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BS ISO 22634-2:2019


Cigarettes. Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke using GC/MS – Method using cyclohexane as extraction solvent

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BSI 2019 18
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This document specifies a method for the determination of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in the total particulate matter (TPM) of cigarette mainstream smoke using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with cyclohexane as extraction solvent.

This method is specified using ISO 3308 smoking parameters. This document provides an alternative method to that specified in ISO 22634-1, with a different clean-up, and a shorter total analytical run allowing a potential increase of sample throughput in comparison with ISO 22634-1.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
6 Foreword
7 Introduction
8 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
9 5 Apparatus
6 Reagents
10 7 Standards
7.1 General
7.2 Primary B[a]P-d12 stock solution: 100 µg/ml
7.3 Secondary B[a]P-d12 spiking solution: 40 ng/ml
7.4 Primary B[a]P stock solution: 100 µg/ml
7.5 Secondary B[a]P stock solution: 1 000 ng/ml
7.6 Working standard solutions
7.7 Storage of standard solutions
11 8 Preparation of sample
8.1 Sampling
8.2 Smoking
8.3 Glass-fibre filter pad extraction
8.4 Sample clean-up
12 8.5 Blank solution
9 Determination
9.1 GC/MS operating conditions
13 9.2 Calibration
9.3 Determination of B[a]P
9.4 Calculation
10 Repeatability and reproducibility
14 11 Test report
11.1 General
11.2 Characteristic data about the cigarette
15 11.3 Data about sampling
11.4 Description of the test
11.5 Test results
16 Annex A (informative) Example of a chromatogram of a cigarette smoke extract
17 Bibliography
BS ISO 22634-2:2019