TIA TSB-102.BAGA:2008 (R2013)
Project 25 – Console Subsystem Interface Overview
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 2008 | 28 |
The scope of this document is restricted initially to
information relevant to the development of standards supporting
voice services, and certain supplemental services involving the
• Services specified in [TSB102A]
• Services specified or implied in recent TIA documents that are
not currently included in [TSB102A]
• Services specified in the recent SOR documents that are not
currently included in [TSB102A]
The CSSI is split into Trunking CSSI and Conventional CSSI, with
a document suite for each type of interface.
The Conventional CSSI is made up of three "Complexities":
Complexity 1, 2 and 3. Complexity 1 is based upon the Fixed Station
Interface control and voice conveyance protocols and the ISSI
Transmission Control protocol. CSSI Complexity 1 is defined in the
suite of Conventional ISSI documents. CSSI Complexity 1 is IP based
utilizing UDP and the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).
Conventional Complexity 2 uses the Trunking CSSI, described below,
and utilizes pre-configured mappings between conventional working
IDs and fully qualified IDs and mappings between the fully
qualified IDs fixed stations. The Trunking CSSI is also used for
Conventional Complexity 3 which supports full dynamic mobility of
conventional SUs. Complexity 3 also needs changes to the CAI to
support conventional mobility. Conventional Complexities 2 and 3
are IP based utilizing UDP, RTP and the Session Initiation Protocol
The Trunking CSSI utilizes the P25 ISSI architecture with slight
modifications to some messages for specific console features. The
Trunking CSSI is a standard protocol that enables a console
subsystem to communicate with Trunking RFSSs and be part of a
trunking communications system. The Trunking CSSI is IP based
utilizing UDP, RTP and SIP. The Trunking CSSI is also used for
Conventional Complexity 2 and Conventional Complexity 3 as
described above.
The Messages and Procedures Definition documents for the Trunked
CSSI and Conventional CSSI, which provides detailed specification
of the CSSI protocol suite and functional services, establish the
fundamental technical basis underlying development of the other
indicated documents.
The scope of this document is expected to be extended in the
future to include identification of CSSI requirements and standards
considerations involving the following:
• CSSI support for data services through transport of packet
• CSSI support for emerging multimedia services;
• CSSI-related traffic engineering, traffic control, resource
reservation, and service level agreements (e.g., based on
operational experience);
• Interconnection of CSSI lower layers in an interoperable
manner (e.g., based on operational experience).
• Network Management Support
Future revisions of this document are intended to identify new
and revised documents that compose the evolving CSSI standards
documentation suite.