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BS ISO/IEC 26553:2018


Information technology. Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line realization

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2018 72
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This document, within the context of tools and methods of detailed design and implementation for software and system product lines:

  • provides the terms and definitions specific to realization for software and systems product lines;

  • defines processes performed during product line realization (those processes are described in terms of purpose, inputs, tasks and outcomes);

  • defines method capabilities to support the defined tasks of each process; and

  • defines tool capabilities to automate/semi-automate tasks or defined method capabilities.

This document concerns processes and capabilities of realization tools and methods for a family of products, not for a single system.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
8 Foreword
9 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
13 4 Reference model for product line realization
4.1 Overview
14 4.2 Organization realization management
4.3 Domain realization
15 4.4 Domain implementation
4.5 Asset management in realization
16 4.6 Detailed application application design
4.7 Application implementation
4.8 Variability management in realization
18 5 Organizational realization management
5.1 General
5.2 Organizational planning for realization
5.2.1 Principal constituents
19 5.2.2 Confirm the readiness of realization
20 5.2.3 Define realization plans
5.3 Organizational enabling environment for realization
5.3.1 Principal constituents
21 5.3.2 Analyse requirements for enabling environments
5.3.3 Establish and maintain enabling environments
5.3.4 Enable interoperability among related infrastructure elements
22 5.4 Organizational operational managing for realization
5.4.1 Principal constituents
23 5.4.2 Monitor and control progress in realization
5.4.3 Make corrective action and improvement in realization
24 6 Detailed domain design
6.1 General
6.2 Detailed domain design initiation
6.2.1 Principal constituents
25 6.2.2 Review COTS from detailed design perspective
6.2.3 Confirm inputs for detailed domain design
6.2.4 Confirm detailed domain design capability
26 6.3 Detailed domain interface design
6.3.1 Principal constituents
6.3.2 Examine interactions among domain components
27 6.3.3 Define the detailed internal structures of domain interfaces
6.3.4 Verify and validate detailed domain interface design
6.3.5 Document detailed domain interface design
28 6.4 Detailed domain component design
6.4.1 Principal constituents
29 6.4.2 Define the detailed internal structures of domain components
6.4.3 Verify and validate detailed domain component design
6.4.4 Prepare test inputs for unit testing
30 6.4.5 Document detailed domain component design
6.5 Detailed software domain artefact design
6.5.1 Principal constituents
31 6.5.2 Define Detailed software domain artefact design
6.5.3 Verify and validate detailed software domain artefact design
32 6.5.4 Prepare test inputs for unit testing
6.5.5 Document detailed software domain artefact design
7 Domain implementation
7.1 General
33 7.2 Detailed domain implementation initiation
7.2.1 Principal constituents
7.2.2 Confirm inputs for domain implementation
34 7.2.3 Confirm domain implementation capability
7.3 Domain interface implementation
7.3.1 Principal constituents
7.3.2 Implement domain interface
35 7.3.3 Build domain interfaces
7.3.4 Verify and validate domain interface implementation
7.4 Domain component implementation
7.4.1 Principal constituents
36 7.4.2 Implement domain components
7.4.3 Build domain components
37 7.4.4 Verify and validate domain component implementation
7.4.5 Integrate domain components
7.5 Software domain artefact implementation
7.5.1 Principal constituents
38 7.5.2 Implement software domain artefacts
7.5.3 Build software domain artefacts
39 7.5.4 Verify and validate software domain artefacts
8 Variability management in realization
8.1 General
8.2 Variability mechanism category in realization
8.2.1 Principal constituents
41 8.2.2 Identify variability mechanisms in realization by category
8.2.3 Guide the use of variability mechanism category in realization
8.2.4 Trace the usage status of variability mechanism category in realization
42 8.2.5 Update variability mechanism category in realization
8.3 Variability in realization
8.3.1 Principal constituents
43 8.3.2 Model variability in realization
44 8.3.3 Maintain variability mechanisms in realization
8.3.4 Document variability in realization
8.4 Traceability of variability in realization
8.4.1 Principal constituents
45 8.4.2 Define trace links among variability in different realization artefacts
8.4.3 Define trace links between realization artefacts and variability model
46 9 Asset management in realization
9.1 General
9.2 Detailed domain design artefacts as domain assets
9.2.1 Principal constituents
47 9.2.2 Identify detailed design artefacts managed as domain assets
9.2.3 Define configuration and annotation in detailed domain design
48 9.3 Domain implementation artefacts as domain assets
9.3.1 Principal constituents
9.3.2 Identify domain implementation artefacts managed as domain assets
49 9.3.3 Define configuration and annotation in domain implementation
9.4 Attached process for reusing domain realization assets
9.4.1 Principal constituents
50 9.4.2 Identify processes adhered for realization asset reuse
9.4.3 Make attached process as a part of domain realization assets
9.5 Detailed application design artefacts as application assets
9.5.1 Principal constituents
51 9.5.2 Identify detailed application design artefacts managed as application assets
9.5.3 Define configuration and annotation in detailed application design
52 9.6 Application implementation artefacts as application assets
9.6.1 Principal constituents
9.6.2 Identify application implementation artefacts as application assets
9.6.3 Define configuration and annotation of application implementation
53 10 Detailed application design
10.1 General
10.2 Detailed application design initiation
10.2.1 Principal constituents
54 10.2.2 Derive detailed application design from detailed domain design
10.2.3 Validate derived detailed application design
55 10.2.4 Confirm detailed application design capability
10.3 Detailed application interface design
10.3.1 Principal constituents
56 10.3.2 Examine interactions among application components
10.3.3 Define the detailed internal structures of application interfaces
10.3.4 Verify and validate detailed application interface design
57 10.3.5 Document detailed application interface design
10.4 Detailed application component design
10.4.1 Principal constituents
58 10.4.2 Identify, evaluate and select COTS
10.4.3 Define the detailed internal structures of application components
59 10.4.4 Verify and validate detailed application component design
10.4.5 Document detailed application component design
10.5 Detailed software application artefact design
10.5.1 Principal constituents
60 10.5.2 Define the detailed internal structures of software application artefacts
10.5.3 Verify and validate detailed software application artefact design
61 10.5.4 Document the detailed design of software application artefacts
11 Application implementation
11.1 General
11.2 Application implementation initiation
11.2.1 Principal constituents
62 11.2.2 Derive application implementation from domain implementation
11.2.3 Validate derived application implementation
63 11.2.4 Confirm application implementation capability
11.3 Application interface implementation
11.3.1 Principal constituents
11.3.2 Implement the application interfaces
64 11.3.3 Build application interfaces
11.3.4 Verify and validate application interface implementation
11.4 Application component implementation
11.4.1 Principal constituents
65 11.4.2 Implement application components
11.4.3 Build application components
66 11.4.4 Verify and validate application component implementation
11.4.5 Integrate application components
11.5 Software application artefact implementation
11.5.1 Principal constituents
67 11.5.2 Implement software application artefacts
68 11.5.3 Build software application artefacts
11.5.4 Verify and validate software application artefact implementation
11.5.5 Integrate software application artefacts
69 Annex A (informative) Scope of realization activities
BS ISO/IEC 26553:2018