 Global Acceptance Criteria 16.4.2 Element-Level Acceptance Criteria |
251 | 16.5 Design Review 16.5.1 Reviewer Qualifications 16.5.2 Review Scope 16.6 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
252 | Chapter 17: Seismic Design Requirements for Seismically Isolated Structures 17.1 General 17.1.1 Definitions 17.1.2 Symbols |
253 | 17.2 General Design Requirements 17.2.1 Importance Factor |
254 | 17.2.2 Configuration 17.2.3 Redundancy 17.2.4 Isolation System 17.2.5 Structural System |
255 | 17.2.6 Elements of Structures and Nonstructural Components 17.2.7 Seismic Load Effects and Load Combinations 17.2.8 Isolation System Properties |
257 | 17.3 Seismic Hazard 17.3.1 Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters and Response Spectrum 17.3.2 Ground Motions for Response History Analysis 17.4 Analysis Procedure Selection 17.4.1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 17.4.2 Dynamic Procedures 17.5 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 17.5.1 General 17.5.2 Deformation Characteristics of the Isolation System 17.5.3 Minimum Lateral Displacements Required for Design |
258 | 17.5.4 Minimum Lateral Forces Required for Design |
259 | 17.5.6 Drift Limits 17.6 Dynamic Analysis Procedures 17.6.1 General 17.6.2 Modeling |
260 | 17.6.3 Description of Procedures 17.6.4 Minimum Lateral Displacements and Forces |
261 | 17.7 Design Review 17.8 Testing |
262 | 17.8.1 General 17.8.2 Prototype Tests 17.8.3 Determination of Force-Deflection Characteristics 17.8.4 Test Specimen Adequacy |
263 | 17.8.5 Production Tests 17.9 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
264 | Chapter 18: Seismic Design Requirements for Structures with Damping Systems 18.1 General 18.1.1 Scope 18.1.2 Definitions 18.1.3 Symbols |
266 | 18.2 General Design Requirements 18.2.1 System Requirements |
267 | 18.2.2 Seismic Hazard 18.2.3 Procedure Selection 18.2.4 Damping System |
268 | 18.3 Nonlinear Response History Procedure |
269 | 18.3.1 Damping Device Modeling 18.3.2 Accidental Mass Eccentricity 18.3.3 Response Parameters 18.4 Seismic Load Conditions and Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Response History Procedure 18.4.1 Seismic Force-Resisting System 18.4.2 Damping System 18.4.3 Combination of Load Effects 18.4.4 Acceptance Criteria for the Response Parameters of Interest 18.5 Design Review 18.6 Testing 18.6.1 General |
270 | 18.6.2 Prototype Tests |
271 | 18.6.3 Production Tests |
272 | 18.7 Alternate Procedures and Corresponding Acceptance Criteria 18.7.1 Response Spectrum Procedure |
274 | 18.7.2 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure |
277 | 18.7.3 Damped Response Modification |
278 | 18.7.4 Seismic Load Conditions and Acceptance Criteria for RSA and ELF Procedures |
279 | 18.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
280 | Chapter 19: Soil-Structure Interaction for Seismic Design 19.1 General 19.1.1 Scope 19.1.2 Definitions 19.1.3 Symbols |
281 | 19.2 SSI Adjusted Structural Demands 19.2.1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure |
282 | 19.2.2 Linear Dynamic Analysis 19.2.3 Nonlinear Response History Procedure 19.3 Foundation Damping Effects 19.3.1 Foundation Damping Requirements |
283 | 19.3.2 Effective Damping Ratio 19.3.3 Radiation Damping for Rectangular Foundations |
284 | 19.3.4 Radiation Damping for Circular Foundations 19.3.5 Soil Damping 19.4 Base Slab Averaging and Embedment (Kinematic) SSI Effects |
285 | 19.4.1 Base Slab Averaging 19.4.2 Embedment 19.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
286 | Chapter 20: Site Classification Procedure for Seismic Design 20.1 Site Classification 20.2 Site Class Definitions 20.2.1 Site Class F 20.2.2 Soft Clay Site Class E “20.2.3 Site Classes C, CD, D, DE, and E ” 20.2.4 Site Classes B and BC (Medium Hard and Soft Rock) 20.2.5 Site Class A (Hard Rock) |
287 | 20.3 Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Profiles 20.4 Definitions of Site Class Parameters “20.4.1 ¯vs, Average Shear Wave Velocity ” 20.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
288 | Chapter 21: Site-Specific Ground Motion Procedures for Seismic Design 21.1 Site Response Analysis 21.1.1 Base Ground Motions 21.1.2 Site Condition Modeling 21.1.3 Site Response Analysis and Computed Results 21.2 Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Ground Motion Hazard Analysis 21.2.1 Probabilistic (MCER) Ground Motions |
289 | 21.2.2 Deterministic (MCER) Ground Motions 21.2.3 Site-Specific MCER Response Spectrum 21.3 Design Response Spectrum |
290 | 21.4 Design Acceleration Parameters 21.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean (MCEG) Peak Ground Acceleration 21.5.1 Probabilistic MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration 21.5.2 Deterministic MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration 21.5.3 Site-Specific MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration PGAM 21.6 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
292 | Chapter 22: Seismic Ground Motion and Long-Period Transition Maps 22.1 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
314 | Chapter 23: Seismic Design Reference Documents 23.1 Consensus Standards and Other Reference Documents |
322 | Chapter 26: Wind Loads: General Requirements 26.1 Procedures 26.1.1 Scope 26.1.2 Permitted Procedures 26.1.3 Performance-Based Procedures 26.2 Definitions |
324 | 26.3 Symbols |
326 | 26.4 General 26.4.1 Sign Convention 26.4.2 Critical Load Condition 26.4.3 Wind Pressures Acting on Opposite Faces of Each Building Surface 26.5 Wind Hazard Map 26.5.1 Basic Wind Speed |
335 | 26.5.2 Special Wind Regions 26.5.3 Estimation of Basic Wind Speeds from Regional Climatic Data 26.6 Wind Directionality Factor 26.7 Exposure 26.7.1 Wind Directions and Sectors 26.7.2 Surface Roughness Categories 26.7.3 Exposure Categories |
336 | 26.7.4 Exposure Requirements 26.8 Topographic Effects “26.8.1 Wind Speed-Up over Hills, Ridges, and Escarpments ” 26.8.2 Topographic Factor 26.9 Ground Elevation Factor 26.10 Velocity Pressure 26.10.1 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient 26.10.2 Velocity Pressure |
338 | 26.11 Gust Effects 26.11.1 Gust-Effect Factor 26.11.2 Frequency Determination 26.11.3 Approximate Natural Frequency |
339 | 26.11.4 Rigid Buildings or Other Structures 26.11.5 Flexible Buildings or Other Structures |
340 | 26.11.6 Rational Analysis 26.11.7 Limitations 26.12 Enclosure Classification 26.12.1 General 26.12.2 Openings 26.12.3 Protection of Glazed Openings 26.13 Internal Pressure Coefficients “26.13.1 Reduction Factor for Large-Volume Buildings, Ri ” |
341 | 26.14 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
342 | Chapter 27: Wind Loads on Buildings: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Directional Procedure) 27.1 Scope 27.1.1 Building Types 27.1.2 Conditions 27.1.3 Limitations 27.1.4 Shielding 27.1.5 Minimum Design Wind Loads 27.2 General Requirements 27.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in Chapter 26 27.3 Wind Loads: Main Wind Force Resisting System “27.3.1 Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, and Partially Open Rigid and Flexible Buildings ” |
347 | “27.3.2 Open Buildings with Monoslope, Pitched, or Troughed Free Roofs ” 27.3.3 Roof Overhangs 27.3.4 Parapets |
353 | 27.3.5 Design Wind Load Cases 27.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
354 | Chapter 28: Wind Loads on Buildings: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Envelope Procedure) 28.1 Scope 28.1.1 Building Types 28.1.2 Conditions 28.1.3 Limitations 28.1.4 Shielding 28.2 General Requirements 28.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in Chapter 26 |
355 | 28.3 Wind Loads: Main Wind Force Resisting System 28.3.1 Design Wind Pressure for Low-Rise Buildings 28.3.2 Load Cases 28.3.3 Total Horizontal Load 28.3.4 Parapets 28.3.5 Roof Overhangs 28.3.6 Minimum Design Wind Loads 28.3.7 Horizontal Wind Loads on Open or Partially Enclosed Buildings with Transverse Frames and Pitched Roofs |
358 | 28.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
360 | Chapter 29: Wind Loads on Building Appurtenances and Other Structures: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Directional Procedure) 29.1 Scope 29.1.1 Structure Types 29.1.2 Conditions 29.1.3 Limitations 29.1.4 Shielding |
361 | 29.2 General Requirements 29.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in Chapter 26 29.3 Design Wind Loads: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs 29.3.1 Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Freestanding Signs 29.3.2 Solid Attached Signs 29.4 Design Wind Loads: Other Structures 29.4.1 Rooftop Structures and Equipment for Buildings |
365 | “29.4.2 Design Wind Loads: Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks with h ≤ 120 ft (h ≤ 36.5 m), D ≤ 120 ft (D ≤ 36.5 m), and 0.25 ≤ HD ≤ 4 ” |
366 | 29.4.3 Rooftop Solar Panels for Buildings of All Heights with Flat Roofs or Gable or Hip Roofs with Slopes Less Than 7 Degrees |
370 | 29.4.4 Rooftop Solar Panels Parallel to the Roof Surface on Buildings of All Heights and Roof Slopes |
371 | 29.4.5 Ground-Mounted Fixed-Tilt Solar Panel Systems |
372 | 29.5 Parapets 29.6 Roof Overhangs 29.7 Minimum Design Wind Loading 29.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
376 | Chapter 30: Wind Loads: Components and Cladding 30.1 Scope 30.1.1 Building Types 30.1.2 Conditions 30.1.3 Limitations 30.1.4 Shielding 30.1.5 Air-Permeable Cladding 30.2 General Requirements 30.2.1 Wind Load Parameters Specified in Chapter 26 30.2.2 Minimum Design Wind Pressures 30.2.3 Tributary Areas Greater than 700 ft2 (65 m2) 30.2.4 External Pressure Coefficients |
377 | 30.3 Building Types 30.3.1 Conditions 30.3.2 Design Wind Pressures |
379 | 30.4 Building Types 30.4.1 Conditions 30.4.2 Design Wind Pressures |
394 | 30.5 Building Types 30.5.1 Conditions 30.5.2 Design Wind Pressures 30.6 Parapets |
396 | 30.7 Roof Overhangs |
401 | 30.8 Rooftop Structures and Equipment for Buildings 30.9 Attached Canopies on Buildings |
402 | “30.10 Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks with h ? 120ft (h ? 36.6m) ” 30.10.1 Design Wind Pressure “30.10.2 External Walls of Isolated Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks ” |
406 | “30.10.3 Internal Surface of Exterior Walls of Isolated Open-Topped Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks ” “30.10.4 Roofs of Isolated Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks ” “30.10.5 Undersides of Isolated Elevated Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks ” “30.10.6 Roofs and Walls of Grouped Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks ” 30.11 Rooftop Solar Panels for Buildings of all Heights with Flat Roofs or Gable or Hip Roofs with Slopes Less Than 7 Degrees 30.12 Roof Pavers for Buildings of all Heights with Roof Slopes Less Than or Equal to 7 Degrees 30.13 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
412 | Chapter 31: Wind Tunnel Procedure 31.1 Scope 31.2 Test Conditions 31.3 Dynamic Response “31.4 Site Specific Load Effects for Buildings, Other Structures, and Components ” 31.4.1 Mean Recurrence Intervals of Load Effects 31.4.2 Limitations on Wind Speeds 31.4.3 Wind Directionality 31.4.4 Limitations on Loads |
413 | 31.4.5 Limitations on Wind Loads for Ground-Mounted Fixed-Tilt Solar Panel Systems “31.5 Load Effects for Buildings, Other Structures, and Components Used at Multiple Sites ” 31.5.1 Wind Loads 31.5.2 Limitations on Wind Loads for Rooftop Solar Panels “31.5.3 Peer Review Requirements for Wind Tunnel Tests of Buildings, Other Structures, and Components used at Multiple Sites ” 31.6 Peer Review Requirement for Wind Tunnel Tests 31.7 Wind-Borne Debris 31.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
414 | Chapter 32: Tornado Loads 32.1 PROCEDURES 32.1.1 Scope 32.1.2 Permitted Procedures 32.1.3 Performance-Based Procedures 32.2 DEFINITIONS |
415 | 32.3 SYMBOLS AND NOTATION 32.4 GENERAL 32.4.1 Sign Convention 32.4.2 Critical Load Condition 32.5 TORNADO HAZARD MAPS 32.5.1 Tornado Speed |
417 | 32.5.2 Design for Tornado Loads Not Required 32.5.3 Direction of Tornadic Wind 32.5.4 Effective Plan Area |
418 | 32.6 TORNADO DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR 32.7 TORNADO EXPOSURE 32.8 TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR 32.9 GROUND ELEVATION FACTOR 32.10 TORNADO VELOCITY PRESSURE 32.10.1 Tornado Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient 32.10.2 Tornado Velocity Pressure 32.11 TORNADO GUST EFFECTS 32.11.1 Tornado Gust-Effect Factor 32.11.2 Limitations 32.12 TORNADO ENCLOSURE CLASSIFICATION 32.12.1 General 32.12.2 Openings 32.12.3 Protection of Glazed Openings 32.13 TORNADO INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS |
452 | “32.13.1 Reduction Factor for Large-Volume Buildings, Ri ” 32.14 TORNADO EXTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS 32.15 TORNADO LOADS ON BUILDINGS: MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM “32.15.1 Enclosed, Partially Enclosed, and Partially Open Buildings ” “32.15.2 Open Buildings with Monoslope, Pitched, or Troughed Free Roofs ” |
453 | 32.15.3 Roof Overhangs 32.15.4 Parapets 32.15.5 Design Load Cases 32.16 TORNADO LOADS ON BUILDING APPURTENANCES AND OTHER STRUCTURES: MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM 32.16.1 General Requirements 32.16.2 Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs 32.16.3 Other Structures |
454 | 32.17 TORNADO LOADS: COMPONENTS AND CLADDING 32.17.1 Low-Rise Buildings 32.17.2 Buildings with h > 60 ft (h > 18.3 m) |
455 | 32.17.3 Open Buildings 32.17.4 Building Appurtenances and Rooftop Structures and Equipment 32.17.5 Nonbuilding Structures |
456 | 32.18 TORNADO LOADS: WIND TUNNEL PROCEDURE 32.19 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
462 | Appendix C: Serviceability Considerations C.1 Serviceability Considerations “C.2 Deflection, Drift, and Vibration ” C.2.1 Vertical Deflections C.2.2 Drift of Walls and Frames C.2.3 Vibrations C.3 Design for Long-Term Deflection C.4 Camber C.5 Expansion and Contraction C.6 Durability |
464 | Appendix D: Buildings Exempted from Torsional Wind Load Cases D.1 Scope D.2 One- and Two-Story Buildings Meeting the Following Requirements D.3 Buildings Controlled by Seismic Loading D.3.1 Buildings with Diaphragms at Each Level That Are Not Flexible D.3.2 Buildings with Diaphragms at Each Level That Are Flexible D.4 Buildings Classified as Torsionally Regular Under Wind Load D.5 Buildings with Diaphragms that are Flexible and Designed for Increased Wind Loading |
466 | Appendix E: Performance-Based Design Procedures for Fire Effects on Structures E.1 Scope E.2 Definitions E.3 General Requirements E.4 Performance Objectives E.4.1 Structural Integrity |
467 | E.4.2 Project-Specific Performance Objectives E.5 Thermal Analysis of Fire Effects E.5.1 Fuel Load E.5.2 Structural Design Fires E.5.3 Heat Transfer Analysis E.6 Structural Analysis of Fire Effects E.6.1 Temperature History for Structural Members and Connections E.6.2 Temperature-Dependent Properties E.6.3 Load Combinations |
468 | Appendix F: Wind Hazard Maps for Long Return Periods F.1 Scope F.2 Wind Speeds |
476 | Appendix G: Tornado Hazard Maps for Long Return Periods G.1 Scope G.2 Tornado Speeds |
542 | Commentary to Standard ASCE/SEI 7-22 |
544 | Chapter C1: General C1.1 Scope C1.3 Basic Requirements |
550 | C1.4 General Structural Integrity |
552 | C1.5 Classification of Buildings and Other Structures |
555 | C1.6 In Situ Load Tests References |
556 | Other References (not cited) |
558 | Chapter C2: Combinations of Loads C2.1 General C2.2 Symbols C2.3 Load Combinations for Strength Design |
562 | C2.4 Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design |
564 | C2.5 Load Combinations for Extraordinary Events |
565 | References |
566 | Other References (not cited) |
568 | “Chapter C3: Dead Loads, Soil Loads, and Hydrostatic Pressure ” C3.1 Dead Loads C3.2 Soil Loads and Hydrostatic Pressure |
575 | C3.3 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil References |
576 | Chapter C4: Live Loads C4.3 Uniformly Distributed Live Loads |
578 | C4.4 Concentrated Live Loads “C4.5 Loads on Handrail, Guard, Grab Bar, and Vehicle Barrier Systems, and on Shower Seats and Fixed Ladders ” |
579 | C4.6 Impact Loads C4.7 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads |
581 | C4.8 Reduction in Roof Live Loads C4.9 Crane Loads C4.10 Garages and Vehicular Floor Loads |
582 | C4.11 Helipad Loads C4.13 Library Stack Rooms C4.14 Seating for Assembly Uses C4.17 Solar Panel Loads References |
584 | Chapter C5: Flood Loads C5.1 General C5.2 Definitions |
585 | C5.3 design requirements C5.4 Loads During Flooding |
592 | Chapter C6: Tsunami Loads and Effects C6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS |
600 | C6.2 Definitions |
602 | C6.3 Symbols and Notation C6.4 TSUNAMI RISK CATEGORIES |
650 | Chapter C7: Snow Loads C7.1 Definitions and Symbols “C7.2 Ground Snow Loads, pg ” |
652 | “C7.3 Flat Roof Snow Loads, pf ” |
653 | “C7.4 Sloped Roof Snow Loads, ps ” |
654 | C7.5 Partial Loading |
655 | C7.6 Unbalanced Roof Snow Loads C7.7 Drifts on Lower Roofs (Aerodynamic Shade) |
659 | C7.8 Roof Projections and Parapets C7.9 Sliding Snow |
660 | C7.10 Rain-on-Snow Surcharge Load C7.11 Ponding Instability C7.12 Existing Roofs C7.13 Snow on Open-Frame Equipment Structures |
666 | Chapter C8: Rain Loads C8.1 Definitions and Symbols C8.2 DESIGN RAIN LOADS |
672 | C8.3 Bays with Low Slope |
674 | C8.4 Drainage to Existing Roofs REFERENCES |
678 | Chapter C10: Ice Loads – Atmospheric Icing C10.1 General |
679 | C10.2 Definitions |
681 | C10.4 Ice Loads Caused By Freezing Rain |
683 | C10.5 Wind on Ice-Covered Structures |
684 | C10.6 Design Temperatures for Freezing Rain C10.7 Partial Loading REFERENCES |
688 | Chapter C11: Seismic Design Criteria C11.1 General |
689 | C11.2 Definitions |
693 | C11.3 Symbols |
694 | C11.4 Seismic Ground Motion Values |
696 | C11.5 Importance Factor and Risk Category |
697 | C11.6 Seismic Design Category |
698 | C11.7 Design Requirements for Seismic Design Category A C11.8 Geologic Hazards and Geotechnical Investigation |
700 | C11.9 Vertical Ground Motions for Seismic Design |
704 | Chapter C12: Seismic Design Requirements for Building Structures C12.1 Structural Design Basis |
707 | C12.2 Structural System Selection |
712 | “C12.3 Diaphragm Flexibility, Configuration Irregularities, and Redundancy ” |
718 | C12.4 Seismic Load Effects and Combinations |
720 | C12.5 Direction of Loading |
721 | C12.6 Analysis Procedure Selection |
722 | C12.7 Modeling Criteria |
724 | C12.8 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure |
734 | C12.9 Linear Dynamic Analysis |
739 | “C12.10 Diaphragms, Chords, and Collectors ” |
755 | C12.11 Structural Walls and Their Anchorage |
756 | C12.12 Drift and Deformation |
758 | C12.13 Foundation Design |
765 | C12.14 Simplified Alternative Structural Design Criteria for Simple Bearing |
770 | Chapter C13: Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components C13.1 General |
775 | C13.2 General Design Requirements |
778 | C13.3 Seismic Demands on Nonstructural Components |
783 | C13.4 Nonstructural Component Anchorage |
785 | C13.5 Architectural Components |
792 | C13.6 Mechanical and Electrical Components |
802 | Chapter C14: Material-specific seismic design and detailing requirements C14.0 Scope C14.1 Steel |
804 | C14.2 Concrete C14.3 Composite Steel and Concrete Structures |
805 | C14.4 Masonry C14.5 Wood |
808 | Chapter C15: Seismic Design Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures C15.1 General |
812 | C15.2 Nonbuilding Structures Connected by Nonstructural Components to Other Adjacent Structures |
813 | C15.3 Nonbuilding Structures Supported by Other Structures |
814 | C15.4 Structural Design Requirements |
817 | C15.5 Nonbuilding Structures Similar to Buildings |
819 | C15.6 General Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures not Similar to Buildings |
822 | C15.7 Tanks and Vessels |
835 | C15.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents |
838 | Chapter C16: Nonlinear Response History Analysis C16.1 General Requirements |
839 | C16.2 Ground Motions |
843 | C16.3 Modeling and Analysis |
854 | Chapter C17: Seismic Design Requirements for Seismically Isolated Structures C17.1 General |
855 | C17.2 General Design Requirements |
863 | C17.3 Seismic Hazard C17.4 Analysis Procedure Selection C17.5 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure |
868 | C17.6 Dynamic Analysis Procedures |
870 | C17.7 Design Review C17.8 Testing |
876 | Chapter C18: Seismic Design Requirements for Structures with Damping Systems C18.1 General C18.2 General Design Requirements |
880 | C18.3 Nonlinear Response History Procedure C18.4 Seismic Load Conditions and Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear Response History Procedure |
881 | C18.5 Design Review C18.6 Testing |
882 | C18.7 Alternate Procedures and Corresponding Acceptance Criteria |
886 | Chapter C19: Soil-Structure Interaction for Seismic Design C19.1 General |
887 | C19.2 SSI Adjusted Structural Demands |
888 | C19.3 Foundation Damping Effects |
890 | C19.4 Base Slab Averaging and Embedment (Kinematic) SSI Effects |
892 | Chapter C20: Site Classification Procedure for Seismic Design C20.1 Site Classification C20.2 Site Class Definitions |
893 | C20.3 Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity Profiles |
894 | C20.4 Definitions of Site Class Parameters |
896 | Chapter C21: Site-Specific Ground Motion Procedures for Seismic Design C21.1 Site Response Analysis |
897 | C21.2 Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Ground Motion Hazard Analysis |
899 | C21.3 Design Response Spectrum C21.4 Design Acceleration Parameters |
900 | C21.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean (MCEG) Peak Ground Acceleration |
902 | Chapter C22: Seismic Ground Motion Long-Period Transition Maps |
914 | Chapter C23: Seismic Design Reference Documents |
920 | Chapter C26: Wind Loads: General Requirements C26.1 Procedures |
922 | C26.2 Definitions |
923 | C26.3 Symbols C26.4 General C26.5 Wind Hazard Map |
932 | C26.6 Wind Directionality Factor C26.7 Exposure |
935 | C26.8 Topographic Effects |
937 | C26.9 Ground Elevation Factor C26.10 Velocity Pressure |
942 | C26.11 Gust Effects |
948 | C26.12 Enclosure Classification |
949 | C26.13 Internal Pressure Coefficients |
956 | Chapter C27: Wind Loads on Buildings: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Directional Procedure) C27.1 Scope C27.2 General Requirements C27.3 Wind Loads: Main Wind Force Resisting System |
962 | Chapter C28: Wind Loads on Buildings: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Envelope Procedure) C28.2 General Requirements C28.3 Wind Loads: Main Wind Force Resisting System |
968 | Chapter C29: Wind Loads on Building Appurtenances and Other Structures: Main Wind Force Resisting System (Directional Procedure) C29.3 Design Wind Loads: Solid Freestanding Walls and Solid Signs |
969 | C29.4 Design Wind Loads: Other Structures |
972 | C29.5 Parapets |
974 | C29.7 Minimum Design Wind Loading |
976 | Chapter C30: Wind Loads: Components and Cladding C30.1 Scope |
978 | C30.3 Building Types |
982 | C30.5 Building Types C30.9 Attached Canopies on Buildings |
983 | “C30.10 Circular Bins, Silos, and Tanks with h ≤ 120 ft (36.5m) ” |
984 | C30.12 Roof Pavers for Buildings of All Heights with Roof Slopes Less Than Or Equal to 7 Degrees |
988 | Chapter C31: Wind Tunnel Procedure |
989 | “C31.4 Site Specific Load Effects for Buildings, Other Structures, and Components ” |
990 | “C31.5 Load Effects for Buildings, Other Structures, and Components Used at Multiple Sites ” |
992 | Chapter C32: Tornado Loads C32.1 Procedures |
994 | C32.3 Symbols and Notation C32.5 Tornado Hazard Maps |
997 | C32.6 Tornado Directionality Factor |
998 | C32.7 Tornado Exposure C32.8 Topographic Factor C32.9 Ground Elevation Factor C32.10 Tornado Velocity Pressure |
999 | C32.11 Tornado Gust Effects |
1000 | C32.12 Tornado Enclosure Classification C32.13 Tornado Internal Pressure Coefficients |
1001 | C32.14 Tornado External Pressure Coefficients C32.15 Tornado Loads on Buildings: Main Wind Force Resisting System |
1002 | C32.16 Tornado Loads On Building Appurtenances and Other Structures: Main Wind Force Resisting System C32.17 Tornado Loads: Components and Cladding |
1003 | C32.18 Tornado Loads: Wind Tunnel Procedure |
1010 | Appendix CC: Serviceability Considerations CC.1 Serviceability Considerations “CC.2 Deflection, Vibration, and Drift ” |
1022 | CC.3 Design for Long-Term Deflection CC.4 Camber CC.5 Expansion and Contraction CC.6 Durability |
1024 | Appendix CD: Buildings Exempted from Torsional Wind Load Cases |
1026 | Appendix CE: Performance-Based Design Procedures for Fire Effects on Structures CE.1 Scope CE.2 Definitions |
1027 | CE.3 General Requirements CE.4 Performance Objectives |
1028 | CE.5 Thermal Analysis of Fire Effects |
1030 | CE.6 Structural Analysis of Fire Effects |
1034 | Appendix CF: Wind Hazard Maps for Long Return Periods CF.1 Scope CF.2 Wind Speeds |
1036 | Appendix CG: Tornado Hazard Maps for Long Return Periods CG.1 Scope CG.2 Tornado Speeds |
1038 | INDEX |