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IEEE IEC 61523 4 2015


IEEE/IEC International Standard – Design and Verification of Low-Power Integrated Circuits

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IEEE 2015 351
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Adoption Standard – Active. A method is provided for specifying power intent for an electronic design, for use in verification of the structure and behavior of the design in the context of a given power management architecture, and for driving implementation of that power management architecture. The method supports incremental refinement of power intent specifications required for IP-based design flows.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEC 61523-4 (IEEE Std 1801-2013) Front Cover
4 Contents
12 Introduction
16 Important Notice
1. Overview
18 1.4 Use of color in this standard
1.5 Contents of this standard
19 2. Normative references
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
24 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
26 4. UPF concepts
4.1 Design structure
4.1.1 Transistors
4.1.2 Standard cells
4.1.3 Hard macros
4.2 Design representation
4.2.1 Models
27 4.2.2 Netlist
4.2.3 Behavioral models
4.2.4 HDL scopes
4.2.5 Design hierarchy
28 4.2.6 Logic hierarchy
4.2.7 Hierarchy navigation
29 4.2.8 Ports and nets
4.2.9 Connecting nets to ports
4.3 Power architecture
30 4.3.1 Power domains
4.3.2 Drivers, receivers, sources, and sinks
31 4.3.3 Isolation and level-shifting
32 4.3.4 State retention
4.4 Power distribution
33 4.4.1 Supply network elements
34 4.4.2 Supply network construction
36 4.4.3 Supply equivalence
38 4.5 Power management
4.5.1 Related supplies
4.5.2 Driver and receiver supplies
39 4.5.3 Logic sources and sinks
4.5.4 Power-management requirements
40 4.5.5 Power-management strategies
4.5.6 Power-management implementation
41 4.5.7 Power control logic
4.6 Power states
4.6.1 Power state of a supply port or supply net
4.6.2 Power state of a supply set
42 4.6.3 Predefined supply set power states
4.6.4 Power states of power domains
43 4.6.5 Power states of systems and subsystems
4.6.6 Incremental refinement of power states
44 4.7 Simstates
45 4.8 Successive refinement
46 4.9 Tool flow
47 4.10 File structure
48 5. Language basics
5.1 UPF is Tcl
5.2 Conventions used
49 5.3 Lexical elements
50 5.3.1 Identifiers
5.3.2 Keywords and reserved words
5.3.3 Names
52 5.3.4 Lists and strings
5.3.5 Special characters
5.4 Boolean expressions
54 5.5 Object declaration
55 5.6 Attributes of objects
58 5.7 Power state name spaces
59 5.8 Precedence
60 5.9 Generic UPF command semantics
5.10 effective_element_list semantics
61 5.10.1 Transitive TRUE
62 5.10.2 Result
63 5.11 Command refinement
64 5.12 Error handling
65 5.12.1 errorCode
5.12.2 errorInfo
5.13 Units
66 6. Power intent commands
6.1 Categories
6.2 add_domain_elements [deprecated]
67 6.3 add_port_state [legacy]
6.4 add_power_state
72 6.5 add_pst_state [legacy]
73 6.6 apply_power_model
74 6.7 associate_supply_set
75 6.8 begin_power_model
76 6.9 bind_checker
78 6.10 connect_logic_net
79 6.11 connect_supply_net
80 6.12 connect_supply_set
82 6.13 create_composite_domain
83 6.14 create_hdl2upf_vct
84 6.15 create_logic_net
85 6.16 create_logic_port
86 6.17 create_power_domain
89 6.18 create_power_switch
95 6.19 create_pst [legacy]
6.20 create_supply_net
96 6.20.1 Supply net resolution
6.20.2 Resolutions methods
97 6.20.3 Supply nets defined in HDL
98 6.21 create_supply_port
99 6.22 create_supply_set
100 6.22.1 Referencing supply set functions
6.22.2 Implicit supply net
6.23 create_upf2hdl_vct
101 6.24 describe_state_transition
102 6.25 end_power_model
103 6.26 find_objects
104 6.26.1 Pattern matching and wildcarding
6.26.2 Wildcarding examples
105 6.27 load_simstate_behavior
106 6.28 load_upf
107 6.29 load_upf_protected
108 6.30 map_isolation_cell [deprecated]
6.31 map_level_shifter_cell [deprecated]
6.32 map_power_switch
109 6.33 map_retention_cell
112 6.34 merge_power_domains [deprecated]
113 6.35 name_format
114 6.36 save_upf
115 6.37 set_design_attributes
116 6.38 set_design_top
6.39 set_domain_supply_net [legacy]
117 6.40 set_equivalent
119 6.41 set_isolation
125 6.42 set_isolation_control [deprecated]
126 6.43 set_level_shifter
131 6.44 set_partial_on_translation
6.45 set_pin_related_supply [deprecated]
132 6.46 set_port_attributes
136 6.47 set_power_switch [deprecated]
6.48 set_repeater
139 6.49 set_retention
143 6.50 set_retention_control [deprecated]
6.51 set_retention_elements
144 6.52 set_scope
145 6.53 set_simstate_behavior
146 6.54 upf_version
147 6.55 use_interface_cell
150 7. Power management cell commands
7.1 Introduction
151 7.2 define_always_on_cell
152 7.3 define_diode_clamp
153 7.4 define_isolation_cell
156 7.5 define_level_shifter_cell
160 7.6 define_power_switch_cell
162 7.7 define_retention_cell
165 8. UPF processing
8.1 Overview
8.2 Data requirements
8.3 Processing phases
166 8.3.1 Phase 1—read and resolve UPF specification
8.3.2 Phase 2—build power intent model
167 8.3.3 Phase 3—recognize implemented power intent
168 8.3.4 Phase 4—apply power intent model to design
8.4 Error checking
169 9. Simulation semantics
9.1 Supply network creation
170 9.2 Supply network simulation
9.2.1 Supply network initialization
171 9.2.2 Power-switch evaluation
172 9.2.3 Supply network evaluation
9.3 Power state simulation
9.3.1 Power state control
173 9.3.2 Power state determination
174 9.4 Simstate simulation
175 9.4.1 NORMAL
9.5 Transitioning from one simstate state to another
9.5.1 Any state transition to CORRUPT
177 9.5.2 Any state transition to CORRUPT_ON_ACTIVITY
9.5.3 Any state transition to CORRUPT_ON_CHANGE
9.5.4 Any state transition to CORRUPT_STATE_ON_CHANGE
9.5.5 Any state transition to CORRUPT_STATE_ON_ACTIVITY
9.5.6 Any state transition to NORMAL
9.5.7 Any state transition to NOT_NORMAL
9.6 Simulation of retention
178 9.6.1 Retention corruption summary
179 9.6.2 Retention modeling for different retention styles
183 9.7 Simulation of isolation
9.8 Simulation of level-shifting
9.9 Simulation of repeater
184 Annex A (informative) Bibliography
185 Annex B (normative) HDL package UPF

B.1 Supply net logic type values
B.2 Path names
B.3 VHDL UPF package
190 B.4 SystemVerilog UPF package
197 Annex C (normative) Queries
198 C.1 query_upf
200 C.2 query_associate_supply_set
201 C.3 query_bind_checker
202 C.4 query_cell_instances
C.5 query_cell_mapped
203 C.6 query_composite_domain
204 C.7 query_design_attributes
205 C.8 query_hdl2upf_vct
206 C.9 query_isolation
207 C.10 query_isolation_control [deprecated]
208 C.11 query_level_shifter
209 C.12 query_map_isolation_cell [deprecated]
C.13 query_map_level_shifter_cell [deprecated]
210 C.14 query_map_power_switch
211 C.15 query_map_retention_cell
212 C.16 query_name_format
213 C.17 query_net_ports
C.18 query_partial_on_translation
214 C.19 query_pin_related_supply [deprecated]
C.20 query_port_attributes
215 C.21 query_port_direction
C.22 query_port_net
216 C.23 query_port_state
217 C.24 query_power_domain
218 C.25 query_power_domain_element
C.26 query_power_state
219 C.27 query_power_switch
221 C.28 query_pst [legacy]
222 C.29 query_pst_state [legacy]
223 C.30 query_retention
224 C.31 query_retention_control [deprecated]
C.32 query_retention_elements
225 C.33 query_simstate_behavior
227 C.34 query_state_transition
228 C.35 query_supply_net
229 C.36 query_supply_port
230 C.37 query_supply_set
231 C.38 query_upf2hdl_vct
232 C.39 query_use_interface_cell
234 Annex D (informative) Replacing deprecated and legacy commands and options

D.1 Deprecated and legacy constructs
237 D.2 Recommendations for replacing deprecated and legacy constructs
242 Annex E (informative) Low-power design methodology

E.1 Design, implementation, and verification flow for a soft IP
244 E.2 RTL design stage
254 E.3 Logic implementation
258 E.4 Physical implementation
262 E.5 SoC integration flow
E.6 How to create a configuration UPF
267 Annex F (normative) Value conversion tables

270 Annex G (normative) Supporting hard IP

G.1 Attributing feedthrough ports of hard IP
271 G.2 Attributing unconnected ports of hard IP
273 Annex H (normative) UPF power-management commands semantics and Liberty mappings

H.1 Introduction
H.2 define_always_on_cell
275 H.3 define_diode_clamp
276 H.4 define_isolation_cell
279 H.5 define_level_shifter_cell
282 H.6 define_power_switch_cell
284 H.7 define_retention_cell
288 Annex I (informative) Power-management cell modeling examples

I.1 Modeling always-on cells
291 I.2 Modeling cells with internal diodes
292 I.3 Modeling isolation cells
300 I.4 Modeling level-shifters
308 I.5 Modeling power-switch cells
312 I.6 Modeling state retention cells
318 Annex J (normative) Switching Activity Interchange Format
319 J.1 Syntactic conventions
320 J.2 Lexical conventions
322 J.3 Backward SAIF file
337 J.4 Library forward SAIF file
344 J.5 RTL forward SAIF file
348 Annex K (informative) IEEE List of Participants
IEEE IEC 61523 4 2015