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BS ISO 21795-2:2021


Mine closure and reclamation planning – Guidance

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2021 82
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This document provides guidance related to the necessary mine closure and reclamation planning activities for new and operating mines. Recommendations are provided on:

  • closure and reclamation of a mine site;

  • land reclamation and water management;

  • stakeholder engagement;

  • decision and analysis tools.

The following aspects of closure and reclamation are not addressed in this document:

  • infrastructure such as rail lines, ports, off-site ore loaders, power stations, etc. that are associated with the mine operation, but which are not located at the mine site;

  • detailed survey, testing or monitoring methods, detailed engineering procedures, detailed product requirements, or detailed construction and operational procedures; occupational health and safety management related to closure and reclamation, construction and exploration activities;

  • relinquishment of a closed and reclaimed mine site, or portions thereof, to a party (governmental or private entity) not related to the mine operator;

  • specific requirements for dealing with the radiological aspects of mine closure and reclamation, such as those that occur at uranium mining and processing facilities and other mines at which naturally occurring radioactive materials are present; however, the other aspects associated with closure and reclamation of these mines are included in this document; and

  • closure and reclamation of abandoned mines.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
9 Foreword
10 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
12 4 Closure and reclamation of a mine site
4.1 General
4.2 Tailings storage facilities
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Objectives
13 4.2.3 Approach
4.2.4 Status and condition assessment
14 4.2.5 Risk assessment
4.2.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
15 4.2.7 Closure and reclamation plan
16 4.3 Water storage facilities
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Objectives
17 4.3.3 Approach
4.3.4 Status and condition assessment
4.3.5 Risk assessment
18 4.3.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
4.3.7 Closure and reclamation plan
19 4.4 Waste rock dumps
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Objectives
4.4.3 Approach
20 4.4.4 Status and condition assessment
21 4.4.5 Risk assessment
4.4.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
22 4.4.7 Closure and reclamation plan
4.5 Heap leach facilities
4.5.1 General
23 4.5.2 Objectives
4.5.3 Approach
4.5.4 Status and condition assessment
24 4.5.5 Risk assessment
4.5.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
25 4.5.7 Closure and reclamation plan
26 4.6 Open pits
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Objectives
4.6.3 Approach
4.6.4 Status and condition assessment
27 4.6.5 Risk assessment
4.6.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
28 4.6.7 Closure and reclamation plan
30 4.7 Underground workings
4.7.1 General
4.7.2 Objectives
4.7.3 Approach
4.7.4 Status and condition assessment
31 4.7.5 Risk assessment
4.7.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
4.7.7 Closure and reclamation plan
34 4.8 Mine infrastructure
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Objectives
4.8.3 Approach
4.8.4 Status and condition assessment
35 4.8.5 Risk and opportunity assessment
4.8.6 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
36 4.8.7 Closure and reclamation plan
37 4.9 Temporary closure
4.9.1 General
4.9.2 Objectives
4.9.3 Status and condition assessment
4.9.4 Risk and opportunity assessment
38 4.9.5 Closure and reclamation alternatives analyses
4.9.6 Closure and reclamation plan
39 5 Land reclamation and water management
5.1 Landforms
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Objectives
5.1.3 Approach
40 5.1.4 Plan
5.2 Surface preparation
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Objectives
41 5.2.3 Approach
42 5.3 Vegetation establishment
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Objectives
43 5.3.3 Approach
5.3.4 Evaluating site conditions for revegetation:
5.3.5 Selection of revegetation approaches
45 5.3.6 Revegetation plan
5.3.7 Monitoring and adaptive management
5.4 Water management
5.4.1 General
46 5.4.2 Objectives
5.4.3 Approach
47 5.4.4 Water management plan
49 5.5 Water treatment
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Objectives
5.5.3 Approach
50 5.5.4 Design
5.5.5 Operations and maintenance
51 5.6 Covers
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Objectives
52 5.6.3 Cover design
53 5.6.4 Modelling and field testing
5.6.5 Monitoring and maintenance aspects specific to covers
5.6.6 Consideration of climate zones
54 5.6.7 Objectives
5.6.8 Wet and tropical climates
5.6.9 Arid climates
5.6.10 Cold climates
55 5.6.11 Temperate climates
5.7 Climate change effects
5.7.1 General
56 6 Stakeholder engagement
6.1 General
6.2 Objectives
57 6.3 Approach
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Stakeholders identification
58 6.3.3 Special rights holders
6.3.4 Indigenous peoples
59 6.3.5 Stakeholder mapping
6.3.6 Engagement methods
6.3.7 Response program
6.3.8 Social transition — Post-closure and reclamation stakeholder agreements
6.3.9 Engagement plan
60 6.3.10 Engagement and reporting frequency
7 Decision and analysis tools
7.1 Design levels
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Objectives
7.1.3 Approach
7.1.4 Conceptual design level
61 7.1.5 Pre-feasibility design level
7.1.6 Feasibility design level
62 7.1.7 Detailed design level
7.1.8 As-built documentation
7.1.9 Application of design levels to mine closure and reclamation planning
63 7.2 Alternatives identification and analysis
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Objectives
7.2.3 Approach
64 7.2.4 Technology screening
7.2.5 Options screening
65 7.2.6 Options analysis
66 7.2.7 Stakeholder engagement
7.2.8 Documentation
7.3 Designing and operating for closure and reclamation
7.3.1 General
67 7.3.2 Objectives
7.3.3 Approach
68 7.3.4 Design criteria
7.3.5 Documentation
7.4 Risk assessment and management
7.4.1 General
69 7.4.2 Objectives
7.4.3 Approach
70 7.4.4 Corporate role in risk management and resilience engineering
7.4.5 Management of change
7.4.6 Assessing the risk of design or operational failure in meeting design objectives
7.4.7 Resilience requirements
71 7.4.8 Plan
7.5 Cost estimating
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Objectives
7.5.3 Approach
72 7.5.4 Level of cost estimates
7.5.5 Cost estimating methodology
73 7.5.6 Guidance for the purposes of cost analysis
7.5.7 Cash flow costs
7.5.8 Financial plan
74 7.6 Performance monitoring and reporting
7.6.1 General
75 7.6.2 Objectives
7.6.3 Approach
76 7.6.4 Scope
7.6.5 Media
7.6.6 Parameters
77 7.6.7 Compliance and action trigger levels
7.6.8 Monitoring plan
78 7.6.9 Corrective action plan
7.6.10 Peer review
7.6.11 Revisions
7.6.12 Data collection and reporting
7.7 Adaptive management
7.7.1 General
79 7.7.2 Objectives
7.7.3 Approach
80 7.7.4 Adaptive management plan
7.8 Application to the long-term care phase
81 Bibliography
BS ISO 21795-2:2021