JIS B 1562:2009
Rolling bearings – Damage and failures – Terms, characteristics and causes
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
JIS | 2009-03-20 | 47 |
This Standard classifies and defines the terms and describes the characteristics, changes in appearance and possible causes of failure of rolling bearings occurring in service.
For the purposes of this Standard the term "failure of rolling bearings" means the result of a defect or damage that prevents the bearing meeting the intended design performance.
Consideration is restricted to characteristic forms of change in appearance and failure, which have a well-defined appearance and which can be attributed to particular causes with a high degree of certainty.
The features of particular interest for explaining changes and failures are described.
The various forms are illustrated with photographs and diagrams, and the most frequent causes are indicated.
The failure mode designations shown in clause 5 are recommended for general use, but similar expressions or synonyms are given within parentheses below the titles.
Examples of rolling bearing failures are given in Annex A, together with a description of the causes of failure and proposed corrective actions.
NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows:
ISO 15243 : 2004 Rolling bearings-Damage and failures-Terms, characteristics and causes (IDT)
The symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/ IEC Guide 21.