13.020.60 – Product life-cycles – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:45:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 13.020.60 – Product life-cycles – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 JIS Q 14040:2010 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-q-140402010/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:45:58 +0000 Environmental management-Life cycle assessment-Principles and framework
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2010-10-20 29
This Standard describes the principles and framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) including

a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA,

b) the LCI phase,

c) the LCIA phase,

d) the life cycle interpretation phase,

e) reporting and critical review of the LCA,

f) limitations of the LCA,

g) relationship between the LCA phases, and 3 Q 14040: 2010 (ISO 14040 : 2006)

h) conditions for use of value choices and optional elements.

This Standard covers LCA studies and LCI studies, it does not describe the LCA technique in detail, nor does it specify methodologies for the individual phases of the LCA.

The intended application of LCA or LCI results is considered during the goal and scope definition, but the application itself is outside the scope of this Standard.

This Standard is not intended for contractual or regulatory purposes or registration and certification.

NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows:

ISO 14040: 2006 Environmental management-Life cycle assessmentPrinciples and framework (lDT)

The symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/ lEC Guide 21-1.

JIS Q 14044:2010 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-q-140442010/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:45:58 +0000 Environmental management-Life cycle assessment-Requirements and guidelines
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2010-10-20 55
This Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including

a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA,

b) the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase,

c) the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase,

d) the life cycle interpretation phase,

e) reporting and critical review of the LCA,

f) limitations of the LCA,

g) relationship between the LCA phases, and

h) conditions for use of value choices and optional elements.

This Standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies.

The intended application of LCA or LCI results is considered during the goal and scope definition, but the application itself is outside the scope of this Standard.

This Standard is not intended for contractual or regulatory purposes or registration and certification.

NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows:

ISO 14044: 2006 Environmental management-Life cycle assessmentRequirements and guidelines (lDT)

The symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/ lEC Guide 21-1.

ISO/TS 14072:2014 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-140722014/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:26:09 +0000 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines for organizational life cycle assessment
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2014-12 34
ISO/TS 14072:2014 provides additional requirements and guidelines for an effective application of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 to organizations.

This Technical Specification details

? the application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) principles and methodology to organizations,

? the benefits that LCA can bring to organizations by using LCA methodology at organizational level,

? the system boundary,

? specific considerations when dealing with LCI, LCIA, and interpretation, and

? the limitations regarding reporting, environmental declarations, and comparative assertions.

This Technical Specification applies to any organization that has interest in applying LCA. It is not intended for the interpretation of ISO 14001 and specifically covers the goals of ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.

ISO/TS 14067:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-140672013/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:26:09 +0000 Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-05 60
ISO/TS 14067:2013 specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of the carbon footprint of a product (CFP), based on International Standards on life cycle assessment (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044) for quantification and on environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14020, ISO 14024 and ISO 14025) for communication.

Requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of a partial carbon footprint of a product (partial CFP) are also provided.

ISO/TS 14067:2013 is applicable to CFP studies and different options for CFP communication based on the results of such studies.

Where the results of a CFP study are reported according to ISO/TS 14067:2013, procedures are provided to support both transparency and credibility and also to allow for informed choices.

ISO/TS 14067:2013 also provides for the development of CFP-product category rules (CFP-PCR), or the adoption of product category rules (PCR) that have been developed in accordance with ISO 14025 and that are consistent with ISO/TS 14067:2013.

ISO/TS 14067:2013 addresses only one impact category: climate change.

Offsetting is outside of the scope of ISO/TS 14067:2013.

ISO/TS 14071:2014 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-140712014/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:26:09 +0000 Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie — Processus de revue critique et compétences des vérificateurs: Exigences et lignes directrices supplémentaires à l'ISO 14044:2006
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2014-06 20
L'ISO/TS 14071:2014 fournit des spécifications supplémentaires pour l'ISO 14040:2006 et l'ISO 14044:2006. Elle définit des exigences et lignes directrices pour réaliser la revue critique de tout type d'étude d'ACV, ainsi que les compétences requises pour mener cette revue.

L'ISO/TS 14071:2014 fournit:

? des informations détaillées sur le processus de revue critique, y compris des précisions en ce qui concerne l'ISO 14044:2006;

? des lignes directrices pour effectuer le processus de revue critique requis, en lien avec l'objectif de l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) et son utilisation prévue;

? le contenu et les objectifs du processus de revue critique;

? des lignes directrices pour améliorer la cohérence, la transparence, l'efficacité et la crédibilité du processus de revue critique;

? les compétences requises du ou des praticiens de revue (internes, externes et membres du comité);

? les compétences requises devant être possédées par le comité dans son ensemble.

L'ISO/TS 14071:2014 ne couvre pas les applications de l'ACV (telles qu'illustrées dans l'ISO 14040:2006, Figure 1).

ISO/TS 14048:2002 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-140482002/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:26:09 +0000 Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie — Format de documentation de données
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2002-04 52
L'ISO/TS 14048:2002 fournit des exigences et une structure pour un format de documentation de données à utiliser en vue d'une documentation transparente et claire, afin de faciliter l'échange de données d'analyse de cycle de vie et d'analyse d'inventaire de cycle de vie. La spécification et la structuration de l'information pertinente permet ainsi d'avoir une documentation des données cohérente, un rapport sur la collecte, le calcul et la qualité des données.

Le format de documentation des données précise une liste d'exigences sur la façon dont la documentation des données doit être répartie entre les champs de données, chacun de ces derniers comportant une description explicative. Cette description, pour chaque champ de données, est ensuite précisée par la structure du format de documentation des données.

L'ISO/TS 14048:2002 est applicable à la définition et à la structuration de formulaires types, de questionnaires et de systèmes d'information. Elle peut cependant servir aussi pour d'autres aspects de la gestion des données environnementales.

L'ISO/TS 14048:2002 ne comprend pas d'exigences sur l'exhaustivité de la documentation des données. Le format de documentation des données est indépendant pour sa mise en oeuvre de tout logiciel ou de tout support de base de données.

L'ISO/TS 14048:2002 n'exige aucune solution séquentielle, graphique ou procédurale spécifique, pour la présentation ou le traitement des données, de même qu'elle ne décrit pas de méthodologies spécifiques de modélisation des données d'inventaire de cycle de vie et d'analyse de cycle de vie.

ISO/TR 14073:2017 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-tr-140732017/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:11:08 +0000 Management environnemental — Empreinte eau — Exemples illustrant l'application de l'ISO 14046
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2017-05 76
L'ISO/TR 14073 :2017 fournit des exemples illustrant l'application de l'ISO 14046, afin d'évaluer l'empreinte eau des produits, des processus et des organisations basée sur l'analyse du cycle de vie.

Les exemples sont présentés pour démontrer des aspects particuliers de l'application de l'ISO 14046 et ne présentent donc pas tous les détails d'un rapport complet d'une étude de l'empreinte eau tel que l'exige l'ISO 14046.

NOTE Les exemples sont présentés comme différents moyens d'appliquer l'ISO 14046 et n'excluent pas d'autres moyens de calculer l'empreinte eau, à condition qu'ils soient conformes à l'ISO 14046.

ISO/TR 14049:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-tr-140492012/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:11:05 +0000 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2012-06 56
ISO/TR 14049:2012 provides examples about practices in carrying out a life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) as a means of satisfying certain provisions of ISO 14044:2006. These examples are only a sample of the possible cases satisfying the provisions of ISO 14044. They offer "a way" or "ways" rather than the "unique way" for the application of ISO 14044. These examples reflect only portions of a complete LCI study.

ISO/TR 14047:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-tr-140472012/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:11:05 +0000 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2012-06 92
The purpose of ISO/TR 14047:2012 is to provide examples to illustrate current practice of life cycle impact assessment according to ISO 14044:2006. These examples are only a sample of all possible examples that could satisfy the provisions of ISO 14044. They offer "a way" or "ways" rather than the "unique way" of applying ISO 14044. They reflect the key elements of the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase of the LCA. The examples presented in ISO/TR 14047:2012 are not exclusive and other examples exist to illustrate the methodological issues described.

ISO 20294:2018 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-202942018/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:19:52 +0000 Graphic technology — Quantification and communication for calculating the carbon footprint of e-media
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2018-11 40
This document specifies the requirements for quantifying the carbon footprint of those processes, materials and technologies within the user's knowledge and control that are necessary for the delivery and use of e-media. It covers requirements to account for e-media archiving, distribution, use and storage. It is based on a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach, using defined system boundaries and a specified functional unit as the basis for complete or partial carbon footprinting studies. These data can be referenced throughout supply chains for individual e-media products.

This document is applicable to a carbon footprint of a product (CFP) study of e-media regarding contents and e-media devices.

This document provides a framework for carbon calculators that organisations can follow and that can be used as the structure for market- or sector-specific carbon footprinting tools. Studies and tools constructed within this framework methodology provide carbon footprint quantifications of e-media that can be validated, verified and provide reference for future studies.

This document does not assess any social or economic aspects or impacts, or any other environmental aspects and related impacts potentially arising from the life cycle of a product.
