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BS ISO 37108:2022


Sustainable cities and communities. Business districts. Guidance for practical local implementation of ISO 37101

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BSI 2022 74
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PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
7 Foreword
8 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
14 4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.1.1 General
15 4.1.2 Business district characteristics
4.1.3 Practical needs for achieving sustainable business districts
18 4.1.4 Synergy with surrounding communities
19 4.2 Understanding the interested parties in a business district
4.2.1 Type of interested party
4.2.2 Roles of interested parties
20 4.3 Determining the scope of the management system for sustainable development of the business district
4.4 Management system for the sustainable development of a business district
4.5 Purposes of sustainability for a business district
21 4.6 Sustainability issues
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Sustainability issues for management system for sustainable development of business districts
24 4.6.3 Specifying tasks according to sustainability issues of business district
29 5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Support from local /regional/national government
30 5.1.3 Political commitment
31 5.2 Policy
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
5.3.1 General
32 5.3.2 Governance framework and interested partiesā€™ participation
33 5.4 Responsibility for identification of sustainability issues
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General
34 6.1.2 Baseline review
37 6.1.3 Conformance obligations
6.1.4 Determining the significance of sustainability issues
6.1.5 Identifying and engaging interested parties
38 6.2 Sustainable strategy and objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Strategy for sustainable development
41 6.2.3 Mapping out the industry cluster in spatial planning
6.3 Implementation
6.3.1 General
42 6.3.2 Establishing the action plan
6.3.3 Engaging interested parties at different stages
43 6.3.4 Managing common risks and common enablers that cut across the issues
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence of people involved in management system for sustainable development
7.2.1 General
44 7.2.2 Knowledge
7.2.3 Experience
45 7.2.4 Skills
7.2.5 Competences to foster innovation
7.2.6 Capacity building
46 7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
47 8 Operation
8.1 General
8.2 Operational planning and control
48 8.3 Ensuring coherence of strategies, programs, projects, plans and services
49 9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Monitoring and measurement
51 9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation of performance
9.2 Internal audit
52 9.3 Management review
10 Improvement of the management system
10.1 General
53 10.2 Non-conformity and corrective action
54 10.3 Continuous improvement
55 Annex A (informative) Suggested KPIs for management system for the sustainable development of business district
66 Annex B (informative) Case studies
72 Bibliography
BS ISO 37108:2022