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BSI PD CEN/TR 17828:2022


Road infrastructure. Automated vehicle interactions. Reference Framework Release 1

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2022 60
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This document provides the current road equipment suppliers’ visions and their associated short term and medium-term priority deployment scenarios. Potential functional/operational standardization issues enabling a safe interaction of road equipment/infrastructure with automated vehicles in a consistent and interoperable way are identified. This is paving the way for a deeper analysis of standardization actions which are necessary for the deployment of priority short-time applications and use cases. This deeper analysis will be done at the level of each priority application/use case by identifying existing standards to be used, standards gaps/overlaps and new standards to be developed to support this deployment. The release 1 is focusing on short-term (2022 to 2027) and medium-term deployment. Further releases will update this initial vision according to short term deployment reality. The objectives of this document are to: – Support the TC 226 and its WG12 work through the development of a common vision of the roles and responsibilities of a modern, smart road infrastructure in the context of the automated vehicle deployment from SAE level 1 to SAE level 5. The roles and responsibilities of the road infrastructure are related to its level of intelligence provided by functions and data being managed at its level. – Promote the road equipment suppliers and partners visions associated to their short-term and medium- term priorities to European SDOs and European Union with the goal of having available relevant, consistent standards sets enabling the identified priority deployment scenarios. NOTE Road equipment/infrastructure includes the physical reality as its digital representation (digital twin). Both need to present a real time consistency.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
8 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
10 3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms
12 4 Common basic principles
4.1 Intelligent Transport System in CEN TC 226
4.2 ITS interactions
13 4.3 Operational Design Domain
14 4.4 Road infrastructure capabilities
4.5 Sustainability principles
16 4.6 Deployment scenario
17 4.7 Hybrid environment
4.8 Functional safety/redundancy principles
18 5 Functional distribution and interactions
5.1 Introduction
19 5.2 Road infrastructure – Vehicles: autonomous interactions for improved road safety
22 5.3 Road infrastructure – automated vehicles cooperative interactions
24 5.4 Road infrastructure – automated vehicles model-based interactions
25 5.5 Road infrastructure – automated vehicles interactions fusion
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Dynamic navigation application
27 5.5.3 Road Safety application
5.5.4 Traffic management application General considerations Detour management
28 Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA)
29 Mobility application
30 6 Operational interactions
6.1 General
6.2 System interoperability
6.3 System performances
31 6.4 System functional safety
32 6.5 System scalability
7 Applications and use cases under investigation.
7.1 Overview
7.2 Accurate, complete digital map as a digital mean for automated vehicle navigation
33 7.3 Dynamic navigation for automated vehicles
34 7.4 Contextual dedicated corridor management
7.5 Automated parking management and vehicle valet
35 7.6 Road infrastructure support for VRU safety
7.7 Road infrastructure support for platoon management
36 7.8 Vehicles distribution
37 7.9 Intersection crossing assistance.
38 7.10 Approaching a tolling barrier
7.11 Collision avoidance consecutive to the traffic code violation
39 7.12 Vehicle interception
7.13 Public road lighting control
7.14 Energy distribution for automated vehicles
40 7.15 Probe vehicles data collection
7.16 Integration of C-ITS in public warning systems
7.17 Various POI
41 7.18 On demand automated vehicles
8 Summary of deployment scenarios priorities
8.1 General
8.2 A few guiding rules for the filling of the priority inquiry
44 8.3 Analysis of the inquiry results
45 8.4 Synthesis of the deployment scenarios priorities result
47 9 Long-term evolution
48 10 Economic & organizational potential impacts
10.1 General
10.2 Roles and responsibilities
10.3 Organizational impacts
10.3.1 General
49 10.3.2 ITS specification harmonization
50 10.3.3 Validation / Certification process
51 10.3.4 Operational evolutions
10.4 Economic impacts
52 11 Projected standardization approaches for identified priority applications
11.1 General
11.2 Contextual, dedicated corridor management
11.3 Road infrastructure support for VRUs safety
53 11.4 Parking management
11.5 Vehicles’ distribution
11.6 Approaching a tolling barrier
54 11.7 Accurate digital map
11.8 Dynamic navigation
11.9 Intersection crossing assist
55 11.10 Platooning
BSI PD CEN/TR 17828:2022