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BS EN 1545-1:2015


Identification card systems. Surface transport applications – Elementary data types, general code lists and general data elements

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BSI 2015 98
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This European Standard specifies data formats, data elements, data types and data elements with associated codelists for general use within surface transport applications (STAs) on ICs.

The mechanism for how to establish the application context, including the decision of which encoding rules to use, is outside the scope of this European Standard.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
9 Foreword
10 Introduction
12 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
14 4 Abbreviations
5 Approach for definition of data types and data elements
5.1 Data types and data elements
15 5.2 ASN.1 type naming conventions
5.3 Existing standards
5.4 Value range identifiers
5.5 Size constraints
6 Elementary data types
6.1 Address
6.2 Amount
6.3 ApplicationInstanceNumber
16 6.4 Authenticator
6.5 BCDStringType
6.6 BitMap
17 6.7 Capacity
6.8 CompanyId
6.9 Counter
6.10 CountryAlpha
6.11 CountryNumeric
6.12 Currency
6.13 Databin
6.14 DateCompact
18 6.15 Datef
6.16 DateStamp
6.17 DateTimeCompact
19 6.18 DateTimeStamp
6.19 DayOfWeek
6.20 Duration
6.21 Flag
20 6.22 HalfDayOfWeek
6.23 HalfDayType
21 6.24 IAI
6.25 IIN
6.26 InstancePointer
6.27 INT1
6.28 INT2
22 6.29 INT3
6.30 INT4
6.31 INTM
6.32 INTP
6.33 INTS
6.34 LanguageAlpha
6.35 LanguageId
6.36 Length
23 6.37 MappingType
6.38 MeasuredParameters
24 6.39 Name
6.40 NetworkAccess
25 6.41 NetworkId
26 6.42 NetworkSpecificCompanyId
6.43 Number
6.44 NumberUnit
6.45 ObjectIdentifier
6.46 Payment
6.47 PayUnitMap
27 6.48 Percentage-0
6.49 Percentage-1
6.50 Percentage-2
6.51 PeriodOfDay
6.52 Permission
28 6.53 PointerValue
6.54 PTag
6.55 Quantity
6.56 ReferenceIdentifier
6.57 ReferenceNumber
6.58 Restriction
6.59 SequenceNumber
29 6.60 ShortName
6.61 SignedAmount
6.62 SignedInteger1
6.63 SignedInteger2
6.64 SignedInteger3
6.65 Speed
6.66 TimeCompact
30 6.67 TimeMeasure
6.68 TimeReal
6.69 TimeStamp
6.70 VehicleNumber
6.71 VersionNumber
6.72 Weight
7 Data elements with associated code lists
7.1 General
31 7.2 CapacityUnit
7.3 CommercialTransportProductCode
33 7.4 ConditionCode
34 7.5 DayOfValidityCode
7.6 DestinationOrOriginCode
7.7 DeviceTypeCode
35 7.8 DirectionCode
7.9 EntitlementTypeCode
36 7.10 EventTypeCode
37 7.11 GenderCode
7.12 HotListStatusCode
38 7.13 LanguageCode
43 7.14 LegislationCode
7.15 LengthUnit
7.16 LocationQualifierCode
44 7.17 LocationTypeCode
7.18 PersonalisationBiometricCode
45 7.19 PersonalisationTypeCode
7.20 PointerQualifierCode
7.21 PreferenceTypeCode
46 7.22 ProfileCodeIOP
47 7.23 ProfileCodeNetwork
7.24 ReferenceTypeCode
7.25 RestrictTimeCode
7.26 ResultCode
48 7.27 RevocationDetailsCode
7.28 RoundingCode
7.29 SecurityServicesCode
49 7.30 SeriousnessCode
7.31 SpeedUnit
7.32 StatusCode
50 7.33 TimeUnit
51 7.34 TransactionModeCode
7.35 TransportTypeCode
52 7.36 UserActionCode
7.37 WeightUnit
7.38 UserMediaTypeCode
53 7.39 SecurityAlgorithmCode
8 General data elements
8.1 AccountingId
54 8.2 ActionListSequenceNumber
8.3 AlgorithmId
8.4 ApplicationId
8.5 ApplicationOwner
8.6 BirthDate
8.7 BirthName
8.8 BirthPlace
8.9 CollectionAndForwardingOperator
8.10 CompanyName
55 8.11 ContractDependencyPointer
8.12 ContractTypesAllowed
8.13 CustomerContractProvider
8.14 CustomerNumber
8.15 Date
8.16 DateTime
8.17 DateTimeBand
8.18 DeductionPercentage
56 8.19 DelayCounter
8.20 DeviceId
8.21 DisplayMessageNumber
8.22 EmailAddress
8.23 EndDate
8.24 EndDatePeriod
8.25 EndDatePeriodStamp
8.26 EndDateStamp
57 8.27 EndTime
8.28 EndTimeStamp
8.29 EntryPointer
8.30 EventClassification
8.31 EventDateStamp
8.32 EventDisplayMessageId
8.33 EventPointer
58 8.34 FacilityProvider
8.35 FarthestPlace
8.36 Fax
8.37 Forename
8.38 HangoverPeriod
8.39 HolderAddress
8.40 HolderCompany
8.41 HolderId
59 8.42 HolderProfiles
8.43 IdentityDocumentId
8.44 IssueDateStamp
8.45 KeyVersionNumber
8.46 LastMinuteSale
8.47 LevelIndicator
8.48 LocationId
8.49 LocationIdentifier
60 8.50 LockTime
8.51 MaxAbnormalEvents
8.52 MostRecentPointer
8.53 NotOKCounter
8.54 NumberOfContracts
8.55 NumberOfEntries
8.56 NumberOfTimePeriods
61 8.57 PermitPeriodOfDay
8.58 PostCodeId
8.59 Priority
8.60 ProductOwner
8.61 ProductRetailer
8.62 ProductStatus
8.63 ReceiptData
8.64 ReceiptPoint
8.65 ReservationId
62 8.66 RestrictedDayOfWeek
8.67 RestrictedHalfDayOfWeek
8.68 RestrictedLocation
8.69 RestrictedPeriodOfDay
8.70 RestrictionEnd
8.71 RestrictionEndDate
8.72 RestrictionStart
63 8.73 SalesPoint
8.74 SecondaryFlag
8.75 SectionNumber
8.76 SecurityVersion
8.77 SerialNumber
8.78 ServiceOperator
8.79 StartDate
8.80 StartDatePeriod
64 8.81 StartDatePeriodStamp
8.82 StartDateStamp
8.83 StartTime
8.84 StartTimeStamp
8.85 StructureReferenceNumber
8.86 Surname
8.87 Telephone
8.88 TestFlag
65 8.89 Time
8.90 TransactionOperator
8.91 TransactionSequenceNumber
8.92 UnblockInstanceNumber
8.93 UserData
8.94 ValidationCounter
8.95 ValidationStatus
8.96 ValidDayOfExpiry
8.97 ValidDayOfIssue
66 8.98 ValidityCheckFlag
8.99 ValidityDuration
8.100 VehicleId
8.101 VersionNumberFor1545
9 Encoding rules
9.1 General
9.2 Basic encoding rules (BER)
9.3 Alternative encoding rules
9.3.1 General
67 9.3.2 Packed encoding rules
9.3.3 Other encoding rules
9.4 Value and size range definitions
10 Backwards compatibility
68 11 Transport general module definition
85 Annex A (normative) Assignment of object identifiers
86 Annex B (normative) Tags
91 Annex C (informative) Index
94 Bibliography
BS EN 1545-1:2015