91.020 – Physical planning. Town planning – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:11:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 91.020 – Physical planning. Town planning – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 NZS 1900.6:1986 ?u=/product/publishers/snz/nzs-1900-61986/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:11:16 +0000 Model building bylaw - Construction requirements for buildings not requiring specific design - timber and masonry
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SNZ 1986-03-01 12
Model building bylaw - Construction requirements for buildings not requiring specific design - timber and masonry
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SNZ 1986-03-01 12
VDI/gif 6209:2019 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/vdi-gif-6209/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 18:14:02 +0000 Redevelopment of real estate assets
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2019-10 43
In the real estate industry, dealing with existing objects and thus also the redevelopment of pre- or currently unused existing real estate (land and buildings) is increasing. The standard provides a work aid to minimise risks in the process of redevelopment of preused real estate and land. In addition to its own definition of the term "redevelopment", it gives the various actors in the real estate industry numerous indications for the sustainable development of existing real estate. The differences between the classical project development of new buildings are presented in the individual project steps.

VDI 3787 Part 8:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/vdi-3787-part-8/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:57:33 +0000 Environmental meteorology - Urban development in view of climate change
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2020-09 84
As a consequence of the global effect of climate change, the urban climate is also changing. Urban development projects must take this into account. Urban development and urban planning require concrete and quantified results from climate and air hygiene studies. Only by taking these facts into account the planning concerns "climate" and "air quality" can be considered in the political weighing and decision-making process. The standard provides those responsible persons for urban development (politicians, planners, experts) the necessary background information and indicates recommended measures for their decision-making and design scope.

VDI 3787 Blatt 8:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/vdi-3787-blatt-8/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:57:30 +0000 Umweltmeteorologie - Stadtentwicklung im Klimawandel
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2020-09 84
Als Folge der globalen Wirkung des Klimawandels verändert sich auch das Stadtklima. Projekte der Stadtentwicklung müssen dies berücksichtigen. Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung benötigen dazu konkrete und quantifizierte Ergebnisse aus Klima- und Lufthygieneuntersuchungen. Nur unter Berücksichtigung dieser Fakten können die Planungsbelange "Klima" und "Luftqualität" im politischen Abwägungs- und Entscheidungsprozess ihre Berücksichtigung gegenüber anderen Belangen finden. Die Richtlinie gibt den für die Stadtentwicklung Verantwortlichen (Politiker, Planer, Sachverständige) notwendige Hintergrundinformationen und zeigt empfohlene Maßnahmen für ihre Entscheidungs- und Gestaltungsspielräume auf.*www.vdi.de/3787

DIN EN 14383-1:2006 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-14383-1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:44:53 +0000 Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 1: Definition of specific terms
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2006-09 22
This European Standard is the terminology part of a series for the "Prevention of crime by urban planning and building design". For some specific terms used in the other parts, dealing with urban planning, dwellings, shops and offices, it provides equivalent terms in three languages, as well as definitions.

DIN CWA 17302:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-cwa-17302/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:21:35 +0000 City Resilience Development - Information Portal
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2021-11 26
This CWA provides a list of requirements for how municipalities can equip an information system that facilitates resilience building through collaboration, communication, and engagement. This marks the functional specification of a Resilience Information Portal. The portal is a platform for communication within a local government, between a local government and its overall stakeholders, and between a local government and citizens. Requirements aim towards a broad-purpose, easy-to-use platform that provides versatility and flexibility.This document is intended to be used by information technology professionals and information technology decision-makers. It provides them with support in planning municipal information technology as well as operative help for the development process. The functional specification does not impose any specific paradigms, technological frameworks or third-party programs. The specification takes into account existing information technology infrastructure and following the recommendations can complement it. The specification provides for significant freedom and room for customization. This facilitates a technological solution that aligns with political decisions, particularly deriving from a local government's information technology strategy.

DIN CWA 17301:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-cwa-17301/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:21:34 +0000 City Resilience Development - Maturity Model
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2021-11 32
The aim of the Maturity Model is to provide a tool for reflection and guidance on the resilience-building process of cities, which will enable them to compile an analysis of their current resilience status. It is primarily designed to assist local governments in assessing their current maturity stage and to identify future resilience demands and capacities needed to advance to a more mature level. The Maturity Model defines five incremental stages, which guide local governments through the ideal path for building-resilience: Starting, Moderate, Advanced, Robust, and Vertebrate. Each of these maturity stages includes a description of the objectives of each stage, the stakeholders actively involved in each maturity stage, and a list of policies that should be followed. This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is part of the "City Resilience Development" series, which intends to support cities in becoming more resilient against various kinds of threats. The series consists of the following other two CWAs: "CWA 17300 City Resilience Development – Operational Guidance" and "CWA 17302 City Resilience Development – Information Portal". The CWA on Operational Guidance is the overarching document that refers to the CWA 17301, CWA 17302, as well as to other supporting tools.

DIN CWA 17300:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-cwa-17300/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:21:34 +0000 City Resilience Development - Operational Guidance
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2021-11 49
This CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) defines an operational framework for cities that provides guidance on local resilience planning and supports their efforts in building resilience. The document is intended to be used by policy and decision-makers at city level and councilors working for climate change adaptation and resilience in their city, as well as by any other city stakeholder working on resilience (for examples but not limited to: critical infrastructure managers, service providers, emergency services, the media, civil society associations, non-governmental organizations, academic and research institutions as well as consultancies). The Operational Guidance consists of five steps that have to be repeated regularly. The five steps implemented in a full cycle are the following: Baseline Review, Risk Awareness, Resilience Strategy, Implementation and Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting. The CWA is part of the "City Resilience Development" series, which intends to support cities in becoming more resilient against various kinds of threats. The series consists of the following other two CWAs: "CWA 17301 City Resilience Development – Maturity Model" and "CWA 17302 City Resilience Development – Information Portal". The CWA on Operational Guidance is the overarching document that refers to the CWA 17301, CWA 17302, as well as to other supporting tools.

AS/NZS 1428.4:2002 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-1428-42002/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:21:00 +0000 Design for access and mobility - Tactile indicators
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2002-11-28 65
Provides requirements for the design and application of tactile ground surface indicators for new buildings to ensure safe and dignified mobility of people who are blind or vision-impaired.


This Standard sets out requirements for new building work, for the design and application of tactile indicators, to ensure safe and dignified mobility of people who are blind or vision impaired.

1 Information on the design and installation of tactile indicators is given in Appendix B.
2 Guidance on typical TGSI applications for kerb ramps, medians and multiple entry points is given in Appendix C.
3 Information on raised pavement markers is given in Appendix D.
4 Typical examples of TGSIs for bus stops and trams/light rail platforms are given in Appendix E.
5 A list of the documents that were referred to in the preparation of this Standard is given in Appendix G.

AS/NZS 1428.4.1:2009 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-1428-4-12009/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:20:59 +0000 Design for access and mobility - Means to assist the orientation of people with vision impairment - Tactile ground surface indicators
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2009-12-03 85
Sets out requirements for the design and application of tactile ground surface indicators for new buildings to ensure safe and dignified mobility of people who are blind or vision impaired.


This Standard sets out requirements for the design and application of tactile indicators for new building work, to ensure safe and dignified mobility of people who are blind or vision impaired.
NOTE: Information on design and installation of tactile indicators is given in Appendix A.
