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Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 52
This standard covers the minimum requirements for a protective security program for a water, wastewater, or reuse utility. It can be referenced in the evaluation of security practices. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to the security practices of the utility.

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1 Document
(Revision of ANSI/AWWA G430-14(R20))
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AWWA Management Standard
AWWA Management Standard
Security Practices for Operation and Management
Security Practices for Operation and Management
Effective date: Aug. 1, 2024.
First edition approved by Board of Directors Jan. 25, 2009.
This edition approved Jan. 11, 2024.
Approved by American National Standards Institute Feb. 26, 2024.
Designation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security SAFETY Act on Dec. 9, 2022.
Since 1881SM
2 AWWA Management Standard
AWWA Management Standard
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) management standard. It is not a specification. AWWA management standards describe consensus requirements for utility management practices. The use of AWWA management standards is entirely voluntary. This standard does not supersede or take precedence over or displace any applicable law, regulation, or code of any governmental authority. AWWA management standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water industry of requirements and practi
Note that this Standard was originally developed to incorporate the results of the NDWAC Report to USEPA on the “elements of an active and effective security program” for water-sector utilities. Following publication, this Standard was granted SAFETY Act designation as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology. Although this Standard is voluntary, the prescriptive requirements included in the Standard (those expressed as “shall”) represent the minimum requirements that a utility must achieve to qualify for the
American National Standard
An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Sta
Caution Notice: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of ANSI approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the America
[email protected]
ISBN-13, print: 978-1-64717-182-7 ISBN-13, electronic: 978-1-61300-709-9
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including scanning, recording, or any information or retrieval system. Reproduction and commercial use of this material is prohibited, except with written permission from the publisher.
Copyright © 2024 by American Water Works AssociationPrinted in USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including scanning, recording, or any information or retrieval system. Reproduction and commercial use of this material is prohibited, except with written permission from the publisher. Please send any requests or questions to [email protected].

3 Committee Personnel
Committee Personnel
The AWWA Standards Committee on Security Practices for Operation and Management, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:
Andrew Ohrt, Chair
Consumer Members
C. Herndon, Herndon Solutions Group, Las Vegas, Nev.
I. Jones, Alexandria, Va.
J.W. McLaughlin, Highfill, Mint Hill, N.C.
A. Ohrt, West Yost Associates, Duluth, Minn.
K. Owens, Control Cyber, Inc., Pullman, Wash.
C.R. Sapp, Arcadis, Virginia Beach, Va.
L.P. Warren, Launch! Consulting Inc., Charlottesville, Va.
Management Interest Members
C.L. Bowen, Pleasant Hill, Calif.
T.A. Kelly (liaison, nonvoting), Standards Council Liaison, Martinsburg, W.Va.
K. Morley, AWWA, Washington, D.C.
E.S. Ralph (liaison, nonvoting), Standards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.
User Members
R. Axtell, City of Sacramento, Folsom, Calif.
J. Hines, Las Vegas Valley Water District, Las Vegas, Nev.
M.I. Inyang, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Southborough, Mass.
Mike Stuhr, Chiloquin, Ore.
J. Taussig, Denver Water, Denver, Colo.
5 Foreword
I Introduction ……………………………… vii
I Introduction ……………………………… vii
I.A Background ………………………………. vii
I.A Background ………………………………. vii
I.B History …………………………………….. viii
I.B History …………………………………….. viii
I.C Acceptance ……………………………….. viii
I.C Acceptance ……………………………….. viii
II Special Issues …………………………….. viii
II Special Issues …………………………….. viii
II.A Advisory Information on
II.A Advisory Information on
Application of Standards ……….. viii
II.B Origination of Standard ……………… ix
II.B Origination of Standard ……………… ix
II.C SAFETY Act Designation ……………. ix
II.C SAFETY Act Designation ……………. ix
III Use of This Standard ………………….. ix
III Use of This Standard ………………….. ix
III.A Options and Alternatives …………….. ix
III.A Options and Alternatives …………….. ix
III.B Modification to Standard ……………. ix
III.B Modification to Standard ……………. ix
IV Major Revisions …………………………. ix
IV Major Revisions …………………………. ix
V Comments ……………………………….. x
V Comments ……………………………….. x
1 General
1 General
1.1 Scope……………………………………….. 1
1.1 Scope……………………………………….. 1
1.2 Purpose ……………………………………. 1
1.2 Purpose ……………………………………. 1
1.3 Application ……………………………….. 1
1.3 Application ……………………………….. 1
2 References ……………………………….. 1
2 References ……………………………….. 1
3 Definitions ………………………………. 2
3 Definitions ………………………………. 2
4 Requirements
4 Requirements
4.1 Explicit Commitment to Security …. 6
4.1 Explicit Commitment to Security …. 6
4.2 Security Culture ………………………… 7
4.2 Security Culture ………………………… 7
4.3 Defined Security Roles and
4.3 Defined Security Roles and
Employee Expectations………….. 7
4.4 Up-to-Date Assessment of Risk ……. 8
4.4 Up-to-Date Assessment of Risk ……. 8
4.5 Resources Dedicated to Security
4.5 Resources Dedicated to Security
and Security Implementation
Priorities ……………………………… 9
4.6 Access Control and Intrusion
4.6 Access Control and Intrusion
Detection ……………………………. 9
4.7 Contamination Detection,
4.7 Contamination Detection,
Monitoring, and Surveillance …. 12
4.8 Information Protection and
4.8 Information Protection and
Continuity ………………………….. 15
4.9 Design and Construction ……………. 17
4.9 Design and Construction ……………. 17
4.10 Threat-Level–Based Protocols ………. 18
4.10 Threat-Level–Based Protocols ………. 18
4.11 Emergency Response and Recovery
4.11 Emergency Response and Recovery
Plans and Business Continuity
Plan ……………………………………. 19
4.12 Internal and External
4.12 Internal and External
Communication …………………… 20
4.13 Partnerships ………………………………. 21
4.13 Partnerships ………………………………. 21
5 Verification
5 Verification
5.1 Documentation Required ……………. 22
5.1 Documentation Required ……………. 22
5.2 Human Resources ……………………… 25
5.2 Human Resources ……………………… 25
5.3 Equipment ……………………………….. 25
5.3 Equipment ……………………………….. 25
6 Delivery …………………………………… 25
6 Delivery …………………………………… 25
Resources …………………………………. 27
Bibliography ……………………………… 39
1 Supporting Documentation
1 Supporting Documentation
Required by this Standard by
Section ……………………………….. 23
7 Foreword
This foreword is for information only and is not a part of ANSI*/AWWA G430.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
I. Introduction
I.A. Background. The AWWA Management Standards Program is designed to serve water, wastewater, and reuse utilities and their customers, owners, service providers, and government regulators. The standards developed under the program are intended to improve a utility’s overall operation and service. Among these standards is this effort to establish formal management and operational guidelines. These guidelines identify appropriate practices, procedures, and behaviors—the implementation of which will provide e
AWWA’s standards process has been used for more than 100 years to produce American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-recognized standards for materials and processes that are used by the water sector. These standards are recognized worldwide and have been adopted by many utilities and organizations. Likewise, this management standard is developed using the same ANSI-recognized formal process. Volunteer standards committees establish standard practices in a uniform and appropriate format.
Formal standards committees have been and continue to be formed to address the individual standard practices for the diverse areas of the water sector. A formal standards committee was created in 2007 to develop a standard for security. This standard is the outcome of the Security Practices for Operation and Management Committee.
The Utility Management G-Series Standards were developed to assist utilities with identifying and implementing applicable best management practices. To further enhance the use of the Standards, the AWWA Utility Quality Management Committee developed both self-assessment and peer-review programs to assist utilities that choose to meet performance criteria contained within the Standards. The Committee developed a framework for the stringent expectations of all Utility Management Standards, as follows:
• Utility Management Standards are voluntary, and their intent is to provide guidance toward best management practices.
• Requirements set forth in the Standards describe best practices that are achievable but not necessarily the best of class.
8 • The language used in the Standards should avoid requirements related to numeric values and words such as “shall” or “must” in areas that describe or could be considered in exceedance of existing local and/or federal regulations.
I.B. History. The first edition of this standard was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on Jan. 25, 2009. The second edition was approved on June 8, 2014, and reaffirmed on Oct. 26, 2020. This edition was approved on Jan. 11, 2024.
I.C. Acceptance. No applicable information for this standard.
II. Special Issues.
II.A. Advisory Information on Application of Standards. This standard includes only those requirements that are limited exclusively to security practices for operation and management of a drinking water, wastewater, or reuse system. Separate standards will cover utility programs such as distribution system operation and management, emergency preparedness, financial management, water collection and treatment, source water protection, communication and customer relations, and business systems.
The America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 (PL 115-270) requires community water systems serving a population of more than 3,300 to prepare a risk and resilience assessment and emergency response plan every five years. The risk and resilience assessment must consider threats from both malevolent acts and natural hazards that could affect the mission of the utility due to physical or cyber incidents. The findings of the risk and resilience assessment must then be used to inform the development of
• ANSI/AWWA J100—Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems
• ANSI/AWWA G440—Emergency Preparedness Practices
• AWWA M19—Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities
• AWWA Water Sector Resource Typing Guidance
• ANSI/AWWA G300—Source Water Protection
• AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance and Assessment Tool
9 II.B. Origination of Standard. This standard originates from recommendations prepared by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)’s National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) on water security practices, incentives, and measures, dated June 2005. A subsequent workgroup was convened in February 2007 by the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC) to develop a national performance measurement system and revise the NDWAC recommendations to track with the Water Sector-Specific Pl

National Drinking Water Advisory Council, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460.
National Drinking Water Advisory Council, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (4601), Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460.

Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council, US Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528.
Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council, US Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528.

II.C. Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies (SAFETY) Act Designation. The ANSI/AWWA standards G430 and J100 have been awarded SAFETY Act designation by the US Department of Homeland Security. The designation carries important liability protection for the association and for utilities that properly implement these standards.
The SAFETY Act of 2002 was enacted by Congress in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The SAFETY Act was created in part because of the extraordinarily large liability entities might face if a terrorist attack occurs despite deployment of anti-terrorism security measures already in place. Congress designed the SAFETY Act as an incentive for the creation and deployment of technologies and services with anti-terrorism capabilities. Under the SAFETY Act designation, both the entity that create
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Options and Alternatives. There is no applicable information in this section.
III.B. Modification to Standard. No applicable information for this section.
IV. Major Revisions. The major changes made to the standard in this revision include the following:
1. Added a paragraph on the background of the AWWA Utility Management G-Series standards to Sec. I.A. of the Foreword.
10 2. Added background on AWIA of 2018 to Sec. II.A of the Foreword.
3. Incorporated the AWIA of 2018 for Risk and Resilience Assessments and Emergency Response Plans requirements where applicable throughout standard.
4. Updated requirements for cybersecurity throughout.
5. Improved consistency with ANSI/AWWA J100 and ANSI/AWWA G440.
6. Updated Section 2 References.
7. In Section 3 Definitions, revised numerous definitions and added new definitions for AWIA, Risk and Resilience Assessment, and Risk and Resilience Management.
8. Added a new Sec. 4.7.7 Source water protection.
9. Added a new Sec. Process control system design features.
10. Added a new Sec. 4.10.3 Monitor available threat information specific to enterprise systems.
11. Added a new Sec. 4.11.6 Response to enterprise systems.
12. Added new Secs.,, and on establishing mutual aid relationships.
13. Updated Sec. A.2 Water Security Initiative Phase III with additional guidance.
14. Deleted Sec. A.4 Guidelines for Physical Security of Water and Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities.
15. Deleted Sec. A.5 Response Protocol Toolbox.
16. Added a new Sec. A.6 AWIA of 2018. Section 2013 Community Water System Risk and Resilience.
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please contact AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at .
[email protected]
11 G430-24
(Revision of ANSI/AWWA G430-14(R20))
AWWA Management Standard
AWWA Management Standard
Security Practices for Operation and Management

Sec. 1.1 Scope
This standard covers the minimum requirements for a protective security program for a water, wastewater, or reuse utility.
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for a protective security program for a water, wastewater, or reuse utility that will promote the protection of employee safety, public health, public safety, and public confidence.
Sec. 1.3 Application
This standard can be referenced in the evaluation of security practices. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to the security practices of the utility.
This standard references the following documents. In their latest editions, or as specified, they form a part of this standard to the extent specified within the standard, whether mentioned specifically or not. In any case of conflict, the requirements included within this standard shall prevail.

12 America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 (PL 115-270).
ANSI*/AWWA G440—Emergency Preparedness Practices.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
ANSI/AWWA J100—Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems.
AWWA Process Control System Security Guidance for the Water Sector (2017).
AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance and Assessment Tool.
AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance for Small Systems.
AWWA Water Sector Resource Typing Guidance.
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)—Cyber-Informed Engineering Implementation Guide (2023).

Idaho National Laboratory, 1955 North Fremont Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83415.
Idaho National Laboratory, 1955 North Fremont Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID 83415.

National Electric Code Article 708®.
Water Research Foundation (WRF)— (2008).

Water Research Foundation, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.
Water Research Foundation, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.

Business Continuity Planning for Water
The following definitions shall apply in this standard.
1. All hazards: An approach for prevention, protection, preparedness, response, and recovery that addresses a full range of threats and hazards, including domestic terrorist attacks, natural and man-made disasters, accidental disruptions, and other emergencies.
2. Asset: An item of value or importance. In the context of critical water and wastewater infrastructure, an asset is something of importance or value that, if targeted, exploited, destroyed, or incapacitated, could result in serious interruption of the water supply to the community, illness and/or injury, death, economic damage to the community, financial damage to the owner of the asset, destruction of property, or environmental damage or could profoundly damage a utility’s reputation, public confidence,
13 • Critical asset is an asset whose absence or unavailability would significantly degrade the ability of a utility to carry out its mission or would have unacceptable financial, political, or physical consequences for the utility, the community, or the environment.
3. AWIA: America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 (PL 115-270). Additional information on AWIA can be found in Appendix A, Sec. A.6.
4. Business continuity plan (BCP): A plan designed to maintain essential business functions and preserve the utility’s ability to perform its mission or function during an incident and recovery. For example, a BCP should be designed to preserve the utility’s ability to acquire and pay for essential supplies, personnel, components, or services; to receive funds; and to maintain a record of all transactions for subsequent accounting, billing, or reimbursement.
5. Consequence: The immediate, short-term, and long-term effects of a malevolent attack or natural, technological, or human-caused hazard. These effects include losses suffered by the owner of the asset and by the community served by that asset. They include human and property losses, environmental damages, and lifeline interruptions.
6. Incident: An occurrence (natural or human caused) that requires a response to protect life, property, continued service, the environment, or customer confidence. Incidents are unplanned and may include major disasters, emergencies, terrorist attacks, terrorist threats, civil unrest, wildfires, floods, hazardous material spills, nuclear accidents, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical storms, tsunamis, public health and medical emergencies, and other occurrences requiring an emergency response.
7. Incident command system (ICS): A standardized on-scene, all-hazards incident management concept that allows its users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to match the complexities and demands of single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries. ICS is a scalable response to an emergency of any magnitude and provides a common framework within which responders from multiple agencies can work together.
8. InfraGard: InfraGard is an information-sharing and analysis effort serving the interests and combining the knowledge bases of a wide range of members. At its most basic level, InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation* (FBI) and the private sector. InfraGard is an association of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States.
14 * FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535.
* FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535.
9. Intrusion detection system (IDS): Intrusion detection for enterprise systems, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and process control systems is not a single product or a single piece of technology, even though commercial systems are available. Instead, intrusion detection is a comprehensive set of tools and processes providing network monitoring that can give an administrator a complete picture of how the network is being used. Implementing a variety of these tools helps to create a defens
10. National Incident Management System (NIMS): NIMS was developed by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in response to Homeland Presidential Decision Directive 5 (HSPD-5) so that responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines can work together to better respond to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism. NIMS benefits include a unified approach to incident management, standard command, and management structures. NIMS emphasizes preparedness, mutual aid, and resourc
11. National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP): The NIPP is a strategy developed by the US DHS in response to HSPD-7 (since superseded by Presidential Decision Directive 21) that sets forth a comprehensive risk-management framework and clearly defines critical infrastructure protection roles and responsibilities for the DHS; federal sector risk-management agencies (SRMAs); and other federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector partners. The NIPP outlines the approach used to establish national prio
12. Physical hardening: A process designed to deter and/or help mitigate physical damage, service disruption, or other serious consequences of an attack by making the facility harder to attack, delaying entry until responders arrive, or reducing the effect that an attack may have.
15 13. Preparedness: A continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, and evaluating for emergency situations and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure effective coordination during the incident response and recovery, including continuity of operations plans, continuity of government plans, and preparation of resources for rapid restoration of function.
14. Risk: A function of the following: (1) consequences; (2) hazard frequency or threat likelihood; and (3) vulnerability, which, with point estimates, is the product of these three terms. It is the expected value of the consequences of an initiating event weighted by the likelihood of the event’s occurrence and the likelihood that the event will result in the consequences, given that it occurs. Risk is based on identified events or event scenarios.
15. Risk and Resilience Assessment: To comply with AWIA, a Risk and Resilience Assessment shall include an assessment of the following:
• the risk to the system from malevolent acts and natural hazards;
• the resilience of the pipes and constructed conveyances, physical barriers, source water, water collection and intake, pretreatment, treatment, storage and distribution facilities, electronic, computer, or other automated systems (including the security of such systems) that are used by the system;
• the monitoring practices of the system;
• the financial infrastructure of the system;
• the use, storage, or handling of various chemicals by the system; and
• the operation and maintenance of the system.
The assessment may include an evaluation of capital and operational needs for risk and resilience management for the system.
16. Risk and Resilience Management: A deliberate process of deciding whether actions are needed to reduce risk, improve resilience, or both and, if so, which options are most effective and efficient. If risk reduction or resilience enhancement is needed, decide on and implement one or a portfolio of options (e.g., establishing or improving security countermeasures, designing in consequence mitigation, building in redundancy, entering into mutual aid pacts, creating emergency response plans, or training and
16 17. Security plan: A comprehensive plan, developed by the utility, that includes its security goals, objectives, strategies, policy or policies, and procedures. The security plan should coordinate closely with the utility’s emergency preparedness and response plan, business continuity plan, and cybersecurity response plan.
18. Vulnerability: An inherent state of a system (e.g., physical, technical, organizational, cultural) that can be exploited by an adversary or affected by a natural hazard to cause harm or damage.
19. Water sector: The NIPP defines the water sector as both drinking water and wastewater utilities. For the purpose of this standard, this definition will expressly include water reclamation or reuse facilities.
20. Water Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC): WaterISAC is a highly secure, subscription-based Internet portal that provides a source for sensitive security information and alerts to help the drinking water and wastewater community protect consumers and the environment.

WaterISAC, 1620 I Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006.
WaterISAC, 1620 I Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20006.

This standard is intended to apply to water, wastewater, or reuse utilities, regardless of size, location, ownership, or regulatory status. This standard builds on the long-standing practice among utilities of using a multiple-barrier approach for the protection of public health, public safety, and the environment. The requirements of this standard are designed to support a protective utility-specific security program that will result in consistent and measurable outcomes.
Sec. 4.1 Explicit Commitment to Security
4.1.1 Explicit and visible commitment of senior leadership to security. The utility shall establish an explicit, visible, easily communicated, and enterprise-wide commitment to security. This shall be represented by the development of security policies, procedures, and plans implemented as part of daily operations visible to employees and customers. Periodic review and update of security plan, policies, or documents. The utility shall establish and maintain a schedule for periodic review of its security plan, policies, and documents and update them as needed. The schedule for review shall not exceed five years but can be more frequent based on operational changes or other incidents that warrant further review. Community water systems serving more than 3,300 people must comply with the requirements of AWIA for performance of a Risk and Resilienc
17 Sec. 4.2 Security Culture
4.2.1 Promote security awareness throughout the utility. The utility shall promote a culture whereby every person understands, appreciates, and contributes to enhanced security. Employee reports and suggestions. The utility shall establish a process for employees to report security violations or concerns and to make suggestions for improvement. Employee training. The utility shall train employees and other responsible parties in security awareness, individual responsibility, and appropriate responses. Incorporating security into job descriptions. The utility shall include security in job performance evaluations and rate employees, including top management, on their performance. Measure security activities and progress. The utility shall establish a means of measuring security activity, establish goals for improvement, and monitor progress. Improvement goals requiring significant investment should be considered in the utility’s budgetary process. This can be best accomplished by integrating risk and resilience management strategies from a Risk and Resilience Assessment into plans such as those focused on capital improvements. Visible identification. The utility shall establish a means of visible identification of employees and others authorized to access utility facilities and ensure that every person routinely complies.
4.2.2 Reward employees for appropriate security activities. The utility is encouraged to have a means of rewarding appropriate security awareness by employees and others.
Sec. 4.3 Defined Security Roles and Employee Expectations
4.3.1 Identify managers and employees who are responsible for security. The utility shall identify managers and employees responsible for creating, maintaining, and implementing the security plan; for performing the Risk and Resilience Assessment and implementing and maintaining risk and resilience management strategies; and for providing security leadership. Other security-related roles and responsibilities include security program management, physical intrusion and contamination detection, and incident co
18 4.3.2 Establish security expectations for staff. The utility shall identify and disseminate security expectations for staff and periodically review performance.
Sec. 4.4 Up-to-Date Assessment of Risk
4.4.1 Perform a Risk and Resilience Assessment. The utility shall perform a Risk and Resilience Assessment. The utility’s Risk and Resilience Assessment may use publicly or commercially available tools, consistent with ANSI/AWWA J100, that allow the assessment to be replicated and based on the following steps:
1. Asset Characterization
2. Threat Characterization
3. Consequence Analysis
4. Vulnerability Analysis
5. Threat Analysis
6. Risk and Resilience Analysis
7. Risk and Resilience Management
4.4.2 Review and update. The utility shall review and update its Risk and Resilience Assessment as new hazards and threats emerge, when facilities are constructed or removed from service, and when other changes occur that significantly affect the operating environment. Periodic review. The utility shall establish and maintain a schedule for periodic review and update of the Risk and Resilience Assessment, including its analysis and risk and resilience management strategies, based on the utility-specific circumstances. The schedule for review shall not exceed five years but can be more frequent based on operational changes or other incidents that warrant further review. Community water systems serving more than 3,300 people must comply with the requirements of AWIA
19 Sec. 4.5 Resources Dedicated to Security and Security Implementation Priorities
4.5.1 Sustain focus on security. The utility shall sustain a focus on security by maintaining security as a current priority. Maintain focus. Executives and line managers shall maintain a focus on security throughout the years by doing one or more of the following items or a defined alternative:
• Include security in periodic progress reports to the governing body;
• Make security a standing item on executive management agendas;
• Make security a routine item in manager or supervisor meetings with employees or other authorized persons; and
• Make security an explicit component of capital improvement planning and operations planning. Resources. The utility shall invest staff time and resources in security by including security considerations in budgets for personnel and training. The utility may consider having trained and certified security staff or explicitly assigning security responsibilities to existing staff and budgeting accordingly. Exercises. The utility shall include security exercises in operational planning and should identify associated training costs in budgets as appropriate. If circumstances warrant, the utility should consider performing a third-party security assessment with penetration testing on an annual basis, during major upgrades or retrofits, or when designing new facilities.
4.5.2 Identify security priorities. The utility shall establish and implement security priorities based on its Risk and Resilience Assessment (see Sec. 4.4). Integrate security plan. The utility shall integrate risk and resilience management strategies with other operational plans and investments and shall establish the appropriate relationship of security priorities based on the utility’s Risk and Resilience Assessment in context with other organizational priorities. Identify resources required for the security plan. The utility shall identify and commit resources dedicated to security programs and planned security improvements. Based on the relationship with other organizational priorities, the utility shall identify and plan for the resources required to maintain the security program and make necessary improvements.
Sec. 4.6 Access Control and Intrusion Detection
4.6.1 Identify utility assets requiring access control. Through the Risk and Resilience Assessment or other means, the utility shall identify assets or facilities that require controlled access based on criticality to maintain normal operations (identified critical assets).
20 4.6.2 Establish and maintain physical control of access to identified critical assets. The utility shall establish and maintain a means of physically controlling access to identified critical assets. Examples of physical access controls include the following and can be used individually or in combination:
• Substantial buildings with intrusion prevention devices on windows and access points
• Fences
• Barriers
• Locked gates, hatches, and doors
• Tamper-resistant devices at key distribution or collection points
4.6.3 Implement inspections of identified critical assets. The utility shall implement and maintain inspections to ensure that security features are adequate and functioning and to identify whether any corrective work is necessary to maintain access control or other security features. The schedule for inspection shall be at the least annually but can be more frequent based on observations or other incidents that warrant further review.
4.6.4 Establish and maintain a means of detecting and assessing intrusion. The utility shall establish and maintain a means of detecting and assessing intrusion into identified critical assets by unauthorized persons in a manner that is timely and enables the utility to respond effectively. Monitoring for physical intrusion can include physical and procedural improvements. Examples of physical improvements include installing detection devices such as motion detectors and intrusion alarms or improved assessm
4.6.5 Establish and maintain procedures to control personnel access to identified critical assets. The utility shall establish and maintain procedural controls to limit access to identified critical assets to authorized persons only. Examples of procedural access controls include the following and can be used individually or in combination:
• Inventory and control keys if keyed locks are used
• Utilize key card–, key fob–, biometric– (fingerprint, retina scan, etc.), or personal identification number (PIN)–based access control systems
21 • Develop procedure that limits access rights to employees to maximum extent possible
• Develop hierarchical key and/or access card system to limit access to extent possible
• Change access codes regularly
• Require security passes for access
• Establish a security presence at access points
• Require visitors to have scheduled appointments and/or have a protocol to address unscheduled visitors
• Require employees and other authorized persons to display identification at all times when on site, if appropriate
• Require visitors to sign in and display identification at all times when on site
• Implement chemical delivery and testing procedures, including chain-of-custody control and tamper-evident packaging requirements
• Implement unique chemical delivery point connection devices, locks, and prominent identification to prevent mixing of chemicals
• Escort vendors and chemical deliveries when on site
• Limit delivery hours
• Check deliveries to ascertain the nature of the material
4.6.6 Establish and maintain a means of restricting authorization for access. The utility shall establish and maintain a means of restricting unescorted access to identified critical assets. Background checks. Where legally permissible and appropriate, the utility shall institute a system of routine background checks on employees, contractors, temporary workers, or any other person authorized to access identified assets without an escort. The level or complexity of background checks utilized should be commensurate with the level of access and the privileges granted to the person. Other benefits of background checks, depending on the level that is employed, may include verifying identity Other means of identity verification. When background checks are not permitted or appropriate, the utility shall establish a defined alternative method of verifying identity and granting access rights and privileges to a person seeking authorization.
22 4.6.7 Establish a protocol for employees or others who have been terminated, have resigned, or have had a relevant change of status. The utility shall establish and maintain a protocol to manage credentials, recover keys, revise passwords, and take other appropriate actions immediately on termination, resignation, or reassignment of an employee or the relevant change of status of other personnel who have access to high-risk assets. Other personnel may include vendors, consultants, contractors, public offici
4.6.8 Testing. The utility shall test physical and procedural access controls routinely to ensure performance. The tests shall be conducted annually or more frequently if required by law or regulation.
Sec. 4.7 Contamination Detection, Monitoring, and Surveillance
4.7.1 Surveillance and response for chemical, biological, or radiological contamination. The utility shall develop and implement a surveillance and response system.
A surveillance and response system provides a proactive approach to managing threats that uses monitoring technologies/strategies and enhanced surveillance activities to collect, integrate, analyze, and communicate information. However, it should not be merely a collection of monitors and equipment placed throughout a distribution or collection system to alert of intrusion or contamination but rather should be an exercise in information acquisition and management. Different information streams are captured,
• Online water quality monitoring involves monitoring for typical water quality parameters throughout the distribution or collection system and comparison with an established base-state to detect possible contamination incidents. The utility should stay current on developments in online contaminant monitoring systems and should consider implementing such systems if feasible.
23 • Sampling and analysis involve the collection of samples that are analyzed for various contaminants and contaminant classes for the purpose of establishing a baseline of contaminant occurrence (contaminants detected, levels detected, and frequency of detections) and method performance, as well as for the purpose of investigating suspected contamination incidents triggered by other monitoring and surveillance components.
• Enhanced security monitoring includes the equipment and procedures that detect and respond to security breaches at distribution or collection system facilities.
• Consumer complaint surveillance enhances and automates the collection and analysis of consumer calls reporting unusual water quality concerns and compares trends against an established base-state to detect possible contamination incidents.
• Public health surveillance involves the analysis of health-related data sources to identify illness in the community that may stem from drinking water contamination.
The utility is directed to Appendix A, Sec. A.2—Water Security Initiative for more discussion of guidance developed by USEPA and others.
4.7.2 Monitoring or surveillance of indicators of contamination. Although typical water quality parameters (surrogate parameters) may not be a direct indication of chemical, biological, or radiological contamination, the utility may find that monitoring surrogate parameter concentrations or trends is useful and appropriate in its individual circumstance. Recognizing that surrogate parameter changes may be difficult to interpret from a security perspective, the utility should review and consider any physical
• Pressure change abnormalities
• Free and total chlorine residual
• Temperature
• Dissolved oxygen
• Conductivity
• Oxygen-reduction potential
• Total dissolved solids
• Turbidity
• pH
24 • Color
• Odor
• Taste
Among the parameters that could be considered for monitoring wastewater collection systems are pH and volatile organic carbon.
4.7.3 Laboratory testing for contaminants. The utility shall routinely sample and monitor the water or wastewater system as required by law or regulation and shall include additional test parameters or elevated sampling frequencies if appropriate to a specific security concern or threat notification. The utility should consider identifying and prequalifying laboratories that have the necessary capabilities.
4.7.4 Communication with customers and public health authorities as a means of identifying contamination. The utility shall monitor customer complaints and initiate or improve communication with local public health authorities or networks and health care facilities such as hospitals and emergency departments. Documentation of complaints. The utility shall establish a means to record and analyze customer complaints and evaluate them as an indicator of possible system contamination. This process should include communication with customer communities that receive bulk water deliveries, if appropriate. Communication. The utility shall establish and maintain two-way communication and relationships with local public health authorities and health providers to expedite the potential identification of public health anomalies that may be indicators of system contamination.
4.7.5 Adjacent utilities. The utility shall establish and maintain two-way communication with adjacent utility systems to identify any contamination. In the case of a water utility, this may be an upstream water or wastewater utility. In the case of a wastewater utility, this may be downstream users or others that assess the receiving stream quality.
4.7.6 Incident detection and response. The utility shall establish written procedures for, at a minimum, the following key components of a surveillance and response system: (1) the criteria that will be used to identify a potential contamination event and trigger an investigation; (2) the criteria that will be used to declare that a contamination incident has occurred; and (3) the response protocol for a contamination incident. This response protocol should be a part of the utility’s emergency response plan
25 4.7.7 Source Water Protection. AWWA’s G300 Source Water Protection standard provides an approach to improve source water protection for utilities. AWIA also amended the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). These revisions require that community water systems (1) receive prompt notification of any reportable release of an EPCRA extremely hazardous substance (EHS) or a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) hazardous substance (HS) that potentiall
Sec. 4.8 Information Protection and Continuity
4.8.1 Define security-sensitive systems and information. For most systems, information technology (IT), enterprise systems, Operations Technology (OT), Industrial Control Systems, Process Control Systems, and SCADA systems are essential to the efficient and continuous operations of a utility. The utility shall identify critical IT, enterprise systems, process control systems, or SCADA systems as security sensitive. The utility shall also identify other security-sensitive information. This information review Secure information. The utility shall evaluate information that it shares with vendors, bidders, or the public (e.g., facility tours, brochures, or Internet access). Where appropriate and practicable, security-sensitive information shall be removed or controlled. Regulations. The utility shall consider any applicable freedom-of-information or Sunshine Act provisions with which it must comply to understand and abide by limitations on controlling information.
4.8.2 Protecting IT, enterprise systems, operations technology, process control systems, and SCADA systems. The utility should review the AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance and Assessment Tool (see Appendix A, Sec. A.4) as an aid in evaluating appropriate practices and controls for securing process control system and/or SCADA vulnerabilities. These strategies may also be useful in securing critical business enterprise systems for the business continuity plan.
26 Restricting access. The utility shall identify and implement steps necessary to control access to critical IT, enterprise systems, process control systems, and SCADA systems to only authorized persons conducting official utility business. Physical hardening and procedural controls shall be considered and implemented. Examples of procedural controls include the following:
• Restricting access to data networks
• Safeguarding critical data through backups and storage in safe places
• Establishing procedures to restrict network access
• Implementing policies to ensure that IT contractors or their products will not negatively affect IT systems
• Establishing procedures to require strong passwords, change passwords periodically (e.g., 90 days), and control password accessibility
• Establishing policies and procedures for revoking access credentials
Examples of physical steps include the following:
• Installing and maintaining firewalls
• Screening for viruses
• Separating business systems from operational systems
• Installing a system for virus protection
• Ensuring security at each location of SCADA components
• Incorporating encryption technologies
• Establishing and routinely changing access codes
Utilities are advised to review state and local information protections provided to critical infrastructure systems with legal counsel, including those referenced in AWWA’s Protecting the Water Sector’s Critical Infrastructure Information.

Information.pdf Uninterruptible power supply. The utility shall establish and maintain an uninterruptible power supply for critical IT, enterprise systems, process control systems, and SCADA systems and the means of providing for backup generators or backup power supplies for critical facilities in accordance with National Electric Code, Article 708.
4.8.3 Establish and maintain physical and procedural controls to restrict access to sensitive information. The utility shall establish and maintain appropriate access restrictions and procedural controls on security-sensitive information. Access restrictions should consider the legal framework in which the utility is operating and ensure that appropriate access is granted for employees and others to perform their duties efficiently. AWWA’s Protecting the Water Sector’s Critical Infrastructure Information pr

27 4.8.4 Detect unauthorized access. The utility shall establish and maintain the means to detect unauthorized access or intrusion to IT, enterprise systems, process control systems, or SCADA systems or to security-sensitive information and the means to respond in an appropriate and timely manner. For additional information on IDS and defense-in-depth strategies, see Appendix A, Sec. A.6.
4.8.5 Ensure information and communication systems will function during emergency response and recovery. Critical information. The utility shall identify critical information and ensure its preservation and accessibility during emergency response and recovery. Offsite backup of critical data should be considered for preservation and accessibility. Critical communication. The utility shall identify critical internal and external communication capabilities and ensure their functionality during emergency response and recovery.
Sec. 4.9 Design and Construction
4.9.1 Incorporate security objectives into utility design and construction standards. Consistent with the Risk and Resilience Assessment and associated risk and resilience management strategies, where applicable, the utility shall incorporate its security objectives into the design of infrastructure repairs or replacements or the acquisition or construction of new assets. Physical hardening of identified critical assets. The utility shall include physical hardening in the repair/replacement of identified critical assets or in the design and construction of new assets. Physical hardening is intended to protect or help mitigate physical damage, service disruption, or other serious consequences of an attack by making the facility harder to attack or by reducing the effect an attack may have. Examples of physical hardening include the following:
• Location of critical assets within a facility,
• Use of substantial building materials, and
• Designing in inherent redundancy for critical services.
28 Design choices should also consider the ability to ensure continuity of operations and rapid recovery in the event of an attack, natural disaster, or other event. Adoption of security risk technologies or approaches. The utility shall consider the adoption of security technologies or approaches that have the demonstrated capability of reducing or mitigating the consequences of an attack, natural disaster, or other event when making design or technology choices. Examples of such technologies and approaches include Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Cyber-Informed Engineering (CIE), increased redundancy of critical components, increased inte Process control system design features. The utility shall consider the implementation of security functional features and requirements in the specifications for SCADA and process control systems. Once implemented, these features should be tested and validated to ensure they are properly configured and functional. The utility shall ensure that associated hardware is maintained and updated as appropriate, that critical software updates are routinely performed, and that system diagrams are kept current
Sec. 4.10 Threat-Level–Based Protocols
4.10.1 Monitor available threat-level information. The utility shall establish an appropriate means to stay apprised of changes in threat levels. Sources of information may include the DHS, local police or local FBI office, WaterISAC, InfraGard, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), or other credible sources. The utility should research and establish communication with networks and information sources that are appropriate to its security environment.
4.10.2 Escalate security procedures in response to relevant threats. The utility shall establish a procedure to escalate security operations in the event of a relevant increase in the threat level or a significant local event or physical threat.
4.10.3 Monitor available threat information specific to enterprise systems, SCADA, and process control systems. The utility shall establish an appropriate means to stay apprised of specific physical and cybersecurity threats against enterprise systems, SCADA, and process control systems. Sources of information may include those listed in Section 4.10.1 above, ICS-CERT, or other credible sources. The utility should research and establish communication with networks and information sources appropriate to its
29 Sec. 4.11 Emergency Response and Recovery Plans and Business Continuity Plan
4.11.1 Incorporate security into emergency response and recovery plans, business continuity plans, and operations. Update plans. The utility shall revise its emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans as necessary to incorporate security considerations into the plans. Additional guidance is provided in ANSI/AWWA G440 and the (WRF Web Report #4319). Community water systems serving more than 3,300 people must comply with the requirements of AWIA for certification of these updates to USEPA (see Appendix Sec. A.6 for additional information on the AWIA requirements).
Business Continuity Planning for Water Utilities Emergency response. The utility should consider using the NIMS guidelines and ICS protocols for emergency response.
4.11.2 Test emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans regularly. The utility shall establish and maintain a schedule for testing its emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans. Testing may include training, table-top exercises or drills, or real-time simulated responses.
4.11.3 Update emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans as necessary. Review and update. The utility shall perform a timely review and update its emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans as necessary to correct identified deficiencies after exercises or actual implementation (lessons learned) in accordance with AWIA requirements and ANSI/AWWA G440 and AWWA Manual M19. Routine reviews. The utility shall perform a timely review and update of its emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans routinely and as necessary to reflect relevant changes in potential threats, physical infrastructure, utility operations, critical interdependencies, or response protocols in partner organizations. In no event shall the interval exceed five years, and the review and update can be more frequent if required by law or regulation. Community water systems servi Mutual aid and assistance agreement. The utility should consider participating in a mutual aid and assistance agreement with local, regional, and state utilities and agencies, as appropriate, to expedite response and recovery of service. This may include, but not be limited to, joining the state Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN).
30 4.11.4 Contact list. The utility shall establish, distribute, and maintain a list of current contacts to include key employees and key contacts for critical customers and support organizations. This list shall include names, titles, phone numbers, and other information necessary to establish contact with those persons or designated alternates during an emergency. The utility shall maintain and distribute the contact list electronically and in hard copy.
4.11.5 Response to contamination threat. The emergency response plan shall have a procedure for responding to potential contamination incidents or threats, which includes reporting out, field verification, credibility assessments, site sampling, laboratory qualification, laboratory analysis, and public notification.
4.11.6 Response to enterprise system, SCADA, and process control system security threats. The emergency response plan or incident response plan shall have a procedure for responding to cybersecurity incidents or threats to enterprise systems and SCADA and process control systems, which includes computer and control system incident response plans, logs, tools, procedures, tiered control systems, etc. The utility’s response should be informed by the information sources listed in Sec. 4.10.1 and Sec. 4.10.3. L
4.11.7 Protection of public health. The utility shall be prepared to consider contamination evidence carefully and make public health decisions with available data and analysis in consultation with the utility’s regulatory agency and local health officials.
Sec. 4.12 Internal and External Communication
4.12.1 Establish and maintain strategies for regular and ongoing communication with employees. The utility shall establish and maintain strategies for effective communication with employees about security issues. These strategies should be designed to maintain security awareness, motivate staff to take security seriously, allow staff to notify security personnel or others about security concerns or suspicious events or activities, promote employee safety during an event, and enable effective employee partic
31 4.12.2 Establish and maintain strategies for regular and ongoing relationships and communication with response partner organizations. The utility shall establish and maintain strategies for effective relationships and communication with response partner organizations. The utility’s strategies should focus on ensuring clarity and reliability of information during an emergency. The utility shall evaluate the need and means for providing backup systems that will maintain communication with agencies such as pol
4.12.3 Establish strategies for regular and ongoing communication with customers. The utility shall establish strategies for effective communication with customers before any emergency. Communication strategies should especially consider the most effective way to reach customers with information, both in terms of delivery and source, and ways to get information from customers about unusual events or suspicious activities. The utility’s strategies should consider key messages, which person is equipped and tr
4.12.4 Establish strategies for regular and ongoing communication with regulatory agencies. The utility shall establish strategies for effective communication with relevant regulatory agencies. Communication strategies should consider timely two-way communication in the event of an actual incident or threat.
Sec. 4.13 Partnerships
4.13.1 Forge reliable and collaborative partnerships with communities served, managers of critical interdependent infrastructure, and response partner organizations. Identify key partnerships. The utility shall identify key agencies that are essential to emergency response and recovery and establish and maintain collaborative partnerships with these agencies. Customer community agencies such as police and fire, managers of critical interdependent infrastructure such as power companies, first-responder agencies, and adjacent utilities are typically included as key agencies. Establish collaborative partnerships. The utility shall establish collaborative partnerships with key agencies as appropriate to ensure cooperation and effective coordination during emergency response and recovery. Establish mutual aid relationships. The utility shall join local, regional, and state mutual aid organizations.
32 Establish emergency contracts. The utility shall establish emergency support contracts for such things as generator fuel, treatment chemicals, and professional services. Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) coordination. Per AWIA, community water systems shall, to the extent possible, coordinate with existing local emergency planning committees established pursuant to the EPCRA when preparing or revising a Risk and Resilience Assessment or emergency response plan under this section.
Sec. 5.1 Documentation Required
• The utility shall define critical security activities and create written procedures for them.
• The utility shall have an up-to-date Risk and Resilience Assessment and associated risk and resilience management strategies.
• The utility shall have an up-to-date emergency response and recovery plan that incorporates security objectives.
• The utility shall have a training component for personnel.
• The utility shall maintain an adequate recordkeeping system so that compliance with this standard can be measured.
5.1.1 General. The documentation shall include the following:
• Documented statements of a security policy and security objectives.
• Documented procedures required by this standard.
• Records required by this standard.
Note: Where the term documented procedure appears within this standard, this means that the procedure is established, documented, implemented, trained upon, exercised, and maintained.
5.1.2 Required documentation. Documentation shall be sufficient to support the requirements in Section 4, including the documents listed by section in Table 1.
33 Table 1 Supporting documentation required by this standard by section
Table 1 Supporting documentation required by this standard by section
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4

Documents Required
Documents Required
Written enterprise-wide security policy.
Written enterprise-wide security policy.
Documented procedure and schedule for review of security policy.
Documented procedure and schedule for review of security policy.
Record of updates.
Documented procedures for identification requirements.
Documented procedures for identification requirements.
Training documents.
Job descriptions indicating security as a component of evaluation.
Record of employee reports and suggestions.
Security goals and progress reports.
Documentation of security activities, established goals, and improvement progress.
Record of rewards or acknowledgments for employees.
Record of rewards or acknowledgments for employees.
Record identifying person(s) assigned primary responsibility for security.
Record identifying person(s) assigned primary responsibility for security.
Record identifying security as a part of each employee’s responsibility.
Record identifying security as a part of each employee’s responsibility.
Documentation demonstrating a current Risk and Resilience Assessment has been completed. For utilities subject to AWIA requirements, a record of certification to USEPA is required.
Documentation demonstrating a current Risk and Resilience Assessment has been completed. For utilities subject to AWIA requirements, a record of certification to USEPA is required.
Documented procedure and schedule for review and update of a Risk and Resilience Assessment and associated risk and resilience management strategies.
Documented procedure and schedule for review and update of a Risk and Resilience Assessment and associated risk and resilience management strategies.
Documentation showing compliance with the schedule. For utilities subject to AWIA requirements, a record of certification of the updates to USEPA is required.
Documentation such as reports, agendas, minutes, or other documents demonstrating security as a topic of current discussion.
Documentation such as reports, agendas, minutes, or other documents demonstrating security as a topic of current discussion.
Budget item/resource assignments for security and security training.
Record of security exercises performed.
Record of security inspections performed.
Record identifying person(s) assigned primary responsibility for security.
Operations and capital plan or budget identifying security investments or priorities in relation to other utility priorities.
Operations and capital plan or budget identifying security investments or priorities in relation to other utility priorities.
Documentation showing that critical assets and facilities are identified.
Documentation showing that critical assets and facilities are identified.
Documented procedures or protocols for physically securing critical assets and facilities.
Documented procedures or protocols for physically securing critical assets and facilities.
Procedures and documentation of annual inspections.
Procedures and documentation of annual inspections.
Documented procedure demonstrating intrusion detection methodologies.
Documented procedure demonstrating intrusion detection methodologies.
Documented procedures for responses to intrusion indication.
Documented procedure demonstrating control of access to authorized personnel only.
Documented procedure demonstrating control of access to authorized personnel only.
Documentation demonstrating screening methods for authorization of security privileges.
Documentation demonstrating screening methods for authorization of security privileges.
Documented procedures for review or revocation of security access rights for employees or others who have had a change of status.
Documented procedures for review or revocation of security access rights for employees or others who have had a change of status.
Documentation of test results and evaluations of physical and procedural access controls.
Documentation of test results and evaluations of physical and procedural access controls.
Documented procedures and protocols for detecting contamination incidents.
Documented procedures and protocols for detecting contamination incidents.
Documentation demonstrating identification of security-sensitive information and systems.
Documentation demonstrating identification of security-sensitive information and systems.

34 5.1.3 Control of documents. Documents required for this standard shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled according to the requirements given in Sec. 5.1.4. A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed:
• To approve documents for adequacy prior to issue.
• To review and update as necessary and reapprove documents.
• To ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
• To ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use.
• To ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable.
• To ensure that documents of external origin are identified and that their distribution is controlled.
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4
ReferenceSection 4

Documents Required
Documents Required
Documented procedures for protecting and maintaining critical IT, enterprise, and SCADA systems.
Documented procedures for protecting and maintaining critical IT, enterprise, and SCADA systems.
Documented procedures for managing access to and securing security-sensitive information.
Documented procedures for managing access to and securing security-sensitive information.
Documented process for detecting unauthorized access, such as an intrusion detection system, and documented procedures for responding to unauthorized access.
Documented process for detecting unauthorized access, such as an intrusion detection system, and documented procedures for responding to unauthorized access.
Documented procedures and protocols for testing and maintaining IT, enterprise, SCADA, and communication systems during emergency response and recovery.
Documented procedures and protocols for testing and maintaining IT, enterprise, SCADA, and communication systems during emergency response and recovery.
Documentation of security and cybersecurity objectives in design and construction standards, or of considerations for security hardening and risk reduction.
Documentation of security and cybersecurity objectives in design and construction standards, or of considerations for security hardening and risk reduction.
Documentation of information sources on threat levels.
Documentation of information sources on threat levels.
Documented procedures for escalated security and cybersecurity responses for relevant elevated threat levels.
Emergency response and recovery plans demonstrating that security objectives have been incorporated.
Emergency response and recovery plans demonstrating that security objectives have been incorporated.
Business continuity plans demonstrating security objectives have been incorporated.
Documented procedure for consistency with NIMS and ICS protocols.
Documented procedure for testing emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans.
Documented procedure for testing emergency response and recovery plans and business continuity plans.
Documentation of timely reviews and appropriate updates. For utilities subject to AWIA requirements, a record of certification to USEPA is required.
Documentation of timely reviews and appropriate updates. For utilities subject to AWIA requirements, a record of certification to USEPA is required.
Documented procedure and current contact list.
Documented procedure and current contact list.
Procedures and documentation of ongoing communication.
Procedures and documentation of ongoing communication.
Documentation demonstrating identification and establishment of appropriate partnerships.
Documentation demonstrating identification and establishment of appropriate partnerships.
Table 1 Supporting documentation required by this standard by section (Continued)
Table 1 Supporting documentation required by this standard by section (Continued)

35 • To prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
5.1.4 Control of records. Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and evidence of the effective operation of this standard. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable, and retrievable. A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time, and disposition of records. All procedures shall account for regulatory/legal requirements such as those protecting per
Sec. 5.2 Human Resources
5.2.1 General. Personnel performing work affecting system security shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills, and experience.
5.2.2 Competence, awareness, and training. The utility shall do the following:
• Determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting security.
• Provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needs.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken.
• Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities.
• Retain appropriate records of education, training, skills, and experience (see Sec. 5.1.3).
Sec. 5.3 Equipment
5.3.1 General. Utilities should field-test security devices (i.e., motion detectors, intrusion sensors) quarterly and field-test passive measures (i.e., fences, gates, doors) every six months or as required by law or regulation.
This standard has no applicable information for this section.
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI*/AWWA G430.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
CISA diligently tracks and shares information about the latest cybersecurity risks, attacks, and vulnerabilities, providing our nation with the tools and resources needed to defend against these threats. CISA provides cybersecurity resources and best practices for businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. CISA shares up-to-date information about high-impact types of security activity affecting the community at large and in-depth analysis on new and evolving cyber threats.
The Water Security initiative (WSi) is a USEPA program that addresses the risk of contamination of drinking water distribution systems. USEPA established this research initiative in response to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9, under which the agency is charged with developing “robust, comprehensive, and fully coordinated surveillance and monitoring systems, including international information, for…water quality that provides early detection and awareness of disease, pest, or poisonous agents.”
38 USEPA implemented the WSi in three phases:

Phase I: Develop the conceptual design for a system that achieves timely detection of and response to contamination and other water quality incidents in drinking water distribution systems to mitigate public health and economic effects.
USEPA completed this phase in 2006 with the design of a comprehensive water quality surveillance and response system.

Phase II: Demonstrate and evaluate water quality surveillance and response systems through pilots at drinking water utilities and municipalities.
USEPA completed this phase in 2013. Pilot systems were designed, deployed, and evaluated in Cincinnati, San Francisco, New York City, Philadelphia, and Dallas.

Phase III: Develop practical guidance and outreach to promote voluntary national adoption of effective and sustainable water quality surveillance and response systems.
A Water Quality Surveillance and Response System (SRS) is a framework designed to support monitoring and management of distribution system water quality. The system consists of one or more components that enhance a drinking water utility’s capability to quickly detect and respond to water quality incidents. Early warning and effective response to an emerging water quality incident can prevent escalation to a more serious problem. Additionally, an SRS provides information that improves a utility’s understand
USEPA completed this phase in 2015. The Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems is available at:.

39 For current information, the utility is directed to USEPA’s Water Quality Surveillance and Response website at: .
The HSIN is the Department of Homeland Security’s official system for trusted sharing of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information between federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, international, and private sector partners. Mission operators use HSIN to access Homeland Security data, send requests securely between agencies, manage operations, coordinate planned event safety and security, respond to incidents, and share the information they need to fulfill their missions and help keep their communities
In 2019, the AWWA Water Utility Council initiated project WITAF Project #039 to update AWWA resources and guidance for protecting Water Sector Process Control Systems (PCS) from cyber-attacks.
A panel of industry subject matter experts has been consulted to identify the most pressing cybersecurity issues facing water utilities today. In response to these issues, a list of recommended cybersecurity practices has been developed. This list identifies practices considered to be the most critical for managing the cybersecurity risk to Process Control Systems in the Water Sector.
A copy of this report can be downloaded from AWWA at the following:
A supporting self-assessment tool is also available from this site.
Critical infrastructures are dependent on information technology systems and computer networks for essential operations. Particular emphasis is placed on the reliability and resilience of the systems that comprise and interconnect these infrastructures. The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) collaborates with partners from across public, private, and international communities to advance this goal by developing and implementing coordinated security measures to protect against cyber t
The DHS CISA released Version 11.5 of the Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET®). This newest version of the tool can be downloaded from the CISA website at . The CSET® is a product that assists organizations in protecting their key national cyber assets. It was developed under the direction of the NCSD by cybersecurity experts and with assistance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This tool provides users with a systematic and repeatable approach for assessing the security posture of
Through a collaboration between AWWA, CISA, and Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management and Assessment tool now integrates with CSET®. Utilities using the AWWA tool may upload the completed self-assessment tool spreadsheet to CSET® to refine and mature their cybersecurity assessments. This capability may be accessed through the CSET® application.
(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300i-2) is amended to read as follows:
(a) Risk and Resilience Assessments.—
(1) IN GENERAL.—Each community water system serving a population of greater than 3,300 persons shall conduct an assessment of the risks to, and resilience of, its system. Such an assessment—
(A) shall include an assessment of—
(i) the risk to the system from malevolent acts and natural hazards;
(ii) the resilience of the pipes and constructed conveyances, physical barriers, source water, water collection and intake, pretreatment, treatment, storage and distribution facilities, electronic, computer, or other automated systems (including the security of such systems) which are utilized by the system;
(iii) the monitoring practices of the system;
(iv) the financial infrastructure of the system;
(v) the use, storage, or handling of various chemicals by the system; and
(vi) the operation and maintenance of the system; and
(B) may include an evaluation of capital and operational needs for risk and resilience management of the system.
(2) BASELINE INFORMATION.—The Administrator, not later than August 1, 2019, after consultation with appropriate departments and agencies of the Federal Government and with State and local governments, shall provide baseline information on malevolent acts of relevance to community water systems, which shall include consideration of acts that may—
42 (A) substantially disrupt the ability of the system to provide a safe and reliable supply of drinking water; or
(B) otherwise, present significant public health or economic concerns to the community served by the system.
(A) CERTIFICATION.—Each community water system described in paragraph (1) shall submit to the Administrator a certification that the system has conducted an assessment complying with paragraph (1). Such certification shall be made prior to—
(i) March 31, 2020, in the case of systems serving a population of 100,000 or more;
(ii) December 31, 2020, in the case of systems serving a population of 50,000 or more but less than 100,000; and
(iii) June 30, 2021, in the case of systems serving a population greater than 3,300 but less than 50,000.
(B) REVIEW AND REVISION.—Each community water system described in paragraph (1) shall review the assessment of such system conducted under such paragraph at least once every 5 years after the applicable deadline for submission of its certification under subparagraph (A) to determine whether such assessment should be revised. Upon completion of such a review, the community water system shall submit to the Administrator a certification that the system has reviewed its assessment and, if applicable, revised
(4) CONTENTS OF CERTIFICATIONS.—A certification required under paragraph (3) shall contain only—
(A) information that identifies the community water system submitting the certification;
(B) the date of the certification; and
(C) a statement that the community water system has conducted, reviewed, or revised the assessment, as applicable.
43 (5) PROVISION TO OTHER ENTITIES.—No community water system shall be required under State or local law to provide an assessment described in this section (or revision thereof) to any State, regional, or local governmental entity solely by reason of the requirement set forth in paragraph (3) that the system submit a certification to the Administrator.
(b) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN.—Each community water system serving a population greater than 3,300 shall prepare or revise, where necessary, an emergency response plan that incorporates findings of the assessment conducted under subsection (a) for such system (and any revisions thereto). Each community water system shall certify to the Administrator, as soon as reasonably possible after the date of enactment of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, but not later than 6 months after completion of the as
(1) strategies and resources to improve the resilience of the system, including the physical security and cybersecurity of the system;
(2) plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identification of equipment that can be utilized, in the event of a malevolent act or natural hazard that threatens the ability of the community water system to deliver safe drinking water;
(3) actions, procedures, and equipment which can obviate or significantly lessen the impact of a malevolent act or natural hazard on the public health and the safety and supply of drinking water provided to communities and individuals, including the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes, and construction of flood protection barriers; and
(4) strategies that can be used to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards that threaten the security or resilience of the system.
(c) COORDINATION.—Community water systems shall, to the extent possible, coordinate with existing local emergency planning committees established pursuant to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. 11001 et seq.) when preparing or revising an assessment or emergency response plan under this section.
44 (d) RECORD MAINTENANCE.—Each community water system shall maintain a copy of the assessment conducted under subsection (a) and the emergency response plan prepared under subsection (b) (including any revised assessment or plan) for 5 years after the date on which a certification of such assessment or plan is submitted to the Administrator under this section.
(e) GUIDANCE TO SMALL PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS.—The Administrator shall provide guidance and technical assistance to community water systems serving a population of less than 3,300 persons on how to conduct resilience assessments, prepare emergency response plans, and address threats from malevolent acts and natural hazards that threaten to disrupt the provision of safe drinking water or significantly affect the public health or significantly affect the safety or supply of drinking water provided to communitie
(1) SATISFACTION OF REQUIREMENT.—A community water system that is required to comply with the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) may satisfy such requirements by—
(A) using and complying with technical standards that the Administrator has recognized under paragraph (2); and
(B) submitting to the Administrator a certification that the community water system is complying with subparagraph (A).
(2) AUTHORITY TO RECOGNIZE.—Consistent with section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, the Administrator shall recognize technical standards that are developed or adopted by third-party organizations or voluntary consensus standards bodies that carry out the objectives or activities required by this section as a means of satisfying the requirements under subsection (a) or (b).
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall establish and implement a program, to be known as the Drinking Water Infrastructure Risk and Resilience Program, under which the Administrator may award grants in each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021 to owners or operators of community water systems for the purpose of increasing the resilience of such community water systems.
(2) USE OF FUNDS.—As a condition on receipt of a grant under this section, an owner or operator of a community water system shall agree to use the grant funds exclusively to assist in the planning, design, construction, or implementation of a program or project consistent with an emergency response plan prepared pursuant to subsection (b), which may include—
(A) the purchase and installation of equipment for detection of drinking water contaminants or malevolent acts;
(B) the purchase and installation of fencing, gating, lighting, or security cameras;
(C) the tamper-proofing of manhole covers, fire hydrants, and valve boxes;
(D) the purchase and installation of improved treatment technologies and equipment to improve the resilience of the system;
(E) improvements to electronic, computer, financial, or other automated systems and remote systems;
(F) participation in training programs, and the purchase of training manuals and guidance materials, relating to security and resilience;
(G) improvements in the use, storage, or handling of chemicals by the community water system;
(H) security screening of employees or contractor support services;
(I) equipment necessary to support emergency power or water supply, including standby and mobile sources; and
46 (J) the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes, and construction of flood protection barriers.
(3) EXCLUSIONS.—A grant under this subsection may not be used for personnel costs, or for monitoring, operation, or maintenance of facilities, equipment, or systems.
(4) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—For each fiscal year, the Administrator may use not more than $5,000,000 from the funds made available to carry out this subsection to provide technical assistance to community water systems to assist in responding to and alleviating a vulnerability that would substantially disrupt the ability of the system to provide a safe and reliable supply of drinking water (including sources of water for such systems) which the Administrator determines to present an immediate and urgent nee
(5) GRANTS FOR SMALL SYSTEMS.—For each fiscal year, the Administrator may use not more than $10,000,000 from the funds made available to carry out this subsection to make grants to community water systems serving a population of less than 3,300 persons, or nonprofit organizations receiving assistance under section 1442(e), for activities and projects undertaken in accordance with the guidance provided to such systems under subsection (e) of this section.
(6) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—To carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be appropriated $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 and 2021.
(h) DEFINITIONS.—In this section—
(1) the term ‘resilience’ means the ability of a community water system or an asset of a community water system to adapt to or withstand the effects of a malevolent act or natural hazard without interruption to the asset’s or system’s function, or if the function is interrupted, to rapidly return to a normal operating condition; and
(2) the term ‘natural hazard’ means a natural event that threatens the functioning of a community water system, including an earthquake, tornado, flood, hurricane, wildfire, and hydrologic changes.
(1) PROTECTION FROM DISCLOSURE.—Information submitted to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to section 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as in effect on the day before the date of enactment of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, shall be protected from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of such section as in effect on such day.
(2) DISPOSAL.—The Administrator, in partnership with community water systems (as defined in section 1401 of the Safe Drinking Water Act), shall develop a strategy to, in a timeframe determined appropriate by the Administrator, securely and permanently dispose of, or return to the applicable community water system, any information described in paragraph (1).
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA G430.

Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Carbon Steel Barbed Wire.
ASTM A121-22

Standard Guide for Security of Tank Farm Installations for Compliance with Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) Regulations.
ASTM E2942-22

Standard Test Methods for Security of Swinging Door Assemblies.
ASTM F476-23

Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing.
ASTM F552-14

Standard Practice for Installation of Chain-Link Fence.
ASTM F567-23

Standard Specification for Strength and Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Fence Framework.
ASTM F1043-18

Standard Specification for Long Barbed Tape Obstacles.
ASTM F1910-98(2022)

Standard Specification for Expanded Metal Fence Systems for Security Purposes.
ASTM F2548-20

Standard Guide for Design and Construction of Chain Link Security Fencing.
ASTM F2611-15

Standard Guide for Design and Construction of Ornamental Steel Picket Fence Systems for Security Purposes.
ASTM F2814-09(2015)

Standard Guide for Design and Construction of Welded Wire Fence Systems for Security Purposes.
ASTM F3204-16

Guide Specifications for Forced Entry/Bullet Resistant (FE/BR) Security Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.

Guide for Security Lighting for People, Property, And Critical Infrastructure.
IES G-1-22

Information Security, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection – Biometric Information Protection.
ISO/IEC 24745:2022
AWWA C303 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-c303-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:41:37 +0000 AWWA C303-24 Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped Steel-Cylinder Type
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 44
This standard describes the manufacture of concrete pressure pipe, reinforced with a steel cylinder that is helically wrapped with mild steel bar reinforcement, in sizes ranging from 10 in. through 72 in. (250 mm through 1,830 mm), inclusive, and for working pressures up to 400 psi (2,760 kPa). Larger pipe sizes and pipe accommodating higher pressures have been manufactured based on the concepts of this standard. With agreement by the purchaser and the manufacturer, pipe may be manufactured to larger sizes and for higher pressures than indicated herein. This standard does not include requirements for design, handling, delivering, laying, field testing, or disinfecting of pipe and fittings. See AWWA Manual M9, Concrete Pressure Pipe, for that information, as well as certain supplementary design considerations related to thrust restraint, subaqueous installations, and installation in corrosive environments.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Bar-wrapped steel-cylinder concrete pressure pipe has been manufactured and used extensively for many years. The basic element of the pipe is a welded steel cylinder with steel joint rings welded to the ends, formed and tested in the same
I.B. History. The first edition of this standard, designated ANSI/AWWA C303-70, Reinforced Concrete Water Pipe—Steel Cylinder Type, Pretensioned, was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors Jan. 26, 1970. Federal Specification and Standard SS-P-381 (April
8 I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International* (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
9 II. Special Issues.
II.A. Advisory Information on Product Application.
II.B. Other Special Issues. Other special issues, including thrust restraint and field welding of pipe joints, are addressed in AWWA Manual M9.
II.C. Chlorine and Chloramine Degradation of Elastomers. The selection of materials is critical for water service and distribution piping in locations where there is a possibility that elastomers will be in contact with chlorine or chloramines. Documented
10 III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. Purchasers are advised that while this standard presents information on materials and procedures for manufacture of the pipe, it does not contain all of the engineering information needed to prepare a complete sp
11 III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711, write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
13 AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
14 Sec. 1.2 Purpose
Sec. 1.3 ]Application
Sec. 4.1 Permeation
19 Sec. 4.2 Drawings and Data to Be Provided by the Purchaser
Sec. 4.3 Data to Be Submitted by the Manufacturer
20 Sec. 4.4 Materials
23 Sec. 4.5 Design
24 Table 1 Thicknesses and tolerances for concrete or cement–mortar linings
25 Table 2 Minimum nominal cylinder thicknesses
Table 3 Circumferential tolerances for steel cylinders
27 Sec. 4.6 Fabrication
36 Sec. 4.7 Fittings and Special Pipe
37 Table 4 Minimum thickness of sheet or plate for fittings
Sec. 5.1 Inspection and Testing by the Purchaser
40 Sec. 5.2 Tests
41 Sec. 5.3 Quality Assurance
Sec. 6.1 Marking
42 Sec. 6.2 Transportation
Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance
AWWA B405 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-b405-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:41:36 +0000 AWWA B405-24 Sodium Aluminate
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 24
This standard describes sodium aluminate (Na2Al2O4) in both liquid and solid form for use in the treatment of potable water, wastewater, or reclaimed water. Sodium aluminate according to this standard is a combination of sodium oxide (Na2O) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with sufficient excess causticity (sodium oxide) for stabilization. It can be referenced in documents for purchasing and receiving sodium aluminate and can be used as a guide for testing the physical and chemical properties of sodium aluminate samples. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to sodium aluminate used in the treatment of potable water, wastewater, or reclaimed water.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I.A. Background. Sodium aluminate (Na2Al2O4) is used to improve hardness reduction and coagulation when softening water with lime or lime and soda ash. It can also be used in conjunction with alum to improve coagulation.
I.B. History. Prior to May 15, 1960, a tentative standard for sodium aluminate was designated AWWA B405-59T. On May 15, 1960, the first edition was approved. Subsequent revisions to ANSI/AWWA B405 were prepared by the AWWA Standards Committee on Iron Salt
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
9 II.A. Advisory Information on Product Application. Unlike many other flocculant chemicals purchased in liquid form, liquid sodium aluminate is usually purchased by weight of product including water.
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. When purchasing sodium aluminate under the provisions of this standard, the following information should be provided by the purchaser:
10 V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification of the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major changes made to the standard in this revision include the following:
11 AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
Sec. 1.3 Application
Sec. 4.1 Physical Requirements*
Sec. 4.2 Chemical Requirements
14 Sec. 4.3 Impurities†
Sec. 5.1 Sampling
16 Sec. 5.2 Test Procedures
21 Sec. 5.3 Notice of Nonconformance
Sec. 6.1 Marking*
23 Sec. 6.2 Packaging and Shipping
Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified Analysis
AWWA B301 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-b301-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:41:33 +0000 AWWA B301-24 Liquid Chlorine
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 24
This standard describes liquid chlorine for use in potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water treatment. It can be referenced in documents for purchasing and receiving liquid chlorine and can be used as a guide for testing the physical and chemical properties of liquid chlorine samples. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to liquid chlorine used in the treatment of potable water, wastewater, or reclaimed water.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Chlorine is an oxidizing agent commonly used for disinfection of water supplies. The first full-scale use of liquid chlorine for water disinfection was in 1912 at Niagara Falls, N.Y., where it helped to eliminate recurring typhoid outbrea
I.B. History. ANSI/AWWA B301 was first approved as tentative on Oct. 17, 1957. It was made a standard by the AWWA Board of Directors on Jan. 26, 1959. Subsequent editions were approved June 7, 1981, Jan. 25, 1987, Jan. 26, 1992, June 20, 1999, Jan. 18, 20
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
8 II. Special Issues.
II.A. Safety and Security Precautions. Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas that normally is packaged as a liquid under pressure in containers fabricated in accordance with specifications of the US Department of Transportation (DOT). Chlorine should be store
10 III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following information should be provided by the purchaser:
III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
11 V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
13 AWWA Standard
AWWA Standard
AWWA B403 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-b403-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:41:33 +0000 AWWA B403-24 Aluminum Sulfate - Liquid, Ground, or Lump
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 32
This standard describes purified aluminum sulfate in liquid, ground, or lump form for use in the treatment of potable water, wastewater, or reclaimed water. It can be referenced in specifications for purchasing and receiving aluminum sulfate and can be used as a guide for testing the physical and chemical properties of aluminum sulfate samples. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to aluminum sulfate used in the treatment of potable water, wastewater, or reclaimed water.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Coagulation of suspended and colloidal particles in water using various forms of aluminum sulfate has been known since the seventeenth century. Although historical details are lacking, in the early days of water purification by coagulatio
8 I.B. History. A specification for Sulphate of Alumina was published in 1925 by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) in its Water Works Practice Manual.* On June 25, 1942, AWWA adopted the Emergency Alternate Specifications for Sulphate of Alumina,
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
9 II. Special Issues.
II.A. Safety and Spill Control. Aluminum sulfate is a buffered acidic solution that causes irritation when it comes in contact with the eyes, skin, or mucous membranes. Protective clothing and equipment should be used when handling liquid alum. Good venti
10 II.B. Protective Equipment. Dry aluminum sulfate dust can cause irritations to the respiratory system and eyes. Dust masks, goggles, and gloves are recommended for persons working in the presence of dry aluminum sulfate dust.
II.C. First Aid. Aluminum sulfate should be flushed from the eyes using copious amounts of water. If irritation persists, a physician should be consulted promptly. Aluminum sulfate should be washed from the skin with copious amounts of water.
II.D. Spill-Control Considerations. Outdoor storage tanks should be suitably diked or otherwise provided with an adequate means of secondary containment. Appropriate secondary containment measures should be taken to prevent spills or leaks from indoor sto
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. When purchasing aluminum sulfate under the provisions of this standard, the following information should be provided by the purchaser:
11 III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification of the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
13 AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
Sec. 1.3 Application
Sec. 4.1 Physical Requirements
16 Sec. 4.2 Chemical Requirements
Sec. 4.3 Impurities‡
Sec. 5.1 Sampling
18 Sec. 5.2 Test Procedures—General
Sec. 5.3 Specific Gravity
19 Sec. 5.4 Water-Insoluble Matter
Sec. 5.5 Total Soluble Alumina and Aluminum
23 Sec. 5.6 Total Water-Soluble Iron
24 Sec. 5.7 Ferric Iron
25 Sec. 5.8 Ferrous Iron
Sec. 5.9 Basicity or Free Acid
26 Sec. 5.10 Total Alumina Alternative Method
28 Sec. 5.11 Notice of Nonconformance
Sec. 6.1 Marking
Sec. 6.2 Packaging and Shipping
AWWA B300 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-b300-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:41:32 +0000 AWWA B300-24 Hypochlorites
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024
This standard describes chlorinated lime, calcium hypochlorite, and sodium hypochlorite for use in water, wastewater, and reclaimed water treatment. Materials shall comply with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and applicable federal, state, provincial, territorial, or other authoritative regulations for potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water systems. All hypochlorites used in water disinfection are required to be registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Document
(Revision of ANSI/AWWA B300-18)
Ideal crop marks
Effective date: Aug. 1, 2024.
First edition approved by Board of Directors June 2, 1953.
This edition approved Jan. 11, 2024.
Approved by American National Standards Institute Feb. 5, 2024.
Since 1881SM
2 AWWA Standard
AWWA Standard
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute endorsement of
American National Standard
An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Sta
Caution Notice: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of ANSI approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by writing to the American Nation
[email protected]
ISBN-13, print:   978-1-64717-173-5 ISBN-13, electronic:   978-1-61300-700-6
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including scanning, recording, or any information or retrieval system. Reproduction and commercial use of this material is prohibited, except with written permission from the publisher.
Copyright © 2024 by American Water Works AssociationPrinted in USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including scanning, recording, or any information or retrieval system. Reproduction and commercial use of this material is prohibited, except with written permission from the publisher. Please send any requests or questions to [email protected].

3 Committee Personnel
Committee Personnel
The AWWA Standards Committee on Disinfectants, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:
K. Blake Stark, Chair
General Interest Members
S.M. Alpert (liaison, nonvoting), Standards Council Liaison, Hazen and Sawyer, Nashville, Tenn.
K.-K. Au, Consultant, Naperville, Ill.
N.J. Edman (liaison, nonvoting), Standards Group Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.
M.C. Graves, Western Solutions Inc., Austin, Tex.
R. Hampaul, Nanaimo, B.C.
K.B. Stark, NSF International, Ann Arbor, Mich.
A. Waldron, Shea Properties, Denver, Colo.
Producer Members
Y. Maezato, Solenis, Wilmington, Del.
D. Stein, The Chlorine Institute, Arlington, Va.
D.S. Weatherup, De Nora Water Technologies, Colmar, Pa.
User Members
R.C. Lorenz, Westerville Water Plant, Westerville, Ohio
F. Noce, Lake County Department of Utilities, Painesville, Ohio
L. Olson, New Jersey American Water, Colts Neck, N.J.
5 Contents
All AWWA standards follow the general format indicated subsequently. Some variations from this format may be found in a particular standard.
I. Introduction. …………………………….. vii
I. Introduction. …………………………….. vii
I. Introduction. …………………………….. vii
I.A Background ………………………………. vii
I.A Background ………………………………. vii
I.A Background ………………………………. vii
I.B History …………………………………….. viii
I.B History …………………………………….. viii
I.B History …………………………………….. viii
I.C Acceptance ……………………………….. viii
I.C Acceptance ……………………………….. viii
I.C Acceptance ……………………………….. viii
II Special Issues …………………………….. x
II Special Issues …………………………….. x
II Special Issues …………………………….. x
II.A Storage and Handling Precautions … x
II.A Storage and Handling Precautions … x
II.A Storage and Handling Precautions … x
II.B Strength of Solutions ………………….. x
II.B Strength of Solutions ………………….. x
II.B Strength of Solutions ………………….. x
II.C Sodium Hypochlorite …………………. xi
II.C Sodium Hypochlorite …………………. xi
II.C Sodium Hypochlorite …………………. xi
II.D Bromate in Sodium Hypochlorite …. xii
II.D Bromate in Sodium Hypochlorite …. xii
II.D Bromate in Sodium Hypochlorite …. xii
III Use of This Standard ………………….. xii
III Use of This Standard ………………….. xii
III Use of This Standard ………………….. xii
III.A Purchaser Options and
III.A Purchaser Options and
III.A Purchaser Options and

Alternatives ………………………… xii
Alternatives ………………………… xii
III.B Modification to Standard ……………. xiii
III.B Modification to Standard ……………. xiii
III.B Modification to Standard ……………. xiii
IV Major Revisions …………………………. xiii
IV Major Revisions …………………………. xiii
IV Major Revisions …………………………. xiii
V Comments ……………………………….. xiv
V Comments ……………………………….. xiv
V Comments ……………………………….. xiv
1 General
1 General
1 General
1.1 Scope……………………………………….. 1
1.1 Scope……………………………………….. 1
1.1 Scope……………………………………….. 1
1.2 Purpose ……………………………………. 1
1.2 Purpose ……………………………………. 1
1.2 Purpose ……………………………………. 1
1.3 Application ……………………………….. 1
1.3 Application ……………………………….. 1
1.3 Application ……………………………….. 1
2 References ……………………………….. 2
2 References ……………………………….. 2
2 References ……………………………….. 2
3 Definitions ………………………………. 2
3 Definitions ………………………………. 2
3 Definitions ………………………………. 2
4 Requirements
4 Requirements
4 Requirements
4.1 Physical Requirements ………………… 3
4.1 Physical Requirements ………………… 3
4.1 Physical Requirements ………………… 3
4.2 Chemical Requirements ……………… 4
4.2 Chemical Requirements ……………… 4
4.2 Chemical Requirements ……………… 4
4.3 Impurities …………………………………. 4
4.3 Impurities …………………………………. 4
4.3 Impurities …………………………………. 4
5 Verification
5 Verification
5 Verification
5.1 Sampling ………………………………….. 5
5.1 Sampling ………………………………….. 5
5.1 Sampling ………………………………….. 5
5.2 Test Procedures ………………………….. 6
5.2 Test Procedures ………………………….. 6
5.2 Test Procedures ………………………….. 6
5.3 Notice of Nonconformance …………. 9
5.3 Notice of Nonconformance …………. 9
5.3 Notice of Nonconformance …………. 9
6 Delivery
6 Delivery
6 Delivery
6.1 Marking …………………………………… 10
6.1 Marking …………………………………… 10
6.1 Marking …………………………………… 10
6.2 Packaging and Shipping ……………… 10
6.2 Packaging and Shipping ……………… 10
6.2 Packaging and Shipping ……………… 10
6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified
6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified
6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified
Analysis ………………………………. 11
Analysis ………………………………. 11
Recommendations for the Handling
Recommendations for the Handling

and Storage of Hypochlorite
and Storage of Hypochlorite
Solutions …………………………….. 13
Solutions …………………………….. 13
F.1 Chlorine Available in Sodium
F.1 Chlorine Available in Sodium
F.1 Chlorine Available in Sodium
Hypochlorite ……………………….. viii
Hypochlorite ……………………….. viii

7 Foreword
This foreword is for information only and is not a part of ANSI*/AWWA B300.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. “Hypochlorites” is used as an all-inclusive term for chlorinated lime, calcium hypochlorite, and sodium hypochlorite. A concise description of each chemical follows.
Chlorinated lime: 25 to 37 percent available chlorine. Other common names for chlorinated lime are bleaching powder and chloride of lime. Because it is an unstable material and is subject to deterioration from heat and moisture, it is not usually fed dry but as a 2-percent solution. Excess insolubles present in this solution must be separated by decantation before use. Storage in a cool, dry area, for no more than nine months, is advisable. Chlorinated lime is available in 100-lb (45.4-kg), 300-lb (136-kg),
Calcium hypochlorite: 65 to 70 percent available chlorine. This material is unstable but more stable than the grade with 35 percent available chlorine. It is best fed as a solution. Its theoretical solubility is approximately 22 g/100 mL of water (18 percent) at room temperature; however, its practical solubility use is closer to 3 percent. Decantation is advisable before use because of the excess insolubles present. Storage in a cool, dry area is advisable, but storage periods should not exceed one year. C
Sodium hypochlorite: 12 to 20 percent available chlorine. Other common names for sodium hypochlorite are bleach, liquor, chlorine water, and Javelle water. Sodium hypochlorite will undergo some decomposition over time. There are numerous parameters that affect the rate of decomposition (see The Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 96, Sodium Hypochlorite Manual).

The Chlorine Institute, Inc., 1300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 525, Arlington, VA 22209.
The Chlorine Institute, Inc., 1300 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 525, Arlington, VA 22209.
8 Sodium hypochlorite is miscible in any proportion with water. It should be stored in a dark area where the temperature does not exceed 80°F (27°C). A 12- to 20-percent solution is still liquid at 0°F (–17.8°C) but is a slush at –20°F (–28.9°C). It is available in 5- and 13-gal (19- and 49-L) carboys (glass or polyethylene), 30-gal (113.6-L) drums, and approximately 5,000-gal (18,926-L) tank trucks. The available chlorine content is as indicated in Table F.1.
I.B. History. The original AWWA Standard for Hypochlorites, prepared for the AWWA Water Purification Division, was approved by the Executive Committee of the Water Purification Division and by the Water Works Practice Committee and received approval by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 2, 1953. It was designated ANSI/AWWA B300-53T.
The initial document was reaffirmed without revision on June 17, 1955, and the designation was changed from ANSI/AWWA B300-53T to ANSI/AWWA B300-55. Subsequent revisions were adopted on June 5, 1964; Jan. 26, 1975; June 15, 1980; and June 14, 1987. This standard was revised by the AWWA Standards Committee on Disinfectants, and ANSI/AWWA B300-99 was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 20, 1999. Subsequent revisions were adopted on June 13, 2004; Jan. 17, 2010; and March 30, 2018. This edition was
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members of the original consortium included the Water Research Foundation (formerly AwwaRF) and the Conference of State Health and Environmental Managers (COSHEM). AWWA and the Association of State Drinking Water
Table F.1 Chlorine available in sodium hypochlorite
Table F.1 Chlorine available in sodium hypochlorite
Trade %
Trade %
Available Chlorine
Chlorine Equivalent
Chlorine Equivalent
Chlorine Equivalent
Chlorine Equivalent
Gallons to Obtain
Gallons to Obtain
1 lb Chlorine
Liters to
Liters to
1 kg Chlorine
Sample calculation:
12 trade percent available chlorine = 120 grams per liter (g/L) available chlorine
120 g/L × 3.785 L/gal × 2.205 lb/1,000 g = 1 lb/gal available chlorine
9 In the United States, all hypochlorites used in water disinfection are required to be registered with USEPA under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Individual states and local agencies may choose to impose requirements more stringent than those required by USEPA. To evaluate the health effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local agencies may use various references, including four standards developed under the direction of NSF: NSF/ANSI/

Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.

NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

Standards Council of Canada, 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5 Canada.
Standards Council of Canada, 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5 Canada.

Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 60. Individual states or local agencies have authority to accept or accredit certification organizations within their jurisdiction. Accreditation of certification organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 (which formerly appeared in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60 and 61 as Annex A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures”) does not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not regulated by a USEPA final maximum contaminant level (MCL). The MALs of an unspecified list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on toxicity testing guidelines (noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 procedures may not always be identical, d
ANSI/AWWA B300 addresses additives requirements in Sec. 4.3 of the standard. The transfer of contaminants from chemicals to processed water or the residual solids is becoming a problem of great concern. The language in Sec. 4.3.2 is a recommendation only for direct additives used in the treatment of potable water to be certified by an accredited certification organization in accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects. However, users of the standard may opt to make thi
1. Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.
10 2. Determine the status of certifications by parties offering to certify products for contact with, or treatment of, drinking water.
3. Determine current information on product certification.
II. Special Issues.
II.A. Storage and Handling Precautions. Light, heat, organic matter, and certain heavy-metal cations—such as copper, nickel, and cobalt—accelerate the decomposition of hypochlorites. Dampness appreciably decreases the life of metal containers in which the powdered forms are shipped. Hypochlorites should be stored in a cool, dry place, preferably in the dark or out of direct sunlight. They are very active chemically and should be stored in a manner that prevents any possible contact with other materials that
All hypochlorite solutions are corrosive to some degree and will affect the skin and eyes on contact. Any affected areas should be washed with copious amounts of water. Personnel are advised to use caution and to wear protective clothing (i.e., gloves, apron, goggles, and a suitable vapor mask) when handling the solutions. Personnel should refer to the manufacturer’s safety data sheets (SDSs) for recommendations regarding personal protective equipment.
Because chlorine gas can be released, never acidify a hypochlorite solution.
Hypochlorite solutions can add chlorate/chlorite ions to potable water. There is some concern about the health effects of chlorate/chlorite. Utilities using these products are advised to test for chlorate/chlorite ions in their water supply.
Perchlorate is another possible contaminant in hypochlorites.
II.B. Strength of Solutions. There are several common ways that the concentration of sodium hypochlorite may be expressed. These are listed subsequently with explanations.

1. Available chlorine. The term available chlorine came into usage as a means of comparing oxidizers in different applications.
Because chlorine was among the first widely used oxidizers, it became the standard against which other oxidizers were measured. As shown in the following equations, sodium hypochlorite can oxidize the same amount of iodide ion as the chlorine (Cl) that it takes to manufacture the sodium hypochlorite.
NaOCl + 2KI + 2HAc → I + NaCl + 2KAc + HO
11 This may be compared with the reaction of chlorine with potassium iodide:
Cl + 2KI → I + 2KCl
One molecule of hypochlorite ion has the equivalent oxidizing power of two atoms (one molecule) of chlorine. Therefore, sodium hypochlorite behaves as if all the chlorine consumed in making it is available for oxidizing purposes, even though half of that chlorine is in the chloride form.
Available chlorine refers to the amount of chlorine equivalent to hypochlorite in terms of oxidizing power. It is a measure of strength and bleaching power and, in one or another of its related units of measurement, denotes the concentration of the bleach solution.
2. Grams per liter (g/L) available chlorine. The weight of available chlorine in grams contained in 1 L of sodium hypochlorite solution.
3. Trade percent available chlorine. Commonly used to denote the strength of commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions, it is similar to g/L except that the unit of volume is 100 mL instead of 1 L. Its value is therefore 1/10 of the g/L.
(Eq 1)
4. Weight percent available chlorine. Dividing trade percent by the specific gravity of the sodium hypochlorite solution gives weight percent or percent available chlorine by weight.
(Eq 2)
(Eq 3)
II.C. Sodium Hypochlorite. To facilitate a variety of calculations and operations in different chemical processes, it is often important to know the concentration of the actual chemical species, NaOCl, in sodium hypochlorite solutions. In addition, weight percent sodium hypochlorite must be displayed on pesticide products registered under FIFRA.
Weight percent of sodium hypochlorite is defined as the weight of sodium hypochlorite per 100 parts weight of bleach solution. It can be calculated by converting weight percent of available chlorine into its equivalent as sodium hypochlorite—that is, multiplying by the ratio of their respective molecular weights as follows:
(Eq 4)
12 (Eq 5)
(Eq 6)
(Eq 7)
(Eq 8)
Generally, sodium hypochlorite solutions are produced at strengths up to 20 percent by weight sodium hypochlorite. As strength increases, stability generally decreases. Frequently, manufacturers provide a range of strengths depending on customer requirements. Bleach solutions with a strength of less than 7.0 weight percent sodium hypochlorite are typically used in household bleach applications.
II.D. Bromate in Sodium Hypochlorite. Stage 1 of the USEPA Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products Rule requires potable water plants to meet a bromate MCL of 10 ppb in their effluent. Water plants that use ozone in their treatment process are required to test monthly for bromate. Water plants that do not use ozone but use sodium hypochlorite solutions do not need to test for bromate but are required to use sodium hypochlorite solutions that are certified under NSF/ANSI 60.
Sodium hypochlorite solutions certified to meet NSF/ANSI/CAN 60 will allow water plants to meet the bromate MCL. Each facility must make certain that the sodium hypochlorite it purchases is certified for its maximum anticipated dosage. Certification to NSF/ANSI/CAN 60 may be accomplished at a lower Maximum Use Level (MUL) than the standard MUL of 10 ppm (as chlorine). In some cases, a product could be certified to an MUL as low as 2.0 ppm (as chlorine). If a water plant does not expect to exceed this value,
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following information should be provided by the purchaser:
13 1. Standard used—that is, ANSI/AWWA B300, Hypochlorites, of latest revision.
2. Quantity required.
3. Whether compliance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects, is required.
4. Details of federal, state, provincial, territorial, and local requirements (Section 4).
5. Type and grade of material wanted or required (Secs. 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3).
6. Whether the purchaser will reject product from containers or packaging with missing or damaged seals. The purchaser may reject product from bulk containers or packages with missing or damaged seals unless the purchaser’s tests of representative samples, conducted in accordance with Sec. 5.2, demonstrate that the product meets the standard. Failure to meet the standard or the absence of, or irregularities in, seals may be sufficient cause to reject the shipment.
7. Whether alternative security measures have been adopted to replace or augment the security measures set out in Secs. 6.2.5 and 6.2.6.
8. Form of shipment—bulk or package, and the type and size of container (Sec. 6.2).
9. Affidavit of compliance or certified analysis, if required (Sec. 6.3).
III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major changes made to the standard in this edition include the following:
1. Minor boilerplate changes to the following sections:
a. I.C. Acceptance
b. II.D. Bromate in Sodium Hypochlorite
c. III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives
d. Section 2 References
e. Section 4 Requirements
f. Sec. 4.3.2 Product Certifications
g. Sec. 5.3 Notice of Nonconformance
h. Sec. 6.1 Marking
i. Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified Analysis
14 V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at .
[email protected]
15 B300-24
(Revision of ANSI/AWWA B300-18)
AWWA Standard
AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
This standard describes chlorinated lime, calcium hypochlorite, and sodium hypochlorite for use in water, wastewater, and reclaimed water treatment.
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for hypochlorites, including physical, chemical, sampling, testing, packaging, and shipping requirements.
Sec. 1.3 Application
This standard can be referenced in documents for purchasing and receiving hypochlorites and can be used as a guide for testing the physical and chemical properties of hypochlorite samples. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to hypochlorites used in water supply service, wastewater treatment, and reclaimed water treatment applications.
This standard references the following documents. In their latest edition, they form a part of this standard to the extent specified within the standard. In any case of conflict, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.
APHA,* AWWA, and WEF. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (latest edition).
* American Public Health Association, 800 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.
* American Public Health Association, 800 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.

Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

NSF/ANSI/CAN 60—Drinking Water System Chemicals—Health Effects.

NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
NSF International, 789 North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Standards Council of Canada, 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5 Canada
Standards Council of Canada, 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L5 Canada

The following definitions shall apply in this standard:
1. Day: A day is defined as a 24-h period.
2. Manufacturer: The party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces materials or products.
3. Potable water: Water that is safe and satisfactory for drinking and cooking.
4. Purchaser: The person, company, or organization that purchases any materials or work to be performed.
5. Reclaimed water: Wastewater that becomes suitable for beneficial use as a result of treatment.
6. Supplier: The party that supplies materials or services. A supplier may or may not be the manufacturer.
7. Tamper-evident packaging: Packaging having one or more indicators or barriers to entry which, if breached or missing, can reasonably be expected to provide visible evidence to the purchaser that tampering has occurred. The tamper-evident features of the packaging shall be designed to and shall remain intact when handled in a reasonable manner during manufacture, storage, shipment, and delivery to the purchaser. Properly constructed, labeled, and closed sheet-iron drums and plastic containers constitute e
17 8. Wastewater: A combination of the liquid and water-carried waste from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with any groundwater, surface water, and stormwater that may be present.
Materials shall comply with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and applicable federal, state, provincial, territorial, or other authoritative regulations for potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water systems. All hypochlorites used in water disinfection are required to be registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).*
* Government packaging and marking references reflect US requirements. Users of ANSI/AWWA B300 outside the United States should verify applicable local, provincial, and national regulatory requirements. Because of frequent changes in these regulations, all parties should remain informed of possible revisions. Provisions of the purchaser’s documents should not preclude compliance with applicable regulations.
* Government packaging and marking references reflect US requirements. Users of ANSI/AWWA B300 outside the United States should verify applicable local, provincial, and national regulatory requirements. Because of frequent changes in these regulations, all parties should remain informed of possible revisions. Provisions of the purchaser’s documents should not preclude compliance with applicable regulations.
Sec. 4.1 Physical Requirements
4.1.1 Chlorinated lime. Chlorinated lime (bleaching powder, chloride of lime) is a fine, yellowish-white, hygroscopic powder of about 38–53 lb/ft (0.61–0.85 g/cc) bulk density, containing from 25 to 37 percent available chlorine by weight. It is manufactured by the action of chlorine on selected slaked lime. The material contains some free lime. The exact formula is a matter of controversy. One of the more generally accepted formulas is CaO·2CaOCl·3HO.

Metric conversions given in this standard are direct conversions of US customary units and are not those specified in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.
Metric conversions given in this standard are direct conversions of US customary units and are not those specified in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

2 Chlorinated lime shall be substantially free of lumps. It shall not contain any dirt or foreign material.
4.1.2 Calcium hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)] is a white or yellowish-white granular powder, granule, or tablet containing from 65 to 70 percent available chlorine by weight. The bulk density of the granular powder is about 32–50 lb/ft (0.51–0.8 g/cc), and the bulk density of the granules is approximately 68–80 lb/ft (1.1–1.3 g/cc). It can be manufactured by adding chlorine to a milk of lime slurry, which can be prepared by mixing hydrated lime with water or by slaking quicklime with water.
18 Calcium hypochlorite granular powder or granules shall be substantially free of lumps. Not more than 10 percent of the powder shall pass a 100-mesh screen. It shall not contain any dirt or other foreign material. Calcium hypochlorite tablets shall be uniform in shape. The weight of the tablets shall not vary by more than 5 percent from the average value stated on the label. Not more than 2 percent of the tablets shall be broken.
4.1.3 Sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) is a clear, light-yellow liquid containing up to 200 g/L available chlorine (20 trade percent). Passing chlorine into a caustic soda solution or into a caustic soda/soda ash mix is one method of manufacturing.
Another method of manufacturing is the use of an electrochemical generator. This method utilizes a sodium chloride feed to an electrochemical cell where the salt is converted to sodium hypochlorite using electricity. Sodium hypochlorite solution shall be a clear liquid containing not more than 0.15 percent insoluble matter by weight.
Sec. 4.2 Chemical Requirements
4.2.1 Chlorinated lime. Chlorinated lime shall contain not less than 25 percent available chlorine by weight.
4.2.2 Calcium hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite shall contain not less than 65 percent available chlorine by weight when shipped.
4.2.3 Sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite shall contain not less than 100 g/L available chlorine (10 trade percent; see Sec. II.B.3 in the foreword). The total free alkali (expressed as NaOH) in sodium hypochlorite shall not exceed 1.5 percent by weight.
Sec. 4.3 Impurities
See Sec. I.C of the foreword.
See Sec. I.C of the foreword.

4.3.1 General. The hypochlorites supplied according to this standard shall contain no soluble material or organic substances in quantities capable of producing deleterious or injurious effects on the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with the hypochlorites.
4.3.2 Product certifications. The material is a direct additive used in the treatment of potable water and wastewater. This material should be certified as suitable for contact with or treatment of drinking water by an accredited certification organization in accordance with NSF/ANSI/CAN 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects. Evaluation shall be accomplished in accordance with requirements that are no less restrictive than those listed in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60. Certification shall be performed by
Sec. 5.1 Sampling
5.1.1 Sampling point. Samples shall be taken at the point of destination.
5.1.2 Sampling procedures. Not less than 5 percent of the packages or containers shall be sampled. No sample shall be taken from a broken package or container. The powdered and granule forms of hypochlorite shall be sampled by means of a sampling tube that is at least ¾ in. (20 mm) in diameter. Tablets shall be selected at random from each container sampled. The total gross sample of the solid forms of hypochlorite, weighing at least 16 lb (7.3 kg), shall be mixed thoroughly and divided to provide three 1-lb (0.45-kg) samples. The samples shall be sealed in airtight, moisture-proof glass containers. Each sample shall be labeled for identification, and the label shall be dated and signed by the sampler. This should be done rapidly and carefully to avoid loss of chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite shall be mixed thoroughly by rolling containers or by other suitable means before sampling. The gross sample, collected in a clean earthenware or glass container, shall contain at least 10 qt (9.5 L). The gross sample shall be mixed thoroughly and three 1-pint (0.47-L) samples provided. These shall be sealed in airtight, moisture-proof glass or plastic containers. Each sample container shall be labeled to identify it, and the label shall be dated and signed by the sampler.
5.1.3 Sample handling. The samples of chlorinated lime and calcium hypochlorite shall be divided carefully and rapidly to create one sample weighing approximately 100 g. After thorough mixing, the 100 g sample shall be stored in an airtight glass container and kept in a dark, cool, and dry place. The container shall be kept closed to avoid loss of available chlorine, except when portions of it are being weighed.
20 The laboratory examination of the sample shall be completed within five days after receipt of the shipment. Samples shall be stored for at least 30 days from the date of receipt of a shipment before disposal. Sodium hypochlorite solution shall be sampled from the shipping container at receipt of the shipment for analysis. If stored, the moisture-proof glass or plastic sample bottle shall be kept in a dark, cool, and dry place and kept perfectly sealed after the sample is withdrawn. The time the sample can be stored before the laboratory evaluation will depend on the purpose of the sample’s analysis. If the sample is to be evaluated for chlorates or perchlorates, the sample must be quenched immediately to preserve the chlorate concentration at the time the sample was taken. Quenching guidelines can be obtained from organizations involved in certifying products in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 60 or the product supplier. If the sample is to be evaluated for assay (sodium hypochlorite or available chlorine concentration), the analysis must be completed within 24 h of the receipt of shipment, and the sample must be stored correctly before analysis. Laboratory evaluation for other compounds must be conducted within five days after receipt of the shipment. Samples should be stored for at least 30 days from the date of the receipt of a shipment before disposal; however, these samples will not be representative of the product received for assay (sodium hypochlorite or available chlorine), chlorate, and perchlorate.
Sec. 5.2 Test Procedures
5.2.1 Testing for available chlorine in chlorinated lime and calcium hypochlorite. Reagents.
1. Crystalline potassium iodide (iodate-free).
2. 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate.
3. Glacial acetic acid.
4. Starch indicator solution. Procedure.
1. Place 5 g of chlorinated lime or calcium hypochlorite into a nonmetallic mortar, moisten with distilled water, and grind into a fine paste. Transfer to a 1 L flask. Rinse the mortar with distilled water and add to 1 L flask. Make up to 1 L with distilled water and mix.
21 2. Measure 25 mL of the solution from the l L flask into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask; add approximately 1 g of crystalline potassium iodide; and make acid with approximately 4 mL of glacial acetic acid. Titrate* with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate until the yellow color of the iodine is nearly destroyed. Add approximately 1 mL of soluble starch solution and continue to titrate until the blue (blackish blue) color disappears entirely.
* Moist samples of hypochlorite partially decompose in storage and result in the formation of chlorite. In acetic acid medium, ClO reacts with I very slowly to release iodine. Therefore, if chlorite is present in the sample, a sharp endpoint in iodometric titration may not be attained.
* Moist samples of hypochlorite partially decompose in storage and result in the formation of chlorite. In acetic acid medium, ClO reacts with I very slowly to release iodine. Therefore, if chlorite is present in the sample, a sharp endpoint in iodometric titration may not be attained.
2 Calculation.
(Eq 1)
(That is, milliliters of sodium thiosulfate × normality × 28.37 = percentage available chlorine by weight when a 5 g sample is analyzed.)
5.2.2 Testing for available chlorine in sodium hypochlorite. Reagents.
1. Crystalline potassium iodide (iodate-free).
2. 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate.

Nominal; see Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, AWWA, and WEF; latest edition), 4500-Cl B, for comparable standardization.
Nominal; see Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, AWWA, and WEF; latest edition), 4500-Cl B, for comparable standardization.

3. Glacial acetic acid.
4. Starch indicator solution. Procedure.
1. Measure accurately 20 mL of the sample, transfer it to a 1 L volumetric flask, and fill to volume with distilled water.
2. Measure 25 mL of the solution from the 1 L flask into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask; add approximately 1 g of crystalline potassium iodide; and make acid with approximately 4 mL of glacial acetic acid. Titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate until the yellow color of the iodine is nearly destroyed. Add about 1 mL of soluble starch solution and continue to titrate until the blue (blackish blue) color disappears entirely. Calculations. When volumes of sample and aliquot, as stated in Sec., are used:
22 (Eq 2)
sodium thiosulfate, in milliliters × normality × 7.092 = volume or trade percent.
5.2.3 Testing for free alkali in sodium hypochlorite. Reagents.
1. 0.1 N hydrochloric acid.
2. Hydrogen peroxide solution, 3 percent.
3. Methyl orange indicator. Procedure.
1. Weigh accurately 10 g of sodium hypochlorite into a tall-form, 200 mL, heat-resistant glass beaker and add hydrogen peroxide until the action ceases. Record the exact amount of hydrogen peroxide addition. Boil for 2 min and then cool.
2. Titrate with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange as an indicator.
3. Measure the same amount of hydrogen peroxide solution into a beaker as was added to the sample in Sec. Next, titrate with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid using methyl orange indicator. Subtract this amount from the titration method in Sec. Calculation.
(Eq 3)
netmLHClnormality0.0410010grams(weightofsample)n ´´´=eetmLHClnormality0.4= percentage free alkali, as NaO ´´HH
5.2.4 Testing for insoluble matter in sodium hypochlorite. Procedure.
Pour approximately 100 mL of the sodium hypochlorite solution into a tared 400 mL beaker placed on a laboratory platform balance and weigh to the nearest 0.1 g. Add 100 mL of distilled water and mix thoroughly. Filter through a tared Gooch crucible. Wash the beaker and crucible with distilled water. Dry the crucible to a constant weight at 212–221°F (100–105°C).
23 Calculation.
(Eq 4)
grams of residuegrams of sample insoluble matter´=100%
Sec. 5.3 Notice of Nonconformance
If the hypochlorite delivered to the purchaser does not meet the chemical, physical, safety, or security requirements of this standard, the purchaser shall provide a written notice of nonconformance to the supplier within 10 days after receipt of the shipment at the point of destination, except for sodium hypochlorite assay, which should be reported within 24 h. The results of the purchaser’s test shall prevail unless the supplier notifies the purchaser within five days after receipt of the notice of compla
Material not complying with the requirements of this standard and the purchaser’s documents may be rejected. Replacement and retesting shall be accomplished in accordance with the purchaser’s documents.
Because the exact concentrations of the active ingredient in specific shipments of some materials can vary within an acceptable range (thereby conforming to the standard), the purchase documents between purchaser and supplier should address treatment of concentration variation.
Sec. 6.1 Marking
* Governmental packaging and marking references reflect US requirements. Users of this standard outside the United States should verify applicable local and national requirements. Because of frequent changes in these regulations, all parties should remain informed of possible revisions. Provisions of the purchaser’s documents should not preclude compliance with applicable regulations.
* Governmental packaging and marking references reflect US requirements. Users of this standard outside the United States should verify applicable local and national requirements. Because of frequent changes in these regulations, all parties should remain informed of possible revisions. Provisions of the purchaser’s documents should not preclude compliance with applicable regulations.
6.1.1 Required. Hypochlorites are oxidizing materials generally used by water utilities as a disinfectant. The material used for disinfection shall be registered, labeled, and marked as prescribed by FIFRA. Labels should serve as a warning that the material is a strong oxidizing agent and that contact with heat, acids, or organic or combustible materials could cause fire. Shipments shall also bear warning labels as specified by US Department of Transportation regulations. Each package shall bear a legible s
6.1.2 Optional. Each package may also bear the statement “Guaranteed by (name of manufacturer) to meet ANSI/AWWA B300, Standard for Hypochlorites, for (type of hypochlorite contained in the package)” provided that the requirements of this standard are met.
Sec. 6.2 Packaging and Shipping
Packaging and shipping of all hypochlorites shall conform to the current federal, state or provincial, and local regulations.
6.2.1 Chlorinated lime. Chlorinated lime may be shipped in 100 lb or 300 lb (45 kg or 136 kg) sheet-iron drums. The containers should be tight enough so that the material will not sift through cracks or openings but should not be airtight. Sealing compound shall not be used at the seams of metal drums.
Note: High pressure may develop in an airtight drum should rapid decomposition of the chlorinated lime occur.
25 6.2.2 Calcium hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite may be shipped in approved corrosion-resistant containers or in metal drums. Sealing compound shall not be used at the seams of the metal drums.
6.2.3 Sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite solutions may be shipped in glass carboys; in approved plastic containers; or in suitably lined, thoroughly clean tank trucks of approximately 5,000-gal (18,926-L) capacity.
6.2.4 Net weight. The net weight or net volume of packaged or containerized material shall not deviate from the recorded weight or volume by more than an absolute value of 2.5 percent. If exception is taken to the weight or volume of the material received, acceptance or rejection shall be based on the weight or volume of not less than 10 percent of the packages or containers received, selected at random from the shipment.
6.2.5 Security requirements for nonbulk shipments. Packaged product shall be stored, shipped, and delivered in tamper-evident packaging as defined in Section 3, item 7, or an alternative method or methods may be agreed on by the manufacturer and purchaser that provide a reasonable assurance of protection against tampering.
6.2.6 Security requirements for bulk shipments. Bulk quantities of product shall be secured by employing one of the following security measures (or a combination of measures): Seals. Bulk quantities of product may be sealed with a uniquely numbered tamper-evident seal(s). The seal numbers shall be recorded and disclosed on shipping documents such as the bill of lading. Seals shall be inspected upon receipt of product by the purchaser, and evidence of tampering or removal should be reported to the carrier and supplier. Chain of custody. A continuous chain of custody shall be maintained between the manufacturer and the purchaser during storage and shipment if so specified by the purchaser. Alternative method. An alternative method or methods may be agreed on by the manufacturer and purchaser that provide reasonable assurance of protection against tampering.
Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance or Certified Analysis
The purchaser may require either (1) an affidavit from the manufacturer that the material provided complies with all applicable requirements of this standard or (2) at the time of delivery a certificate of analysis of the material at the time of delivery detailing the desired items.
Recommendations for the Handling and Storage of Hypochlorite Solutions
* AWWA and Water Research Foundation. 2009. “Hypochlorite—An Assessment of Factors That lnfluence the Formation of Perchlorate and Other Contaminants.” Denver: AWWA.
* AWWA and Water Research Foundation. 2009. “Hypochlorite—An Assessment of Factors That lnfluence the Formation of Perchlorate and Other Contaminants.” Denver: AWWA.
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA B300.

American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Several key factors have been identified that affect the formation of perchlorate, bromate, and other contaminants in hypochlorite solutions. The major factors impacting perchlorate formation parallel those that also affect the decomposition of hypochlorite: temperature, ionic strength, concentration, and pH. By using the information gathered in the study referenced subsequently and by applying the “Predictive Model” to hypothetical liquid hypochlorite storage scenarios, several quantitative and qualitative
1. Dilute stored hypochlorite solutions upon delivery. The decomposition of hypochlorite and subsequent formation of chlorate and perchlorate is dependent upon hypochlorite concentration and ionic strength. Higher ionic strength and hypochlorite concentration will drive the reaction toward a greater production of chlorate and perchlorate while also increasing the rate of decomposition of hypochlorite. By diluting a 2 M hypochlorite solution by a factor of 2, the rate of perchlorate formation decreases by a
2. Store the hypochlorite solutions at lower temperatures. Higher temperatures speed up the chemical decomposition of hypochlorite and the subsequent formation of chlorate and perchlorate. Every 5°C (9°F) reduction in storage temperature will reduce the rate of perchlorate formation by a factor of approximately 2. To minimize temperature increases, the product should be stored out of direct sunlight.
3. Control the pH of stored hypochlorite solutions at 11–13 even after dilution. Storage of concentrated hypochlorite solutions at pH values lower than 11 is not recommended because of accelerated decomposition of hypochlorite ion/hypochlorous acid and the consequent formation of chlorate, even though lower pH can reduce the amount of perchlorate formed. When the pH is higher than 13, perchlorate formation is enhanced because of the ionic strength effect. As such, utilities should continue to insist that ma
28 4. Control the removal of transition metal ions by purchasing filtered hypochlorite solutions and by using low-metal ion concentration feedwater for the OSG systems and dilution water. The presence of transition metal ions results in an increased degradation rate of hypochlorite. While this degradation is concomitant with reduced perchlorate formation, the free available chlorine concentration is also reduced, forcing a utility to use a higher volume of a hypochlorite solution, which results in higher mass
5. Use fresh hypochlorite solutions when possible. Hypochlorites will naturally decompose to produce oxygen, chlorate, and perchlorate. Less storage time will minimize the formation of these contaminants in the hypochlorite solution. Rotate stock and minimize the quantity of aged product in storage tanks before the delivery of new product. A fresh hypochlorite solution will also contain a higher concentration of hypochlorite, thereby reducing the amount of solution required to obtain the target chlorine res
6. For utilities using OSG hypochlorite, use a low-bromide salt to minimize the amount of bromide present in the brine. Bromate formation will occur rapidly in hypochlorite solutions in the presence of bromide. By controlling the amount of bromide in the salt and source water used for OSG, bromate formation can be minimized.
32 1717357816479 ISBN 978-1-64717-173-5
AWWA C231 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-c231-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:30:54 +0000 AWWA C231-24 Field Welding of Stainless-Steel Water Pipe
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024
This standard describes manual, semiautomatic, and automatic field welding by the metal arc-welding processes for stainless-steel potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water pipe manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C220. This standard describes field welding of two types of circumferential pipe joints: lap joints and butt joints. This standard also applies to other welding required in field fabrication and installation of specials and appurtenances. When possible, fabrications should be performed by the manufacturer at a manufacturing facility. The design of field-welded joints is not within the scope of this standard. This standard recognizes AWS D1.6/D1.6M as the supporting document that provides more specific information except as noted in this standard. This standard can be referenced in documents for field welding of stainlesssteel potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water pipe. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to field welding of stainless-steel pipe.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. The provisions of this standard describe the requirements for welding stainless-steel water pipe joints in potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water lines. The purchaser for each project is responsible for determining if any unusual
I.B. History. The first edition of this standard was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 11, 2017. This edition was approved on January 11, 2024.
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF‡) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
8 II. Special Issues. This standard has no applicable information for this section.
9 III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification of the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
10 V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call the AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
11 AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
12 Sec. 1.3 Application
Sec. 4.1 General Requirements
15 Sec. 4.2 Joint Types
Sec. 4.3 Qualification of Welding Procedures, Welders, and Welding Operators
16 Sec. 4.4 Stainless-Steel Filler Material
Sec. 4.5 Welding Procedure Details
18 Sec. 4.6 Repair of Welds
Sec. 5.1 Inspection
Sec. 5.2 Testing
20 Sec. 5.3 Rejection
Sec. 6.1 Marking
Sec. 6.2 Affidavit of Compliance
21 Stainless-Steel Filler Material
AWWA C210 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-c210-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:30:53 +0000 AWWA C210-24 Liquid-Epoxy Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipe and Fittings
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 32
This standard describes the material and application of shop-applied and field-applied liquid-epoxy coatings and linings used in the water-supply industry for steel water pipe, special sections, welded joints, connections, and fittings installed underground or underwater, under normal construction conditions. 1.1.1 Conditions not described in this standard. The coating systems described in this standard are not intended for use on pipe that will be bent after the coating or lining system has been applied. 1.1.2 Coating and lining systems. The coating and lining systems may consist of any of the following three types: (1) a two-part chemically cured epoxy primer and one or more coats of a different two-part chemically cured epoxy topcoat; (2) two or more coats of the same two-part chemically cured epoxy, in which case the first coat shall be considered as the prime coat; or (3) a single coat of a two-part chemically cured epoxy. 1.1.3 Maximum temperature. AWWA steel pipe coating and lining standards are based on the maximum service temperature of potable water. Consult the epoxy manufacturer for conditions and limitations. 1.1.4 Other substrates. When this standard is referenced for substrates other than carbon steel, the surface preparation methods, application methods and performance data listed in this standard may not be applicable and the coating manufacturer should be consulted. This standard can be referenced in documents for liquid-epoxy coatings and linings for steel water pipe and fittings. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to liquid-epoxy coatings and linings for steel water pipe and fittings.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
9 Foreword
15 AWWA Standard
AWWA C221 2024 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-c221-2024/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:30:52 +0000 AWWA C221-24 Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type Expansion Joints
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2024 28
This standard describes fabricated steel mechanical slip-type expansion joints having packing chambers for use on pipe with plain, flanged, grooved, or shouldered ends in nominal pipe sizes 3 in. (75 mm) and larger. The joints shall be manufactured from steel and are intended for use in systems conveying water. Mechanical expansion joints are not intended for use in buried conditions. This standard can be referenced in documents for purchasing and receiving fabricated steel mechanical slip-type expansion joints and can be used as a guide for inspection and testing. This standard or sections of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to fabricated steel mechanical slip-type expansion joints.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction
I.A. Background. Fabricated steel mechanical slip-type expansion joints have been used since the early 1900s to accommodate thermal movement in nonburied, aboveground pipelines, penstocks, and other conduits where expansion and contraction of more than 1/
I.B. History. The first edition of ANSI/AWWA C221 was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on Feb. 2, 1997. Subsequent revisions to ANSI/AWWA C221 were approved on Jan. 21, 2001; June 24, 2007; June 10, 2012; and Jan. 20, 2018. This edition was approve
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
8 II. Special Issues
II.A.1. Chlorine and Chloramine Degradation of Elastomers. The selection of materials is critical for water service and distribution piping in locations where there is a possibility that elastomers will be in contact with chlorine or chloramines. Document
9 II.A.2. Gasket Degradation Study. A pipe gasket, having the hardness of a compressed elastomer with a large mass relative to the small exposed surface area, thus experiences minimal degradation. This was validated in a research paper reported in the Journ
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following items should be included by the purchaser:
10 III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. The major changes made to the standard in this edition include the following:
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
Sec. 1.1 Scope
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
Sec. 1.3 Application
18 Sec. 4.2 Design
20 Sec. 4.3 Fabrication
21 Sec. 4.4 Coatings
22 Sec. 4.5 Installation Instructions
Sec. 5.1 Inspection
Sec. 5.2 Quality Assurance
23 Sec. 5.3 Test Procedures
Sec. 5.4 Nonconformance
Sec. 6.1 Marking
Sec. 6.2 Packaging and Shipping
Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance
AWWA B550 2023 ?u=/product/publishers/awwa/awwa-b550-2023/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 10:05:50 +0000 AWWA B550-23 Calcium Chloride
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AWWA 2023
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for calcium chloride, including physical, chemical, sampling, packaging, shipping, and testing requirements.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
7 Foreword
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Calcium chloride, CaCl2, is produced in various states of hydration, all of which are highly deliquescent (that is, they dissolve in the water absorbed). It is obtained commercially from natural brines as a byproduct of soda ash manufactu
I.B. History. Authorization for the development of this standard was given by the AWWA Standards Council in 1982. The first edition of the standard was developed by the AWWA Standards Committee on Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Calcium Chloride and was app
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for direct
9 II. Special Issues.
II.A. Storage and Handling Precautions. Calcium chloride is hygroscopic (that is, it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere) and deliquescent. It should be stored in a dry place. Calcium chloride dust will rapidly absorb moisture until it is in solution.
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use in the particular application being considered.
III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following information should be provided by the purchaser.
10 III.B. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or terminology in this standard must be provided by the purchaser.
IV. Major Revisions. Major changes made to the standard in this revision include the following:
11 V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711; write to the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098; or e-mail at [email protected].
13 AWWA Standard
Sec. 1.1 Scope
Sec. 1.2 Purpose
Sec. 1.3 Application
Sec. 4.1 Physical Requirements
16 Sec. 4.3 Impurities‡
Sec. 5.1 Sampling
17 Sec. 5.2 Test Procedures
20 Sec. 5.3 Notice of Nonconformance
21 Sec. 6.2 Packaging and Shipping
22 Sec. 6.3 Affidavit of Compliance