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BS ISO/IEC 15408-3:2022 – TC


Tracked Changes. Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection. Evaluation criteria for IT security – – Part 3. Security assurance components

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BSI 2022 542
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PDF Pages PDF Title
340 National foreword
350 Foreword
352 Introduction
353 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
357 4 Overview
358 5 Assurance paradigm
5.1 General
5.2 ISO/IEC 15408 series approach
5.3 Assurance approach
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Significance of vulnerabilities
359 5.3.3 Cause of vulnerabilities
5.3.4 ISO/IEC 15408 series assurance
5.3.5 Assurance through evaluation
360 5.4 ISO/IEC 15408 series evaluation assurance scale
6 Security assurance components
6.1 General
6.2 Assurance class structure
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Class name
6.2.3 Class introduction
361 6.2.4 Assurance families
6.3 Assurance family structure
6.3.1 Family name
6.3.2 Objectives
362 6.3.3 Component levelling
6.3.4 Application notes
6.3.5 Assurance components
6.4 Assurance component structure
6.4.1 General
363 6.4.2 Component identification
6.4.3 Objectives
6.4.4 Application notes
6.4.5 Dependencies
6.4.6 Assurance elements
364 6.5 Assurance elements
6.6 Component taxonomy
7 Class APE: Protection Profile (PP) evaluation
7.1 General
365 7.2 PP introduction (APE_INT)
7.2.1 Objectives
7.2.2 APE_INT.1 PP introduction
366 7.3 Conformance claims (APE_CCL)
7.3.1 Objectives
7.3.2 APE_CCL.1 Conformance claims
368 7.4 Security problem definition (APE_SPD)
7.4.1 Objectives
7.4.2 APE_SPD.1 Security problem definition
7.5 Security objectives (APE_OBJ)
7.5.1 Objectives
369 7.5.2 Component levelling
7.5.3 APE_OBJ.1 Security objectives for the operational environment
7.5.4 APE_OBJ.2 Security objectives
370 7.6 Extended components definition (APE_ECD)
7.6.1 Objectives
7.6.2 APE_ECD.1 Extended components definition
371 7.7 Security requirements (APE_REQ)
7.7.1 Objectives
7.7.2 Component levelling
7.7.3 APE_REQ.1 Direct rationale PP-Module security requirements
372 7.7.4 APE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements
374 8 Class ACE: Protection Profile Configuration evaluation
8.1 General
8.2 PP-Module introduction (ACE_INT)
8.2.1 Objectives
8.2.2 ACE_INT.1 PP-Module introduction
375 8.3 PP-Module conformance claims (ACE_CCL)
8.3.1 Objectives
376 8.3.2 ACE_CCL.1 PP-Module conformance claims
377 8.4 PP-Module security problem definition (ACE_SPD)
8.4.1 Objectives
8.4.2 ACE_SPD.1 PP-Module security problem definition
378 8.5 PP-Module security objectives (ACE_OBJ)
8.5.1 Objectives
8.5.2 Component levelling
8.5.3 ACE_OBJ.1 PP-Module security objectives for the operational environment
379 8.5.4 ACE_OBJ.2 PP-Module security objectives
8.6 PP-Module extended components definition (ACE_ECD)
8.6.1 Objectives
380 8.6.2 ACE_ECD.1 PP-Module extended components definition
8.7 PP-Module security requirements (ACE_REQ)
8.7.1 Objectives
381 8.7.2 Component levelling
8.7.3 ACE_REQ.1 PP-Module stated security requirements
382 8.7.4 ACE_REQ.2 PP-Module derived security requirements
383 8.8 PP-Module consistency (ACE_MCO)
8.8.1 Objectives
8.8.2 ACE_MCO.1 PP-Module consistency
384 8.9 PP-Configuration consistency (ACE_CCO)
8.9.1 Objectives
385 8.9.2 ACE_CCO.1 PP-Configuration consistency
388 9 Class ASE: Security Target (ST) evaluation
9.1 General
9.2 ST introduction (ASE_INT)
9.2.1 Objectives
9.2.2 ASE_INT.1 ST introduction
389 9.3 Conformance claims (ASE_CCL)
9.3.1 Objectives
390 9.3.2 ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims
391 9.4 Security problem definition (ASE_SPD)
9.4.1 Objectives
9.4.2 ASE_SPD.1 Security problem definition
392 9.5 Security objectives (ASE_OBJ)
9.5.1 Objectives
9.5.2 Component levelling
9.5.3 ASE_OBJ.1 Security objectives for the operational environment
393 9.5.4 ASE_OBJ.2 Security objectives
394 9.6 Extended components definition (ASE_ECD)
9.6.1 Objectives
9.6.2 ASE_ECD.1 Extended components definition
395 9.7 Security requirements (ASE_REQ)
9.7.1 Objectives
9.7.2 Component levelling
9.7.3 ASE_REQ.1 Direct rationale security requirements
396 9.7.4 ASE_REQ.2 Derived security requirements
398 9.8 TOE summary specification (ASE_TSS)
9.8.1 Objectives
9.8.2 Component levelling
9.8.3 ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specification
9.8.4 ASE_TSS.2 TOE summary specification with architectural design summary
399 9.9 Consistency of composite product Security Target (ASE_COMP)
9.9.1 Objectives
9.9.2 Component levelling
9.9.3 Application notes
400 9.9.4 ASE_COMP.1 Consistency of Security Target (ST)
401 10 Class ADV: Development
10.1 General
405 10.2 Security Architecture (ADV_ARC)
10.2.1 Objectives
406 10.2.2 Component levelling
10.2.3 Application notes
10.2.4 ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description
407 10.3 Functional specification (ADV_FSP)
10.3.1 Objectives
408 10.3.2 Component levelling
10.3.3 Application notes
410 10.3.4 ADV_FSP.1 Basic functional specification
411 10.3.5 ADV_FSP.2 Security-enforcing functional specification
412 10.3.6 ADV_FSP.3 Functional specification with complete summary
10.3.7 ADV_FSP.4 Complete functional specification
413 10.3.8 ADV_FSP.5 Complete semi-formal functional specification with additional error information
414 10.3.9 ADV_FSP.6 Complete semi-formal functional specification with additional formal specification
416 10.4 Implementation representation (ADV_IMP)
10.4.1 Objectives
10.4.2 Component levelling
10.4.3 Application notes
417 10.4.4 ADV_IMP.1 Implementation representation of the TSF
418 10.4.5 ADV_IMP.2 Complete mapping of the implementation representation of the TSF
10.5 TSF internals (ADV_INT)
10.5.1 Objectives
10.5.2 Component levelling
419 10.5.3 Application notes
10.5.4 ADV_INT.1 Well-structured subset of TSF internals
420 10.5.5 ADV_INT.2 Well-structured internals
421 10.5.6 ADV_INT.3 Minimally complex internals
422 10.6 Security policy modelling (ADV_SPM)
10.6.1 Objectives
10.6.2 Component levelling
10.6.3 Application notes
10.6.4 ADV_SPM.1 Formal TOE security policy model
424 10.7 TOE design (ADV_TDS)
10.7.1 Objectives
10.7.2 Component levelling
10.7.3 Application notes
425 10.7.4 ADV_TDS.1 Basic design
426 10.7.5 ADV_TDS.2 Architectural design
427 10.7.6 ADV_TDS.3 Basic modular design
429 10.7.7 ADV_TDS.4 Semiformal modular design
430 10.7.8 ADV_TDS.5 Complete semiformal modular design
431 10.7.9 ADV_TDS.6 Complete semiformal modular design with formal high-level design presentation
432 10.8 Composite design compliance (ADV_COMP)
10.8.1 Objectives
10.8.2 Component levelling
10.8.3 Application notes
433 10.8.4 ADV_COMP.1 Design compliance with the base component-related user guidance, ETR for composite evaluation and report of the base component evaluation authority
434 11 Class AGD: Guidance documents
11.1 General
11.2 Operational user guidance (AGD_OPE)
11.2.1 Objectives
435 11.2.2 Component levelling
11.2.3 Application notes
11.2.4 AGD_OPE.1 Operational user guidance
436 11.3 Preparative procedures (AGD_PRE)
11.3.1 Objectives
11.3.2 Component levelling
11.3.3 Application notes
437 11.3.4 AGD_PRE.1 Preparative procedures
12 Class ALC: Life-cycle support
12.1 General
438 12.2 CM capabilities (ALC_CMC)
12.2.1 Objectives
439 12.2.2 Component levelling
12.2.3 Application notes
440 12.2.4 ALC_CMC.1 Labelling of the TOE
12.2.5 ALC_CMC.2 Use of the CM system
441 12.2.6 ALC_CMC.3 Authorization controls
443 12.2.7 ALC_CMC.4 Production support, acceptance procedures and automation
445 12.2.8 ALC_CMC.5 Advanced support
448 12.3 CM scope (ALC_CMS)
12.3.1 Objectives
12.3.2 Component levelling
449 12.3.3 Application notes
12.3.4 ALC_CMS.1 TOE CM coverage
12.3.5 ALC_CMS.2 Parts of the TOE CM coverage
450 12.3.6 ALC_CMS.3 Implementation representation CM coverage
451 12.3.7 ALC_CMS.4 Problem tracking CM coverage
452 12.3.8 ALC_CMS.5 Development tools CM coverage
453 12.4 Delivery (ALC_DEL)
12.4.1 Objectives
12.4.2 Component levelling
12.4.3 Application notes
12.4.4 ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures
454 12.5 Developer environment security (ALC_DVS)
12.5.1 Objectives
12.5.2 Component levelling
12.5.3 Application notes
12.5.4 ALC_DVS.1 Identification of security controls
455 12.5.5 ALC_DVS.2 Sufficiency of security controls
12.6 Flaw remediation (ALC_FLR)
12.6.1 Objectives
456 12.6.2 Component levelling
12.6.3 Application notes
12.6.4 ALC_FLR.1 Basic flaw remediation
457 12.6.5 ALC_FLR.2 Flaw reporting procedures
458 12.6.6 ALC_FLR.3 Systematic flaw remediation
459 12.7 Development Life-cycle definition (ALC_LCD)
12.7.1 Objectives
460 12.7.2 Component levelling
12.7.3 Application notes
12.7.4 ALC_LCD.1 Developer defined life-cycle processes
461 12.7.5 ALC_LCD.2 Measurable life-cycle model
462 12.8 TOE Development Artefacts (ALC_TDA)
12.8.1 Objectives
12.8.2 Component levelling
12.8.3 Application notes
463 12.8.4 ALC_TDA.1 Uniquely identifying implementation representation
464 12.8.5 ALC_TDA.2 Matching CMS scope of implementation representation
467 12.8.6 ALC_TDA.3 Regenerate TOE with well-defined development tools
469 12.9 Tools and techniques (ALC_TAT)
12.9.1 Objectives
12.9.2 Component levelling
12.9.3 Application notes
470 12.9.4 ALC_TAT.1 Well-defined development tools
12.9.5 ALC_TAT.2 Compliance with implementation standards
471 12.9.6 ALC_TAT.3 Compliance with implementation standards – all parts
472 12.10 Integration of composition parts and consistency check of delivery procedures (ALC_COMP)
12.10.1 Objectives
12.10.2 Component levelling
12.10.3 Application notes
473 12.10.4 ALC_COMP.1 Integration of the dependent component into the related base component and Consistency check for delivery and acceptance procedures
13 Class ATE: Tests
13.1 General
474 13.2 Coverage (ATE_COV)
13.2.1 Objectives
13.2.2 Component levelling
13.2.3 Application notes
13.2.4 ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage
475 13.2.5 ATE_COV.2 Analysis of coverage
476 13.2.6 ATE_COV.3 Rigorous analysis of coverage
13.3 Depth (ATE_DPT)
13.3.1 Objectives
477 13.3.2 Component levelling
13.3.3 Application notes
13.3.4 ATE_DPT.1 Testing: basic design
478 13.3.5 ATE_DPT.2 Testing: security enforcing modules
13.3.6 ATE_DPT.3 Testing: modular design
479 13.3.7 ATE_DPT.4 Testing: implementation representation
480 13.4 Functional tests (ATE_FUN)
13.4.1 Objectives
13.4.2 Component levelling
13.4.3 Application notes
13.4.4 ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing
481 13.4.5 ATE_FUN.2 Ordered functional testing
482 13.5 Independent testing (ATE_IND)
13.5.1 Objectives
13.5.2 Component levelling
13.5.3 Application notes
483 13.5.4 ATE_IND.1 Independent testing – conformance
484 13.5.5 ATE_IND.2 Independent testing – sample
485 13.5.6 ATE_IND.3 Independent testing – complete
486 13.6 Composite functional testing (ATE_COMP)
13.6.1 Objectives
13.6.2 Component levelling
13.6.3 Application notes
13.6.4 ATE_COMP.1 Composite product functional testing
487 14 Class AVA: Vulnerability assessment
14.1 General
14.2 Application notes
488 14.3 Vulnerability analysis (AVA_VAN)
14.3.1 Objectives
14.3.2 Component levelling
14.3.3 AVA_VAN.1 Vulnerability survey
489 14.3.4 AVA_VAN.2 Vulnerability analysis
490 14.3.5 AVA_VAN.3 Focused vulnerability analysis
491 14.3.6 AVA_VAN.4 Methodical vulnerability analysis
492 14.3.7 AVA_VAN.5 Advanced methodical vulnerability analysis
493 14.4 Composite vulnerability assessment (AVA_COMP)
14.4.1 Objectives
14.4.2 Component levelling
494 14.4.3 Application notes
14.4.4 AVA_COMP.1 Composite product vulnerability assessment
495 15 Class ACO: Composition
15.1 General
498 15.2 Composition rationale (ACO_COR)
15.2.1 Objectives
15.2.2 Component levelling
15.2.3 ACO_COR.1 Composition rationale
15.3 Development evidence (ACO_DEV)
15.3.1 Objectives
15.3.2 Component levelling
15.3.3 Application notes
499 15.3.4 ACO_DEV.1 Functional Description
500 15.3.5 ACO_DEV.2 Basic evidence of design
15.3.6 ACO_DEV.3 Detailed evidence of design
501 15.4 Reliance of dependent component (ACO_REL)
15.4.1 Objectives
502 15.4.2 Component levelling
15.4.3 Application notes
15.4.4 ACO_REL.1 Basic reliance information
15.4.5 ACO_REL.2 Reliance information
503 15.5 Composed TOE testing (ACO_CTT)
15.5.1 Objectives
15.5.2 Component levelling
15.5.3 Application notes
504 15.5.4 ACO_CTT.1 Interface testing
505 15.5.5 ACO_CTT.2 Rigorous interface testing
506 15.6 Composition vulnerability analysis (ACO_VUL)
15.6.1 Objectives
15.6.2 Component levelling
15.6.3 Application notes
507 15.6.4 ACO_VUL.1 Composition vulnerability review
15.6.5 ACO_VUL.2 Composition vulnerability analysis
508 15.6.6 ACO_VUL.3 Enhanced-Basic Composition vulnerability analysis
510 Annex A (informative) Development (ADV)
530 Annex B (informative) Composition (ACO)
537 Annex C (informative) Cross reference of assurance component dependencies
541 Bibliography
BS ISO/IEC 15408-3:2022 - TC