CSA A456.2-A4-98:1998 Edition
Glass Content by the Modified McMaster Method
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
CSA | 1998-03 | 39 |
Preface This is the first edition of A3000, Cementitious Materials Compendium, addressing hydraulic cements and supplementary cementing materials. It follows the amalgamation of the two parent technical committees into one entity. The document separates the product Standards AS, Portland Cernent, A8, Masonry Cement, A23.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials, A362, Blended Hydraulic Cement, and A363, Cementitious Hydraulic Slag, from the test methods, equipment, and materials. Three new Standards, A456.1 , Chemical Test Methods for Hydraulic Cement, Supplementary Cementing Materials, and Cementitious Hydraulic Slag, A456.2, Physical Test Methods for Hydraulic Cement, Supplementary Cementing Materials and Cementitious Hydraulic Slag, and A456.3, Test Equipment and Materials for Hydraulic Cernent, Supplementary Cementing Materials, and Cementitious Hydraulic Slag, are common to and address the test methods, equipment, and materials for all five of the product standards. These are the fifth metric editions of CSA Standards AS, Porthnd Cement, A8, Masonry Cement, and A362, Blended Hydraulic Cement. They supersede previous editions of CAN3-AS, CAN3-A8, and CAN3- A362 which were published in 1977 and 1983, amended in July 1986, and published in 1988 and 1993 under the designations of AS, A8, and A362. This is the third edition of CSA Standard A23.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials. It supersedes the first edition, CAN3423.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials and their Use in Concrete Construction, which was published in 1982, and the second edition A23.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials, published in 1986 and reaffirmed in 1992. This is the fourth edition of CSA Standard A363, Cementitious Hydraulic Slag. It supersedes the three previous editions published in 1977, 1983, and 1988. In Standards AS, Portland Cement, A8, Masonry Cement, A23.5, Supplementary Cementing Materials, A362, Blended Hydraulic Cement, and A363, Cementitious Hydraulic Slag, editorial changes were made for consistency of presentation with the other standards in the compendium document. The terminology of Type "S" for slag and Type "SF" for silica fume has been adopted. In CSA Standard A5, Portland Cement, mandatory minimum compressive strengths have been changed to conform to the lower boundaries of data gathered since 1988 in a study of over 250,000 test results from Canadian cement producers. Optional maximum compressive strengths conforming to the upper boundaries from the same study are located in Appendix A of CSA Standard A5.