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IEEE C37.30.1 2012


IEEE Standard Requirements for AC High-Voltage Air Switches Rated Above 1000 V

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IEEE 2012 104
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New IEEE Standard – Active. Required ratings, construction requirements, design test requirements, applications, and suggested practices for all high-voltage enclosed indoor and outdoor and nonenclosed indoor and outdoor switches rated above 1000 V are specified. This includes ratings and requirements for such switches as disconnecting, selector, horn-gap, and grounding for manual and power operation, except for interrupter switches, distribution-enclosed single-pole air switches, and distribution cutouts fitted with disconnecting blades.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std C37.30.1-2011 Front Cover
3 Title page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
Laws and regulations
Updating of IEEE documents
7 Errata
10 Contents
13 Important notice

1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
14 2. Normative references
3. Definitions
16 4. Service conditions
4.1 Usual service conditions
4.1.1 Outdoor switch
4.1.2 Indoor switch
4.1.3 Enclosed switch
4.2 Unusual service conditions
17 5. Description of ratings and capabilities
18 5.1 Rated power frequency
5.2 Rated voltage
5.2.1 Rated maximum voltage
5.3 Rated withstand voltages
19 5.3.1 Rated power frequency withstand voltage
5.3.2 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
20 5.3.3 Rated switching impulse withstand voltage
5.4 Rated continuous current
21 5.4.1 Allowable continuous current
22 5.4.2 Loadability
5.4.3 Switch part class designation
5.4.4 Allowable continuous current class (ACCC) designation
23 5.4.5 Limits of observable temperature
5.5 Rated short-time withstand current
5.5.1 Rated peak withstand current
5.5.2 Rated short-time (symmetrical) withstand current duration
24 5.6 Rated fault-making current
5.7 Visible corona-free voltage
5.8 Radio-influence voltage (RIV) limit
5.9 Partial discharge limits
5.10 Rated ice-breaking ability
5.11 Rated mechanical operations
5.12 Rated mechanical terminal load
25 5.13 Rated control voltage
5.14 Rated closing time (for power-operated switches)
5.15 Switching endurance—fault-initiating switch
5.16 Rated load-making current
6. Preferred ratings
26 6.1 Outdoor switches—preferred ratings
6.1.1 Station class outdoor air disconnect switches
27 6.1.2 Distribution class outdoor air disconnect switches
28 6.2 Indoor air switches—preferred ratings
6.2.1 Voltage and current
6.2.2 Short-time withstand current duration
6.2.3 Peak withstand current duration
6.2.4 Mechanical operations
6.2.5 Terminal loading
29 6.2.6 Dielectric test voltages
6.3 Grounding air switches—preferred ratings
6.3.1 Voltage and current
6.3.2 Short-time withstand current duration
6.3.3 Peak withstand current duration
6.3.4 Ice-breaking ability
6.3.5 Corona and radio-influence test voltage limits
30 6.4 Fault-initiating switches—preferred ratings
6.4.1 Short-time withstand current duration
6.4.2 Peak withstand current duration
6.4.3 Preferred closing time
6.4.4 Operating life expectancies
6.4.5 Corona and radio-influence test voltage limits
6.5 Switch accessories—preferred ratings
6.5.1 Power-operated mechanisms
31 6.6 Preferred ratings tables and figure
36 7. Construction requirements
7.1 Station class outdoor air disconnect switches
7.1.1 Insulators
37 7.1.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads
7.1.3 Phase spacing (pole spacing)
7.1.4 Ground clearance
38 7.1.5 Single-pole switch dimensions
7.1.6 Base mounting holes
7.2 Distribution class outdoor air disconnect switches
7.2.1 Insulators
7.2.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads
7.2.3 Phase spacing (pole spacing)
7.2.4 Ground clearance
7.2.5 Single-pole switch dimensions
43 7.3 Indoor air switches
7.3.1 Insulators
7.3.2 Arrangement and size of bolt holes in terminal pads
7.3.3 Phase spacing
7.3.4 Single-pole switch dimensions
44 7.4 Grounding air switches
7.4.1 Electrical clearances
45 7.5 Fault-initiating switches
7.5.1 Construction specifications
7.6 Nameplate markings
7.6.1 General
46 7.6.2 Fault-initiating switches
7.6.3 Power operating mechanism nameplate
7.7 Switch accessories
7.7.1 Hook stick lengths
47 7.7.2 Heaters for operating mechanisms
7.8 Instructions
8. Test code
8.1 Withstand voltage tests
8.1.1 Power frequency withstand voltage tests
49 8.1.2 Lightning impulse dry withstand voltage tests
50 8.1.3 Power frequency and lightning impulse open-gap withstand voltage test
53 8.1.4 Switching impulse voltage tests of switches rated 362 kV and above
55 8.2 Temperature rise tests
8.2.1 Continuous current tests
58 8.2.2 Switch performance test
59 8.3 Short-time withstand current tests
8.3.1 Test conditions
8.3.2 Switch connections
8.3.3 Measurement of current
8.3.4 Peak withstand current tests
60 8.3.5 Short-time (symmetrical) withstand current test
8.3.6 Condition of switch after test
8.4 Fault-making current test
61 8.5 Ice-loading test
8.5.1 Ice formations
8.5.2 Test methods
62 8.5.3 Test conditions
63 8.5.4 Test procedure
64 8.5.5 Criteria for acceptance
8.6 Mechanical operations tests
8.6.1 Test arrangement
8.6.2 Test procedure
65 8.6.3 Criteria for acceptance
8.7 Corona tests
8.7.1 Switches requiring corona tests
8.7.2 Test equipment
66 8.7.3 Frequency and wave shape of test voltage
8.7.4 Atmospheric conditions
8.7.5 Conductors for use in tests
8.7.6 Condition of switch
8.7.7 Method for conducting tests
67 8.7.8 Proximity of other objects
8.7.9 Rated voltage
8.7.10 Test voltage application
8.7.11 Corona-free voltage requirement
68 8.7.12 Criteria for acceptance
8.8 Radio-influence tests
8.8.1 Test equipment
8.8.2 Methods for conducting tests
8.8.3 Proximity of other objects
8.8.4 Ambient radio noise
69 8.8.5 Frequency and wave shape of test voltage
8.8.6 Atmospheric conditions
8.8.7 Test on assembled equipment
8.8.8 Precautions
8.9 Partial discharge test
70 Annex A (informative) Background information: applications, guides, and suggested practices
75 Annex B (informative) Current interruption with horn-gap switches
85 Annex C (informative) Application conditions for continuous load current capability
94 Annex D (informative) Installation, operation, and maintenance
99 Annex E (informative) Short-time (symmetrical) withstand current and electromagnetic force equations
102 Annex F (informative) Suggested sizes of conductors for temperature rise testing
103 Annex G (informative) Bibliography
IEEE C37.30.1 2012