59.120.01 – Textile machinery in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:31:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 59.120.01 – Textile machinery in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 ISO 9902:1993 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-99021993/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:31:11 +0000 Textile machinery acoustics — Determination of sound pressure levels and sound power levels emitted by textile machines — Engineering and survey methods
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1993-12 29
Textile machinery acoustics — Determination of sound pressure levels and sound power levels emitted by textile machines — Engineering and survey methods
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1993-12 29
ISO 9902-1:2001/Amd 1:2009 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-9902-12001-amd-12009/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:31:04 +0000 Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 1: Common requirements — Amendment 1
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2009-03 8
Textile machinery — Noise test code — Part 1: Common requirements — Amendment 1
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2009-03 8
ISO 9902-1:2001 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-9902-12001/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 00:31:04 +0000 Matériel pour l'industrie textile — Code d'essai acoustique — Partie 1: Exigences communes
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2001-03 20
La présente partie de l'ISO 9902 donne des exigences pour effectuer, efficacement et dans des conditions normalisées, la détermination, la déclaration et la vérification des valeurs d'émission sonore de base communes aux machines textiles qui font l'objet des parties 2 à 7 de l'ISO 9902. Elle spécifie les méthodes de mesurage du bruit, ainsi que les conditions de montage et de fonctionnement qui doivent être utilisées pour ce code d'essai. La présente partie de l'ISO 9902 s'applique à toutes les machines, installations et équipements conformes à l'ISO 11111, y compris le matériel permettant la marche automatisée des machines et opérations, que ce soit dans des installations autonomes ou complexes, à l'exclusion des équipements de transport aux interfaces des machines.

NOTE 1 Le mesurage de la valeur de crête de la pression acoustique instantanée pondérée C aux postes de travail ne fait pas l'objet de la présente partie de l'ISO 9902, car des pressions acoustiques de crête suffisantes pour exiger un tel mesurage ne sont pas attendues d'une machine textile.

NOTE 2 Pour chaque machine textile, deux parties de l'ISO 9902 seront normalement requises: la présente partie ainsi que la partie spécifique applicable de l'ISO 9902.

ISO 5232:1998 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-52321998/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 23:28:11 +0000 Symboles graphiques pour machines textiles
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1998-09 48
La présente Norme internationale fixe les symboles graphiques et donne les sujets correspondants en anglais, français, russe, allemand, espagnol et italien pour le domaine du matériel pour l'industrie textile. Les symboles graphiques objet de la présente Norme internationale sont destinés à être a) placés sur des équipements ou sur des éléments de machines pour l'industrie textile, quelle que soit leur nature, afin de renseigner les personnes en charge du maniement de ces équipements ou de ces éléments, sur la mise en oeuvre et le fonctionnement ; b) utilisés pour la représentation d'un état, d'une fonction ou d'une opération en quelque lieu que ce soit, et sur des documents tels que dessins, cartes et schémas.

NOTE — En supplément aux sujets donnés dans les trois langues officielles de l'ISO (anglais, français et russe), la présente Norme internationale donne les sujets équivalents en allemand, espagnol et italien ; ces sujets ont été inclus à la demande du comité technique ISO/TC 72 et sont publiés sous la responsabilité des comités membres de l'Allemagne (DIN), de la Suisse (SNV), de l'Espagne (AENOR) et de l'Italie (UNI). Toutefois, seuls les sujets donnés dans les langues officielles de l'ISO peuvent être considérés comme sujets ISO. L'ordre successif des langues incluses est le suivant : E : anglais F : français R : russe D : allemand S : espagnol I: italien

ISO 23771:2015 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-237712015/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:44:13 +0000 Textile machinery — Guide to the design of textile machinery for reduction of the noise emissions
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2015-03 36
ISO 23771:2015 provides technical information on the design of textile machinery with reduced noise emissions. Textile machines with a significant noise hazard are defined in ISO 11111 (all parts).

ISO 23771:2015 supports the technical designer with the development of low-noise textile machinery. For this purpose, the significant sources of noise of the individual types of textile machines and suitable noise control measures are described.

ISO 22291:2022 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-222912022/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:34:37 +0000 Safety requirements for wetlaid-nonwoven machinery
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2022-01 64
This document specifies safety requirements and means of verification for wetlaid-nonwoven machinery.

This document applies to wetlaid-nonwoven machines, including approach flow system, headbox, wire section and jet head, hydroentangling unit, dryer, finishing, quality control system (QCS), winder, drives and control system. Annex C illustrates general wetlaid-nonwoven machinery and their components.

It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazard events relevant to wetlaid-nonwoven machines, when used as intended and under the conditions foreseeable by the manufacturer.

This document does not deal with pressure hazards in steam-heated drying cylinders and does not apply to equipment under pressure.

This document does not apply to machines which are intended for use in explosive atmospheres.

This document does not apply to wetlaid-nonwoven machines which have been manufactured before the date of publication of this document.

ISO 11111:1995 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-111111995/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:42:10 +0000 Safety requirements for textile machinery
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 1995-09 170
Intended for use by any person, concerned with the safety of textile machinery, for example textile machinery designers, manufacturers, users, system integrators and safety experts. Applicable to all textile machinery, plant and related equipment intended to be used in the textile industry for processing and finishing. Not applicable to machinery, plant and related equipment used for the manufacture of continous filaments, household and industrial textile goods, making-up of garments and machinery for laundering and drycleaning.

ISO 11111-1:2009 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-11111-12009/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:41:55 +0000 Textile machinery — Safety requirements — Part 1: Common requirements
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2009-07 82
ISO 11111-1:2009 specifies safety requirements for frequently occurring hazards common to the types of textile machinery and the hazards of certain machine elements covered by ISO 11111-2, ISO 11111-3, ISO 11111-4, ISO 11111-5, ISO 11111-6 and ISO 11111-7.

It is applicable to machinery plant and related equipment intended to be used in the textile industry for the following:

– the opening, cleaning, blending, carding, preparation subsequent to carding, spinning and other processing of fibres (staple and filament) and other materials to form yarn or nonwoven material (including felts);

– the winding, doubling, twisting, texturing, etc. of yarns and the processing of yarns preparatory to weaving and knitting;

– the weaving, knitting, lace-making and similar utilization of yarn, etc., to form fabric;

– the formation of braid, cord, strand, rope, twine, net, etc., except take-up reels of stranding and laying machinery;

– processes, including the pretreatment, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing of fibre, yarn, fabric, braid, cord, etc. and final assembly for despatch;

– the piece dyeing of made-up goods;

– finishing of warp and weft knitting, including hosiery, other than assembly of the finished product (e.g. sewing);

– carpet manufacture, by weaving, tufting and other processes.

ISO 11111-1:2016 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-11111-12016/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:41:55 +0000 Textile machinery — Safety requirements — Part 1: Common requirements
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2016-05 80
ISO 11111-1:2016 specifies safety requirements for frequently occurring hazards common to the types of textile machinery and the hazards of certain machine elements covered by ISO 11111-2 to ISO 11111-7. The standard series is complemented by the type C standards ISO 9902 (all parts) with respect to noise emission measurement and ISO 23771 with respect to measures for the reduction of noise emissions.

ISO 11111-1:2016 is applicable to machinery plant and related equipment intended to be used in the textile industry for the following purposes:

– opening, cleaning, blending, carding, preparation subsequent to carding, spinning and other processing of fibres (staple and filament) and other materials to form yarn or nonwoven material (including felts);

– winding, doubling, twisting, texturing, etc., of yarns and the processing of yarns preparatory to weaving and knitting;

– weaving, knitting, lace-making and similar utilization of yarn, etc., to form fabric;

– forming of braid, cord, strand, rope, twine, net, etc., except take-up reels of stranding and laying machinery;

– processing, including the pretreatment, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing of fibre, yarn, fabric, braid, cord, etc., and final assembly for dispatch;

– piece-dyeing of made-up goods;

– finishing of warp and weft knitting, including hosiery, other than assembly of the finished product (e.g. sewing);

– manufacturing of carpets by weaving, tufting and other processes.

ISO 11111-1:2016 applies to all machinery, plant and equipment used during the processes listed above, including equipment to enable automated operation of the machines and processes in either free-standing or complex installations, such as pneumatic fibre transportation, but excluding other transportation between the interfaces of the machines.

NOTE 1 The standard for a specific textile machine will normally consist of two parts: this part of ISO 11111 and the specific part of ISO 11111 relevant to that machine. However, in the case of nonwoven lines, which are covered by ISO 11111-3, ISO 11111-2, ISO 11111-6 and ISO 11111-7 are also to be taken into account.

ISO 11111-1:2016 does not deal with specific requirements for pressure containment.

NOTE 2 In the EU and EFTA, specific directives for pressure vessels and electromagnetic compatibility, among others, exist.

ISO 11111 (all parts) addresses hazards arising from the transport, assembly and commissioning of the machinery, its adjustment, use, maintenance, decommissioning, dismantling and disposal. Manual loading/unloading is considered to be part of the normal operation of the machinery.

ISO 11111-1:2016 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicable to machinery, plant and related equipment used for

– manufacturing continuous filaments and man-made fibres up to and including the formation of the first textile package (e.g. continuous filament cheese, staple fibre bale),

– hackling and carding of flax and similar,

– manufacturing of spun-bonded and melt-blown nonwovens,

– forming and making up of garments, household and industrial textile goods, and the pressing and die cutting of nonwoven fabric,

– laundering and dry cleaning of made-up textile goods,

– servicing of textile machines (e.g. machines for card wire mounting, cleaning machines for components of printing machines), and

– certain cutting devices, e.g. log-slitting device, laser cutting, high pressure water jets, ultrasonic device.

NOTE 3 The machines and equipment listed in Annex E are used in the textile industry but are not within the scope of this part of ISO 11111.

ISO 11111-1:2016 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicable to machinery intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

ISO 11111-1:2016 and the other parts of ISO 11111 are not applicable to machines which are manufactured before the dates of publication of the International Standards.

ISO 11111-1:2005 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-11111-12005/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:41:55 +0000 Textile machinery — Safety requirements — Part 1: Common requirements
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2005-02 78
ISO 11111-1:2005 specifies safety requirements for frequently occurring hazards common to the types of textile machinery and the hazards of certain machine elements covered by ISO 11111-2 to ISO 11111-7. It is applicable to machinery plant and related equipment intended to be used in the textile industry for the following: opening, cleaning, blending, carding, preparation subsequent to carding, spinning and other processing of fibres (staple and filament) and other materials to form yarn or nonwoven material (including felts); winding, doubling, twisting, texturing, etc. of yarns and the processing of yarns preparatory to weaving and knitting; weaving, knitting, lace-making and similar utilization of yarn, etc., to form fabric; formation of braid, cord, strand, rope, twine, net, etc., except take-up reels of stranding and laying machinery; processes including pretreatment, bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing of fibre, yarn, fabric, braid, cord, etc., and final assembly for despatch; piece dyeing of made-up goods; finishing of warp and weft knitting, including hosiery, other than assembly of the finished product (e.g. sewing); carpet manufacture, by weaving, tufting and other processes.
