01.140 – Information sciences. Publishing – PDF Standards Store ?u= Tue, 05 Nov 2024 19:48:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 01.140 – Information sciences. Publishing – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 IEC 62507-1:2010 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-62507-12010/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 19:48:01 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/iec-62507-12010/ Identification systems enabling unambiguous information interchange - Requirements - Part 1: Principles and methods
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2010-11-25 116
IEC 62507-1:2010 specifies basic requirements for systems for the identification of objects (such as products, "items", documents, etc., excluding human individuals). It focuses on assigning identifiers to an object for referencing purposes. It includes recommendations for the human readable presentation of identifiers and its machine readable representation, to be considered when constructing the identifiers and identification numbers and also requirements for the application of identifiers in a computer sensible form in accordance with such systems, and requirements for their interchange.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.

HB 189:2004 ?u=/product/publishers/as/hb-1892004/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:59:45 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/hb-1892004/ Knowledge Management Terminology and Readings - An Australian Guide
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2004-03-19 42
Contains KM vocabulary that a KM practitioner could expect to encounter in their day to day activities. It has been targeted at the Australian market and it is planned that it be a living document with revisions every one to two years to ensure it maintains currency with the field.

HB 165:2002 ?u=/product/publishers/as/hb-1652002/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:59:26 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/hb-1652002/ Case Studies in Knowledge Management Volume 1
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2002-07-22 47
These case studies, which are the first volume of an occasional series, are snapshots of various efforts by a wide variety of organisations in Australia, but have not been selected on the basis that they are the best of knowledge management. They include the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Commonwealth Rehabilitation Services, Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and South Australian Department of Human Services. The purpose of publishing these case studies is to meet a demand for information that will help people understand what has been tried so far in Australia. The experiences contained within them will promote understanding of the possible manifestations of knowledge management and instigate change in other organisations.

AS/NZS ISO 690:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-iso-6902021/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:55:39 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-iso-6902021/ Information and documentation - Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2021-10-22 204
AS/NZS ISO 690:2021 identically adopts ISO 690:2021 which describes a set of principles, guidelines, and requirements for the preparation of bibliographic references and citations in works that are not themselves primarily bibliographical.

AS/NZS ISO 15801:2014 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-iso-158012014/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:54:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-iso-158012014/ Document management - Information stored electronically - Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2014-12-05 53
Adopts ISO/TR 15801:2009 to provide guidance on the implementation and operation of document management systems that can be considered to store electronic information is a trustworthy and reliable manner.

AS/NZS ISO 15707:2004 (R2016) ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-iso-157072004-r2016/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:54:19 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-iso-157072004-r2016/ Information and documentation - International Standard Music Work Code (ISWC)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2004-07-08 21
Adopts ISO 15707:2001 which specifies a means of uniquely identifying a musical work. It standardizes and promotes internationally the use of a standard identification code so that musical works can be uniquely distinguished from one another within computer databases and related documentation and for the purposes of collecting societies involved in the administration of rights to such works.


This International Standard specifies a means of uniquely identifying a musical work. It standardizes and promotes internationally the use of a standard identification code so that musical works can be uniquely distinguished from one another within computer databases and related documentation and for the purposes of collecting societies involved in the administration of rights to such works.
The International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) identifies musical works as intangible creations. It is not used to identify manifestations of or objects related to a musical work. Such manifestations and objects are the
subject of separate identification systems, such as the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) for sound recordings, the International Standard Music Number (ISMN) for printed music, and the International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) for audiovisual works.
Guidelines for the use of ISWC are given in normative annex A.

AS/NZS ISO 15706:2004 (R2016) ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-iso-157062004-r2016/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:54:18 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-iso-157062004-r2016/ Information and documentation - International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2004-07-08 25
Adopts ISO 15706:2002 which defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works.


This International Standard establishes and defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works (as defined in 3.1).
An International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) identifies an audiovisual work throughout its life and is intended for use wherever precise and unique identification of an audiovisual work would be desirable. As an identifier, it may be used for various purposes, such as to assist allocation of royalties among right holders, to track the use of audiovisual works, for information retrieval and for anti-piracy purposes, such as verifying title registrations. The ISAN can also provide a basis for supplementary identification systems when version or product information is required (e.g. for applications such as broadcast automation and automated storage and retrieval systems).
An ISAN is applied to the audiovisual work itself. It is not related to the physical medium of such an audiovisual work, or the identification of that medium. Annex A specifies examples of audiovisual works for which an ISAN may be issued and examples of works for which ISAN are not issued.
The issuance of an ISAN is in no way related to any process of copyright registration, nor does the issuance of an ISAN provide evidence of the ownership of rights in an audiovisual work.

AS ISO 16417:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-iso-164172021/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:12:27 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-iso-164172021/ Earth-moving machinery - Hydraulic breakers - Terminology and commercial specifications
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2021-11-05 18
AS ISO 16417:2021 identically adopts ISO 16417:2020, which establishes the terminology and content of commercial specifications for hydraulic breakers that are mounted as an attachment on a carrier, typically earth-moving machinery such as an excavator, backhoe loader, skid steer loader, and compact loader as defined in ISO 6165, or mounted on a rig, pedestal boom system, demolition robot, etc., at the end of an arm.

AS ISO 15706.1:2004 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-iso-15706-12004/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:12:13 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-iso-15706-12004/ Information and documentation - International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) - Audiovisual work identifier
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2004-07-08 29
Adopts ISO 15706:2002 which defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works.


This International Standard establishes and defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works (as defined in 3.1).
An International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) identifies an audiovisual work throughout its life and is intended for use wherever precise and unique identification of an audiovisual work would be desirable. As an identifier, it may be used for various purposes, such as to assist allocation of royalties among right holders, to track the use of audiovisual works, for information retrieval and for anti-piracy purposes, such as verifying title registrations. The ISAN can also provide a basis for supplementary identification systems when version or product information is required (e.g. for applications such as broadcast automation and automated storage and retrieval systems).
An ISAN is applied to the audiovisual work itself. It is not related to the physical medium of such an audiovisual work, or the identification of that medium. Annex A specifies examples of audiovisual works for which an ISAN may be issued and examples of works for which ISAN are not issued.
The issuance of an ISAN is in no way related to any process of copyright registration, nor does the issuance of an ISAN provide evidence of the ownership of rights in an audiovisual work.

AS ISO 10263.1:2021 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-iso-10263-12021/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:10:12 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-iso-10263-12021/ Earth-moving machinery - Operator enclosure environment Terms and definitions
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2021-11-05 12
AS ISO 10263.1:2021 identically adopts ISO 10263 1:2009, which lists terms and definitions used in other parts of the AS ISO 10263 series, which provide test methods and criteria for the evaluation of the operator enclosure environment in earth moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165.
