13.110 – Safety of machinery – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:12:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 13.110 – Safety of machinery – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 NZS 5801:1974 ?u=/product/publishers/snz/nzs-58011974/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:12:57 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/nzs-58011974/ Specification for the construction and fitting of machinery guards
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SNZ 1974-03-30 17
Establishes requirements in relation to the construction and fitting of guards to the dangerous parts of machinery.

JIS Y 1001:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-y-10012019/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:56:46 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-y-10012019/ Requirements for safety management system of robot service using service robots
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2019-05-20 59
This Standard specifies requirements for the safety management system, which the robot service provider using service robots can use for safety of a beneficiary and a third party in robot services.

This Standard is applicable to any organizations that perform the following items :

a) improve robot service safety performance;

b) establish, implement, maintain, and improve a robot service safety management system;

c) assure by itself the conformity to the presented robot service safety policy;

d) demonstrate conformity with this Standard.

Requirements in this Standard may be integrated into the existing management system or work process of the organization or may be satisfied as a part of them.

Requirements in this Standard may cover and be enforced over multiple organizations, depending on the contents to be implemented for the organization and safety management.

This Standard may be applied to services using robots other than service robots and robotic devices.

NOTE It should be noted that the robot service safety management system established according to the requirements in this Standard may not be applicable as it is if the service robots and robot service system to be used, operational contents of the service, place of implementation, targeted beneficiaries of the service, etc., are different.

JIS C 8105-2-4:2017 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-c-8105-2-42017/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 02:05:30 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-c-8105-2-42017/ Luminaires-Part 2-4: Particular requirements for safety-Portable general-purpose luminaires
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2017-03-21 11
This Standard specifies requirements for safety of portable general purpose luminaires for use with electrical light source on supply voltages not exceeding 250 V.

NOTE 1 Handlamps, and portable luminaires for garden use, which are not included in portable general purpose luminaire, are specified in JIS C 8105-2-8 and JIS C 8105-2-7, respectively.

NOTE 2 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

IEC 60598-2-4: 1997 Luminaires-Part 2: Particular requirements-Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21-1.

JIS B 9960-33:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-9960-332012/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:21 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-9960-332012/ Safety of machinery- Electrical equipment of machines-Part 33: Requirements for semiconductor fabrication equipment
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2012-05-21 132
This Standard applies to electrical and electronic equipment (see definition 3.20) associated with semiconductor fabrication equipment (see definition 3.28) for the manufacture, measurement, assembly, and test of semiconductors.

NOTE 1 In this Standard, the term electrical includes electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic matters (i.e. electrical equipment means electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic equipment).

NOTE 2 In the context of this Standard, the term person refers to any individual and includes those persons who are assigned and instructed by the user or his agent(s) in the installation, use, and care of the fabrication equipment in question.

The electrical equipment covered by this Standard commences at the point of connection of the supply to the electrical equipment (see 5.1), and includes proper instruction for its safe installation operation.

NOTE 3 For the requirements for the electrical supply installation in buildings, see JIS C 60364 series.

This Standard is applicable to the electrical equipment or parts of the electrical equipment that operate with nominal supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V for alternating current (a.c.) and not exceeding 1 500 V for direct current (d.c.), and with nominal supply frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz.

For higher voltages or frequencies, special requirements may be needed.

NOTE 4 Electrical equipment within which derived voltages exceed these supply voltage limits is within the scope of this Standard.

Included are requirements for protective measures against electrical safety hazards as well as electrical interlock circuits that protect against non-electrical hazards.

However, it does not cover all the requirements that are needed or required by other standards or regulations in order to safeguard persons from hazards other than electrical hazards (e.g. chemical hazards, mechanical hazards, radiation hazards).

Each type of machine has unique requirements to be accommodated to provide adequate safety.

Additional and special requirements can apply to the electrical equipment of fabrication equipment that:

– use, process, or produce potentially explosive material;

– are used in potentially explosive and/or flammable atmospheres;

– have special risks when producing or using certain materials; are hoisting machines (which are covered by JIS B 9960-32).

This Standard does not include specifications for performance or functional characteristics of the fabrication equipment.

This Standard does not deal with the possible effects on human health that can result from emissions (for example, EMFs, noise) from the fabrication equipment.

This Standard does not specify requirements for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

NOTE 5 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

IEC 60204-33: 2009 Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines- Part 33: Requirements for semiconductor fabrication equipment (lDT)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/lEC Guide 21-1.

JIS B 9971:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-99712019/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:21 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-99712019/ Personnel competence for machinery safety
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2019-05-25 29
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies requirements for competence of personnel responsible for the safety of machines used in the industrial field among machines as specified in JIS B 9700.

This Standard categorizes competence required to perform risk assessment and to implement protective measures based on the results of risk assessment.

It also specifies knowledge and skills required for the respective categories.

This Standard does not cover knowledge and skills of design and manufacture of general machines, or knowledge and skills required in specific technical fields, other than those required in the field of machinery safety.

It also does not cover ethics required of technicians who are engaged in specialized works based on those knowledge and skills.

NOTE 1 This Standard provides descriptions of works that can be performed by a person having competence as specified for each competence category; however, in actual operations, works and jobs performed by a person having the respective competence are not limited to those specified in this Standard.

NOTE 2 This Standard categorizes competence based on knowledge and skills generally required in the field of machinery safety.

It is not intended for application to specific jobs such as designers.

It is recommended that a user of this Standard determine the necessary competence based on the work specified for each competence category.

NOTE 3 “Machines used in the industrial field” to which this Standard applies indicates those used in the workplace, and does not include those used in a public environment or at home.

The term “competence” used in this Standard has the same meaning as that defined in JIS Q 17024 as the ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results.

JIS B 9960-1:2008/Amendment 1:2011 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-9960-12008-amendment-12011/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:19 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-9960-12008-amendment-12011/ Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines-Part 1: General requirements (Amendment 1)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2011-07-25 7
This Standard specifies the requirements and recommendations to achieve the following matters relating to the electrical equipment of machines.

– Safety of persons and property

– Consistency of control response

– Ease of maintenance

This Standard applies to the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment and systems to machines not portable by hand while working including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner.

NOTE 1 This Standard is an application standard for technology and is not intended to limit or inhibit technological advancement.

NOTE 2 In this Standard, the term "electrical" includes electrical, electronic and programmable electronic matters (i.e. the electrical equipment includes electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment).

NOTE 3 In this Standard, the term "person" refers to any individual and includes those persons who are assigned and instructed by the user or his agent(s) in the use and care of the machine in question.

The equipment covered by this Standard commences at the connecting point of the machine (see 5.1)

NOTE 4 The requirements for the power supply facility in buildings are specified in JIS C 60364 series.

This Standard is applicable to the electrical equipment that operates with nominal power supply voltage of 1 000 V or under for alternate current (a.c.) and of 1 500 V or under for direct current (d.c.) and with nominal frequencies of 200 Hz or under. power supply to the electrical equipment of the machine (see 5.1).

NOTE 5 For higher voltages, requirements are specified in JIS B 9960-11.

This Standard does not cover all the requirements (for example, guarding, interlocking or control) that are needed or required by other standards or regulations in order to protect persons from hazards other than electrical hazards.

Each type of machine has unique requirements to be accommodated to provide adequate safety.

The scope of this Standard specifically includes the electrical equipment of machines as defined in 3.35, but is not limited to.

NOTE 6 Annex C lists examples of machines using the electrical equipment to which this Standard is applicable.

This Standard does not specify additional and special requirements that can apply to the electrical equipment of machines exemplified as follows.

– That are intended for use in open air (i.e. outside building or other protective structures)

– That use, process, or produce potentially explosive material (for example, paint or swarf)

– That are intended for use in potentially explosive or flammable atmosphere

– That have special risks when producing or using certain materials

– That are intended for use in mines

– Sewing machines, units and systems (specified in JIS B 9960-31)

– Hoisting machines (specified in JIS B 9960-32)

Power circuits where electrical energy is directly used as a working tool are excluded from this Standard.

NOTE 7 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard is as follows.

IEC 60204-1 : 2005 Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines- Part 1: General requirements (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21.

JIS B 9960-31:2004 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-9960-312004/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:19 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-9960-312004/ Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part 31: Particular Safety and EMC Requirements for Sewing Machines, Units and Systems
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2004-03-25 35
Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part 31: Particular Safety and EMC Requirements for Sewing Machines, Units and Systems
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2004-03-25 35
JIS B 9960-11:2004 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-9960-112004/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:17 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-9960-112004/ Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines- Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for Voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2004-03-25 65
Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines- Part 11: Requirements for HV equipment for Voltages above 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2004-03-25 65
JIS B 9960-1:2008 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-9960-12008/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:57:17 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-9960-12008/ Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2008-05-25 150
This Standard specifies the requirements and recommendations to achieve the following matters relating to the electrical equipment of machines.

– Safety of persons and property

– Consistency of control response

– Ease of maintenance

This Standard applies to the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment and systems to machines not portable by hand while working including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner.

NOTE 1 This Standard is an application standard for technology and is not intended to limit or inhibit technological advancement.

NOTE 2 In this Standard, the term "electrical" includes electrical, electronic and programmable electronic matters (i.e. the electrical equipment includes electrical, electronic and programmable electronic equipment).

NOTE 3 In this Standard, the term "person" refers to any individual and includes those persons who are assigned and instructed by the user or his agent(s) in the use and care of the machine in question.

The equipment covered by this Standard commences at the connecting point of the machine (see 5.1)

NOTE 4 The requirements for the power supply facility in buildings are specified in JIS C 60364 series.

This Standard is applicable to the electrical equipment that operates with nominal power supply voltage of 1 000 V or under for alternate current (a.c.) and of 1 500 V or under for direct current (d.c.) and with nominal frequencies of 200 Hz or under. power supply to the electrical equipment of the machine (see 5.1).

NOTE 5 For higher voltages, requirements are specified in JIS B 9960-11.

This Standard does not cover all the requirements (for example, guarding, interlocking or control) that are needed or required by other standards or regulations in order to protect persons from hazards other than electrical hazards.

Each type of machine has unique requirements to be accommodated to provide adequate safety.

The scope of this Standard specifically includes the electrical equipment of machines as defined in 3.35, but is not limited to.

NOTE 6 Annex C lists examples of machines using the electrical equipment to which this Standard is applicable.

This Standard does not specify additional and special requirements that can apply to the electrical equipment of machines exemplified as follows.

– That are intended for use in open air (i.e. outside building or other protective structures)

– That use, process, or produce potentially explosive material (for example, paint or swarf)

– That are intended for use in potentially explosive or flammable atmosphere

– That have special risks when producing or using certain materials

– That are intended for use in mines

– Sewing machines, units and systems (specified in JIS B 9960-31)

– Hoisting machines (specified in JIS B 9960-32)

Power circuits where electrical energy is directly used as a working tool are excluded from this Standard.

NOTE 7 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard is as follows.

IEC 60204-1 : 2005 Safety of machinery-Electrical equipment of machines- Part 1: General requirements (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/IEC Guide 21.

JIS B 9716:2006 ?u=/product/publishers/jis/jis-b-97162006/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:56:54 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/jis-b-97162006/ Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2006-11-25 32
Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
JIS 2006-11-25 32