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BS EN 1366-3:2021:2022 Edition


Fire resistance tests for service installations – Penetration seals

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This part of the EN 1366 series specifies a method of test and criteria for the evaluation (including field of direct application rules) of the ability of a penetration seal to maintain the fire resistance of a separating element at the position at which it has been penetrated by a service or services. Penetration seals used to seal gaps around chimneys, air ventilation systems, fire rated ventilation ducts, fire rated service ducts, shafts and smoke extraction ducts as well as combined penetration seals are excluded from this part of the EN 1366 series. NOTE EN 15882-5 [6] deals with penetration seals including ducts and dampers. Supporting constructions are used in this part of the EN 1366 series to represent separating elements such as walls or floors. These simulate the interaction between the test specimen and the separating element into which the sealing system is to be installed in practice. This part of the EN 1366 series is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1363 1. The purpose of a test described in this part of the EN 1366 series is to assess the integrity and insulation performance of the penetration seal, of the penetrating service or services and of the separating element in the surrounding area of the penetration seal. No information can be implied by the test concerning the influence of the inclusion of such penetrations and penetration seals on the loadbearing capacity of the separating element. It is assumed that in each case the lintel above a penetration seal in the wall is designed in hot and cold state in a way that it does not apply any additional vertical load on the penetration seal. It is not the intention of this test to provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or hot gases or on the transmission or generation of fumes. Such phenomena are only noted in the test report in describing the general behaviour of test specimens during the test. Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series are not intended to supply any information on the ability of the penetration seal to withstand stress caused by movements or displacements of the penetrating services. The risk of spread of fire downwards caused by burning material, which drips e.g. through a pipe downwards to floors below, is at present excluded from this document. Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series do not address any risks associated with leakage of dangerous liquids or gases caused by failure of pipes in case of fire. Tests in accordance with this part of the EN 1366 series of pipe penetration seals for pipes of pneumatic dispatch systems, pressurized air systems, etc. simulate a situation where the systems are shut off in case of fire. Explanatory notes to this test method are given in Annex H. All values given without tolerances in this document are nominal ones unless otherwise specified. All pipe diameters are outside diameters unless otherwise specified.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
11 3 Terms and definitions, symbols, units and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
21 3.2 Symbols, units and abbreviations
3.2.1 Symbols
3.2.2 Units
3.2.3 Abbreviations
22 4 Test equipment
5 Test conditions
5.1 Heating conditions
5.2 Pressure conditions
23 6 Test specimen
6.1 Size and distances
25 6.2 Number
26 6.3 Design
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Advice for designing test specimen(s) without standard configuration
27 6.4 Construction
6.5 Verification
7 Installation of test specimen
7.1 General
7.2 Installation of the supporting construction including penetration(s)
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Standard supporting constructions Wall constructions
32 Floor constructions
7.3 Installation of service(s)
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Support conditions for penetrating services General
33 Standard service support construction
7.3.3 Ballast weights on cable carriers in standard configurations
38 7.3.4 Pipe end configuration General
39 Small tubes
7.3.5 Cable / bus bar trunking units / waveguide end configuration
7.3.6 Subsequent addition/removal of services
7.4 Installation of the penetration seal
40 8 Conditioning
9 Application of instrumentation
9.1 Thermocouples
9.1.1 Furnace thermocouples (plate thermometers)
9.1.2 Unexposed face thermocouples General Position A (on services including cable carriers)
43 Position B (on the aperture part / service part of the penetration seal adjacent to the services)
45 Position C (on the aperture part of the penetration seal not related to the services) Position D (on a supporting frame/beading)
46 Position E (on the supporting construction)
47 Figure 19 — Thermocouple positions on the aperture part of the penetration seal not related to a service, on the supporting construction and on a frame or beading (Positions C, D and E) Position F (potential hot spots)
9.1.3 Roving thermocouple
48 9.2 Pressure
10 Test procedure
10.1 General
10.2 Integrity
10.3 Other observations
11 Performance criteria
11.1 Integrity
11.2 Insulation
49 11.3 Multiple service penetration seals and mixed penetration seals
11.4 Several penetrations in a test construction
12 Test report
50 13 Field of direct application of test results
13.1 General
13.2 Orientation
13.3 Supporting construction
13.3.1 Rigid floor and wall constructions
13.3.2 Double-sided flexible wall constructions
54 13.3.3 One-sided flexible wall constructions
55 13.3.4 Cross laminated timber walls
13.3.5 Cross-laminated timber floors
56 13.4 Services
13.5 Service support construction
13.6 Penetration seal size
57 13.7 Distances
59 Annex A (normative)Configuration and field of direct application for cable penetration seals
A.1 Purpose of Annex A
A.2 Overview of options for test set up and the resulting field of direct application
A.2.1 Standard configuration
A.2.2 Non-standard configuration
A.3 Designing the standard configuration test specimens
A.3.1 Test specimen size
A.3.2 Services
60 A.3.3 Single service penetration seals which form an annular space in accordance with 3.1.17
61 A.3.4 Penetration seals not forming an annular space
A.3.4.1 General
A.3.4.2 Cable arrangements
65 A.3.4.3 Service options and related cable arrangements
66 A.3.4.4 Designing the test specimen(s)
70 A.3.5 Installation of the services / test equipment
74 A.4 Field of direct application
A.4.1 General
A.4.2 Cable type (construction characteristics)
A.4.3 Cable size
75 A.4.4 Cable carriers
76 A.4.5 Distances
A.4.6 Cable support
77 Annex B (normative)Special penetration seal systems
B.1 Configuration and field of direct application for modular systems
B.1.1 Purpose of B.1
B.1.2 Overview of options for test set up and the resulting field of direct application
B.1.2.1 Standard configuration
B.1.2.2 Non-standard configuration
B.1.3 Designing the standard configuration test specimens
B.1.3.1 General
78 B.1.3.2 Services / service options / location of the services
79 B.1.3.3 Modules
80 B.1.4 Field of direct application
B.1.4.1 General
B.1.4.2 Services
81 B.1.4.3 Size / dimensions / geometry
82 B.2 Configuration and field of direct application for steel framed cable boxes
B.2.1 Purpose of B.2
83 B.2.2 Overview of options for test set up and the resulting field of direct application
B.2.2.1 Standard configuration
B.2.2.2 Non-standard configuration
B.2.3 Designing the standard configuration test specimens
B.2.3.1 Test specimen size
B.2.3.2 Services / service options / location of the services
85 B.2.3.3 Grouped cable boxes
B.2.4 Field of direct application for steel framed cable boxes
B.2.4.1 General
B.2.4.2 Cable type (construction characteristics) and size
B.2.4.3 Distances
86 B.2.4.4 Dimensions of the cable box
B.2.4.5 Arrangement of the cable box
87 Annex C (normative)Test configuration and field of direct application for conduits and trunkings for cables
C.1 Conduits
C.1.1 General
88 C.1.2 Standard conduit configuration
C.1.2.1 Conduit end configuration and length
92 C.1.2.2 Selection of infill cables
C.1.2.3 Metal conduits
93 C.1.2.4 Plastic conduits
C.1.2.5 Tied bundles of conduits
94 C.1.3 Field of direct application
C.1.3.1 General
96 C.1.3.2 Metal conduits
97 C.1.3.3 Plastic conduits
C.1.3.4 Arrangement and distances
98 C.2 Trunkings
C.2.1 General
C.2.2 Standard trunking configuration
C.2.2.1 Trunking end configuration and length
C.2.2.2 Selection of infill cables
C.2.2.3 Number and size
99 C.2.2.4 Designing the test specimen
C.2.3 Field of direct application
C.2.3.1 General
C.2.3.2 Cable type and size
100 C.2.3.3 Trunking material
C.2.3.4 Trunking size
101 Annex D (normative)Test specimen design and field of direct application for bus bars / bus bar trunking units
D.1 Purpose of Annex D
D.2 Test specimen
D.3 Field of direct application
105 Annex E (normative)Test specimen design, test procedure and field of direct application for pipe penetration seals
E.1 Purpose of Annex E
E.2 Selection of pipes to be included in the test
E.2.1 Metal pipes (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.40
E.2.1.1 General
106 E.2.1.2 Additional rules for the test procedure for metal pipes (hmp) with joints containing a gasket or component having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.2.2 Metal pipes (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.41
E.2.3 Coated metal pipes (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.42
E.2.4 Coated metal pipes (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.43
E.2.5 Single layer plastic pipes
E.2.5.1 Single layer plastic pipes sealed with pipe closure devices
111 E.2.5.2 Single layer plastic pipes sealed with penetration seals other than pipe closure devices (non-reactive penetration seals)
E.2.6 Multilayer plastic pipes in accordance with 3.1.45
E.2.7 Composite pipes in accordance with 3.1.46
E.2.8 MLC pipes in accordance with 3.1.47
E.2.9 Pipes with the risk of fracture in accordance with 3.1.48
E.2.10 Small tubes
112 E.2.11 Pipe-in-pipe systems
E.2.12 Special installations
E.3 Designing the test specimen
E.3.1 Single arrangement (distance between pipes ≥ 100 mm)
E.3.1.1 General
113 E.3.1.2 Single service penetration seals
E.3.1.3 Multiple service penetration seals
114 E.3.2 Linear arrangement or cluster arrangement (distance between pipes < 100 mm)
E.3.2.1 General
E.3.2.2 Option A
116 E.3.2.3 Option B
117 E.4 Field of direct application
E.4.1 General rules
E.4.1.1 Single service / multiple service penetration seals
118 E.4.1.2 Distances
119 E.4.1.3 Arrangement
120 E.4.2 Metal pipes (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.40
E.4.2.1 Pipe dimensions
121 E.4.2.2 Pipe end configuration
E.4.2.3 Type of pipe material
E.4.2.4 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class A1 or A2 in accordance with EN 135011
124 E.4.2.5 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011 with or without an additional service part of the penetration seal
126 E.4.2.6 Pipe orientation
E.4.2.7 Additional rules for pipes with joints containing a gasket or component having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
128 E.4.2.8 Pipes with sound decoupling made of PE foam up to a thickness of 9 mm
E.4.3 Metal pipes (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.41
E.4.3.1 Pipe dimensions
E.4.3.2 Pipe end configuration
E.4.3.3 Type of pipe material
E.4.3.4 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class A1 or A2 in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.3.5 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
129 E.4.3.6 Pipe orientation
E.4.3.7 Additional rules for pipes with joints containing a gasket or component having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.3.8 Pipes with sound decoupling made of PE foam up to a thickness of 9 mm
E.4.4 Coated metal pipes (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.42
E.4.4.1 Pipe dimensions
E.4.4.2 Pipe end configuration
E.4.4.3 Type of pipe material
E.4.4.4 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class A1 or A2 in accordance with EN 13501-1
E.4.4.5 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.4.6 Pipe orientation
E.4.4.7 Additional rules for pipes with joints containing a gasket or component having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.4.8 Pipes with sound decoupling made of PE foam up to a thickness of 9 mm
E.4.5 Coated metal pipes (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.43
E.4.5.1 Pipe dimensions
130 E.4.5.2 Pipe end configuration
E.4.5.3 Type of pipe material
E.4.5.4 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class A1 or A2 in accordance with EN 13501-1
E.4.5.5 Pipes fitted with an insulation material having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.5.6 Pipe orientation
E.4.5.7 Additional rules for pipes with joints containing a gasket or component having class B to F in accordance with EN 135011
E.4.5.8 Pipes with sound decoupling made of PE foam up to a thickness of 9 mm
E.4.6 Single layer plastic pipes
E.4.6.1 Pipe end configuration
131 E.4.6.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
135 E.4.6.3 Pipe and insulation material
136 E.4.6.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
138 E.4.6.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.6.6 Pipe closure devices for multiple pipes in one device
139 E.4.6.7 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices (non-reactive penetration seals)
E.4.6.8 Field of direct application for the alternative selection route in accordance with E.
140 E.4.7 Multilayer plastic pipes in accordance with 3.1.45
E.4.7.1 Pipe end configuration
E.4.7.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
E.4.7.3 Pipe and insulation material
E.4.7.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
141 E.4.7.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.7.6 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.4.8 Composite pipes in accordance with 3.1.46
E.4.8.1 Pipe end configuration
E.4.8.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
E.4.8.3 Pipe and insulation material
E.4.8.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
E.4.8.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.8.6 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.4.9 MLC pipes in accordance with 3.1.47
E.4.9.1 Pipe end configuration
E.4.9.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
E.4.9.3 Type of pipe and insulation material
E.4.9.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
142 E.4.9.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.9.6 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.4.10 Pipes with the risk of fracture in accordance with 3.1.48
E.4.10.1 Pipe end configuration
E.4.10.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
E.4.10.3 Pipe and insulation material
E.4.10.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
E.4.10.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.10.6 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.4.11 Pipe-in-pipe-systems
E.4.11.1 Pipe end configuration
E.4.11.2 Wall / floor thickness increase in case of pipe closure devices, positioned within the wall / floor
E.4.11.3 Pipe material
143 E.4.11.4 Size of the pipe closure device / pipe dimensions
E.4.11.5 Pipe orientation
E.4.11.6 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.4.12 Small tubes
E.4.12.1 Size
E.4.12.2 Material
E.4.12.3 Pipe end configuration
E.4.12.4 Distances
E.4.12.5 Particular rules for penetration seals other than pipe closure devices
E.5 Floor penetrations ending at floor level (e.g. floor drain)
145 Annex F (normative)Test specimen design, test procedure and field of direct application for mixed penetration seals
F.1 Purpose of Annex F
F.2 Mixed penetration seals containing pipes of different pipe material groups or pipes with different service parts of the penetration seal
F.2.1 Single arrangement (distance between pipes ≥ 100 mm)
F.2.2 Linear arrangement or cluster arrangement (distance between pipes < 100 mm)
F.2.2.1 No previous test results are available
147 F.2.2.2 Results from previous tests of single service penetration seals are available
148 F.2.2.3 Results from previous tests of multiple service penetration seals are available
F.2.2.4 Results from previous tests of mixed service penetration seals are available
149 F.3 Mixed penetration seals containing cables and other services
F.3.1 General
150 F.3.2 Designing the test specimen(s)
F.3.2.1 ‘Mix Area’
152 F.3.2.2 Case COM
F.3.2.3 Case COS
F.4 Mixed penetration seals containing pipes and other services except cables
F.5 Mixed penetration seals containing different services other than cables and pipes
F.6 Selection of previous test results (if available) for designing the test specimen
153 F.7 Field of direct application
F.7.1 General
F.7.2 Services
F.7.3 Distances
154 Annex G (normative)Critical service approach
G.1 General
G.2 Criteria to identify the critical services
156 G.3 Identification and selection of the most critical services
G.3.1 Metal pipes (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.40
G.3.2 Metal pipes (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.41
G.3.3 Single layer Plastic pipes in accordance with 3.1.44
G.3.4 Multilayer plastic pipes in accordance with 3.1.45
157 G.3.5 Metal conduits (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.36
G.3.6 Metal conduits (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.37
G.3.7 Plastic conduits in accordance with 3.1.38
G.3.8 Metal trunkings (hmp) in accordance with 3.1.52
G.3.9 Metal trunkings (lmp) in accordance with 3.1.53
G.3.10 Plastic trunkings in accordance with 3.1.54
158 G.3.11 Composite pipes in accordance with 3.1.46
G.3.12 MLC pipes in accordance with 3.1.47
G.3.13 Bus bars and bus bar trunking units
G.3.14 Waveguides
G.3.15 Coaxial cables
159 Annex H (informative)Explanatory notes
H.1 General
H.2 Notes on the scope and application of test results
H.2.1 General
H.3 Notes on test conditions
H.3.1 Size of furnace
160 H.3.2 Furnace pressure
H.4 Notes on test construction
H.4.1 Services
H.4.1.1 General
161 H.4.1.2 Cables
163 H.4.1.3 Standard configuration
164 H.4.1.4 Ballast weights
H.4.1.5 Coaxial cables and waveguides
165 H.4.1.6 Conduits and trunkings
168 H.4.1.7 Bus bars / bus bar trunking units
H.4.1.8 Pipes
175 H.4.1.9 Subsequent addition / removal of services
H.4.2 Service support
H.4.2.1 Alternative service support constructions
176 H.4.2.2 Service support material
H.4.2.3 Cable support – field of direct application
H.4.3 Supporting construction
H.4.3.1 General
H.4.3.2 Double-sided flexible wall constructions
177 H.4.3.3 One-sided flexible wall constructions
178 H.4.4 Distance between penetration seals
H.4.5 Pipe penetration seals
H.4.5.1 Metal pipes
H.4.5.2 Plastic pipes sealed with pipe closure devices
180 H.4.5.3 Temperature rise criterion in E.4.1.2f)
181 H.4.6 Modular systems
182 H.4.7 Cable boxes
H.4.8 Mixed penetration seals
184 H.5 Notes on instrumentation
H.5.1 Thermocouple pad
H.5.2 Thermocouples A
H.6 Notes on test procedure
H.6.1 General
185 H.6.2 Blank penetration seal
H.6.3 Pipe penetration seals
186 H.6.4 Mixed penetration seals
187 H.6.5 Critical service approach
H.7 Notes on test criteria
H.8 Notes on validity of test results (field of application)
H.8.1 Rigid wall or floor constructions
H.8.1.1 General
188 H.8.1.2 Recommended standard phrases for test and/or classification reports
H.8.2 Double-sided flexible wall constructions
H.8.2.1 General
H.8.2.2 Recommended standard phrases for test and/or classification reports
189 H.8.3 Cables
H.8.4 Conduits
190 Trunkings
H.8.6 Pipes
192 H.8.7 Restriction of field of direct application in case of different test results for single services in multiple service penetration seals or mixed penetration seals
193 H.8.8 Penetration seal size
195 H.9 Notes on test report
BS EN 1366-3:2021