
Nearly 50,000 Americans die from brain injuries annually, with approximately half of all Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) being transportation-related. TBI is a critical and ever-evolving safety topic, with equally important components of injury prevention, consequences, and treatment. <\/p>\n

This book is part of a 3-volume set which presents a comprehensive look at recent head injury research and focuses on injury of the head\u2019s contents and features 13 technical papers. These publications are primarily related to injuries to the brain, its surrounding membranes, and its blood supply. <\/p>\n

Editor Jeffrey A. Pike has selected the most relevant technical papers spanning the early 1990s through the beginning of 2011, including several older papers which provide an essential historical perspective. Each volume in the series also includes a table of references arranged by topic and a new chapter tying together anatomy, injury, and injury mechanism topics.\n <\/p>\n
