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IEEE IEC 62530 2007


IEC 62530 Ed. 1 (IEEE Std 1800(TM)-2005): Standard for SystemVerilog – Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language

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IEEE 2007 668
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New IEEE Standard – Active. This standard provides a set of extensions to the IEEE 1364 Verilog hardware description language (HDL) to aid in the creation and verification of abstract architectural level models. It also includes design specification methods, embedded assertions language, testbench language including coverage and an assertions application programming interface (API), and a direct programming interface (DPI). This standard enables a productivity boost in design and validation and covers design, simulation, validation, and formal assertion-based verification flows.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
14 Title page
15 IEEE Introduction
16 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
18 1.3 Conventions used in this standard
1.4 Syntactic description
19 1.5 Use of color in this standard
1.6 Contents of this standard
22 1.7 Examples
1.8 Prerequisites
24 2. Normative references
26 3. Literal values
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Literal value syntax
27 3.3 Integer and logic literals
3.4 Real literals
3.5 Time literals
3.6 String literals
28 3.7 Array literals
3.8 Structure literals
30 4. Data types
4.1 Introduction
31 4.2 Data type syntax
32 4.3 Integer data types
33 4.4 Real and shortreal data types
4.5 Void data type
4.6 Chandle data type
34 4.7 String data type
39 4.8 Event data type
4.9 User-defined types
41 4.10 Enumerations
46 4.11 Structures and unions
51 4.12 Class
52 4.13 Singular and aggregate types
4.14 Casting
53 4.15 $cast dynamic casting
54 4.16 Bit-stream casting
57 4.17 Default attribute type
58 5. Arrays
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Packed and unpacked arrays
59 5.3 Multiple dimensions
60 5.4 Indexing and slicing of arrays
61 5.5 Array querying functions
5.6 Dynamic arrays
63 5.7 Array assignment
64 5.8 Arrays as arguments
65 5.9 Associative arrays
68 5.10 Associative array methods
70 5.11 Associative array assignment
71 5.12 Associative array arguments
5.13 Associative array literals
5.14 Queues
74 5.15 Array manipulation methods
80 6. Data declarations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Data declaration syntax
81 6.3 Constants
85 6.4 Variables
86 6.5 Nets
87 6.6 Scope and lifetime
88 6.7 Nets, regs, and logic
89 6.8 Signal aliasing
91 6.9 Type compatibility
94 6.10 Type operator
96 7. Classes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Syntax
97 7.3 Overview
98 7.4 Objects (class instance)
7.5 Object properties
99 7.6 Object methods
7.7 Constructors
100 7.8 Static class properties
101 7.9 Static methods
7.10 This
102 7.11 Assignment, renaming, and copying
103 7.12 Inheritance and subclasses
7.13 Overridden members
104 7.14 Super
105 7.15 Casting
7.16 Chaining constructors
106 7.17 Data hiding and encapsulation
7.18 Constant class properties
107 7.19 Abstract classes and virtual methods
108 7.20 Polymorphism: dynamic method lookup
7.21 Class scope resolution operator ::
109 7.22 Out-of-block declarations
110 7.23 Parameterized classes
111 7.24 Typedef class
112 7.25 Classes and structures
7.26 Memory management
114 8. Operators and expressions
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Operator syntax
116 8.3 Assignment operators
8.4 Operations on logic and bit types
117 8.5 Wild equality and wild inequality
8.6 Real operators
118 8.7 Size
8.8 Sign
8.9 Operator precedence and associativity
8.10 Built-in methods
119 8.11 Static prefixes
120 8.12 Concatenation
121 8.13 Assignment patterns
126 8.14 Tagged union expressions and member access
127 8.15 Aggregate expressions
8.16 Operator overloading
129 8.17 Streaming operators (pack/unpack)
133 8.18 Conditional operator
8.19 Set membership
136 9. Scheduling semantics
9.1 Execution of a hardware model and its verification environment
9.2 Event simulation
9.3 The stratified event scheduler
140 9.4 The PLI callback control points
142 10. Procedural statements and control flow
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Statements
143 10.3 Blocking and nonblocking assignments
144 10.4 Selection statements
151 10.5 Loop statements
153 10.6 Jump statements
10.7 Final blocks
154 10.8 Named blocks and statement labels
155 10.9 Disable
156 10.10 Event control
158 10.11 Level-sensitive sequence controls
10.12 Procedural assign and deassign removal
160 11. Processes
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Combinational logic
161 11.3 Latched logic
11.4 Sequential logic
11.5 Continuous assignments
162 11.6 fork…join
163 11.7 Process execution threads
11.8 Process control
165 11.9 Fine-grain process control
168 12. Tasks and functions
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Tasks
170 12.3 Functions
172 12.4 Task and function argument passing
175 12.5 Import and export functions
178 13. Random constraints
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Overview
181 13.3 Random variables
183 13.4 Constraint blocks
196 13.5 Randomization methods
198 13.6 In-line constraints-randomize() with
199 13.7 Disabling random variables with rand_mode()
200 13.8 Controlling constraints with constraint_mode()
201 13.9 Dynamic constraint modification
202 13.10 In-line random variable control
203 13.11 Randomization of scope variables-std::randomize()
204 13.12 Random number system functions and methods
206 13.13 Random stability
208 13.14 Manually seeding randomize
209 13.15 Random weighted case-randcase
210 13.16 Random sequence generation-randsequence
218 14. Interprocess synchronization and communication
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Semaphores
219 14.3 Mailboxes
222 14.4 Parameterized mailboxes
223 14.5 Event
225 14.6 Event sequencing: wait_order()
226 14.7 Event variables
228 15. Clocking blocks
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Clocking block declaration
230 15.3 Input and output skews
231 15.4 Hierarchical expressions
15.5 Signals in multiple clocking blocks
15.6 Clocking block scope and lifetime
232 15.7 Multiple clocking blocks example
15.8 Interfaces and clocking blocks
234 15.9 Clocking block events
15.10 Cycle delay: ##
235 15.11 Default clocking
236 15.12 Input sampling
15.13 Synchronous events
237 15.14 Synchronous drives
240 16. Program block
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The program construct
242 16.3 Eliminating testbench races
243 16.4 Blocking tasks in cycle/event mode
16.5 Programwide space and anonymous programs
244 16.6 Program control tasks
246 17. Assertions
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Immediate assertions
248 17.3 Concurrent assertions overview
249 17.4 Boolean expressions
251 17.5 Sequences
254 17.6 Declaring sequences
257 17.7 Sequence operations
274 17.8 Manipulating data in a sequence
278 17.9 Calling subroutines on match of a sequence
279 17.10 System functions
17.11 Declaring properties
292 17.12 Multiclock support
300 17.13 Concurrent assertions
306 17.14 Clock resolution
312 17.15 Binding properties to scopes or instances
314 17.16 Expect statement
315 17.17 Clocking blocks and concurrent assertions
318 18. Coverage
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Defining the coverage model: covergroup
321 18.3 Using covergroup in classes
323 18.4 Defining coverage points
329 18.5 Defining cross coverage
333 18.6 Specifying coverage options
338 18.7 Predefined coverage methods
339 18.8 Predefined coverage system tasks and functions
18.9 Organization of option and type_option members
340 18.10 Coverage computation
342 19. Hierarchy
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Packages
347 19.3 Compilation unit support
348 19.4 Top-level instance
349 19.5 Module declarations
19.6 Nested modules
351 19.7 Extern modules
352 19.8 Port declarations
353 19.9 List of port expressions
354 19.10 Time unit and precision
355 19.11 Module instances
359 19.12 Port connection rules
361 19.13 Name spaces
362 19.14 Hierarchical names
364 20. Interfaces
20.1 Introduction
365 20.2 Interface syntax
369 20.3 Ports in interfaces
370 20.4 Modports
376 20.5 Interfaces and specify blocks
377 20.6 Tasks and functions in interfaces
383 20.7 Parameterized interfaces
385 20.8 Virtual interfaces
389 20.9 Access to interface objects
392 21. Configuration libraries
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Libraries
394 22. System tasks and system functions
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Type name function
395 22.3 Expression size system function
22.4 Range system function
396 22.5 Shortreal conversions
22.6 Array querying system functions
398 22.7 Assertion severity system tasks
399 22.8 Assertion control system tasks
22.9 Assertion system functions
400 22.10 Random number system functions
22.11 Program control
22.12 Coverage system functions
22.13 Enhancements to Verilog system tasks
402 22.14 $readmemb and $readmemh
22.15 $writememb and $writememh
403 22.16 File format considerations for multidimensional unpacked arrays
404 22.17 System task arguments for multidimensional unpacked arrays
406 23. Compiler directives
23.1 Introduction
23.2 ‘define macros
407 23.3 `include
23.4 `begin_keywords and `end_keywords
410 24. Value change dump (VCD) data
24.1 Introduction
24.2 VCD extensions
412 25. Deprecated constructs
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Defparam statements
25.3 Procedural assign and deassign statements
414 26. Direct programming interface (DPI)
26.1 Overview
415 26.2 Two layers of the DPI
416 26.3 Global name space of imported and exported functions
417 26.4 Imported tasks and functions
423 26.5 Calling imported functions
425 26.6 Exported functions
26.7 Exported tasks
426 26.8 Disabling DPI tasks and functions
428 27. SystemVerilog VPI object model
27.1 Introduction
430 27.2 Module (supersedes 26.6.1 of IEEE Std 1364)
431 27.3 Interface
27.4 Modport
27.5 Interface task and function declaration
432 27.6 Program
433 27.7 Instance
434 27.8 Instance arrays (supersedes 26.6.2 of IEEE Std 1364)
435 27.9 Scope (supersedes 26.6.3 of IEEE Std 1364)
436 27.10 IO declaration (supersedes 26.6.4 of IEEE Std 1364)
437 27.11 Ports (supersedes 26.6.5 of IEEE Std 1364)
438 27.12 Reference objects
442 27.13 Nets (supersedes 26.6.6 of IEEE Std 1364)
445 27.14 Variables (supersedes 26.6.7 and 26.6.8 of IEEE Std 1364)
448 27.15 Variable select (supersedes 26.6.8 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.16 Variable drivers and loads (supersedes 26.6.23 of IEEE Std 1364)
449 27.17 Typespec
450 27.18 Structures and unions
451 27.19 Named events (supersedes 26.6.11 of IEEE Std 1364)
452 27.20 Parameter (supersedes 26.6.12 of IEEE Std 1364)
453 27.21 Class definition
454 27.22 Class variables and class objects
456 27.23 Constraint, constraint ordering, distribution
457 27.24 Constraint expression
27.25 Module path, path term (supersedes 26.6.15 of IEEE Std 1364)
458 27.26 Task and function declaration (supersedes 26.6.18 of IEEE Std 1364)
459 27.27 Task and function call (supersedes 26.6.19 of IEEE Std 1364)
460 27.28 Frames (supersedes 26.6.20 of IEEE Std 1364)
461 27.29 Threads
462 27.30 Clocking block
463 27.31 Assertion
464 27.32 Concurrent assertions
27.33 Property declaration
465 27.34 Property specification
466 27.35 Sequence declaration
467 27.36 Sequence expression
468 27.37 Multiclock sequence expression
469 27.38 Simple expressions (supersedes 26.6.25 of IEEE Std 1364)
470 27.39 Expressions (supersedes 26.6.26 of IEEE Std 1364)
472 27.40 Atomic statement (supersedes atomic stmt in 26.6.27 of IEEE Std 1364)
473 27.41 Event statement (supersedes event stmt in 26.6.27 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.42 Process (supersedes process in 26.6.27 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.43 Assignment (supersedes 26.6.28 of IEEE Std 1364)
474 27.44 Event control (supersedes 26.6.30 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.45 Waits (supersedes wait in 26.6.32 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.46 If, if-else (supersedes 26.6.35 of IEEE Std 1364)
475 27.47 Case, pattern (supersedes 26.6.36 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.48 Expect
476 27.49 For (supersedes 26.6.33 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.50 Do-while, foreach
477 27.51 Alias statement
27.52 Disables (supersedes 26.6.38 of IEEE Std 1364)
27.53 Return statement
478 27.54 Attribute (supersedes 26.6.42 of IEEE Std 1364)
479 27.55 Generates (supersedes 26.6.44 of IEEE Std 1364)
482 28. SystemVerilog assertion API
28.1 Requirements
28.2 Static information
483 28.3 Dynamic information
486 28.4 Control functions
488 29. SystemVerilog code coverage control and API
29.1 Requirements
29.2 SystemVerilog real-time coverage access
493 29.3 FSM recognition
496 29.4 VPI coverage extensions
500 30. SystemVerilog data read API
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Requirements
501 30.3 Extensions to VPI enumerations
502 30.4 VPI object type additions
504 30.5 Object model diagrams
30.6 Usage extensions to VPI routines
507 30.7 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
508 30.8 Reading data
518 30.9 Optionally unloading data
30.10 Reading data from multiple databases and/or different read library providers
521 30.11 VPI routines extended in SystemVerilog
522 30.12 VPI routines added in SystemVerilog
526 Annex A (normative) Formal syntax
566 Annex B (normative) Keywords
568 Annex C (normative) Std package
570 Annex D (normative) Linked lists
578 Annex E (normative) Formal semantics of concurrent assertions
590 Annex F (normative) DPI C layer
622 Annex G (normative) Include file svdpi.h
632 Annex H (normative) Inclusion of foreign language code
636 Annex I (normative) sv_vpi_user.h
646 Annex J (informative) Glossary
650 Annex K (informative) Bibliography
651 Annex L (informative) List of participants
654 Index
IEEE IEC 62530 2007