ASCE 9780784410363 2009
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ASCE | 2009 | 6733 |
This collection contains 663 papers presented at the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, held in Kansas City, Missouri, May 17-21, 2009.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Cover |
5 | Table of Contents |
58 | 11th Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium (WDSA 09) Asset Management Bursts Identification in Water Distribution Systems |
66 | Damage Detection of Operating Transmission Mains with Measured Boundary Conditions |
77 | Evaluating Risk of Multi-Segment Pipes for Prioritizing Pipe Rehabilitation |
88 | Water Distribution Systems Corrective Maintenance Supported by Real-Time Use of Hydraulic Models |
99 | Water Price Forecasting Method Based on Marginal-Cost Theory: A Case Study in China |
109 | Field Work Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Treatment Plant Design and Operation |
118 | Axial Dispersion Coefficients for Laminar Flows in Water Distribution Systems |
128 | Case Study: Homeowner’s Preference Trade-Offs toward Plumbing Systems in Pipe Failure Prone Area |
136 | Field-Scale Assessment of a Multispecies Water Quality System: A Chloramination Study |
150 | Pressure vs. Flow Relationship for Pipe Leaks |
160 | Seoul (Korea) Online Water Quality Monitoring of Drinking Water |
169 | Hydraulic Transients and Biofilms Air/Vacuum Valve Breakage Caused by Pressure Surges – Analysis and Solution |
179 | The Impact of Biofilm Development on Pipe Roughness and Velocity Profile |
192 | In-Line Partially Closed Valves: How to Detect by Transient Tests |
202 | Simple Model of Attachment and Detachment of Pathogens in Water Distribution System Biofilms |
215 | Network Modeling 1 Impact of Storage Tanks on Energy Consumption in Municipal Water Distribution Systems |
222 | Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Network Using Harmony Search |
231 | Integrated Hydraulic Analysis and Data Management Tool for Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries |
244 | The Impacts of Demand Variability on Distribution System Hydraulics and Transport |
256 | Network Modeling 2 Augmented Gradient Method for Head Dependent Modelling of Water Distribution Networks |
266 | Enhanced Global Gradient Algorithm: A General Formulation |
276 | Enhanced WDN Analysis: Representation of Actual Pipe Connections |
285 | Identification of the Hydraulic Model from Operational Measurements for Supervisory Pressure Control |
295 | Network Modeling 3 An Operative Approach to Water Distribution System Rehabilitation |
308 | Calibration of Water Distribution Network Models as a Tool for Detecting Missing and Erroneous Cadastral and Hydraulic Information |
321 | Integrated Planning for Dual Distribution Systems |
329 | Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems Using Graph Decomposition |
340 | Network Modeling 4 A Framework for Alternative Formulations of the Pipe Network Equations |
352 | Inexpensive Modeling of Intermittent Service Water Distribution Networks |
362 | Operational Perspective of the Impact of Failures in Water Distribution Systems |
372 | Network Monitoring and Sampling New Concepts for Meter Placement in Water Distribution Systems for Demand Estimation |
380 | Online Hydraulic State Prediction for Water Distribution Systems |
403 | Sampling of Residential Water Use for Leak Control via Water Budgets |
413 | Smart Pipe—Nanosensors for Monitoring Water Quantity and Quality in Public Water Systems |
421 | Network Optimization 1 An Approach for Integrated Optimization of Wastewater, Recycled, and Potable Water Networks |
432 | Application of Optimization Technology to Water Distribution System Master Planning |
442 | Industrial Distribution System Simulation for Optimal Water Resource Assignment Using Probabilistic Tabu Search |
452 | Optimal Pump Scheduling by Linear Programming |
462 | Network Optimization 2 An Integrated Approach for Distribution System Hydraulic Criticality and Emergency Response |
471 | Decision Making under Information Constraints |
480 | Optimal Distribution of Pressure Measurement Points in Water Distribution Networks |
487 | Scalable Parallel Computing Framework for Pump Scheduling Optimization |
498 | Network Security 1 A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation Approach to Hazards Mitigation Design for Water Distribution Systems |
508 | Multi-Objective Sensor Placements with Improved Water Quality Models in a Network with Multiple Junctions |
517 | Robust Sensor Placement for Detecting Adversarial Contaminations in Water Distribution Systems |
527 | Sensor Network Design and Performance in Water Systems Dominated by Multi-Story Buildings |
541 | Network Security 2 Comparative Evaluation of Two Algorithms for Locating Contaminant Ingress Points |
552 | Comparison of Pressures Simulated Using Transient Analysis with Field Data from a Full-Scale Distribution System |
561 | Effects of Redesign of Water Systems for Security and Water Quality Factors |
572 | Propagation of Chlorine Demand Signals Induced by Microbial Contaminants in a Drinking Water Distribution System |
582 | Network Security 3 A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Implementation of Bayesian Contaminant Source Characterization in Water Distribution Systems under Stochastic Demands |
593 | Conditioned Backward Probability Modeling to Identify Contamination Sources in a Water Distribution System |
601 | Real-Time Implementation of Contamination Source Identification Method for Water Distribution Systems |
611 | Threat Perceptions and Risk Management in Urban Water Supply Schemes |
622 | Network Security 4 Getting More from Your Investment Using Water Security Monitoring Technology for Everyday Operations |
632 | Modeling a Hydraulic Response to a Contamination Event |
641 | Novel, Rapid Molecular-Based Technique for Detecting Contamination in Drinking Water Distribution Systems |
647 | Trajectory Clustering Approach for Reducing Water Quality Event False Alarms |
657 | Network Water Quality Analysis 1 Comparing Single- and Multi-Species Water Quality Modeling Approaches for Assessing Contamination Exposure in Drinking Water Distribution Systems |
671 | Real-Time Valve Operation for Water Quality Improvement in Water Distribution Systems |
678 | Simulation of Particle Transport in Drinking Water Distribution Systems |
692 | WDS Water Quality Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty |
702 | Network Water Quality Analysis 2 A Hybrid Heuristic Search Approach for Contaminant Source Characterization |
712 | Analysis of Model Sensitivity and Uncertainty for Chlorine Transport and Decay in a Water Distribution System |
723 | Characterizing Reactive Contaminant Sources in a Water Distribution System |
729 | Low Pressure Propagation at Service Lines |
738 | North American Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment Drinking Water Infrastructure Assessment: The National Research Council of Canada Perspective |
751 | National Mains Failure Database Project |
757 | Needs and Trends of the Nation’s Water Infrastructure—The Utility Perspective |
766 | Water Usage Combined Energy and Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems |
776 | Design of Dual Water Supply Systems |
784 | Modeling Domestic Water Demand on a Suburb Level |
791 | Preliminary Spatial-Temporal Statistical Analysis of Hourly Water Demand at Household Level |
806 | 6th Urban Watershed Management Symposium 10,000 Rain Gardens, One Green Region |
812 | A Level Spreader—Vegetated Buffer System for Urban Stormwater Management |
822 | A New Methodology to Evaluate Pollutant Removal of Gross Solids Separation Devices |
829 | A Simplified Model of Combined Sewer Overflows to Estimate Event Driven Enteric Pathogen Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources |
839 | Source Control: The Solution to Stormwater Pollution |
848 | A Student-Led Effort to Assess the Effect of Urban Runoff on Potter Lake |
856 | A Tool for the Performance Assessment of Hydrodynamic Separators |
864 | Accurate Sampling of Suspended Solids |
871 | An Evaluation of Stormwater Wetlands in Series |
881 | An Innovative Approach for Modeling Large Urban Hydrologic Systems |
897 | Analysis of Bioretention Media Specifications and Relationships to Overall Performance |
906 | Analyzing the Impacts of a Retrofit Detention Basin Flow Control Strategy on Biodiversity in an Urban Stream System |
913 | Are Rational C Values Too Low? |
921 | Assessing Hydrodynamic Separators under High Water Flow Conditions |
932 | Assessment of Standard Sumps for Stormwater Treatment |
942 | Bayesian Load Duration Curves for Bacterial Total Maximum Daily Loads: Urban Case Study |
961 | Bioretention/Bioinfiltration Performance in the Mid-Atlantic |
971 | Breaking Down the Barriers to Low Impact Development in Colorado |
981 | Challenges in Attaining Recreational Stream Standards for Bacteria: Setting Realistic Expectations for Management Policies and BMPs |
991 | Characterizing Water Inputs to Catchments in the Santa Monica Mountains with δ180 and δD |
999 | Clark County Regional Flood Control District Arc Hydro (CCRFCD Arc Hydro): Toward Ongoing Stormwater Master Planning |
1007 | Codorus Creek Restoration—A Case Study for the Chesapeake Bay |
1014 | Combining GIS, BMP Performance, and Strategic Planning to Support Water Quality Implementation Planning |
1028 | Considerations, Opportunities, and Strategies for Infiltration Stormwater BMPs |
1038 | Construction and Performance of Bioretention Cells |
1048 | Cost Estimating Tools for Low-Impact Development Best Management Practices |
1061 | Data Reporting Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs: Part II |
1067 | Design of Integrated Bioinfiltration-Detention Urban Retrofits with Continuous Simulation Methods |
1077 | Design Optimization of Hydrodynamic Separators |
1084 | Developing a Water Budget for a Constructed Stormwater Wetland |
1094 | Effects of Media Depth on Bioretention Performance in the Upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina and Bioretention Construction Impacts Study |
1104 | Engineered Waste Materials as Amendments to Prevent Erosion and to Stabilize Contaminated Sites |
1112 | Enhancing Rain Garden Design to Promote Nitrate Removal |
1123 | EPA Aging Water Infrastructure Research Program: State of the Technology for the Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems |
1130 | Evaluation and Optimization of Distributed Stormwater Controls in Spreadsheet |
1140 | Evaluation of Atriplx Shrubs Growth in Semi Arid Area |
1149 | Evolutionary Optimization of Combined Sewer Overflow Control |
1162 | Examination of Pervious Concrete and Porous Asphalt Pavements Performance for Stormwater Management in Northern Climates |
1180 | Field Evaluation of Indicator Bacteria Removal by Stormwater BMPs in North Carolina |
1190 | Field Testing Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs: Part II |
1200 | From Grey to Green: Strategies and Concepts for Implementing Green CSO and Wet Weather Solutions |
1229 | Generalized Storage-Reliability-Yield Equations for Rainwater Harvesting Systems |
1239 | How the Heart of America is Goin’ Green to Solve Water and Sewer Issues |
1246 | Graywater Irrigation as a Means to Meet Water Demands in Arid Regions |
1256 | HCFCD M3 System: Maximizing and Maintaining Local Investments in Floodplain Modeling |
1266 | Hydrologic Footprint Residence: A New Metric to Assess Hydrological Alterations Due to Urbanization |
1274 | Hypothesis-Based Flow Monitoring for Green Solutions |
1278 | Impact of Wet-Weather Peak Flow Blending on Disinfection Performance |
1295 | Improving Hydrologic Sustainability of Texas A&M University Campus |
1305 | An Investigation of Infiltration in a Constructed Stormwater Wetland and Implications for Groundwater Quality |
1316 | Integration of Low Impact Development Studies into the International Stormwater BMP Database |
1326 | Kansas City—Balancing Green Infrastructure with Traditional Approaches for CSO Control |
1335 | Kansas City, Missouri Overflow Control Plan Summary |
1348 | Kansas City’s Stream Setback Ordinance: A Case Study on the Benefits of Stream Buffers in Urban Areas |
1357 | KC-One: Comprehensive City-Wide Management Plan Creates Leading Stormwater Management Program |
1366 | Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Certification of Manufactured Stormwater BMPs |
1371 | Land Use and Runoff Uncertainty |
1382 | Linking Environmental Assessment and Solutions |
1392 | Long-Term Effectiveness of a Bioretention System Treating Road Runoff in Northeastern Kansas |
1401 | Looking Upstream and into the Watershed for the Big Picture of Stream Health |
1411 | LID-SWM Practices as a Means of Resilience to Climate Change and Its Effects on Groundwater Recharge |
1421 | Maintenance of Stormwater BMPs |
1429 | Modeling Performances of Detention Basins with Uncertainty Analysis |
1439 | Monitoring the Hydrologic Effects of an Extensive Green Roof |
1457 | Multiple Watershed Scales Approach for Placement of Best Management Practices in SUSTAIN |
1467 | Nexus Projects in Kansas City’s Suburban Watersheds |
1488 | Non-Point Source Nutrient Loading in an Urban Watershed |
1497 | Pervious Pavement System Evaluation |
1505 | Planning for Sustainable Growth and Water Resources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed |
1508 | Pollutant Transport within the Vadose Zone: Interactions of Soil Horizon Chemistry on Water Quality |
1517 | Potential Data Analysis Methodology to Evaluate the Performance of Manufactured BMPs |
1527 | Proposed Scaling Relations for Manufactured Stormwater BMPs |
1535 | Rainwater Harvesting for Non-Potable Use in Gardens: A Comparison of Runoff Water Quality from Green vs. Traditional Roofs |
1545 | Redesigning Constructed Stormwater Wetlands: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Optimize Form and Function |
1555 | Research of Hydrologic and Water Quality Performance of Four Linear Wetlands in Eastern North Carolina |
1562 | Reservoir Sedimentation Estimation Using Genetic Programming Technique |
1571 | Sediment Monitoring Bias by Autosampler in Comparison with Whole Volume Sampling for Parking Lot Runoff |
1580 | Selecting Optimal Water Supply Options—A Regional Water Supply Case Study in the Upper Kissimmee Basin, FL |
1592 | Simplified Solution for Groundwater Mounding under Round Stormwater Infiltration Facilities |
1609 | South Lake Park Bioretention Gardens |
1619 | State of the Practice of Wet Weather Flow Analysis |
1629 | The Application of Environmental Site Design Processes to Design a Residential Subdivision |
1639 | Effect of Bioretention on Runoff Temperature in Trout Sensitive Regions |
1646 | The Lawrence Technological University Greenroof Performance Evaluation Project |
1657 | The Road to LID Plan Approval in Coastal North Carolina: Development of a Spreadsheet Modeling Tool for LID Based Designs |
1667 | The Runoff Reduction Method |
1679 | Unit Process Modeling of Stormwater Flow and Pollutant Sorption in a Bioretention Cell |
1688 | Use of the Basin Development Factor to Evaluate Urban Watershed Response |
1698 | Water Quality and Hydraulic Properties of the Permeable Friction Course |
1708 | Water Quality Design Storms for Stormwater Hydrodynamic Separators |
1721 | Water Sustainability Index: Application of CWSI for Ahwaz County |
1728 | Development of Watershed Management Modeling System: The Los Angeles County Flood Control District’s Watershed Based Approach for Urban Runoff and Stormwater Quality |
1738 | 7th Symposium on Groundwater, Hydrology, Quality, and Management Aquifer Characterization and Protection Implementing Source Water Protection Programs in Texas |
1746 | Lithostratigraphy of Nigeria—An Overview |
1754 | Specific Problems Related to Partially Penetrating Wells in Confined Aquifers |
1767 | Tool for Estimation of Additional Drawdown Due to Partially Penetrating Wells in Confined and Semi-Confined Aquifers |
1778 | Groundwater Characterization and Monitoring A Novel Approach to Groundwater Model Development |
1787 | Groundwater Mixing Using Pulsed Dipole Injection/Extraction Wells |
1792 | Groundwater Management and Its Uncertainty A Critical Realization Identification Method Based on Pareto Dominance Analysis |
1800 | Combining Rule-Based Fuzzy Model with GIS to Predict Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination |
1810 | Evaluation of Alternative Geospatial Models Using Image Ranking and Machine Learning: An Application in Shallow Groundwater Recharge and Discharge |
1814 | Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept in the Field of Groundwater Management |
1824 | Projecting Future Groundwater Availability for Power Generation Plant Licensing |
1834 | Simulation of Subsurface Water Flow by Galerkin Finite Element Method in Dhaka City Aquifer |
1844 | Groundwater Quality and Human Health A Methodology to Reconstruct Groundwater Contamination History with Limited Field Data |
1851 | A Tale of Two Cities—Source Water Protection Case Studies for Systems in Rural Settings |
1861 | Quantifying the Spread of Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater of the Brahmaputra Floodplains, Assam, India: A Threat to Public Health of the Region |
1871 | Vadose Zone Transport of Nitrate in the Sierra Pelona Groundwater Basin, Agua Dulce, California |
1881 | Groundwater Quality Modeling—Solute Transport and Reactive Transport Exploring the Potential of Nonlinear and Non-Equilibrium Alcohol Partitioning for Assessment of DNAPL Source Zone Architecture |
1890 | Solute Flux Rate Uncertainty Evaluation at a Monitored Boundary |
1899 | An Analytical Solute Transport Model for In Situ Estimation of Retardation |
1907 | Assessing Postulated Accidental Releases of Radioactive Liquid Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants |
1917 | Modeling of Chlorinated VOCs Transport under Dual Bioreactions |
1924 | Reaction Rates in a Transport System with Both Kinetic and Equilibrium Reactions |
1950 | Impacts of Urbanization on Groundwater Quality and Quantity Comparative Study of Two Standard Septic Tank Drain Fields Using Different Sand with Recirculation for Nutrient Removal |
1964 | Environmental Impacts on Surface Water and Groundwater for Expanding Urban Water Supply Capacity Using Stone Quarries |
1976 | Groundwater Baseflow Sourced from Miocene Rocks and Residuals Carries Elevated Selenium into Southern California |
1986 | Investigating the Temperature Effects on Nutrient Removal in Green Sorption Media |
1996 | Nutrient and Pathogen Removal with an Innovative Passive Underground Drainfield for On-Site Wastewater Treatment |
2008 | Selection and Prioritization of Best Management Practices for Potential Sources of Contamination in a Wellhead Protection Area |
2017 | Interaction of Stream and Groundwater and Integrated Management Controlling Saltwater Intrusion to Environmental Sensitive Areas Due to the Construction of the Rio Anton Ruiz Flood Control Project |
2028 | Estimating Groundwater Seepages to St. Lucie Estuary |
2047 | Analytical-Numerical Solution for Seepage along an Earth Canal Disconnected from the Shallow Aquifer |
2056 | Hydrogeologic Investigation for New Water Supply for Water District No. 1 of Johnson County, Kansas |
2063 | Probabilistic Methods for Aquifer Parameter Estimation and Groundwater Modeling and Inverse Modeling A Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Alignment and Matching of Borehole Stratigraphy |
2071 | Composite Analysis of Test-Well and Observation-Well Data during Constant-Head Test |
2079 | Wavelet Analysis of Characteristic Length Scales of Permeability in Stationary and Non-Stationary Porous Media |
2088 | Education and Research Framing the Design Process in an Undergraduate Environmental Engineering Class |
2091 | Integrating Design Heuristics in an Environmental Engineering Course |
2095 | Non-Traditional University Research Partners That Facilitate Service Learning and Graduate Research for Sustainable Development |
2106 | Emerging and Innovative Technology EIT Posters A Decision Support System for Beneficial Use of National Dam Water Resources in Swaziland |
2120 | Assessment of Combined Hydroseeding and Coconet Reinforcement to Control Soil Erosion |
2130 | Designing Effective Rainfall Harvesting Systems in Developing Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa |
2142 | Innovative Design at Lake Lenexa |
2153 | Production of Drinking Water from Lake Water Sources with a Nanofilter Membrane to Prevent the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts |
2162 | Rainwater Harvesting Experiences in the Humid Southeast USA |
2169 | Emerging and Innovative Technology in Wastewater Treatment Deployable Decentralized Biofilm System to Degrade Organic Carbon, Nutrients and Benzene from Wastewater |
2181 | Development of Slow-Release Chemical Oxidation Methods for Environmental Remediation |
2192 | Peracetic Acid as an Alternative Disinfection Technology for Wet Weather Sewer Overflows |
2202 | Recycling of Multiple Waste Streams for Transportation Fuel Production via Algae Cultivation at Wastewater Treatment Plants |
2212 | Emerging and Innovative Technology in Water Treatment Development of a Community Water Security Filtration System Using Composite Cartridges |
2223 | Evaluation of a UV/Ozone Treatment Process for Removal of MTBE in Groundwater Supplies in New Mexico |
2230 | Removal of Waterborne Particles by Electrofiltration |
2239 | Water Distribution Optimization: Taking SCADA One Step Forward |
2248 | Environmental Cyber-Sensing and Modeling I ARC Population and Employment Allocation Disaggregator—A Simple GIS-Based Tool for Parcel-Scale Population Projection |
2258 | How to Build a Broadly Useable GIS Toolset for Estuary Analysis |
2267 | Predicting CSOs for Real Time Decision Support |
2277 | Protocol Considerations to Improve the Reliability of Data Collection in a Radio Telemetry System |
2293 | Visualizing Hydrologic Drought Information on the Web Using State-of-the-Art Geospatial Mapping Technology |
2299 | Environmental Cyber-Sensing and Modeling II “Let It Rain”—Gage-Adjusted Radar Rainfall (GARR) Data for Peachtree Creek Sewer Basin Modeling |
2312 | Adaptive Long-Term Monitoring at BP Environmental Restoration Sites |
2321 | Application of Radio Frequency Tracers to Individual and Group Particle Displacement within a Laboratory |
2329 | Cost-Effective Automated Water Quality Monitoring Systems Providing High-Resolution Data in Near Real-Time |
2339 | South Florida Water Control System Tracker: Real-Time Water Budgeting for Pragmatic Water Control Operations |
2349 | Interdisciplinary Education Programs Coordinating and Implementing a Graduate Course on Interdisciplinary Modeling for Water-Related Issues |
2352 | Experiences Teaching a Multi-Disciplinary Course |
2357 | Rural Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries Water Resources in Sudan: Enhancing Rainfall Harvesting Methods for Water Supply |
2368 | Water Resources and Environmental Vision 2050 Environment and Water Resources in 2050: The Challenge for Engineering Education |
2373 | Environmental and Developmental Risks and Stressors Impacting a 2050 Vision |
2383 | Flood Risk Management circa 2050 |
2393 | Urban Stormwater Management in 2050 |
2402 | Urban Water and Wastewater Management in 2050 |
2412 | Water Resources Disasters Waiting to Happen Challenges of Managing California’s Sacramento—San Joaquin Delta |
2422 | Characterization of Water Resources and Environmental Disasters |
2429 | How Reliable is New York City’s Water Supply? |
2433 | Environmental Environmental Modeling Assessing Pollutant Loads and Evaluation of Treatment Systems to Achieve Water Quality Goals for Land Development Projects |
2443 | Characterization of a Perchlorate Contaminated Site |
2454 | Numerical Modeling of Ozonation of Organic Chemicals in Surface Water |
2464 | Simulation of Tehran Air Pollution Using Artificial Neural Networks |
2475 | Environmental Permitting Distributed Power Generation at State Facilities: Economic Analysis of Savings and Carbon Credits |
2484 | Drive for Zero Net Carbon Impact |
2491 | Permitting of Confined Animal Feeding Operations: Issues and Challenges |
2501 | Environmental Sustainability A Comparative Study of Water Quality Indices for Karun River |
2510 | Beyond Compliance and toward Sustainability: Advantages of Systems Environmental Engineering |
2519 | Environmental Impact of Coffee Processing Effluent on the Ecological Integrity of Rivers Found in Gomma Woreda of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia |
2529 | How to Save the Second Aral Sea? |
2537 | Environmental Track Poster Session Air-Borne Heavy Metal Contamination to River Ganga (India) |
2547 | The Effect of Sewage Pollutant of Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company on Benthic Macofauna Community Using Biodiversity Indices and Bioindicators |
2556 | Landfills and Waste Treatment Enzymatic Treatment of a Modified Food Processing Wastewater |
2562 | The Effect of Municipal Landfill Leachate on the Characterization of Fluid Flow through Clay |
2577 | Time Series Analysis of Performance Data from Closed Landfills to Forecast Post Closure Monitoring Needs |
2587 | Using Tracers to Derive Sediment Provenance after the Occurrence of a 500-Year Flood in a Midwestern Stream |
2597 | Nutrients in the Environment Nitrification Inhibition by UVA Photocatalytic TiO2 Nanoparticles: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species on Nanotoxicity |
2604 | The Economic and Environmental Significance of Nonpoint Source Abatement in Large Watersheds |
2614 | The Nitrogen Budget of DRW in Northeastern China |
2623 | Wastewater Utilities: Are You Ready for Kansas’ Nutrient Removal Policy? |
2632 | Soil and Subsurface Remediation 1 Application of Biopile System for the Remediation of Petroleum-Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils |
2642 | Peroxidase-Mediated Stabilization of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in a Model Humin-Mineral Geomaterial |
2647 | pH Variation and Its Effect on Metal Concentration during Electrokinetics |
2650 | Pore-Scale Characterization of Residual Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) in Fractional Wettability Porous Media |
2660 | Soil and Subsurface Remediation 2 Addressing Contaminated Groundwater and Promoting Environmental Stewardship in Wichita, Kansas—The Gilbert and Mosley Project Story |
2670 | Use of In-Planta Solid Phase Sampling Devices to Delineate VOC Plumes |
2677 | Soil and Subsurface Remediation 3 Application of a Mass Balance-Based Subsurface Contaminant Transport Model |
2687 | Association of PAHs with Size Fractionated Sediment Particles |
2697 | Sorption and Desorption of Testosterone in Agricultural Soils |
2704 | Wetland Mitigation and Water Management A Study on Spatial Distribution of Water Quality and the Behavior of Do Concentration in Tidal Area of Urban Rivers |
2714 | Development of an Amphibian Biotic Index to Evaluate Wetland Health in Northern Missouri |
2725 | GIS-Based Landscape Parameters for Wetland Evaluation Related to Amphibian Health |
2735 | The Rush Creek Detention Facility: Planning a Permanent BMP in the Real World |
2744 | Hydraulics and Waterways Bridge Scour General Hydraulic Characteristics of an Open Channel with Narrow Path |
2754 | Mathematical Modeling of Bed—Topography Changes at Bridge Abutments |
2762 | Predicting Rock Scour in an Alluvial River with a One-Dimensional Model |
2771 | Predicting Rock Scour in an Alluvial River with a Two-Dimensional Model |
2784 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics I 3D Numerical Modeling of John Day Lock Tainter Valves |
2794 | A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model for Flow in a Lock Filling System |
2804 | Challenges on Three-Dimensional Simulations of Free Surface Flow |
2814 | Comparison of the Princeton Ocean Model and the Regional Ocean Modeling System Hindcasts in the Delaware River and Bay |
2829 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics II A Process-Based Unsteady Model for Wave-Current-Morphodynamic Changes in Two-Dimensions |
2845 | Simulation of Multilayer Shallow Water Fluid Flow Using Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and High Performance Computing |
2853 | Two Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling of the Lower Skokomish River |
2863 | Using Computational Model ADH to Evaluate Relationship of Water Surface Elevation to Wing Dikes |
2873 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics III ADH = Fast and Stable 2D Finite Element Model |
2880 | Evaluation of Methods to Reduce Backflows from the Chicago Waterway System to Lake Michigan |
2890 | Modeling the Evolution of Incised Streams in Hammar Mesopotamian Marsh with Emphasis on the Contribution of Tidal Flow in the Filling Requirements |
2900 | Numerical Simulations of Coastal Floods and Morphological Changes Due to Sea Level Rise and Hazardous Storm |
2910 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics IV Comparison of HEC-RAS and InfoWorks RS: A Case Study in Grand Prairie, Texas |
2920 | Diversion of S-4 Basin Drainage from Lake Okeechobee: Hydraulic Modeling of Alternatives Using HEC-RAS |
2930 | New Floodplain Delineation Capabilities in HEC-RAS |
2937 | Transitioning NWS Operational Hydraulics Models from FLDWAV to HEC-RAS |
2948 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics V Numerical Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Downstream of Three Gorges Dam |
2959 | On a Two-Dimensional Temperature Model: Development and Verification |
2973 | Simulations of Aquaculture Dissolved Waste Transport and Mixing in Near-Coastal Waters |
2981 | The Importance of In-Stream Hydraulics in River Water Quality Models: Lessons from the Blackstone River |
2990 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics VI Inundation Mapping Using Hydraulic Models and GIS: Case Studies of Steady and Unsteady Models on the Tar River, NC |
3000 | Performance Evaluation of Articulated Concrete Matting (ACM) Spillway at Lake Odessa, Iowa |
3008 | The Development of a Neural-Based Biomarker Forecasting Tool for Classifying Recreational Water Quality |
3016 | Use of Hydraulic Modeling to Develop a Small Dam for the Geum River Reach in Sejong City |
3027 | Computational Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics VII An Efficient Solution for Water Supply Networks |
3034 | Comparison of Mean Flow and Turbulence around Experimental Spur Dike |
3044 | Measuring Discharge with ADCPs: Inferences from Synthetic Velocity Profiles |
3053 | Statistical Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Design Using Harmony Search |
3064 | Dam Operation, Management, and Safety I Alternatives Study of Willwood Diversion Dam Siltation Removal in Wyoming, USA |
3083 | Managing Reservoir Discharge through Accurate Flow Measurement |
3093 | Numerical Modeling of Flushing Process in Dez Dam Reservoir by HR Wallingford Method |
3100 | Simulation Study for Minimizing Diurnal Variation of Flow in a Hydroelectric Project to Reduce Downstream Impact |
3110 | Dam Operation, Management, and Safety II Optimal Design and Operation of Fuse-Gates Considering Water Loss Due to Gates Tilting |
3118 | The Effect of Step Height on Energy Dissipation in Stepped Spillways |
3129 | The Geneva Dam, IL, Hydraulic Roller Problem: Design of a Temporary Steep Riprap Ramp |
3139 | Eco-hydraulics Fish Passage and Abundance around Grade Control Structures on Incised Streams |
3149 | Fish Passage Can Be Improved by Introducing Hydraulic Refuge: Can the Effects Be Quantified? |
3164 | Hydraulic Model Study of Canoe Chute and Fish Passage for the Chicago River North Branch Dam |
3175 | Some Findings on Effective Discharge Determination for Gravel Bed Rivers |
3187 | Eco-hydraulics Modeling Expanded Method for Filtering Submerged Objects in Echosounder Data |
3193 | Numerical Simulation of Chemical Spills Using CCHE2D Model and Chemical Property Database |
3206 | One-Dimensional Modeling of Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems in Streams |
3216 | Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Habitat Unit Composition Modeling |
3224 | Eco-hydrology Considering River-Scale Ecological Improvements within Flood Management Planning: The Lower Menomonee River Watercourse Status Report |
3232 | Developing Linkages between Biological Impairment and Stream Siltation: A Case Study in the Northern Great Plains Ecoregion |
3243 | The Effect of Natural Hydrological Disturbances (Defined from HSPF Simulated Hydrographs) on Trout Populations in Ungaged Streams of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park |
3253 | Upper Mississippi River Basin Envirohydrologic Observatory |
3263 | Hydraulic Structure A Comparison of Formed Suction Inlets for Flood Control Applications |
3272 | Case Study: Impact of Varying Mitered Suction Elbows on Large Wastewater Pumps |
3279 | In-Stream Structures for Habitat Restoration Culvert Retrofit and Fish Passage: An Update |
3291 | Field Evaluation of Engineered Large Woody Debris for Structure Performance and Habitat Value |
3301 | Numerical Analysis of the Performance of Rock Weirs: Effects of Structure Configuration on Local Hydraulics |
3313 | Quantitative Evaluation of Rock Weir Field Performance |
3324 | Large River Habitats A Digital Floc Camera for Nonintrusive Measurement of Floc Parameters |
3330 | Multi-Criteria Assessment of Pallid Sturgeon Habitat Restoration for the Missouri River |
3346 | River Bed Sediment Classification Using ADCP |
3357 | Large River Restoration Environmental Aspects of Dredging: What About Air Quality? |
3367 | Integrating Fluvial Geomorphology and Two-Dimensional Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Modeling to Support Sustainable Design of Large River and Floodplain Improvements: The Trinity River Corridor Project, Dallas, Texas, USA |
3376 | Rehabilitation of the Middle Rio Grande near Bernalillo, New Mexico |
3389 | USACE River Ecosystem Restoration Planning: Lessons Learned from the Illinois River Study |
3398 | Modeling Dam Breach A Depth-Averaged 2-D Model of Non-Cohesive Dam/Levee Breach Processes |
3408 | A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Dam Break Flows |
3417 | Comparison of Dam Breach Parameter Estimators |
3427 | Representation of Linear Terrain Features in a 2D Flood Model with Regular Cartesian Mesh |
3437 | Risk Uncertainty Flood Risk Assessment of Complex Riverine Systems |
3447 | Optimal Design of Water Diversion System: A Case Study |
3457 | River Stabilization Kansas River Bank Stabilization and Post-Project Conditions |
3468 | Adverse Effects of Flood Flow at Skewed Railroad Crossings |
3476 | Physical Modeling of River Spanning Rock Structures: Evaluating Interstitial Flow, Local Hydraulics, Downstream Scour Development, and Structure Stability |
3489 | Redesign and Rehabilitation of Railroad Bridges with Advanced Adverse Lateral Migration |
3494 | Sediment Transport Modeling I A Direct Method for Determining Riprap Size for Erosion Protection in Rivers |
3498 | Modeling of Sediment Particle Deposition and Resuspension Processes Using a Stochastic Jump Diffusion Particle Tracking Model |
3508 | Numerical Model of Channel Meandering in the Middle Sacramento River |
3519 | One- and Two-Dimensional Modeling of Deep Gravel Mining in the Rio Salado |
3528 | Sediment Transport Modeling II Effects of Gas Ebullition on Cohesive Sediment Resuspension and Cap Stability |
3538 | Empirical Equation for Abrasion of Stilling Basin Caused by Impact of Sediment |
3548 | Investigation of Land-Use Change and Hydrologic Forcing upon Streambank Erosion and In-Stream Sediment Processes Using a Watershed Model and Sediment Tracers |
3564 | Retrofitting Stormwater BMPs in a Supercritical Flow Regime: A Hydraulic Perspective |
3574 | Sedimentation I Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport and Morphological Change of JiJi Weir Reservoir |
3586 | One-Dimensional Modeling of Sedimentation Processes on the Puyallup River |
3596 | Physical Experimentation and CFD Modeling to Evaluate Sediment Scour in Catchbasin Sumps |
3606 | Sedimentation Characteristics of the Lower Nakdong River Upstream of the Nakdong River Estuary Barrage |
3619 | Sedimentation II Experimental Results on the Stability of Non-Cohesive Sediment Beds Subject to Vertical Pore Water Flux |
3629 | Suspended Sediment Concentration Measurements of Muddy Sediments with an ADV |
3636 | The Connectivity of Upland and Instream Processes |
3646 | Upstream Intrusion Effect of CSO Event in Bubbly Creek, IL |
3657 | Stream Restoration I A Simple Analytical Design Method for Small Alluvial Channels |
3666 | Bankfull Discharge for Kansas Natural Alluvial Channel Design |
3672 | Sediment Load Based Single Thread Alluvial Channel Classification |
3683 | Using Watershed Scale Geomorphic Assessment to Improve Urban Stream Restoration Design |
3693 | Stream Restoration II Habitat Restoration on the Middle Fork John Day River |
3705 | Hungry Canyons Alliance: Streambed Stabilization in Western Iowa |
3715 | Rehabilitation of Mine Impaired Creek in Idaho |
3727 | The Value of Protecting Ozark Streams: An Economic Evaluation of Stream Bank Stability for Phosphorus Reduction |
3747 | Stream Restoration III Developing Probability of Failure Estimates for Stream Restoration Design Components |
3756 | Bedload Composition and Development of 2D Stream Sediment Model for Stream Restoration Design Applications in Urbanizing Watersheds |
3764 | Two-Dimensional BOD and DO Water Quality Model for Engineering Applications: The Case of Bubbly Creek in Chicago, Illinois |
3779 | Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Design Functions for Geomorphic Channel Design and Analysis |
3789 | Stream Restoration IV A Monitoring and Assessment Framework to Evaluate Stream Restoration Needs in Urbanizing Watersheds |
3800 | Post Project Appraisal of Riparian, Wetland, and Aquatic Habitat Restoration at Best Slough, Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA |
3810 | Predicting Streambank Seepage Flows: Sensitivity to Soil Properties and Layering |
3820 | A Seepage Erosion Sediment Transport Function and Geometric Headcut Relationships for Predicting Seepage Erosion Undercutting |
3830 | International Improving Hydrologic Prediction in Developing Countries A Blueprint for Advancing Hydrologic Predictability in Developing Countries: A Case Study for the Nile River Basin |
3839 | Distributed Hydrologic Model for Flood Prevention in the Yuna River Water shed, Dominican Republic |
3846 | Evaluation of Land Use Land Cover Changes in Palleru (K-11) Sub Basin of River Krishna Using GIS and NDVI |
3858 | On the Local-Scale Spatial Variability of Daily Rainfall in the Highlands of the Blue Nile: Observational Evidence |
3867 | International Water Resources Planning and Management Characteristics of Integrated Water Resource Management in the Zambezi River and Great Lakes Basins: A Comparison of Two Approaches |
3877 | Determining the Causes of Declining Upper Great Lakes Levels—Phase I of the International Upper Great Lakes Study by the St. Clair River Task Team |
3884 | Economic Sustainability Evaluation of an Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project Using GWP Statement |
3892 | Recent Developments in Water Policy in the Americas |
3900 | The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University of Zambia and the University of Michigan: Conception and Subsequent Implementation Goals |
3910 | Rural Water Supply Systems in Developing Countries Environmental and Water Resources in Developing Countries: Development of Micro Irrigation Facility at Parsoda Village |
3916 | Feasibility Study for Implementing Renewable Energy to Power a Groundwater Pump in Rural Guatemala |
3926 | Drinking Water Field Analyses for the Detection and Enumeration of Coliform Bacteria in Rural Guatemalan Highlands |
3934 | Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Projects in Nicaragua |
3944 | Transboundary Water Issues Framework for Improving Water Security in the Middle East |
3954 | A War for Water |
3963 | Water Resources in Jordan: Challenges and Accomplishments |
3974 | Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems in Developing Countries Impacts of Mining in the Upper Zambezi River Basin: An Overview of the Zambian Copperbelt |
3984 | Improving the Water Quality of One of the World’s Great Lakes: Tai Lake Case Study of Environmental Responsibility in the Developing World |
3994 | Investigating Aquatic Ecosystems of Small Lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan |
3998 | Prediction of Thermal Stratification in Proposed Bakhtyari Reservoir with CE-QUAL-W2 |
4006 | Irrigation and Drainage Crop Production and Water Balance Physiological and Yield Response of Green Bell Pepper to Soil Moisture Sensor Controlled Drip Irrigation |
4016 | Water Production Functions for High Plains Crops |
4025 | Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity of Different Media Used for Containerized Agriculture Systems |
4036 | Water Use and Evapotranspiration Coefficients for Camelina Sativa |
4046 | Current Irrigation Scheduling Advisory Systems 1 Irrigation Scheduling for Deficit Irrigation |
4055 | The Arkansas Irrigation Scheduler |
4065 | The Next Generation of Irrigation Management Programs |
4074 | Woodruff Irrigation Charts |
4083 | Current Irrigation Scheduling Advisory Systems 2 A Web-Based Advisory Service for Optimum Irrigation Management |
4093 | Estimating Crop Coefficients from Fraction of Ground Cover and Height |
4108 | Manure Application to Soybeans in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed |
4115 | On-Line Irrigation Scheduling within the Belle Fourche Irrigation District |
4125 | Drainage Infrastructure and Nonpoint Sources Agricultural Drainage Management Systems Task Force (ADMSTF) |
4135 | Denitrifying Bioreactors for Treatment of Tile Drainage |
4145 | Drainage Main Rehabilitation in Iowa |
4150 | ET in Water Rights and Water Transfers 1 Alfalfa Reference ET from a Weighing Lysimeter and Estimates from the ASCE Standardized Reference ET Equation in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado |
4159 | ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Alfalfa Reference ET and Crop ET Estimates for Arkansas River Compact Compliance in Colorado |
4173 | Interstate Collaboration in the Arkansas River Compact Compliance Process: The “Nuts and Bolts” of Developing PET for Canal Service Areas for Input to the H-I Model |
4186 | Overview of Development and Use of Crop ET Estimates with Hydrological Models for Interstate Compacts |
4198 | ET in Water Rights and Water Transfers 2 Adjusting Wind Speed Measured over Variable Height Alfalfa for Use in the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation |
4215 | Estimation of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration during Nongrowing Seasons Using a Dual Crop Coefficient |
4229 | Evapotranspiration and Net Irrigation Water Requirements for Nevada |
4244 | Integrated Water Management in an Ancestral Water Scheme in a Mountainous Area of Southern Spain |
4253 | ET Measurement and Calculation Comparison of Sensible Heat Flux Measurements by a Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Correlation Methods |
4261 | Mid-Summer Deficit Irrigation of Alfalfa as a Strategy for Saving Water |
4268 | Recursive and Explicit Combination Methods for Calculating Reference Evapotranspiration |
4278 | Some Results of Evapotranspiration Measured by Three Weighing Lysimeters in La Mancha, Spain |
4288 | Irrigation and Drainage Issues Application of SIRMOD to Evaluate Potential Tailwater Reduction from Improved Irrigation Management |
4299 | Evaluation of Magnetic Meters for Irrigation Pipeline Measurement |
4307 | Increasing Field Work Productivity in Irrigation Evaluation Processes through the Use of Combined Irrigation Models |
4320 | Neighborhood Channel is Redefined with Boulder Armoring |
4329 | Landscape Irrigation Scheduling and Water Management Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Efficiency and Adequacy by Various Control Technologies Compared to Theoretical Irrigation Requirement |
4348 | Irrigation Rain Sensors Accuracy |
4359 | Preliminary Results for Bench Testing of Evapotranspiration-Based Irrigation Controllers in Florida |
4370 | The Use of Soil-Water Sensors in Turf Irrigation Control—How Effective Are They? |
4377 | Evapotranspiration Application of SVMs Algorithms for Prediction of Evaporation in Reservoirs |
4387 | Controlled Drainage Effects on Crop Yield and Water Use Efficiency under Semi-Arid Conditions of Iran |
4395 | Estimation of Regional Reference Evapotranspiration from Land Surface Temperature and Co-Kriging Method at Tehran Province, Iran |
4404 | Remote Sensing of ET 1 Comparison of Evapotranspiration Estimates from Remote Sensing (SEBAL), Water Balance, and Crop Coefficient Approaches |
4419 | Independent Comparisons among Calibration and Output of Energy Balance Components Estimated by the METRIC Procedure |
4429 | Measuring Soil Moisture in a Heterogeneous Field |
4439 | Performance Evaluation of Soil Heat Flux Models in Great Plains |
4449 | Remote Sensing of ET 2 Application of Remote Sensing Based Tillage Mapping Technique to Evaluate Water Quality Impacts of Tillage Management Decisions in Upper White River Basin |
4457 | Automated Selection of Anchor Pixels for Landsat Based Evapotranspiration Estimation |
4468 | Mapping ET at High Resolution in an Advective Semi-Arid Environment with Airborne Multispectral Imagery |
4479 | Local Issues—Kansas City Regional Topics Brentwood Stream Restoration Project – Lenexa, Kansas |
4487 | Golden Eagle—Brown County, Kansas: Emergency Streambank Stabilization |
4500 | Hutchinson, KS—4th and Carey Groundwater Remediation and Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Facility Project |
4510 | Hutchinson, KS—4th and Carey Site Groundwater and Source Control Measures at Two Grain Elevators |
4520 | Impacts of Biota on Bioretention Cell Performance during Establishment in the Midwest |
4533 | Importance of Levees in the Kansas City Area |
4548 | Kansas City, Missouri Wet Weather Solutions Program: A Twelve Step Program |
4555 | Kansas City, MO Overflow Control Program: Line Creek/Rock Creek Sanitary Sewer Study |
4566 | Lake Winnebago Dam Relocation Project |
4576 | Zona Rosa and Rush Creek Conservation Area—Applied Ecology in a Mixed-Use Development |
4583 | Modeling Impacts of Conventional and Low Impact Stormwater Controls on Receiving Streams |
4593 | Potable Water from a Superfund Site? |
4603 | Riveside-Quindaro Bend Levee (L-385) on the Missouri River: The Essential Role of O&M and Documentation |
4613 | Protecting Infrastructure: Emergency Streambank Stabilization |
4628 | The Impact of Smaller Detention Basins on Flood Hazard Areas in Lenexa, Kansas |
4638 | Water Quality of Streams in Johnson County, Kansas, 2002-07 |
4647 | Water-Quality Assessment of the Largely Urban Blue River Basin, Metropolitan Kansas City, USA, 1998 to 2007 |
4656 | Planning and Management A Bayesian Framework for Cost Effective Management of Sediment Reduction in the Minnesota River Basin |
4665 | A Decentralized Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Agent System Based Watershed Management |
4673 | A Decision Support System for Water Resources Planning and Management for the North Slope of Alaska |
4680 | A Framework for Determining the Possible Impacts of a Changing Climate on Water Supply |
4691 | A GIS-Based Decision-Making Methodology for Evaluation of Environmental Justice Impacts of Community Infrastructure Projects |
4701 | A Pragmatic Cycle for Ongoing Water Resources Research and Management |
4711 | A Spatio-Temporal Drought Analysis for the Midwestern US |
4721 | Agent Based Models for Simulation of Watersharing in a River Basin |
4731 | Analysis on Effect to EVW from Policy Intervention |
4736 | Application of Genetic Algorithms for Estimation of Flood Routing Model Parameters |
4746 | Application of Multi-Objective Differential Evolution Algorithm (MDEA) to Irrigation Planning |
4756 | Assessing Potential Implications of Climate Change for Long-Term Water Resources Planning in the Lower Colorado River Basin |
4765 | Asymptotic Variance of Regional Growth Curve for Generalized Logistic Distribution |
4774 | Balancing the Budget: A Limited Detail Approach to Flood Studies |
4784 | Climate Flow Forecast Model for the Brazilian Hydropower System |
4793 | Collaborative Groundwater Model Development |
4796 | Communicating Drought Severity and Re-Evaluating Firm Yield—Cumberland County, Tennessee As a Case Study |
4806 | Computer-Aided System for Managing, Controlling, and Analyzing Data from Hydroelectric Plants |
4815 | Copula Approach for Reducing Uncertainty in Design Flood Estimates in Insufficient Data Situations |
4829 | Deriving Rule Curve for Hydropower Reservoirs: Seymareh Experience |
4839 | Detection of Streamflow Trends and Variability in Karun River, Iran as Parts of Climate Change and Climate Variability |
4851 | Developing Artificial Neural Networks to Represent Salinity Intrusions in the Delta |
4861 | Developing Best Practices for Computer Aided Dispute Resolution |
4866 | Development of a Fuzzy Based Pipe Condition Assessment Model Using PROMETHEE |
4876 | Development of Regression Models to Estimate Flow Duration Statistics at Ungaged Streams in Oklahoma Using a Regional Approach |
4889 | Development of Sustainable Water Supply Scheme in Reservoir Operation: Case Study |
4897 | Developments on Stochastic Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMS 2009) |
4907 | Does Collaborative Modeling Lead to Better Management of Our Water Resources? |
4911 | Flow Augmentation for Dissolved Oxygen Improvement in Chicago Waterways |
4921 | Examining the Flow Regime Alteration and Its Potential Impacts to Freshwater Ecosystems under Changing Climate Conditions |
4932 | FEMA Flood Map Accuracy |
4942 | Generating Different Scenarios of BMP Designs in a Watershed Scale by Combining NSGA-II with SWAT |
4951 | Hardening a Great and Growing City’s Water Supply |
4962 | High Resolution Radar Precipitation Evaluation |
4974 | Hydrologic Modeling for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources of the Rio Conchos Basin |
4984 | Hydrological Feasibility of Environmental Flows in the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin |
4995 | Impacts of the Upstream Storage Reservoirs on Itaipu Hydropower Plant Operation |
5004 | Inflow Forecasting for Real-Time Reservoir Operation Using Artificial Neural Network |
5013 | Integrated Management of a Finite Water Supply in the Desert |
5022 | Long-Lead Forecasting of Monthly Rainfall Using Large Scale Climate Signals and Statistical Disaggregation Models |
5032 | Looking for a Solution—Joint Front Range Climate Change Vulnerability Study |
5040 | Managing Salinity in the Upper Santa Clara River System of California |
5050 | Modeling Techniques to Incorporate Low Impact Development Features into Detention Analyses |
5060 | MOPSO in Multipurpose Operation of Single-Reservoir System |
5069 | Multi-Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty in Rainfall-Runoff Calibration: A Fuzzy Compromise Programming Approach Based on Alpha Level Sets |
5079 | Multiobjective Differential Evolution and Differential Evolution for Irrigation Planning |
5087 | Multireservoir Simulation Using Multipurpose Constraints and Object-Oriented Software Design |
5098 | Nonlinear Dependence in Hydrologic Time Series |
5108 | Paleo Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Upper Colorado River Basin Streamflow |
5118 | Planning for Climate Change |
5124 | Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasts Based on Hydrologic Persistence in Central Texas |
5134 | Providing a Physical Basis for Statistical Homogeneity in Regional Frequency Analyses |
5144 | Reducing Uncertainty of Continuous Streamflow Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) Using Regional Constraints: Using Regional Constraints for PUB |
5154 | San Joaquin River Restoration Program Monitoring and Management Plans |
5164 | Selection of Overflow Control Strategies for the Austin Clean Water Program |
5172 | Spatial Evolutionary Algorithms for Characterizing Large-Scale Spatial Groundwater-Vegetation Dynamics in Arid Region |
5182 | Study on the Water Value Conversion between Economy and Ecology and Countermeasures of Water Resources Distribution for Coordinated Development of Economy and Ecology |
5194 | The Implications of Discretizing Continuous Random Variables: An Example Using the U.S. Geological Survey Reporting Standards for Streamflow Data |
5200 | Uncertainty Analysis: You Need to Know What You Don’t Know |
5210 | Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Models with Calibrated Parameters |
5220 | Vulnerability of the Hydraulic Resources of the River Basin of the San Juan-Brave River with the Global Climatic Change |
5230 | Water Demand Forecasting for the City of the Future against the Uncertainties and the Global Change Pressures: Case of Birmingham |
5245 | Water Quality Effects of Varying Crop, Fertilizer, and Carbon Prices |
5249 | Water Resources Planning under Non-Stationary Hydroclimate in a Snow Dominant Watershed |
5259 | Water Supply and Energy Generation |
5269 | Watershed Management in the Indian Himalayan Region: Issues and Challenges |
5281 | Whatever It Takes: From Water Availability Model to Cost of Water |
5294 | Student and New Professionals Student Author Competition Winners Current Water Management Practices and the Effects of Climate Change on the Colorado River Basin |
5303 | Does Polymer Have an Effect on Bacterial Regrowth in Anaerobically Digested Biosolids? |
5310 | Effect of Acid Mine Drainage on Aluminum Release from Clay Minerals |
5318 | Sensitivity Analysis of HEC-HMS Hydrologic Model to the Number of Sub-Basins: Case Study |
5327 | Study of Low Dosage Pre-Ozonation on Sand Filtration Efficiency |
5334 | The Dubai Palms: Construction and Environmental Consequences |
5340 | Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Retrofitting Stormwater BMPs Developing Green Streets Prototypes to Reduce Combined Sewer Overflows for Cincinnati, Ohio |
5350 | Implementation and Performance of Stormwater Best Management Practice Retrofits in Wilmington, NC |
5360 | Modeling Stormwater Basins for Potential Retrofit Designs |
5370 | Stormwater Infiltration Retrofits: Experience Gained through Long Term Monitoring Stormwater Research I |
5378 | A Tool for Determining Effectiveness and Whole Life Costs of BMPs |
5391 | Controlled Full-Scale Field Testing of an Up-Flow Filtration Device |
5400 | The Observed Effects of Stormwater Infiltration on Groundwater |
5410 | Water Quality Assessed by Benthic Macro-Invertebrates: Proposing the WQABI Method |
5421 | Stormwater Research II A Robust and Fast Model for Simulating Street Flooding |
5431 | Evaluating the Mixing Mechanism of Outfall Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems |
5437 | Physical Processes Resulting in Geyser Formation in Rapidly Filling Stormwater Tunnels |
5447 | The “Silver Bullet”: Proprietary BMPs and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District’s Stormwater Program |
5456 | Security Enhancements in Water and Wastewater Utilities 1 Survey of Water and Wastewater Utility Security Standards |
5462 | Security Enhancements in Water and Wastewater Utilities 2 Advances in Data Validation, Event Detection, and Communications Structures for a CWS: Case Study—Glendale, Arizona |
5468 | Implementing a Contamination Warning System at a Department of Defense Facility: Case Study—Port Hueneme, California |
5475 | Concentrate Management in Desalination I Concentrate Management and Disposal Practices in Australia |
5485 | Desalination of Brackish Groundwater and Deep Well Injection of Concentrate in El Paso, Texas |
5494 | Membrane Treatment of Rio Grande Water for Municipal Water Production during the Non-Irrigation Season |
5504 | Synopsis of National Research Council’s Report on Desalination |
5512 | Concentrate Management in Desalination 2 Cost Comparison of Membrane Treatment and Concentrate Management Practices at Drinking Water Treatment Plants in Florida |
5519 | Desalination Concentrate: Bay vs. Ocean |
5529 | Future Water Supply Desalination Technology: Forward Osmosis Co-Located with Power Generation |
5535 | New Strategies for Managing Desalination Concentrate with Zero Liquid Discharge from Two WRF Research Projects |
5545 | Water. Wastewater, and Stormwater Topics A Mobile Emergency Drinking Water System Powered by Renewable Energy |
5555 | Adding Value to Sanitary Sewers—An Important Asset of Municipalities |
5566 | Ecosystem Services Approach to Public Facility Planning |
5576 | An Evaluation of Graywater Reuse Utilizing a Constructed Wetland Treatment System |
5586 | Application of Enhanced Methods of Phosphorous and Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater |
5595 | Bench-Scale Ozonation of Raw Industrial and Municipal Wastewater |
5607 | Biological Nutrient Removal from On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems Using a Membrane Aerated Bioreactor |
5614 | Boundary Conditions for Simulating Complex Storm-Sewer Systems in Free Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Flow Conditions |
5625 | City of St. Louis Permeable Pavement Alley Pilot Study |
5634 | Competing Risks and the Development of Adaptive Management Plans for Water Resources: Field Reconnaissance Investigation of Risks to Fishes and Other Aquatic Biota Exposed to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Lake Mead, Nevada, USA |
5659 | Construction of a Low-Flow Channel in Barber Creek: Case Study in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming |
5669 | Decentralized Anaerobic Treatment of Blackwater: A Sustainable Development Technology Concept for Urban Water Management |
5681 | Development of a National GIS Database for Municipal Water and Wastewater Pipe Infrastructure System |
5691 | Engineering Natural Filtration Systems to Remove Selenium, Nitrate, and Bacteria from Impaired Surface Waters—Foundational Studies |
5704 | Extension of an LA-QUAL Model for Evaluating a Proposed Wastewater Discharge to Realistic Receiving Water Temperature and Flow Conditions |
5719 | Gray Water and Treated Effluent Reuse |
5729 | Green Alternatives to Channel Stabilization |
5735 | Hydraulic Modeling and Engineering Evaluation of Fort Myers Beach’s Water Distribution System |
5747 | Innovative Strategies Alleviate Water Stress in South East Queensland, Australia |
5755 | Multi-Objective Design of Transient Network Models |
5765 | Municipal Water Systems in the Columbia River Basin: A Portfolio Management Approach for Multiple Benefits |
5774 | Reliability Based Design of Water Distribution Network (WDN) Considering the Reliability of Nodal Pressures |
5783 | Removal of Selenium and Nitrate from Surface Waters Using a Subsurface Microbial Filter |
5791 | Research and Application of Activated Sludge Models |
5799 | Risk Assessment to the Environment Due to Anionic Surfactants in Treated Sewages and Dried Sludges |
5810 | Riverbank Filtration for Water Supply: Indian Experience |
5819 | Sustainable Design and Construction of Earthen-Dam Reservoirs for Water Produced in Association with Coalbed Natural Gas in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming |
5829 | Sustainable Development of Agriculture: Urban Waste Water a Viable Mean for Irrigation |
5857 | Treatment Performance of Wastewater Lagoons in South Yungas Province of Bolivia |
5869 | Understanding and Controlling Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors |
5875 | Using Media Filters in a Distributed Wastewater System Serving an Ecotourism-Oriented Development |
5885 | Water Treatment Industry Course Correction |
5890 | Watershed Debris Flow Hazard Analysis and Modeling Associated Disasters to the Debris Flows |
5902 | Experimental Analyses of Sedimentation in the Slit Dam Reservoir |
5914 | Great Rivers of the World Geochemistry of Yukon and Copper River Tributaries, Alaska |
5921 | The Hydrology of the Congo River Basin: A GIS-Based Hydrological Water Balance Model |
5937 | Preliminary Assessment of Planform Change at Low Flows with Vegetation Expansion: Platte River, Nebraska |
5947 | Sediment Management for Shallow Water Habitat Creation on the Missouri River |
5953 | Hydrologic Monitoring Network Design of Solar Radiation Sensor Network Using Geo-Statistical Methods |
5963 | EPM Approach for Erosion Modeling by Using RS and GIS |
5971 | Evaluation of Improvised Spatial Interpolation Methods for Infilling Missing Precipitation Records |
5981 | Quantifying Uncertainty in Discharge Measurements: A New Approach |
5989 | Land Use/Cover Changes and Water Quality/Quantity Assessment of Lumped, Quasi-Distributed and Distributed Hydrologic Models of the US Army Corps of Engineers |
6000 | Change in Surface Hydrology Due to Land Use Change in a Midwestern Watershed |
6010 | Do Upland Soil Conservation Measures Reduce Watershed Sediment Yield? |
6018 | Human Impact on the Mobilization of a Naturally-Occurring Source of Selenium in an Urbanizing Catchment |
6028 | Long Term Effect of a Stream Restoration Plan on Water Quality |
6038 | Measurement of Velocity and Discharge of a Stream Using a New Floating Rod Equipped with a GPS Receiver |
6047 | Prediction of Nitrate Concentration in Stream Water Based on Watershed Land Use and Stream Flow Rate |
6057 | Studying the Impact of Land Use/Cover Changes on the Water Quality of Weeks Bay, AL: Model vs. Regression |
6067 | Mississippi River Basin Modeling the Hydrology and Hydraulics of the Cache River System |
6077 | The Mississippi River: A National Resource |
6085 | The Nature Conservancy’s Mississippi River Program: Sustainable Conservation of a Working River that Works |
6089 | Modeling Hydroclimate Historical Reconstruction of Hydroclimatic Data Based on the Control Runs of GCMs over Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia |
6097 | Statistical Characteristics of Land Surface Properties for the Regional Hydroclimate Model |
6106 | Modeling Hydroclimate—Statistical Approaches Modeling the Kinematic Wave Parameters with Regression Methods |
6116 | On the Use of Data Uncertainty in Hydro-Climatic Modeling: A Bayesian Approach |
6126 | NEXRAD Data Analysis Adjustment of the Z-R Relationship in Real-Time for Use in South Florida |
6138 | Radar-Rainfall Analysis for Extreme August Storm in Sacramento |
6149 | Use of Lightning and Storms Life Cycle Information in Radar Rainfall Estimation |
6160 | Use of NEXRAD Rainfall Data to Develop Climatologically Homogenous Rain Areas for Central and South Florida |
6171 | NEXRAD Data Analysis and Application Impacts of Different Rainfall Estimates on Hydrological Simulation and Satellite Rainfall Retrieval Error Propagation |
6183 | NEXRAD Data Application to Hydrologic Modeling Application of NEXRAD for Freshwater Inflow Estimates to Texas Bays and Estuaries |
6196 | Distributed Hydrologic Modeling: From Research to Operational Forecasting |
6206 | Flash Flood Forecasting for Ungauged Locations with NEXRAD Precipitation Data, Threshold Frequencies, and a Distributed Hydrologic Model |
6216 | Gauge-Based Adjustment of Historical Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Fields and Resulting Effects on Hydrologic Simulations |
6228 | Prediction Tools in Watershed Management Estimating Probability of Extreme Events |
6237 | Prediction of Changes in Soil Moisture Due to Rainfall, Infiltration, and Evapotranspiration Using a Physically-Based Model |
6248 | Reining in Log-Pearson Type III Flow-Frequency Estimates—Applying a Reasonable Bound through the Skew Parameter |
6260 | Understanding Water Quality Responses to Long-Term Acidic Deposition in a High-Elevation Southern Appalachian Watershed: A Focus on Soil Watershed Processes |
6272 | Probabilistic Approaches for Watershed Processes 1 Estimation of TMDLs and Margin of Safety under Conditions of Uncertainty |
6282 | Probable Maximum Precipitation for 24 Hour Duration over Four Central Provinces in Iran |
6288 | Regional Regression Analysis and the Rational Method |
6296 | Stochastic Non-Equilibrium Bedload Transport Model |
6305 | Probabilistic Approaches for Watershed Processes 2 Parameter Uncertainty Estimation of Hydrologic Models Using Bootstrap Resampling |
6315 | Optimization of Regional Stormwater Quality Control Systems Using Genetic Algorithms |
6325 | Statistical Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting: An Intercomparison and Evaluation of Current Forecasting Procedures |
6335 | Watershed Management 1 Analysis of Water Quality Trends and Pollutant Loading for Cypress Creek Watershed |
6345 | Assessment of the Capability of Hydrologic and Artificial Neural Network Models for Flood Warning System in Land Use Change Condition |
6356 | Estimating Groundwater Pumping and Return Flow Based on Hydrologic Recession Analysis |
6366 | Historical Changes in the Streamflow in Kansas Streams: Variation, Causes, and Implications |
6376 | Modeling Water Quality Impacts in Delaware’s Coastal Bays with AGNPS |
6384 | Parameterization of Seasonal Freshets for the Study of Effects of Freshwater Inflows on Galveston Bay |
6394 | Runoffs of the Xiangride and Qaidum Rivers in the Arid Qaidum Basin, Northwest China |
6404 | Watershed Management 2 Design and Implementation of Optimized Hydrologic Unit Watersheds for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling |
6414 | Effects of Rainfall-Runoff on Soil Surface Roughness and Erosion Processes |
6422 | Hydrologic Modeling and Flood Frequency Analysis of the Sonora River Watershed in Sonora, Northwest Mexico |
6432 | Integrated Watershed Protection Plan and Management Strategy for the Calleguas Creek Watershed in Ventura County |
6442 | McCormick Place West Hall Conference Center Stormwater Reclamation Tunnel and “Green Roof” Helps Advance Chicago’s Clean Water Agenda |
6452 | Spatial Variation of Sediment Oxygen Demand in Athabasca River: Influence of Water Column Pollutants |
6464 | Watershed Management 3 A Comparison of a SWAT Model for the Cannonsville Watershed with and without Variable Source Area Hydrology |
6469 | Effective Management of Natural Resources under Dry Land Farming through Watershed Basis |
6474 | Evaluation of Uncertainties in the Simulation of Watershed Nutrient Load: A Case Study |
6484 | Modeling Framework for Establishing Water Quality Trading Units near Pacific, Missouri |
6493 | Statistical Evaluation of BMP Effectiveness in Reducing Nutrient Impairment in Mermentau and Vermilion-Teche River Basins |
6503 | Using “Big Data” to Optimally Model Hydrology and Water Quality across Expansive Regions |
6518 | Watershed Modeling 1 Application of Northeast Regional Climate Center Research Results for the Purpose of Evaluating and Updating Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves –Case Study: Rochester, New York |
6527 | Assessment of Flood Risk Due to Storm Surge in Coastal Bayous Using Dynamic Hydraulic Modeling |
6537 | Effects of Freezing and Thawing Processes on Bank Stability |
6546 | Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Modeling of Orange River Basin in Southwest Florida for Flood Mitigation/Ecosystem Restoration |
6556 | Spatially Distributed Modeling of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport at Watershed Scale |
6566 | The Role of the Clast Layer of Desert Pavement in Rainfall-Runoff Processes |
6574 | Watershed Models for Storm Water Management: Comparing Hydrologic and Hydraulic Procedures |
6584 | Water Subdivision for Modeling |
6594 | Wetlands Integrated Watershed Modeling |
6610 | Understanding Uncertainties in Water Budget for Large Constructed Wetlands |
6620 | Author Index A |
6625 | B |
6633 | C |
6640 | D |
6644 | E |
6646 | F |
6650 | G |
6655 | H |
6664 | I J |
6667 | K |
6675 | L |
6681 | M |
6690 | N |
6692 | O |
6695 | P |
6699 | Q |
6700 | R |
6705 | S |
6716 | T |
6720 | U |
6721 | V |
6723 | W |
6729 | X |
6730 | Y |
6731 | Z |