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ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals (S-I) 2021


ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals (S-I)

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ASHRAE 2021 265
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 SI_F2021 FrontCover
2 SI_F2021 FrontMatter
3 Dedicated To The Advancement Of
The Profession And Its Allied Industries
10 SI_F21_Ch01
1. Composition of Dry and Moist Air
2. U.S. Standard Atmosphere
11 3. Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air
13 4. Thermodynamic Properties of Water at Saturation
18 5. Humidity Parameters
Basic Parameters
Humidity Parameters Involving Saturation
6. Perfect Gas Relationships for Dry and Moist Air
19 7. Thermodynamic Wet-Bulb and Dew-Point Temperature
20 8. Numerical Calculation of Moist Air Properties
21 Moist Air Property Tables for Standard Pressure
9. Psychrometric Charts
23 10. Typical Air-Conditioning Processes
Moist Air Sensible Heating or Cooling
Moist Air Cooling and Dehumidification
24 Adiabatic Mixing of Two Moist Airstreams
Adiabatic Mixing of Water Injected into Moist Air
25 Space Heat Absorption and Moist Air Moisture Gains
26 11. Transport Properties of Moist Air
32 13. Symbols
33 References
34 SI_F21_Ch02
1. Thermodynamics
1.1 Stored Energy
1.2 Energy in Transition
35 1.3 First Law of Thermodynamics
1.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics
37 1.5 Thermodynamic Analysis of Refrigeration Cycles
1.6 Equations of State
38 1.7 Calculating Thermodynamic Properties
39 Phase Equilibria for Multicomponent Systems
40 2. Compression Refrigeration Cycles
2.1 Carnot Cycle
41 2.2 Theoretical Single-Stage Cycle Using a Pure Refrigerant or Azeotropic Mixture
42 2.3 Lorenz Refrigeration Cycle
43 2.4 Theoretical Single-Stage Cycle Using Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixture
44 2.5 Multistage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycles
45 2.6 Actual Refrigeration Systems
47 3. Absorption Refrigeration Cycles
49 4. Adsorption Refrigeration Systems
52 7. Symbols
53 References
54 Bibliography
55 SI_F21_Ch03
1. Fluid Properties
56 2. Basic Relations of Fluid Dynamics
Continuity in a Pipe or Duct
Bernoulli Equation and Pressure Variation in Flow Direction
57 Laminar Flow
3. Basic Flow Processes
Wall Friction
Boundary Layer
58 Flow Patterns with Separation
59 Drag Forces on Bodies or Struts
Nonisothermal Effects
60 4. Flow Analysis
Generalized Bernoulli Equation
Conduit Friction
62 Valve, Fitting, and Transition Losses
63 Control Valve Characterization for Liquids
Incompressible Flow in Systems
64 Flow Measurement
65 Unsteady Flow
66 Compressibility
67 Compressible Conduit Flow
68 5. Noise in Fluid Flow
6. Symbols
69 bibliography
71 SI_F21_Ch04
1. Heat Transfer Processes
72 Radiation
Combined Radiation and Convection
Contact or Interface Resistance
Heat Flux
73 Overall Resistance and Heat Transfer Coefficient
2. Thermal Conduction
One-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction
74 Two- and Three-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction: Shape Factors
76 Extended Surfaces
78 Transient Conduction
81 3. Thermal Radiation
82 Blackbody Radiation
Actual Radiation
83 Angle Factor
84 Radiant Exchange Between Opaque Surfaces
86 Radiation in Gases
87 4. Thermal Convection
Forced Convection
92 5. Heat Exchangers
Mean Temperature Difference Analysis
NTU-Effectiveness (e) Analysis
94 Plate Heat Exchangers
Heat Exchanger Transients
95 6. Heat Transfer Augmentation
Passive Techniques
99 Active Techniques
102 7. Symbols
103 References
105 Bibliography
Heat Exchangers
106 Heat Transfer, General
107 SI_F21_Ch05
1. Boiling
Boiling and Pool Boiling in Natural Convection Systems
110 Maximum Heat Flux and Film Boiling
Boiling/Evaporation in Tube Bundles
Forced-Convection Evaporation in Tubes
116 Boiling in Plate Heat Exchangers (PHEs)
117 2. Condensing
Condensation on Inner Surface of Tubes
121 Other Impurities
3. Pressure Drop
Friedel Correlation
122 Lockhart and Martinelli Correlation
Grönnerud Correlation
Müller-Steinhagen and Heck Correlation
Wallis Correlation
123 Recommendations
Pressure Drop in Microchannels
124 Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchangers
126 4. Symbols
128 References
132 Bibliography
133 SI_F21_Ch06
1. Molecular Diffusion
Fick’s Law
Fick’s Law for Dilute Mixtures
134 Fick’s Law for Mass Diffusion Through Solids or Stagnant Fluids (Stationary Media)
Fick’s Law for Ideal Gases with Negligible Temperature Gradient
Diffusion Coefficient
135 Diffusion of One Gas Through a Second Stagnant Gas
136 Equimolar Counterdiffusion
Molecular Diffusion in Liquids and Solids
137 2. Convection of Mass
Mass Transfer Coefficient
138 Analogy Between Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
141 Lewis Relation
142 3. Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Between Water-Wetted Surfaces and Air
Enthalpy Potential
Basic Equations for Direct-Contact Equipment
144 Air Washers
145 Cooling Towers
Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils
146 4. Symbols
147 References
152 SI_F21_Ch07
1.1 Terminology
153 1.2 Types of Control Action
Two-Position Action
154 Modulating Control
155 Combinations of Two-Position and Modulating
1.3 Classification of Control Components by Energy Source
Computers for Automatic Control
2.1 Control Devices
157 Dampers
159 Pneumatic Positive (Pilot) Positioners
160 2.2 Sensors and Transmitters
Temperature Sensors
Humidity Sensors and Transmitters
161 Pressure Transmitters and Transducers
Flow Rate Sensors
Indoor Air Quality Sensors
Lighting Level Sensors
Power Sensing and Transmission
Time Switches
3.4 Specifying Building Automation System Networks
162 2.3 Controllers
Digital Controllers
Electric/Electronic Controllers
163 Pneumatic Receiver-Controllers
2.4 Auxiliary Control Devices
164 Equipment Status
Other Switches
165 Other Auxiliary Control Devices
166 3.1 Communication Protocols
3.2 OSI Network Model
3.3 Network Structure
BAS Three-Tier Network Architecture
167 Connections Between BAS Networks and Other Computer Networks
Transmission Media
169 Communication Tasks
3.5 Approaches to Interoperability
Standard Protocols
Gateways and Interfaces
5.1 Tuning
Tuning Proportional, PI, and PID Controllers
171 Tuning Digital Controllers
172 Computer Modeling of Control Systems
5.2 Codes and Standards
174 SI_F21_Ch08
1. Acoustical Design Objective
2. Characteristics of Sound
Sound Pressure and Sound Pressure Level
175 Frequency
Sound Power and Sound Power Level
Sound Intensity and Sound Intensity Level
176 Combining Sound Levels
Absorption and Reflection of Sound
177 Room Acoustics
Acoustic Impedance
3. Measuring Sound
Time Averaging
Spectra and Analysis Bandwidths
179 Sound Measurement Basics
Measurement of Room Sound Pressure Level
180 Measurement of Acoustic Intensity
4. Determining Sound Power
Free-Field Method
Reverberation Room Method
181 Progressive Wave (In-Duct) Method
Sound Intensity Method
Measurement Bandwidths for Sound Power
5. Converting from Sound Power to Sound Pressure
182 6. Sound Transmission Paths
Spreading Losses
Direct Versus Reverberant Fields
Airborne Transmission
Ductborne Transmission
183 Room-to-Room Transmission
Structureborne Transmission
Flanking Transmission
7. Typical Sources of Sound
Source Strength
Directivity of Sources
Acoustic Nearfield
184 8. Controlling Sound
Enclosures and Barriers
186 Sound Attenuation in Ducts and Plenums
Standards for Testing Duct Silencers
9. System Effects
187 10. Human Response to Sound
Predicting Human Response to Sound
Sound Quality
188 Acceptable Frequency Spectrum
11. Sound Rating Systems and Acoustical Design Goals
A-Weighted Sound Level (dBA)
189 Noise Criteria (NC) Method
Room Criterion (RC) Method
Criteria Selection Guidelines
190 12. Fundamentals of Vibration
Single-Degree-of-Freedom Model
Mechanical Impedance
Natural Frequency
191 Practical Application for Nonrigid Foundations
192 13. Vibration Measurement Basics
14. Symbols
193 References
194 Bibliography
196 SI_F21_Ch09
1. Human Thermoregulation
197 2. Energy Balance
3. Thermal Exchanges with Environment
198 Body Surface Area
Sensible Heat Loss from Skin
Evaporative Heat Loss from Skin
199 Respiratory Losses
Alternative Formulations
200 Total Skin Heat Loss
201 4. Engineering Data and Measurements
Metabolic Rate and Mechanical Efficiency
202 Heat Transfer Coefficients
203 Clothing Insulation and Permeation Efficiency
205 Total Evaporative Heat Loss
Environmental Parameters
207 5. Conditions for Thermal Comfort
208 Thermal Complaints
209 6. Thermal Comfort and Task Performance
7. Thermal Nonuniform Conditions and Local Discomfort
Asymmetric Thermal Radiation
210 Draft
211 Vertical Air Temperature Difference
Warm or Cold Floors
8. Secondary Factors Affecting Comfort
212 Day-to-Day Variations
Seasonal and Circadian Rhythms
9. Prediction of Thermal Comfort
Steady-State Energy Balance
214 Two-Node Model
215 Multisegment Thermal Physiology and Comfort Models
Adaptive Models
Zones of Comfort and Discomfort
216 10. Environmental Indices
Effective Temperature
Humid Operative Temperature
Heat Stress Index
217 Index of Skin Wettedness
Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature
218 Wet-Globe Temperature
Wind Chill Index
219 11. Special Environments
Infrared Heating
220 Comfort Equations for Radiant Heating
221 Personal Environmental Control (PEC) Systems
Hot and Humid Environments
222 Extremely Cold Environments
224 12. Symbols
Codes and Standards
225 References
228 Bibliography
230 SI_F21_Ch10
1. Background
232 1.1 Health Sciences Relevant to Indoor Environment
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Industrial, Occupational, and Environmental Medicine or Hygiene
233 1.2 Hazard Recognition, Analysis, and Control
Hazard Control
2. Airborne Contaminants
234 2.1 Particles
Industrial Environments
Climate Change
3.6 Outdoor Air Ventilation and Health
235 Synthetic Vitreous Fibers
Combustion Nuclei
Particles in Nonindustrial Environments
236 Bioaerosols
238 2.2 Gaseous Contaminants
Industrial Environments
240 Nonindustrial Environments
245 3. Physical Agents
3.1 Thermal Environment
Range of Healthy Living Conditions
246 Hypothermia
Seasonal Patterns
Increased Deaths in Heat Waves
247 Effects of Thermal Environment on Specific Diseases
248 Injury from Hot and Cold Surfaces
3.2 Electrical Hazards
3.3 Mechanical Energies
Standard Limits
249 Sound and Noise
250 3.4 Electromagnetic Radiation
Ionizing Radiation
251 Nonionizing Radiation
252 3.5 Ergonomics
253 References
259 Bibliography
260 SI_F21_Ch11
1. Classes of Air Contaminants
261 2. Particulate Contaminants
2.1 Particulate Matter
Solid Particles
Liquid Particles
Complex Particles
Sizes of Airborne Particles
263 Particle Size Distribution
264 Units of Measurement
Harmful Effects of Particulate Contaminants
Measurement of Airborne Particles
265 Typical Particle Levels
267 Controlling Exposures to Particulate Matter
3. Gaseous Contaminants
269 Harmful Effects of Gaseous Contaminants
Units of Measurement
271 Measurement of Gaseous Contaminants
272 3.1 Volatile Organic Compounds
274 Controlling Exposure to VOCs
3.2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds
3.3 Inorganic Gases
275 Controlling Exposures to Inorganic Gases
4. Air Contaminants by Source
4.1 Outdoor Air Contaminants
276 4.2 Industrial Air Contaminants
277 4.3 Commercial, Institutional, and Residential Indoor Air Contaminants
279 4.4 Flammable Gases and Vapors
4.5 Combustible Dusts
280 4.6 Radioactive Air Contaminants
281 4.7 Soil Gases
284 Bibliography
286 SI_F21_Ch12
1. Odor Sources
2. Sense of Smell
Olfactory Stimuli
287 Anatomy and Physiology
Olfactory Acuity
3. Factors Affecting Odor Perception
Humidity and Temperature
Sorption and Release of Odors
Emotional Responses to Odors
288 4. Odor Sensation Attributes
289 Character
290 Hedonics
5. Dilution of Odors by Ventilation
6. Odor Concentration
Analytical Measurement
Odor Units
291 7. Olf Units
293 Bibliography
294 SI_F21_Ch13
1. Computational Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical and Numerical Background
296 Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Approaches
Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
297 Direction Numerical Simulation (DNS)
1.1 Meshing for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Structured Grids
298 Unstructured Grids
Grid Quality
Immersed Boundary Grid Generation
Grid Independence
299 1.2 Boundary Conditions for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Inlet Boundary Conditions
300 Outlet Boundary Conditions
Wall/Surface Boundary Conditions
301 Symmetry Surface Boundary Conditions
302 Fixed Sources and Sinks
Modeling Considerations
1.3 CFD Modeling Approaches
Dimensional Accuracy and Faithfulness to Details
CFD Simulation Steps
1.4 Verification, Validation, and Reporting Results
303 Verification
305 Validation
306 Reporting CFD Results
307 2. Multizone Network Airflow and Contaminant Transport Modeling
2.1 Multizone Airflow Modeling
308 Solution Techniques
309 2.2 Contaminant Transport Modeling
Solution Techniques
2.3 Multizone Modeling Approaches
Simulation Planning
310 2.4 Verification and Validation
Analytical Verification
311 Intermodel Comparison
Empirical Validation
313 2.5 Symbols
314 References
316 Bibliography
318 SI_F21_Ch14
1. Climatic Design Conditions
Station Information
Annual Design Conditions
319 Monthly Design Conditions
320 Historical Trends
322 Data Sources
323 Calculation of Design Conditions
324 Differences from Previously Published Design Conditions
Applicability and Characteristics of Design Conditions
325 2. Calculating Clear-sky Solar Radiation
326 Solar Constant and Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation
Equation of Time and Solar Time
327 Sun Position
Air Mass
Clear-Sky Solar Radiation
328 3. Transposition to Receiving Surfaces of Various Orientations
Solar Angles Related to Receiving Surfaces
329 Calculation of Clear-Sky Solar Irradiance Incident on Receiving Surface
4. Generating Design-Day Data
330 5. Estimation of Degree-Days
Monthly Degree-Days
Annual Degree-Days
331 6. Representativeness of Data and Sources of Uncertainty
Representativeness of Data
332 Uncertainty from Variation in Length of Record
Effects of Climate Change
Episodes Exceeding the Design Dry-Bulb Temperature
334 7. Other Sources of Climatic Information
Joint Frequency Tables of Psychrometric Conditions
Degree Days and Climate Normals
Typical Year Data Sets
335 Observational Data Sets
Reanalysis Data Sets
336 References
337 Bibliography
338 SI_F21_Ch15
1. Fenestration Components
1.1 Glazing Units
339 1.2 Framing
340 1.3 Shading
2. Determining Fenestration Energy Flow
341 3. U-Factor (Thermal Transmittance)
Comparison Between Area-Weighted and Length-Weighted Methods
342 3.1 Determining Fenestration U-Factors
Center-of-Glass U-Factor
Edge-of-Glass U-Factor
Frame U-Factor
343 Curtain Wall Construction
3.2 Surface and Cavity Heat Transfer Coefficients
350 3.3 Representative U-Factors for Doors
351 4. Solar Heat Gain and Visible Transmittance
4.1 Solar-Optical Properties of Glazing
Optical Properties of Single Glazing Layers
353 Optical Properties of Glazing Systems
356 4.2 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Calculation of Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
357 Diffuse Radiation
Solar Gain Through Frame and Other Opaque Elements
358 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, Visible Transmittance, and Spectrally Averaged Solar-Optical Property Values
Airflow Windows
369 Glass Block Walls
Plastic Materials for Glazing
4.3 Calculation of Solar Heat Gain
370 Opaque Fenestration Elements
5. Shading and Fenestration Attachments
5.1 Shading
371 Overhangs and Glazing Unit Recess: Horizontal and Vertical Projections
372 5.2 Fenestration Attachments
Simplified Methodology
Slat-Type Sunshades
374 Drapery
375 Roller Shades and Insect Screens
6. Visual and Thermal Controls
Operational Effectiveness of Shading Devices
Indoor Shading Devices
390 Double Drapery
7. Air Leakage
Infiltration Through Fenestration
391 Indoor Air Movement
8. Daylighting
8.1 Daylight Prediction
393 8.2 Light Transmittance and Daylight Use
394 9. Selecting Fenestration
9.1 Annual Energy Performance
Simplified Techniques for Rough Estimates of Fenestration Annual Energy Performance
395 Simplified Residential Annual Energy Performance Ratings
9.2 Condensation Resistance
397 9.3 Occupant Comfort and Acceptance
398 Sound Reduction
Strength and Safety
Life-Cycle Costs
399 9.4 Durability
9.5 Supply and Exhaust Airflow Windows
9.6 Codes and Standards
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)
400 United States Energy Policy Act (EPAct)
ICC’s 2015 International Energy Conservation Code
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016
ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2014
401 ICC’s 2015 International Green Construction Code™
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Building Code of Australia/National Construction Code
Complex Glazings and Window Coverings
9.7 Symbols
405 Bibliography
406 SI_F21_Ch16
407 Sources of Indoor Airborne Pollutants
408 Sustainable Building Standards and Rating Systems
2. Basic Concepts and Terminology
409 Outdoor Air Fraction
Air Change Rate
410 Time Constants
Age of Air
Air Change Effectiveness
Stack Pressure
411 Wind Pressure
412 Interaction of Mechanical Systems with Infiltration
413 Combining Driving Forces
Neutral Pressure Level
414 Thermal Draft Coefficient
Directly Measuring Air Change Rate
415 Decay or Growth
Constant Concentration
Constant Injection
416 Multizone Air Change Measurement
Envelope Leakage Measurement
Airtightness Ratings
417 Conversion Between Ratings
5. Residential Infiltration
418 Building Air Leakage Data
Air Leakage of Building Components
Leakage Distribution
420 Multifamily Building Leakage
Controlling Air Leakage
Empirical Models
Multizone Models
Single-Zone Models
421 Superposition of Wind and Stack Effects
Residential Calculation Examples
423 Combining Residential Infiltration and Mechanical Ventilation
Typical Practice
6. Residential Ventilation
Types of Mechanical Ventilation in Residences
424 Local Exhaust
425 Whole-House Ventilation
Air Distribution
426 Selection Principles for Residential Ventilation Systems
7. Commercial and Institutional Air Leakage
Envelope Leakage
427 Air Leakage Through Internal Partitions
Air Leakage Through Exterior Doors
Air Leakage Through Automatic Doors
429 Air Exchange Through Air Curtains
8. Commercial and Institutional Ventilation
Ventilation Rate Procedure
Multiple Spaces
430 Survey of Ventilation Rates in Office Buildings
9. Office Building Example
431 Local Exhausts
432 Ventilation
433 10. Natural Ventilation
Natural Ventilation Openings
Ceiling Heights
Required Flow for Indoor Temperature Control
Airflow Through Large Intentional Openings
Flow Caused by Wind Only
434 Flow Caused by Thermal Forces Only
Natural Ventilation Guidelines
435 Hybrid Ventilation
11. Air Exchange Effect on Thermal Loads
436 Effect on Envelope Insulation
Infiltration Degree-Days
Occupancy-Based Demand-Controlled Ventilation
437 Implementation in VAV Systems
Averaging Time-Varying Ventilation Rates
438 Continuous Modulation-Equivalent Ventilation or “Smart” Ventilation
Protection from Extraordinary Events
439 Shelter in Place
Safe Havens
14. Symbols
440 References
446 Bibliography
447 SI_F21_Ch17
1. Residential Features
2. Calculation Approach
448 3. Other Methods
4. Residential Heat Balance (RHB) Method
5. Residential Load Factor (RLF) Method
6. Common Data and Procedures
449 General Guidelines
Basic Relationships
Design Conditions
450 Building Data
Load Components
454 7. Cooling Load
Peak Load Computation
Opaque Surfaces
455 Slab Floors
Surfaces Adjacent to Buffer Space
Transparent Fenestration Surfaces
456 Infiltration and Ventilation
Internal Gain
Air Distribution System: Heat Gain
Total Latent Load
457 Summary of RLF Cooling Load Equations
8. Heating Load
Exterior Surfaces Above Grade
Below-Grade and On-Grade Surfaces
Surfaces Adjacent to Buffer Space
Ventilation and Infiltration
Pickup Load
458 Summary of Heating Load Procedures
9. Load Calculation Example
460 10. Symbols
461 References
463 SI_F21_Ch18
1. Cooling Load Calculation Principles
1.1 Terminology
Heat Flow Rates
464 Time Delay Effect
1.2 Cooling Load Calculation Methods
465 1.3 Data Assembly
466 2. Internal Heat Gains
2.1 People
2.2 Lighting
Instantaneous Heat Gain from Lighting
467 2.3 Electric Motors
469 Overloading or Underloading
Radiation and Convection
2.4 Appliances
Cooking Appliances
471 Hospital and Laboratory Equipment
472 Office Equipment
476 3. Infiltration and Moisture Migration Heat Gains
3.1 Infiltration
478 Standard Air Volumes
480 Heat Gain Calculations Using Standard Air Values
481 Elevation Correction Examples
3.2 Latent Heat Gain from Moisture Diffusion
3.3 Other Latent Loads
4. Fenestration Heat Gain
4.1 Fenestration Direct Solar, Diffuse Solar, and Conductive Heat Gains
482 4.2 Exterior Shading
5. Heat Balance Method
5.1 Assumptions
5.2 Elements
483 Outdoor-Face Heat Balance
Wall Conduction Process
Indoor-Face Heat Balance
484 Using SHGC to Calculate Solar Heat Gain
485 Air Heat Balance
5.3 General Zone for Load Calculation
486 5.4 Mathematical Description
Conduction Process
Heat Balance Equations
487 Overall HB Iterative Solution
5.5 Input Required
488 6. Radiant Time Series (RTS) Method
6.1 Assumptions and Principles
6.2 Overview
489 6.3 RTS Procedure
490 6.4 Heat Gain Through Exterior Surfaces
Sol-Air Temperature
Calculating Conductive Heat Gain Using Conduction Time Series
491 6.5 Heat Gain Through Interior Surfaces
6.6 Calculating Cooling Load
499 7. Heating Load Calculations
505 7.1 Heat Loss Calculations
Outdoor Design Conditions
Indoor Design Conditions
Calculation of Transmission Heat Losses
507 Infiltration
7.2 Heating Safety Factors and Load Allowances
508 7.3 Other Heating Considerations
8. System Heating and Cooling Load Effects
8.1 Zoning
8.2 Ventilation
8.3 Air Heat Transport Systems
On/Off Control Systems
Variable-Air-Volume Systems
Constant-Air-Volume Reheat Systems
509 Mixed Air Systems
Heat Gain from Fans
Duct Surface Heat Transfer
510 Duct Leakage
Ceiling Return Air Plenum Temperatures
511 Ceiling Plenums with Ducted Returns
Underfloor Air Distribution Systems
Plenums in Load Calculations
8.4 Central Plant
9. Example Cooling and Heating Load Calculations
9.1 Single-Room Detailed Cooling load Example
Room and Weather Characteristics
513 Cooling Loads Using RTS Method
522 9.2 The Effect OF Orientation on Peak Cooling Load Magnitude and TIME
525 9.3 effect of cooling load diversity on peak block load
9.4 Single-room detailed heating load example
526 9.5 conclusion
10. Previous Cooling Load Calculation Methods
528 Bibliography
530 SI_F21_Ch19
1.1 Models and Approaches
Physics-Based (Forward) Modeling
531 Data-Driven (Inverse) Modeling
1.2 Overall Modeling Strategies
532 1.3 Simulating Secondary and Primary Systems
1.4 History of Simulation Method Development
533 1.5 Using Energy Models
Typical Applications
534 Choosing Measures for Evaluation
When to Use Energy Models
ASHRAE Standard 209
Energy Modelers
535 1.6 Uncertainty in Modeling
1.7 Choosing an Analysis Method
Selecting Energy Analysis Computer Programs
536 2. Degree-Day and Bin Methods
2.1 Degree-Day Method
537 Variable-Base Degree-Day Method
538 Sources of Degree-Day Data
2.2 Bin and Modified Bin Methods
539 3. Thermal Loads Modeling
3.1 Space Sensible Load Calculation Methods
Heat Balance Method
540 Weighting-Factor Method
541 Comprehensive Room Transfer Function
542 Thermal-Network Methods
Other Methods
3.2 Envelope Component Modeling
Above-Grade Opaque Surfaces
Below-Grade Opaque Surfaces
543 Fenestration
544 Ventilation
3.3 Inputs to Thermal Loads Models
Choosing Climate Data
Internal Heat Gains
Thermal Zoning Strategies
545 4. HVAC Component Modeling
4.1 Modeling Strategies
Empirical (Regression-Based) Models
546 First-Principles Models
547 4.2 Primary System Components
548 Chillers
Cooling Tower Model
Variable-Speed Vapor-Compression Heat Pump Model
Ground-Coupled Systems
549 4.3 Secondary System Components
Fans, Pumps, and Distribution Systems
550 Heat and Mass Transfer Components
551 Application to Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils
552 4.4 Terminal Components
Terminal Units and Controls
553 Underfloor Distribution
Thermal Displacement Ventilation
Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems
4.5 Modeling of System Controls
554 4.6 Integration of System Models
555 5. Low-Energy System Modeling
5.1 Natural and Hybrid Ventilation
Natural Ventilation
556 Hybrid Ventilation
5.2 Daylighting
558 6. OCCUPANT Modeling
Overview of Modeling Approaches
561 Occupant Behavior Models
Selecting an Occupant Modeling Approach
Occupant-Centric Building Design Applications
566 Additional Considerations for Occupant Model Application
Occupant Behavior Modeling Tools
Occupant Behavior Data Sets
568 7. multi-scale Modeling
572 8. Data-Driven Modeling
8.1 Categories of Data-Driven Methods
Empirical or “Black-Box” Approach
Gray-Box Approach
8.2 Types of Data-Driven Models
Steady-State Models
577 Dynamic Models
8.3 Model Accuracy and Goodness of Fit
578 8.4 Examples Using Data-Driven Methods
Modeling Utility Bill Data
Neural Network Models
579 8.5 Model Selection
582 10. Validation and Testing
10.1 Methodological Basis
583 Empirical Validation
584 Analytical Verification
585 Combining Empirical, Analytical, and Comparative Techniques
Testing Model Calibration Techniques Using Synthetic Data
587 References
597 Bibliography
598 Analytical Verification
599 Empirical Validation
600 Intermodel Comparative Testing
601 General Testing and Validation
602 SI_F21_Ch20
603 1. Indoor Air Quality and Sustainability
2. Terminology
Outlet Types and Characteristics
604 3. Principles of Jet Behavior
Air Jet Fundamentals
607 Isothermal Radial Flow Jets
Nonisothermal Jets
608 Nonisothermal Horizontal Free Jet
Comparison of Free Jet to Attached Jet
Air Curtain Units
Converging Jets
4. Symbols
609 Bibliography
611 SI_F21_Ch21
Head A initial – 1. Bernoulli Equation
612 Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 1.1 Head and Pressure
Head C – Static Pressure
Head C – Velocity Pressure
Head C – Total Pressure
Head C – Pressure and Velocity Measurements
Head A cont – 2. System Analysis
614 Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 2.1 Pressure Changes in System
615 Head A cont – 3. Fluid Resistance
Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 3.1 Friction Losses
Head C – Darcy and Colebrook Equations
616 Head C – Roughness Factors
Head C – Friction Chart
Head C – Noncircular Ducts
619 Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 3.2 Dynamic Losses
Head C – Local Loss Coefficients
620 Head C – Duct Fitting Database
621 Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 3.3 Ductwork Sectional Losses
Head C – Darcy-Weisbach Equation
Head A cont – 4. Fan/System Interface
Head C – Fan Inlet and Outlet Conditions
622 Head C – Fan System Effect Coefficients
Head A cont – 5. Mechanical Equipment Rooms
Head C – Outdoor Air Intake and Exhaust Air Discharge Locations
624 Head C – Equipment Room Locations
Head A cont – 6. Duct Design
Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 6.1 Design Considerations
Head C – HVAC System Air Leakage
627 Head C – Fire and Smoke Control
Head C – Duct Insulation
Head C – Physical Security
Head C – Louvers
Head C – Duct Shape Selection
629 Head C – Testing and Balancing
Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 6.2 Design Recommendations
Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 6.3 Design Methods
630 Head C – Noise Control
Head C – Goals
Head C – Design Method to Use
633 Head B 1 with A Heads cont – 6.4 Industrial Exhaust Systems
640 Head REF – References
642 Head REF – Bibliography
643 SI_F21_Ch22
1. Fundamentals
1.1 Codes and Standards
1.2 Design Considerations
1.3 General Pipe Systems
Metallic Pipe Systems
647 Nonmetallic (Plastic) Pipe Systems
Special Systems
1.4 Design Equations
Darcy-Weisbach Equation
648 Hazen-Williams Equation
Valve and Fitting Losses
650 Losses in Multiple Fittings
Calculating Pressure Losses
Stress Calculations
652 1.5 Sizing Procedure
1.6 Pipe-Supporting Elements
653 Hanger Spacing and Pipe Wall Thickness
1.7 Pipe Expansion and Flexibility
654 1.8 Pipe Bends and Loops
L Bends
655 Z Bends
U Bends and Pipe Loops
Expansion and Contraction Control of Other Materials
656 Cold Springing of Pipe
Analyzing Existing Piping Configurations
2. Pipe and Fitting Materials
2.1 Pipe
Steel Pipe
657 Copper Tube
Ductile Iron and Cast Iron
Nonmetallic (Plastic)
660 2.2 Fittings
2.3 Joining Methods
Soldering and Brazing
661 Flared and Compression Joints
662 Welding
Integrally Reinforced Outlet Fittings
Solvent Cement
Rolled-Groove Joints
Bell-and-Spigot Joints
Press-Connect (Press Fit) Joints
Push-Connect Joints
2.4 Expansion Joints and Expansion Compensating Devices
663 Packed Expansion Joints
Packless Expansion Joints
664 3. Applications
3.1 Water Piping
Flow Rate Limitations
Noise Generation
665 Erosion
Allowances for Aging
Water Hammer
3.2 Service Water Piping
667 Plastic Pipe
Procedure for Sizing Cold-Water Systems
668 Hydronic System Piping
669 Range of Usage of Pressure Drop Charts
Air Separation
670 Valve and Fitting Pressure Drop
671 3.3 Steam Piping
Pipe Sizes
672 Sizing Charts
3.4 Low-Pressure Steam Piping
High-Pressure Steam Piping
674 Use of Basic and Velocity Multiplier Charts
3.5 Steam Condensate Systems
Two-Pipe Systems
677 One-Pipe Systems
3.6 Gas Piping
678 3.7 Fuel Oil Piping
Pipe Sizes for Heavy Oil
679 References
681 Bibliography
683 SI_F21_Ch23
1. Design Objectives and Considerations
Energy Conservation
Economic Thickness
685 Personnel Protection
Condensation Control
Thermal Conductivity of Below-Ambient Pipe Insulation Systems
688 Freeze Prevention
Noise Control
689 Fire Safety
690 Corrosion Under Insulation
691 3. Materials and Systems
Categories of Insulation Materials
692 Physical Properties of Insulation Materials
693 Weather Protection
695 Vapor Retarders
696 Sheet Vapor Retarders
697 Alternative Non-Vapor-Retarding Systems
698 Pipe Insulation
700 Tanks, Vessels, and Equipment
703 4. Design Data
Estimating Heat Loss and Gain
Controlling Surface Temperatures
704 5. Project Specifications
705 References
707 SI_F21_Ch24
1. Flow Patterns
Flow Patterns Around Isolated, Rectangular Block- Type Buildings
709 Flow Patterns Around Building Groups
710 2. Wind Pressure on Buildings
Approach Wind Speed
711 Local Wind Pressure Coefficients
Surface-Averaged Wall Pressures
712 Roof Pressures
Interference and Shielding Effects on Pressures
713 3. Sources of Wind Data
Wind at Recording Stations
Estimating Wind at Sites Remote from Recording Stations
714 4. Wind Effects on System Operation
715 Natural and Mechanical Ventilation
716 Minimizing Wind Effect on System Volume Flow Rate
Chemical Hood Operation
5. Building Pressure Balance and Internal Flow Control
Pressure Balance
Internal Flow Control
717 6. Environmental Impacts of Building External Flow
Pollutant Dispersion and Exhaust Reentrainment
Pedestrian Wind Comfort and Safety
718 Wind-Driven Rain on Buildings
7. Physical and Computational Modeling
Physical Modeling
Similarity Requirements
719 Wind Simulation Facilities
Designing Model Test Programs
Computational Modeling
720 8. Symbols
721 References
725 Bibliography
726 SI_F21_Ch25
1. Fundamentals
1.1 Terminology and Symbols
727 Air
1.2 Hygrothermal Loads and Driving Forces
728 Ambient Temperature and Humidity
Indoor Temperature and Humidity
Solar Radiation
Exterior Condensation
729 Wind-Driven Rain
Construction Moisture
Ground- and Surface Water
730 Air Pressure Differentials
2. Heat Transfer
2.1 Steady-State Thermal Response
731 Surface-to-Surface Thermal Resistance of a Flat Assembly
Combined Convective and Radiative Surface Heat Transfer
Heat Flow Across an Air Space
732 Total Thermal Resistance of a Flat Building Assembly
Thermal Transmittance of a Flat Building Assembly
Interface Temperatures in a Flat Building Component
Series and Parallel Heat Flow Paths
733 Thermal Bridging and Thermal Performance of Multidimensional Construction
Linear and Point Thermal Transmittances
2.2 Transient Thermal Response
734 3. Airflow
Heat Flux with Airflow
735 4. Moisture Transfer
4.1 Moisture Storage in Building Materials
736 4.2 Moisture Flow Mechanisms
737 Water Vapor Flow by Diffusion
Water Vapor Flow by Air Movement
Water Flow by Capillary Suction
738 Liquid Flow at Low Moisture Content
Transient Moisture Flow
739 5. Combined Heat, Air , and Moisture Transfer
6. Simplified Hygrothermal Design Calculations and Analyses
6.1 Surface Humidity and Condensation
6.2 Interstitial Condensation and Drying
Dew-Point Method
740 7. Transient Computational Analysis
741 7.1 Criteria to Evaluate Hygrothermal Simulation Results
Thermal Comfort
Perceived Air Quality
Human Health
Durability of Finishes and Structure
Energy Efficiency
742 References
743 Bibliography
744 SI_F21_Ch26
1. Insulation Materials and Insulating Systems
1.1 Apparent Thermal Conductivity
Influencing Conditions
746 1.2 Materials and Systems
Glass Fiber and Mineral Wool
Cellulose Fiber
747 Plastic Foams
Cellular Glass
Capillary-Active Insulation Materials (CAIMs)
Transparent Insulation
Vacuum Insulation Panels
748 Reflective Insulation Systems
2. Air Barriers
749 3. Water Vapor Retarders
750 4. Data Tables
4.1 Thermal Property Data
4.2 Surface Emissivity and Emittance Data
4.3 Thermal Resistance of Plane Air Spaces
4.4 Air Permeance Data
755 4.5 Water Vapor Permeance Data
756 4.6 Moisture Storage Data
4.7 Soils Data
759 4.8 Surface Film Coefficients/ Resistances
764 4.9 Codes and Standards
767 SI_F21_Ch27
1. Heat Transfer
1.1 One-Dimensional Assembly U-Factor Calculation
Wall Assembly U-Factor
768 Roof Assembly U-Factor
Basement Walls and Floors
769 1.2 Two-Dimensional Assembly U-Factor Calculation
Wood-Frame Walls
770 Masonry Walls
Constructions Containing Metal
771 Zone Method of Calculation
Modified Zone Method for Metal Stud Walls with Insulated Cavities
772 Complex Assemblies
773 Windows and Doors
2. Moisture Transport
2.1 Wall with Insulated Sheathing
774 2.2 Vapor Pressure Profile (Glaser or Dew-Point) Analysis
Winter Wall Wetting Examples
776 3. Transient Hygrothermal Modeling
778 4. Air Movement
Equivalent Permeance
779 SI_F21_Ch28
1. Principles of Combustion
Combustion Reactions
Flammability Limits
780 Ignition Temperature
Combustion Modes
781 Heating Value
Altitude Compensation
783 2. Fuel Classification
3. Gaseous Fuels
Types and Properties
785 4. Liquid Fuels
Types of Fuel Oils
786 Characteristics of Fuel Oils
787 Types and Properties of Liquid Fuels for Engines
5. Solid Fuels
788 Types of Coals
Characteristics of Coal
789 6. Combustion Calculations
Air Required for Combustion
791 Theoretical CO2
Quantity of Flue Gas Produced
Water Vapor and Dew Point of Flue Gas
792 Sample Combustion Calculations
793 7. Efficiency Calculations
795 Seasonal Efficiency
8. Combustion Considerations
Air Pollution
796 Portable Combustion Analyzers (PCAs)
797 Condensation and Corrosion
Abnormal Combustion Noise in Gas Appliances
798 Soot
799 Bibliography
801 SI_F21_Ch29
1. Refrigerant Properties
Global Environmental Properties
806 Physical Properties
Electrical Properties
Sound Velocity
2. Refrigerant Performance
3. Safety
809 4. Leak Detection
Electronic Detection
Bubble Method
810 Pressure Change Methods
UV Dye Method
Ammonia Leaks
5. Compatibility with Construction Materials
811 Plastics
Additional Compatibility Reports
812 Bibliography
813 SI_F21_Ch30
814 Fig. 1 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 12
815 Refrigerant 12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
816 Fig. 2 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 22
817 Refrigerant 22 (Chlorodifluoromethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
818 Fig. 3 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 23
819 Refrigerant 23 (Trifluoromethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
820 Fig. 4 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 32
822 Fig. 5 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 123
823 Refrigerant 123 (2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-Trifluoroethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
824 Fig. 6 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 124
825 Refrigerant 124 (2-Chloro-1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
826 Fig. 7 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 125
828 Fig. 8 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 134a
829 Refrigerant 134a (1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
832 Fig. 9 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 143a
834 Fig. 10 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 152a
835 Refrigerant 152a (1,1-Difluoroethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
836 Fig. 11 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 245fa
838 Fig. 12 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant R-1233zd(E)
840 Fig. 13 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 1234yf
842 Fig. 14 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 1234ze(E)
844 Fig. 15 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 404A
846 Fig. 16 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 407C
847 Refrigerant 407C [R-32/125/134a (23/25/52)] Properties of Liquid on Bubble Line and Vapor on Dew Line
848 Fig. 17 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 410A
849 Refrigerant 410A [R-32/125 (50/50)] Properties of Liquid on Bubble Line and Vapor on Dew Line
850 Fig. 18 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 507A
852 Fig. 19 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 717 (Ammonia)
853 Refrigerant 717 (Ammonia) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
854 Fig. 20 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 718 (Water/Steam)
855 Refrigerant 718 (Water/Steam) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
856 Fig. 21 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 744 (Carbon Dioxide)
857 Refrigerant 744 (Carbon Dioxide) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
858 Fig. 22 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 50 (Methane)
859 Refrigerant 50 (Methane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
Refrigerant 50 (Methane) Properties of Gas at 0.101 325 MPa (one standard atmosphere)
860 Fig. 23 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 170 (Ethane)
862 Fig. 24 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 290 (Propane)
864 Fig. 25 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 600 (n-Butane)
866 Fig. 26 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 600a (Isobutane)
868 Fig. 27 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 1150 (Ethylene)
869 Refrigerant 1150 (Ethylene) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
870 Fig. 28 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 1270 (Propylene)
871 Refrigerant 1270 (Propylene) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
872 Fig. 29 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 704 (Helium)
873 Refrigerant 704 (Helium) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
Refrigerant 704 (Helium) Properties of Gas at 0.101 325 MPa (one standard atmosphere)
874 Fig. 30 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 728 (Nitrogen)
875 Refrigerant 728 (Nitrogen) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
Refrigerant 728 (Nitrogen) Properties of Gas at 0.101 325 MPa (one standard atmosphere)
876 Fig. 31 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 729 (Air)
877 Refrigerant 729 (Air) Properties of Liquid on the Bubble Line and Vapor on the Dew Line
Refrigerant 729 (Air) Properties of Gas at 0.101 325 MPa (one standard atmosphere)
878 Fig. 32 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 732 (Oxygen)
879 Refrigerant 732 (Oxygen) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
Refrigerant 732 (Oxygen) Properties of Gas at 0.101 325 MPa (one standard atmosphere)
880 Fig. 33 Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Refrigerant 740 (Argon)
882 Fig. 34 Enthalpy-Concentration Diagram for Ammonia/Water Solutions Prepared by Kwang Kim and Keith Herold, Center for Environmental Energy Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park
884 Fig. 35 Enthalpy-Concentration Diagram for Water/Lithium Bromide Solutions
885 Fig. 36 Equilibrium Chart for Aqueous Lithium Bromide Solutions
886 References
Fig. 37 Specific Density of Aqueous Solutions of Lithium Bromide
Fig. 38 Specific Heat of Aqueous Lithium Bromide Solutions
Fig. 39 Viscosity of Aqueous Solutions of Lithium Bromide
891 SI_F21_Ch31
1. Salt-Based Brines
Physical Properties
894 Corrosion Inhibition
2. Inhibited Glycols
Physical Properties
895 Corrosion Inhibition
901 Service Considerations
902 3. Halocarbons
4. Nonhalocarbon, Nonaqueous Fluids
903 References
904 SI_F21_Ch32
1. Desiccant Applications
2. Desiccant Cycle
906 3. Types of Desiccants
Liquid Absorbents
907 Solid Adsorbents
908 4. Desiccant Isotherms
5. Desiccant Life
6. Cosorption of Water Vapor and Indoor Air Contaminants
909 References
910 SI_F21_Ch33
914 SI_F21_Ch34
Nonrenewable and Renewable Energy Resources
Energy Sources Versus Energy Resources
Energy Forms and Their Energy Content
915 Environmental Considerations
1.1 On-Site Energy/Energy Resource Relationships
Quantifiable Relationships and Performance Metrics
916 Intangible Relationships
917 1.2 Summary
2. Energy Resource Planning
2.1 Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)
918 2.2 Tradable Emission Credits
3. Overview of Global Energy Resources
3.1 World Energy Resources
919 Fossil Fuel Reserves
921 3.2 Carbon Emissions
922 3.3 U.S. Energy Use
Per Capita Energy Consumption
Projected Overall Energy Consumption
924 Outlook Summary
3.4 U.S. Agencies and Associations
925 SI_F21_Ch35
1. Definition
2. Characteristics of Sustainability
Sustainability Addresses the Future
Sustainability Has Many Contributors
Sustainability Is Comprehensive
Technology Plays Only a Partial Role
926 3. Factors Impacting Sustainability
4. Primary HVAC&R Considerations in Sustainable Design
Energy Resource Availability
927 Fresh Water Supply
Effective and Efficient Use of Energy Resources and Water
Material Resource Availability and Management
Embodied Energy and Embodied Carbon
928 Air, Noise, and Water Pollution
Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal
929 5. Factors Driving Sustainability into Design Practice
Climate Change
Regulatory Environment
930 Evolving Standards of Care
931 Changing Design Process
932 Other Opportunities
6. Designing for Effective Energy Resource Use
Energy Ethic: Resource Conservation Design Principles
Energy and Power
Self-Imposed Budgets
Design Process for Energy-Efficient Projects
933 Building Energy Use Elements
936 References
937 Bibliography
939 SI_F21_Ch36
1. Overview of Climate Science
940 Climate vs Weather
Global Signatures of Climate Change
Natural and Human Drivers of Climate Change
941 Causes of Observed Global Warming
942 Climate Change in the Distant Past
Feedbacks in the Climate Systems
943 Changes in Climate System Related to Recent Global Warming
944 Observed Changes in Global Climate Conditions
Station-level Trend Data
945 Future Changes in Climate
947 Projected Climatic Information for Use in Building Design and Analysis
948 Using Recent Measured Data
949 2. Mitigating Climate Change
950 Reduce Carbon Emissions by Design and Construction
951 Perform Deep Energy Retrofits of Existing Buildings
Reduce Carbon Emissions from Building Operations
952 Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Building Electrification
Cost of Avoiding GHG Emissions
Refrigerants and Fluorinated Gases (F-Gases)
953 Geoengineering Technologies
954 Summary
3. Adapting to Climate Change
An ASHRAE Framework for Risk-Aware Practice
Adaptation and Related Terms
955 Chronic vs Acute Impacts of Climate Change
Impacts on Envelope-Driven Loads
Impacts on HVAC Systems
956 Impacts on Indoor Air Quality
Operational Management and Design for Smoke Migration Risk from Wildfires
957 Existing Professional Activities
Design Opportunities and Strategies
958 Resources for Adaptation
Existing ASHRAE Resources
4. Conclusion
5. glossary
960 References
965 SI_F21_Ch37
1. Effects of Humidity and Dampness
2. Elements of Moisture Management
966 3. Envelope and HVAC Interactions
4. Indoor Wetting and Drying
Understanding Vapor Balance
967 Hygric Buffering
Student Residences and Schools
968 5. Vapor Release Related to Building Use
Residential Buildings
969 Natatoriums
970 6. Indoor/Outdoor Vapor Pressure Difference Analysis
971 Residential Buildings
973 Natatoriums
974 7. Avoiding Moisture Problems
975 HVAC Systems
Ground Pipes
Building Fabric
Building Envelope
8. Climate-Specific Moisture Management
Temperate and Mixed Climates
976 Hot and Humid Climates
Cold Climates
9. Moisture Management in Other Handbook Chapters
977 References
978 Bibliography
979 SI_F21_Ch38
1. Terminology
981 2. Uncertainty Analysis
Uncertainty Sources
Uncertainty of a Measured Variable
982 3. Temperature Measurement
Sampling and Averaging
983 Static Temperature Versus Total Temperature
3.1 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
Sources of Thermometer Errors
3.2 Resistance Thermometers
984 Resistance Temperature Devices
Semiconductor Devices
985 3.3 Thermocouples
986 Wire Diameter and Composition
987 Multiple Thermocouples
Surface Temperature Measurement
Thermocouple Construction
3.4 Optical Pyrometry
3.5 Infrared Radiation Thermometers
988 3.6 Infrared Thermography
4. Humidity Measurement
4.1 Psychrometers
4.2 Dew-Point Hygrometers
Condensation Dew-Point Hygrometers
989 Salt-Phase Heated Hygrometers
4.3 Mechanical Hygrometers
990 4.4 Electrical Impedance, Resistance, and Capacitance Hygrometers
Dunmore Hygrometers
Polymer Film Electronic Hygrometers
Ion Exchange Resin Electric Hygrometers
Impedance-Based Porous Ceramic Electronic Hygrometers
Aluminum Oxide Capacitive Sensor
Resistive Sensor
4.5 Electrolytic Hygrometers
4.6 Piezoelectric Sorption
4.7 Spectroscopic (Radiation Absorption) Hygrometers
991 4.8 Gravimetric Hygrometers
4.9 Calibration
5. Pressure Measurement
5.1 Instruments
Pressure Standards
992 Mechanical Pressure Gages
Electromechanical Transducers
General Considerations
993 6. Air Velocity Measurement
6.1 Airborne Tracer Techniques
6.2 Anemometers
Deflecting Vane Anemometers
Propeller or Revolving (Rotating) Vane Anemometers
Cup Anemometers
Thermal Anemometers
995 Laser Doppler Velocimeters (or Anemometers)
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
6.3 Pitot-Static Tubes
996 6.4 Measuring Flow in Ducts
998 6.5 Airflow-Measuring Hoods
6.6 Vortex Shedding in Airflow Measurement
999 7. Flow Rate Measurement
1000 Flow Measurement Methods
7.1 Venturi, Nozzle, and Orifice Flowmeters
1002 7.2 Variable-Area Flowmeters (Rotameters)
1003 7.3 Coriolis Principle Flowmeters
7.4 Positive-Displacement Meters
7.5 Turbine Flowmeters
7.6 Electromagnetic (MAG) Flowmeters
7.7 Vortex-Shedding Flowmeters
1004 8. Air Infiltration, Airtightness, and Outdoor Air Ventilation Rate Measurement
Carbon Dioxide
9. Carbon Dioxide Measurement
9.1 Nondispersive Infrared CO2 Detectors
1005 Calibration
9.2 Amperometric Electrochemical CO2 Detectors
9.3 Photoacoustic CO2 Detectors
Open-Cell Sensors
Optical (Shaft) Encoders
1006 Closed-Cell Sensors
9.4 Potentiometric Electrochemical CO2 Detectors
9.5 Colorimetric Detector Tubes
9.6 Laboratory Measurements
10. Electric Measurement
1007 Wattmeters
Power-Factor Meters
11. Rotative Speed and Position Measurement
AC Tachometer-Generators
1008 12. Sound and Vibration Measurement
12.1 Sound Measurement
1009 Sound Measurement Systems
Frequency Analysis
Sound Chambers
12.2 Vibration Measurement
1010 Vibration Measurement Systems
13. Lighting Measurement
1011 14. Thermal Comfort Measurement
Clothing and Activity Level
Air Temperature
Air Velocity
Plane Radiant Temperature
Mean Radiant Temperature
Air Humidity
14.1 Calculating Thermal Comfort
1012 14.2 Integrating Instruments
15. Moisture Content and Transfer Measurement
Moisture Content
1013 Vapor Permeability
Liquid Diffusivity
1014 16. Heat Transfer Through Building Materials
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Conductance and Resistance
17. Air Contaminant Measurement
18. Combustion Analysis
1015 18.1 Flue Gas Analysis
19. Data Acquisition and Recording
Digital Recording
1016 Data-Logging Devices
20. Mechanical Power Measurement
Measurement of Shaft Power
Measurement of Fluid Pumping Power
20.1 Symbols
1017 Standards
1018 References
1020 Bibliography
1021 SI_F21_Ch39
1. Abbreviations for Text, Drawings, and Computer Programs
Computer Programs
2. Letter Symbols
1024 3. Letter Symbols
4. Dimensionless Numbers
5. Mathematical Symbols
1030 6. Piping System Identification
Method of Identification
1031 7. Codes and Standards
1033 SI_F21_Ch40
1035 SI_F21_Ch41
1065 SI_F21_Errata
2019 HVAC Applications
2020 HVAC Systems and Equipment
1070 Blank Page
1071 SI_F2021 IndexIX
Abbreviations, F38
Acoustics. See Sound
Activated alumina, S24.1, 4, 12
Activated carbon adsorption, A47.9
Adaptation, environmental, F9.17
ADPI. See Air diffusion performance index (ADPI)
Aeration, of farm crops, A26
Aerosols, S29.1
AFDD. See Automated fault detection and diagnostics (AFDD)
Affinity laws for centrifugal pumps, S44.8
AFUE. See Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE)
AHU. See Air handlers
Air barriers, F25.9; F26.5
Airborne infectious diseases, F10.7
Air cleaners. (See also Filters, air; Industrial exhaust gas cleaning)
Air conditioners. (See also Central air conditioning)
1072 Air conditioning. (See also Central air conditioning)
Air contaminants, F11. (See also Contaminants)
Aircraft, A13
Air curtains
Air diffusers, S20
Air diffusion, F20
Air diffusion performance index (ADPI), A58.6
Air dispersion systems, fabric, S19.11
Air distribution, A58; F20; S4; S20
Air exchange rate
Air filters. See Filters, air
1073 Airflow retarders, F25.9
Air flux, F25.2. (See also Airflow)
Air handlers
Air inlets
Air intakes
Air jets. See Air diffusion
Air leakage. (See also Infiltration)
Air mixers, S4.8
Air outlets
Airports, air conditioning, A3.6
Air quality. [See also Indoor air quality (IAQ)]
Air terminal units (ATUs)
Airtightness, F37.24
Air-to-air energy recovery, S26
Air-to-transmission ratio, S5.13
Air transport, R27
Air washers
Algae, control, A50.12
All-air systems
Altitude, effects of
Anchor bolts, seismic restraint, A56.7
Animal environments
1074 Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE), S34.2
Antisweat heaters (ASH), R15.5
Apartment buildings
Aquifers, thermal storage, S51.7
Archimedes number, F20.6
Archives. See Museums, galleries, archives, and libraries
Argon, recovery, R47.17
Asbestos, F10.5
ASH. See Antisweat heaters (ASH)
Attics, unconditioned, F27.2
Auditoriums, A5.3
Automated fault detection and diagnostics (AFDD), A40.4; A63.1
Autopsy rooms, A9.12; A10.6, 7
Avogadro’s law, and fuel combustion, F28.11
Backflow-prevention devices, S46.14
BACnet®, A41.9; F7.18
Bakery products, R41
Balance point, heat pumps, S48.9
Balancing. (See also Testing, adjusting, and balancing)
BAS. See Building automation systems (BAS)
Baseboard units
Bayesian analysis, F19.37
Beer’s law, F4.16
BEMP. See Building energy modeling professional (BEMP)
Bernoulli equation, F21.1
Best efficiency point (BEP), S44.8
Beverages, R39
BIM. See Building information modeling (BIM)
Biocides, control, A50.14
Biodiesel, F28.8
Biological safety cabinets, A17.5
Biomanufacturing cleanrooms, A19.11
Bioterrorism. See Chemical, biological, radio- logical, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
Boilers, F19.21; S32
Brake horsepower, S44.8
Brayton cycle
Bread, R41
Brines. See Coolants, secondary
Building automation systems (BAS), A41.8; A63.1; F7.14
1075 Building energy modeling professional (BEMP), F19.5
Building energy monitoring, A42. (See also Energy, monitoring)
Building envelopes
Building information modeling (BIM), A41.8; A60.18
Building materials, properties, F26
Building performance simulation (BPS), A65.8
Building thermal mass
Bus terminals
Butane, commercial, F28.5
CAD. See Computer-aided design (CAD)
Cafeterias, service water heating, A51.12, 19
Calcium chloride brines, F31.1
Capillary action, and moisture flow, F25.10
Capillary tubes
Carbon dioxide
Carbon emissions, F34.7
Carbon monoxide
Cargo containers, R25
Carnot refrigeration cycle, F2.6
1076 Cattle, beef and dairy, A25.7. (See also Animal environments)
CAV. See Constant air volume (CAV)
Cavitation, F3.13
CBRE. See Chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
CEER. See Combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER)
Ceiling effect. See Coanda effect
Central air conditioning, A43. (See also Air conditioning)
Central plant optimization, A8.13
Central plants
Central systems
Cetane number, engine fuels, F28.9
CFD. See Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Change-point regression models, F19.28
Charge minimization, R1.36
Charging, refrigeration systems, R8.4
Chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive (CBRE) incidents, A61
Chemical plants
Chemisorption, A47.10
Chilled beams, S20.10
Chilled water (CW)
Chilton-Colburn j-factor analogy, F6.7
Chimneys, S35
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), A35.44
Chocolate, R42.1. (See also Candy)
Choking, F3.13
CHP systems. See Combined heat and power (CHP)
Cinemas, A5.3
CKV. See Commercial kitchen ventilation (CVK)
Claude cycle, R47.8
Cleanrooms. See Clean spaces
Clean spaces, A19
1077 Clear-sky solar radiation, calculation, F14.8
Climate change, F36
Climatic design information, F14
Clinics, A9.17
CLTD/CLF. See Cooling load temperature differential method with solar cooling load factors (CLTD/CLF)
CMMS. See Computerized maintenance management system (CMSS)
Coanda effect, A34.22; F20.2, 7; S20.2
Codes, A66. (See also Standards)
Coefficient of performance (COP)
Coefficient of variance of the root mean square error [CV(RMSE)], F19.33
Cogeneration. See Combined heat and power (CHP)
Colburn’s analogy, F4.17
Colebrook equation
Collaborative design, A60
Collectors, solar, A36.6, 11, 24, 25; S37.3
Colleges and universities, A8.11
Combined energy efficiency ratio (CEER), S49.3
Combined heat and power (CHP), S7
Combustion, F28
1078 Combustion air systems
Combustion turbine inlet cooling (CTIC), S7.21; S8.1
Comfort. (See also Physiological principles, humans)
Commercial and public buildings, A3
Commercial kitchen ventilation (CKV), A34
Commissioning, A44
Comprehensive room transfer function method (CRTF), F19.11
Compressors, S38
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), F13.1, F19.25
Computer-aided design (CAD), A19.6
Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), A60.17
Computers, A41
Concert halls, A5.4
1079 Condensers, S39
Conductance, thermal, F4.3; F25.1
Conductivity, thermal, F25.1; F26.1
Constant air volume (CAV)
Construction. (See also Building envelopes)
Containers. (See also Cargo containers)
Continuity, fluid dynamics, F3.2
Control. (See also Controls, automatic; Supervisory control)
1080 Controlled-atmosphere (CA) storage
Controlled-environment rooms (CERs), and plant growth, A25.16
Controls, automatic, F7. (See also Control)
Convention centers, A5.5
Conversion factors, F39
Cooking appliances
Coolants, secondary
Coolers. (See also Refrigerators)
1081 Cooling. (See also Air conditioning)
Cooling load
Cooling load temperature differential method with solar cooling load factors (CLTD/CLF), F18.57
Cooling towers, S40
Cool storage, S51.1
COP. See Coefficient of performance (COP)
Corn, drying, A26.1
Correctional facilities. See Justice facilities
Costs. (See also Economics)
Cotton, drying, A26.8
Courthouses, A10.5
Courtrooms, A10.5
CPVC. See Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
Critical spaces
Crops. See Farm crops
Cruise terminals, A3.6
Cryogenics, R47
1082 Curtain walls, F15.6
Dairy products, R33
Dampness problems in buildings, A64.1
Dams, concrete cooling, R45.1
Darcy equation, F21.6
Darcy-Weisbach equation
Data centers, A20
Data-driven modeling
Daylighting, F19.26
DDC. See Direct digital control (DDC)
Dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS), F36.12; S4.14; S18.2, 8; S25.4; S51
Definitions, of refrigeration terms, R50
Degree-days, F14.12
Dehumidification, A48.15; S24
Demand control kitchen ventilation (DCKV), A34.18
Dental facilities, A9.17
Desiccants, F32.1; S24.1
1083 Design-day climatic data, F14.12
Desorption isotherm, F26.20
Dew point, A64.8
Diamagnetism, and superconductivity, R47.5
Diesel fuel, F28.9
Diffusers, air, sound control, A49.12
Dining halls, in justice facilities, A10.4
DIR. See Dispersive infrared (DIR)
Direct digital control (DDC), F7.4, 11
Direct numerical simulation (DNS), turbulence modeling, F13.4; F24.13
Dirty bombs. See Chemical, biological, radio- logical, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
Disabilities, A8.23
Discharge coefficients, in fluid flow, F3.9
Dispersive infrared (DIR), F7.10
Display cases
Display cases, R15.2, 5
District energy (DE). See District heating and cooling (DHC)
District heating and cooling (DHC), S12
d-limonene, F31.12
DNS. See Direct numerical simulation (DNS)
DOAS. See Dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS)
Drag, in fluid flow, F3.5
Driers, S7.6. (See also Dryers)
Drip station, steam systems, S12.14
Dryers. (See also Driers)
DTW. See Dual-temperature water (DTW) system
Dual-duct systems
Dual-temperature water (DTW) system, S13.1
DuBois equation, F9.3
Duct connections, A64.10
Duct design
1084 Dust mites, F25.16
Dusts, S29.1
Dynamometers, A18.1
Earth, stabilization, R45.3, 4
Earthquakes, seismic-resistant design, A56.1
Economic analysis, A38
Economic coefficient of performance (ECOP), S7.2
Economic performance degradation index (EPDI), A63.5
Economics. (See also Costs)
ECOP. See Economic coefficient of performance (ECOP)
ECS. See Environmental control system (ECS)
Eddy diffusivity, F6.7
Educational facilities, A8
EER. See Energy efficiency ratio (EER)
Effectiveness, heat transfer, F4.22
Effectiveness-NTU heat exchanger model, F19.19
Eggs, R34
Electric thermal storage (ETS), S51.17
Electronic smoking devices (“e-cigarettes”), F11.19
Electrostatic precipitators, S29.7; S30.7
Emissions, pollution, F28.9
Emissivity, F4.2
Emittance, thermal, F25.2
Enclosed vehicular facilities, A16
1085 Energy and water use and management, A37
Energy efficiency ratio (EER)
Energy savings performance contracting (ESPC), A38.8
Energy transfer station, S12.37
Engines, S7
Engine test facilities, A18
Enhanced tubes. See Finned-tube heat transfer coils
Entropy, F2.1
Environmental control
Environmental control system (ECS), A13
Environmental health, F10
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
EPDI. See Economic performance degradation index (EPDI)
Equipment vibration, A49.44; F8.17
ERF. See Effective radiant flux (ERF)
ESPC. See Energy savings performance contracting (ESPC)
Ethylene glycol, in hydronic systems, S13.24
ETS. See Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS); Electric thermal storage (ETS)
Evaluation. See Testing
Evaporation, in tubes
Evaporative coolers. (See also Refrigerators)
Evaporative cooling, A53
Evaporators. (See also Coolers, liquid)
Exfiltration, F16.2
1086 Exhibit buildings, temporary, A5.6
Exhibit cases
Exhibition centers, A5.5
Expansion joints and devices
Expansion tanks, S12.10
Explosions. See Chemical, biological, radio- logical, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
Fairs, A5.6
Family courts, A10.4. (See also Juvenile detention facilities)
Fan-coil units, S5.6
Fans, F19.18; S21
Farm crops, drying and storing, A26
Faults, system, reasons for detecting, A40.4
f-Chart method, sizing heating and cooling systems, A36.20
Fenestration. (See also Windows)
Fick’s law, F6.1
Filters, air, S29. (See also Air cleaners)
Finned-tube heat-distributing units, S36.2, 5
Finned-tube heat transfer coils, F4.25
Fins, F4.6
Fire/smoke control. See Smoke control
Firearm laboratories, A10.7
Fire management, A54.2
Fireplaces, S34.5
Fire safety
Fish, R19; R32
Fitness facilities. (See also Gymnasiums)
1087 Fixed-guideway vehicles, A12.7. (See also Mass-transit systems)
Fixture units, A51.1, 28
Flammability limits, gaseous fuels, F28.1
Flash tank, steam systems, S11.14
Flowers, cut
Flowmeters, A39.26; F37.18
Fluid dynamics computations, F13.1
Fluid flow, F3
Food. (See also specific foods)
Food service
Forced-air systems, residential, A1.1
Forensic labs, A10.6
Fouling factor
Fountains, Legionella pneumophila control, A50.15
Fourier’s law, and heat transfer, F25.5
Four-pipe systems, S5.5
Framing, for fenestration
Freeze drying, A31.6
Freeze prevention. (See also Freeze protection systems)
Freeze protection systems, A52.19, 20
Friction, in fluid flow
1088 Fruit juice, R38
Fuel cells, combined heat and power (CHP), S7.22
Fuels, F28
Fume hoods, laboratory exhaust, A17.3
Furnaces, S33
Galleries. See Museums, galleries, archives, and libraries
Gas-fired equipment, S34. (See also Natural gas)
Gas vents, S35.1
Gaussian process (GP) models, F19.30
GCHP. See Ground-coupled heat pumps (GCHP)
Geothermal energy, A35
Geothermal heat pumps (GHP), A35.1
Glaser method, F25.15
Global climate change, F36
Global warming potential (GWP), F29.5
Glossary, of refrigeration terms, R50
Glycols, desiccant solution, S24.2
Graphical symbols, F38
Green design, and sustainability, F35.1
Greenhouses. (See also Plant environments)
Grids, for computational fluid dynamics, F13.4
Ground-coupled heat pumps (GCHP)
Ground-coupled systems, F19.23
Ground-source heat pumps (GSHP), A35.1
Groundwater heat pumps (GWHP), A35.30
GSHP. See Ground-source heat pumps (GSHP)
Guard stations, in justice facilities, A10.5
GWHP. See Groundwater heat pumps (GWHP)
GWP. See Global warming potential (GWP)
Gymnasiums, A5.5; A8.3
HACCP. See Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)
Hartford loop, S11.3
Hay, drying, A26.8
Hazard analysis and control, F10.4
Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP), R22.4
Hazen-Williams equation, F22.6
HB. See Heat balance (HB)
1089 Health care facilities, A9. (See also specific types)
Health effects, mold, A64.1
Heat and moisture control, F27.1
Heat balance (HB), S9.23
Heat balance method, F19.3
Heat capacity, F25.1
Heat control, F27
Heaters, S34
Heat exchangers, S47
Heat flow, F25. (See also Heat transfer)
Heat flux, F25.1
Heat gain. (See also Load calculations)
Heating load
Heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF), S48.6
Heating values of fuels, F28.3, 9, 10
Heat loss. (See also Load calculations)
1090 Heat pipes, air-to-air energy recovery, S26.14
Heat pumps
Heat recovery. (See also Energy, recovery)
Heat storage. See Thermal storage
Heat stress
Heat transfer, F4; F25; F26; F27. (See also Heat flow)
Heat transmission
Heat traps, A51.1
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, A29.3; S29.6; S30.3
High-rise buildings. See Tall buildings
High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, R33.2
High-temperature water (HTW) system, S13.1
1091 Homeland security. See Chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
Hospitals, A9.3
Hot-box method, of thermal modeling, F25.8
Hotels and motels, A7
Hot-gas bypass, R1.35
Houses of worship, A5.3
HSI. See Heat stress, index (HSI)
HSPF. See Heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF)
HTST. See High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization
Humidification, S22
Humidifiers, S22
Humidity (See also Moisture)
HVAC security, A61
Hybrid inverse change point model, F19.31
Hybrid ventilation, F19.26
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), R1.1
Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), R1.1
Hydrogen, liquid, R47.3
Hydronic systems, S35. (See also Water systems)
Hygrometers, F7.9; F37.10, 11
Hygrothermal loads, F25.2
Hygrothermal modeling, F25.15; F27.10
IAQ. See Indoor air quality (IAQ)
IBD. See Integrated building design (IBD)
Ice makers
Ice rinks, A5.5; R44
ID50‚ mean infectious dose, A61.9
Ignition temperatures of fuels, F28.2
IGUs. See Insulating glazing units (IGUs)
Illuminance, F37.31
Indoor airflow, A59.1
1092 Indoor air quality (IAQ). (See also Air quality)
Indoor environmental modeling, F13
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ), kitchens, A33.20. (See also Air quality)
Indoor swimming pools. (See also Natatoriums)
Industrial applications
Industrial environments, A15, A32; A33
Industrial exhaust gas cleaning, S29. (See also Air cleaners)
Industrial hygiene, F10.3
Infiltration. (See also Air leakage)
Infrared applications
In-room terminal systems
Instruments, F14. (See also specific instruments or applications)
Insulating glazing units (IGUs), F15.5
Insulation, thermal
1093 Integrated building design (IBD), A60.1
Integrated project delivery (IPD), A60.1
Integrated project delivery and building design,
Intercoolers, ammonia refrigeration systems, R2.12
Internal heat gains, F19.13
Jacketing, insulation, R10.7
Jails, A10.4
Joule-Thomson cycle, R47.6
Judges’ chambers, A10.5
Juice, R38.1
Jury facilities, A10.5
Justice facilities, A10
Juvenile detention facilities, A10.1. (See also Family courts)
K-12 schools, A8.3
Kelvin’s equation, F25.11
Kirchoff’s law, F4.12
Kitchens, A34
Kleemenko cycle, R47.13
Krypton, recovery, R47.18
Laboratories, A17
Laboratory information management systems (LIMS), A10.8
Lakes, heat transfer, A35.37
Laminar flow
Large eddy simulation (LES), turbulence modeling, F13.3; F24.13
Laser Doppler anemometers (LDA), F37.17
Laser Doppler velocimeters (LDV), F37.17
Latent energy change materials, S51.2
LCR. See Load collector ratio (LCR)
LD50‚ mean lethal dose, A61.9
LDA. See Laser Doppler anemometers (LDA)
LDV. See Laser Doppler velocimeters (LDV)
LE. See Life expectancy (LE) rating
1094 Leakage function, relationship, F16.15
Leak detection of refrigerants, F29.9
Legionella pneumophila, A50.15; F10.7
Legionnaires’ disease. See Legionella pneumophila
LES. See Large eddy simulation (LES)
Lewis relation, F6.9; F9.4
Libraries. See Museums, galleries, archives, and libraries
Life expectancy (LE) rating, film, A23.3
Light measurement, F37.31
LIMS. See Laboratory information management systems (LIMS)
Linde cycle, R47.6
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), S8.6
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), F28.5
Liquid overfeed (recirculation) systems, R4
Lithium bromide/water, F30.71
Lithium chloride, S24.2
LNG. See Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Load calculations
Load collector ratio (LCR), A36.22
Local exhaust. See Exhaust
Loss coefficients
Louvers, F15.33
Low-temperature water (LTW) system, S13.1
LPG. See Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
LTW. See Low-temperature water (LTW) system
Lubricants, R6.1; R12. (See also Lubrication; Oil)
Lubrication, R12
Mach number, S38.32
Maintenance. (See also Operation and maintenance)
Makeup air units, S28.8
Malls, 12.7
Manometers, differential pressure readout, A39.25
Manufactured homes, A1.9
Masonry, insulation, F26.7. (See also Building envelopes)
Mass transfer, F6
1095 Mass-transit systems
McLeod gages, F37.13
Mean infectious dose (ID50), A61.9
Mean lethal dose (LD50), A61.9
Mean temperature difference, F4.22
Measurement, F36. (See also Instruments)
Measurement, F37. (See also Instruments)
Meat, R30
Mechanical equipment room, central
Mechanical traps, steam systems, S11.8
Medium-temperature water (MTW) system, S13.1
Megatall buildings, A4.1
Meshes, for computational fluid dynamics, F13.4
Metabolic rate, F9.6
Metals and alloys, low-temperature, R48.6
Microbial growth, R22.4
Microbial volatile organic chemicals (MVOCs), F10.8
Microbiology of foods, R22.1
Microphones, F37.29
Mines, A30
Modeling. (See also Data-driven modeling; Energy, modeling)
Model predictive control (MPC), A65.6
Moist air
Moisture (See also Humidity)
Mold, A64.1; F25.16
Mold-resistant gypsum board, A64.7
1096 Molecular sieves, R18.10; R41.9; R47.13; S24.5. (See also Zeolites)
Montreal Protocol, F29.1
Morgues, A9.1
Motors, S45
Movie theaters, A5.3
MPC (model predictive control), A65.6
MRT. See Mean radiant temperature (MRT)
Multifamily residences, A1.8
Multiple-use complexes
Multisplit unitary equipment, S48.1
Multizone airflow modeling, F13.14
Museums, galleries, archives, and libraries
MVOCs. See Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs)
Natatoriums. (See also Swimming pools)
Natural gas, F28.5
Navier-Stokes equations, F13.2
NC curves. See Noise criterion (NC) curves
Net positive suction head (NPSH), A35.31; R2.9; S44.10
Network airflow models, F19.25
Neutral pressure level (NPL), A4.1
Night setback, recovery, A43.44
Noise, F8.13. (See also Sound)
Noise criterion (NC) curves, F8.16
Noncondensable gases
Normalized mean bias error (NMBE), F19.33
NPL. See Neutral pressure level (NPL)
NPSH. See Net positive suction head (NPSH)
NTU. See Number of transfer units (NTU)
Nuclear facilities, A29
Number of transfer units (NTU)
Nursing facilities, A9.17
Nuts, storage, R42.7
Odors, F12
ODP. See Ozone depletion potential (ODP)
Office buildings
Oil, fuel, F28.7
Oil. (See also Lubricants)
Olf unit, F12.6
One-pipe systems
Operating costs, A38.4
Operation and maintenance, A39. (See also Maintenance)
OPR. See Owner’s project requirements (OPR)
Optimization, A43.4
1097 Outdoor air, free cooling (See also Ventilation)
Outpatient health care facilities, A9.16
Owning costs, A38.1
Ozone depletion potential (ODP), F29.5
PACE. (See Property assessment for clean energy)
Packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs), S49.5
Packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHPs), S49.5
PAH. See Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Paint, and moisture problems, F25.16
Panel heating and cooling, S6. (See also Radiant heating and cooling)
Paper products facilities, A27
Parallel compressor systems, R15.14
Particulate matter, indoor air quality (IAQ), F10.5
Passive heating, F19.27
Pasteurization, R33.2
Peak dew point, A64.10
Peanuts, drying, A26.9
PEC systems. See Personal environmental control (PEC) systems
PEL. See Permissible exposure limits (PEL)
Performance contracting, A42.2
Performance monitoring, A48.6
Permafrost stabilization, R45.4
Permissible exposure limits (PELs), F10.5
Personal environmental control (PEC) systems, F9.26
Pharmaceutical manufacturing cleanrooms, A19.11
Pharmacies, A9.13
Phase-change materials, thermal storage in, S51.16, 27
Photographic materials, A23
Photovoltaic (PV) systems, S36.18. (See also Solar energy)
Physical properties of materials, F33
Physiological principles, humans. (See also Comfort)
Pigs. See Swine
Pipes. (See also Piping)
Piping. (See also Pipes)
1098 Pitot tubes, A39.2; F37.17
Places of assembly, A5
Planes. See Aircraft
Plank’s equation, R20.7
Plant environments, A25.10
PMV. See Predicted mean vote (PMV)
Police stations, A10.1
Pollutant transport modeling. See Contami- nants, indoor, concentration prediction
Pollution, air, and combustion, F28.9, 17
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), F10.6
Polydimethylsiloxane, F31.12
Ponds, spray, S40.6
Pope cell, F37.12
Positive building pressure, A64.11
Positive positioners, F7.8
Poultry. (See also Animal environments)
Power grid, A63.9
Power-law airflow model, F13.14
Power plants, A28
PPD. See Predicted percent dissatisfied (PPD)
Prandtl number, F4.17
Predicted mean vote (PMV), F37.32
Predicted percent dissatisfied (PPD), F9.18
Preschools, A8.1
Pressure drop. (See also Darcy-Weisbach equation)
Primary-air systems, S5.10
Printing plants, A21
1099 Prisons, A10.4
Product load, R15.6
Property assessment for clean energy (PACE), A38.9
Propylene glycol, hydronic systems, S13.24
Psychrometers, F1.13
Psychrometrics, F1
PTACs. See Packaged terminal air condition- ers (PTACs)
PTHPs. See Packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHPs)
Public buildings. See Commercial and public buildings; Places of assembly
Pumps, F19.18
Purge units, centrifugal chillers, S43.11
PV systems. See Photovoltaic (PV) systems; Solar energy
Radiant heating and cooling, A55; S6.1; S15; S33.4. (See also Panel heating and cooling)
Radiant time series (RTS) method, F18.2, 22
Radiators, S36.1, 5
Radioactive gases, contaminants, F11.21
Radiosity method, F19.26
Radon, F10.16, 22
Rail cars, R25. (See also Cargo containers)
Railroad tunnels, ventilation
Rain, and building envelopes, F25.4
RANS. See Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation
Rapid-transit systems. See Mass-transit systems
Rayleigh number, F4.20
Ray tracing method, F19.27
RC curves. See Room criterion (RC) curves
Recycling refrigerants, R9.3
Refrigerant/absorbent pairs, F2.15
Refrigerant control devices, R11
1100 Refrigerants, F29.1
Refrigerant transfer units (RTU), liquid chillers, S43.11
Refrigerated facilities, R23
Refrigeration, F1.16. (See also Absorption; Adsorption)
1101 Refrigeration oils, R12. (See also Lubricants)
Regulators. (See also Valves)
Relative humidity, F1.12
Residential health care facilities, A9.17
Residential systems, A1
Resistance, thermal, F4; F25; F26. (See also R-values)
Resistance temperature devices (RTDs), F7.9; F37.6
Resistivity, thermal, F25.1
Resource utilization factor (RUF), F34.2
Respiration of fruits and vegetables, R19.17
Retail facilities, 12
Retrofit performance monitoring, A42.4
Retrofitting refrigerant systems, contaminant control, S7.9
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation, F13.3; F24.13
Reynolds number, F3.3
Rice, drying, A26.9
RMS. See Root mean square (RMS)
Road tunnels, A16.3
Roofs, U-factors, F27.2
Room air distribution, A58; S20.1
Room criterion (RC) curves, F8.16
Root mean square (RMS), F37.1
RTDs. See Resistance temperature devices (RTDs)
RTS. See Radiant time series (RTS)
RTU. See Refrigerant transfer units (RTU)
RUF. See Resource utilization factor (RUF)
Rusting, of building components, F25.16
R-values, F23; F25; F26. (See also Resistance, thermal)
Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR), A38.12
Savings-to-investment-ratio (SIR), A38.12
Schneider system, R23.7
Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER)
Security. See Chemical, biological, radio- logical, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
1102 Seeds, storage, A26.12
SEER. See Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER)
Seismic restraint, A49.53; A56.1
Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), F10.4, 12; F11.15
Separators, lubricant, R11.23
Service water heating, A51
SES. See Subway environment simulation (SES) program
Set points, A65.1
Ships, A13
Shooting ranges, indoor, A10.8
Short-tube restrictors, R11.31
Silica gel, S24.1, 4, 6, 12
Single-duct systems, all-air, S4.11
SIR. See Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR)
Skating rinks, R44.1
Skylights, and solar heat gain, F15.21
Slab heating, A52
Slab-on-grade foundations, A45.11
SLR. See Solar-load ratio (SLR)
Smart building systems, A63.1
Smart grid, A63.9, 11
Smoke control, A54
Snow-melting systems, A52
Snubbers, seismic, A56.8
Sodium chloride brines, F31.1
Soft drinks, R39.10
Software, A65.7
Soils. (See also Earth)
Solar energy, A36; S37.1 (See also Solar heat gain; Solar radiation)
1103 Solar heat gain, F15.14; F18.16
Solar-load ratio (SLR), A36.22
Solar-optical glazing, F15.14
Solar radiation, F14.8; F15.14
Solid fuel
Solvent drying, constant-moisture, A31.7
Soot, F28.20
Sorbents, F32.1
Sorption isotherm, F25.10; F26.20
Sound, F8. (See also Noise)
Soybeans, drying, A26.7
Specific heat
Split-flux method, F19.26
Spot cooling
Stack effect
Stadiums, A5.4
Standard atmosphere, U.S., F1.1
Standards, A66. (See also Codes)
Static air mixers, S4.8
Static electricity and humidity, S22.2
1104 Steam
Steam systems, S11
Steam traps, S11.7
Stefan-Boltzmann equation, F4.2, 12
Stevens’ law, F12.3
Stirling cycle, R47.14
Stokers, S31.17
Stoves, heating, S34.5
Stroboscopes, F37.28
Subway environment simulation (SES) program, A16.3
Subway systems. (See also Mass-transit systems)
Suction risers, R2.24
Sulfur content, fuel oils, F28.9
Superconductivity, diamagnetism, R47.5
Supermarkets. See Retail facilities, supermarkets
Supertall buildings, A4.1
Supervisory control, A43
Supply air outlets, S20.2. (See also Air outlets)
Surface effect. See Coanda effect
Surface transportation
Surface water heat pump (SWHP), A35.3
Sustainability, F16.1; F35.1; S48.2
SVFs. See Synthetic vitreous fibers (SVFs)
SVOCs. See Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs)
SWHP. See Surface water heat pump (SWHP)
Swimming pools. (See also Natatoriums)
Swine, recommended environment, A25.7
Symbols, F38
Synthetic vitreous fibers (SVFs), F10.6
TABS. See Thermally activated building systems (TABS)
1105 Tachometers, F37.28
Tall buildings, A4
Tanks, secondary coolant systems, R13.2
TDD. See Tubular daylighting devices
Telecomunication facilities, air-conditioning systems, A20.1
Temperature-controlled transport, R25.1
Temperature index, S22.3
Terminal units. [See also Air terminal units (ATUs)], A48.13, F19.16; S20.7
Terminology, of refrigeration, R50
Terrorism. See Chemical, biological, radio- logical, and explosive (CBRE) incidents
TES. See Thermal energy storage (TES)
Testing, adjusting, and balancing. (See also Balancing)
TETD/TA. See Total equivalent temperature differential method with time averaging (TETD/TA)
TEWI. See Total equivalent warning impact (TEWI)
Textile processing plants, A22
TFM. See Transfer function method (TFM)
Theaters, A5.3
Thermal bridges, F25.8
Thermal comfort. See Comfort
Thermal displacement ventilation (TDV), F19.17
Thermal emittance, F25.2
Thermal energy storage (TES), S8.6; S51
1106 Thermally activated building systems (TABS), A43.3, 34
Thermal-network method, F19.11
Thermal properties, F26.1
Thermal resistivity, F25.1
Thermal storage,
Thermal storage. See Thermal energy storage (TES) S51
Thermal transmission data, F26
Thermal zones, F19.14
Thermistors, R11.4
Thermodynamics, F2.1
Thermometers, F37.5
Thermopile, F7.4; F37.9; R45.4
Three-dimensional (3D) printers, F11.18
Three-pipe distribution, S5.6
Tobacco smoke
Total equivalent temperature differential method with time averaging (TETD/TA), F18.57
Total equivalent warming impact (TEWI), F29.5
Trailers and trucks, refrigerated, R25. (See also Cargo containers)
Transducers, F7.10, 13
Transfer function method (TFM); F18.57; F19.3
Transmittance, thermal, F25.2
Transmitters, F7.9, 10
Transpiration, R19.19
Transportation centers
Transport properties of refrigerants, F30
Trucks, refrigerated, R25. (See also Cargo containers)
Tubular daylighting devices (TDDs), F15.30
Tuning automatic control systems, F7.19
Tunnels, vehicular, A16.1
Turbines, S7
Turbochargers, heat recovery, S7.34
Turbulence modeling, F13.3
Turbulent flow, fluids, F3.3
Turndown ratio, design capacity, S13.4
Two-node model, for thermal comfort, F9.18
Two-pipe systems, S5.5; S13.20
U.S. Marshal spaces, A10.6
Ultralow-penetration air (ULPA) filters, S29.6; S30.3
Ultraviolet (UV) lamp systems, S17
1107 Ultraviolet air and surface treatment, A62
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), A60.1; S17.1. [See also Ultraviolet (UV) lamp systems]
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), A62.1; S17.1. [See also Ultraviolet (UV) lamp systems]
Uncertainty analysis
Underfloor air distribution (UFAD) systems, A4.6; A58.14; F19.17
Unitary systems, S48
Unit heaters. See Heaters
Units and conversions, F39
Unit ventilators, S28.1
Utility interface, electric, S7.43
Utility rates, A63.11
UV. See Ultraviolet (UV) lamp systems
UVGI. See Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
Vacuum cooling, of fruits and vegetables, R28.9
Validation, of airflow modeling, F13.9, 10, 17
Valves. (See also Regulators)
Vaporization systems, S8.6
Vapor pressure, F27.8; F33.2
Vapor retarders, jackets, F23.12
Variable-air-volume (VAV) systems
Variable-frequency drives, S45.14
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF), S18.1; S48.1, 14
Variable-speed drives. See Variable-frequency drives S51
VAV. See Variable-air-volume (VAV) systems
Vegetables, R37
Vena contracta, F3.4
Vending machines, R16.5
Ventilation, F16
1108 Ventilators
Verification, of airflow modeling, F13.9, 10, 17
Vessels, ammonia refrigeration systems, R2.11
Vibration, F8.17
Viral pathogens, F10.9
Virgin rock temperature (VRT), and heat release rate, A30.3
Viscosity, F3.1
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), F10.11
Voltage, A57.1
Volume ratio, compressors
VRF. See Variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
VRT. See Virgin rock temperature (VRT)
Warehouses, A3.8
Water heaters
Water horsepower, pump, S44.7
Water/lithium bromide absorption
Water-source heat pump (WSHP), S2.4; S48.11
Water systems, S13
1109 Water treatment, A50
Water use and management (See Energy and water use and management)
Water vapor control, A45.6
Water vapor permeance/permeability, F26.12, 17, 18
Water vapor retarders, F26.6
Water wells, A35.30
Weather data, F14
Weatherization, F16.18
Welding sheet metal, S19.12
Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT), heat stress, A32.5
Wheels, rotary enthalpy, S26.9
Whirlpools and spas
Wien’s displacement law, F4.12
Wind. (See also Climatic design information; Weather data)
Wind chill index, F9.23
Windows. (See also Fenestration)
Wind restraint design, A56.15
Wireless sensors, A63.7
Wood construction, and moisture, F25.10
Wood products facilities, A27.1
Wood pulp, A27.2
Wood stoves, S34.5
WSHP. See Water-source heat pump (WSHP)
Xenon, R47.18
Zeolites, R18.10; R41.9; R47.13; S24.5. (See also Molecular sieves)
ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (S-I) 2021