BSI PAS 84:2008
Regenerative medicine. Glossary
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2008 | 38 |
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
3 | Contents Introduction 1 1 Scope 2 2 General 2 3 Cell and tissue components 6 4 Non-cellular components 10 5 Cell and tissue procurement 10 6 Measurement and analysis 11 7 Manufacturing and production 14 8 Clinical trials 18 Annexes Annex A (informative) Regulatory terms 22 Bibliography 26 List of tables Table A.1 – Regulatory terms for clinical trials 22 Table A.2 – Regulatory terms for products and therapies 23 |
4 | Foreword |
5 | a) Human Tissue Act 2004 [1]. b) European Directive 2004/23/EC on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells [2]. c) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 [3]. d) European Directive 2001/83/EC relating to medicinal products for human use [4] as amended by European Directives 2002/98/EC [5], 2003/63/EC [6], 2004/24/EC [7], 2004/27/EC [8] and European Regulations No. 1901/2006 [9] and No. 1394/2007 [10]. |
7 | Introduction |
8 | 1 Scope a) associated with the naming of types of regenerative medicine products and therapies; b) that describe materials, processes, methodologies and applications within regenerative medicine. 2 General 2.1 allogeneic 2.2 allograft 2.3 apoptosis 2.4 autograft 2.5 autologous 2.6 bioaesthetics |
9 | 2.7 cancer vaccine 2.8 cell based medicinal product (CBMP) 2.9 cell culture 2.10 cell therapy 2.11 cloning 2.12 cosmesis 2.13 drug substance 2.14 ex vivo 2.15 extracorporeal 2.16 gene therapy |
10 | 2.17 genotype 2.18 heterologous use 2.19 heterotopic 2.20 homologous use 2.21 homotopic 2.22 in vitro 2.23 in vivo 2.24 informed consent 2.25 intermediate 2.26 minimal manipulation 2.27 necrosis 2.28 organ |
11 | 2.29 passage 2.30 passage number 2.31 phenotype 2.32 plating efficiency 2.33 population doubling 2.34 products 2.35 raw material 2.36 regen 2.37 regenerative medicine 2.38 reproductive cloning 2.39 seeding density 2.40 senescence |
12 | 2.41 substantial manipulation 2.42 syngeneic 2.43 therapeutic cloning 2.44 therapy 2.45 tissue 2.46 tissue engineering 2.47 transplantation 2.48 xenogeneic 2.49 xenograft 3 Cell and tissue components 3.1 admixed embryo 3.2 adult stem cell |
13 | 3.3 adventitious 3.4 blastocyst 3.5 cell expansion 3.6 cell line 3.7 cell migration 3.8 contaminant 3.9 continuous cell line 3.10 cord blood stem cell 3.11 cryopreservation 3.12 cryoprotectant 3.13 culture medium 3.14 cytokine |
14 | 3.15 cytoplasmic hybrid embryos (cybrid) 3.16 de-differentiation 3.17 defined medium 3.18 differentiation 3.19 embryonic stem cell 3.20 embryonic stem cell line 3.21 extracellular matrix (ECM) 3.22 feeder cell 3.23 fetal stem cell 3.24 finite cell line 3.25 haematopoiesis 3.26 haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) 3.27 immortal 3.28 induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells |
15 | 3.29 inner cell mass (ICM) 3.30 major histocompatibility complex 3.31 marrow stromal cell 3.32 mesenchymal stem cell 3.33 multipotent 3.34 mycoplasma 3.35 nullipotent 3.36 pathogen 3.37 pluripotent 3.38 precursor cell 3.39 primary cell culture 3.40 somatic stem cell 3.41 stromal cells |
16 | 3.42 stem cell 3.43 somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) 3.44 totipotent 3.45 trophoblast 3.46 vitrification 4 Non-cellular components 4.1 bioactive agent 4.2 biomaterial 4.3 excipient 4.4 growth factor 4.5 scaffold 5 Cell and tissue procurement 5.1 cell bank 5.2 current Good Clinical Practice (cGCP) |
17 | 5.3 donation 5.4 provenance 5.5 serious adverse event 5.6 tissue bank 5.7 tissue establishment 5.8 traceability 6 Measurement and analysis 6.1 cell authenticity 6.2 biocompatibility 6.3 biomarker 6.4 cell morphology 6.5 cell viability |
18 | 6.6 comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) 6.7 contamination 6.8 current Good Cell Culture Practice (cGCCP) 6.9 DNA profiling 6.10 epigenetic 6.11 gene expression profile (transcriptome) 6.12 flow cytometry 6.13 fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) 6.14 haemocytometer 6.15 histocompatability 6.16 histology 6.17 immunocytochemistry 6.18 immunohistochemistry 6.19 impurity |
19 | 6.20 karyotyping 6.21 magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) 6.22 microarray 6.23 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 6.24 porosity 6.25 protein expression 6.26 purity 6.27 safety 6.28 surface marker 6.29 tissue typing 6.30 toxicology 6.31 tumour 6.32 tumourigenicity |
20 | 7 Manufacturing and production 7.1 aseptic 7.2 batch (or lot) 7.3 bioprocessing 7.4 bioreactor 7.5 cleanroom (or clean facility) 7.6 cost benefit analysis 7.7 current Good Laboratory Practice (cGLP) 7.8 current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) 7.9 current Good Tissue Practice (cGTP) |
21 | 7.10 dose 7.11 in-process control 7.12 investigational medicinal product (IMP) 7.13 manufacture 7.14 marketing authorization 7.15 post market surveillance 7.16 potency 7.17 preservation |
22 | 7.18 process analytical technology (PAT) 7.19 processing 7.20 qualification 7.21 qualified person (QP) 7.22 qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) 7.23 quality 7.24 quality assurance (QA) 7.25 quality control (QC) 7.26 quality system |
23 | 7.27 release criteria 7.28 risk 7.29 risk analysis 7.30 risk management 7.31 scale out (or scale horizontally) 7.32 scale up (or scale vertically) 7.33 specification 7.34 stability testing 7.35 standard operating procedure (SOP) 7.36 sterile 7.37 translation |
24 | 7.38 validation 7.39 whole bioprocessing 8 Clinical trials 8.1 adverse event 8.2 adverse event reporting 8.3 adverse reaction 8.4 arm 8.5 baseline 8.6 chief investigator 8.7 clinical investigator 8.8 clinical translation |
25 | 8.9 clinical trial 8.10 control 8.11 dose finding study 8.12 double blind study 8.13 eligibility criteria (or inclusion and exclusion criteria) 8.14 endpoint 8.15 ethics committee 8.16 immunorejection 8.17 immunosuppression 8.18 minimum effect dose 8.19 non-clinical study 8.20 pharmacodynamics |
26 | 8.21 pharmacokinetics 8.22 pharmacology 8.23 pharmacovigilance 8.24 phase 0 trial 8.25 phase I/II trial 8.26 phase II trial 8.27 phase III trial 8.28 phase IV trial 8.29 placebo controlled study 8.30 principle investigator |
27 | 8.31 protocol 8.32 randomized trial 8.33 sham procedure 8.34 side effect 8.35 single blind 8.36 subject |
28 | Annex A (informative) Regulatory terms Table A.1 Regulatory terms for clinical trials |
29 | Table A.2 Regulatory terms for products and therapies |
30 | Table A.2 Regulatory terms for products and therapies (continued) |
32 | Bibliography [1] GREAT BRITAIN. Human Tissue Act 2004. London: The Stationery Office. [2] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. 2004/23/EC. Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on set… [3] GREAT BRITAIN. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. London: The Stationery Office. [4] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community… [5] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2002/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 setting standard… [6] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2003/63/EC of 25 June 2003 amending Directive 2001/83/EC [4] of the European Parliament and … |
33 | [7] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2004/24/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 31 March 2004 amending, as regards … [8] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2004/27/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 31 March 2004 amending Directive 20… [9] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Regulation (EC) No. 1901/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on med… [10] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Regulation (EC) No. 1394/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 on ad… [11] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 laying do… [12] NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI). Cancer Vaccine Fact Sheet. Maryland, USA: NCI, 2006. [13] EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY (EMEA). Committee for medicinal products for human use (CHMP). Guideline on Human Cell-Based Medicinal Products. Consultation draft issued 25 January 2007. London: EMEA, January 2007. [14] Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary. 25th edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1995. [15] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH)… [16] UNITED KINGDOM STEM CELL BANK (UKSCB). Code of Practice for the Use of Human Stem Cell Lines. Version 3. Potters Bar: UKSCB, August 2006. |
34 | [17] EUROPEAN COMMISSION. EudraLex: The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union – Volume 4: EU Guidelines to Go… [18] UNITED STATES. 21CFR1271.3. US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – Title 21: Food and drugs – Chapter I: Food and drug admi… [19] MEDICINES AND HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS REGULATORY AGENCY (MHRA). A Code of Practice for the Production of Human-derived Therapeutic Products. MHRA: London, 2002. [20] MASON, C. and P. DUNNILL. Lessons for the nascent regenerative medicine industry from the biotech sector. Regenerative Medicine, 2007, 2(5), 753-756. [21] MASON, C. and P. DUNNILL. A brief definition of regenerative medicine. Regenerative Medicine, 2008, 3(1), 1-5. [22] UNITED STATES NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (US NIH). Stem Cell Information. Glossary. Bethesda, MD: US NIH, 2007. [23] ]INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH… [24] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH)… [25] HUMAN TISSUE AUTHORITY. Code of Practice 1 – Consent. London: HTA, July 2006. [26] WILLIAMS, D.F. The Williams Dictionary of Biomaterials. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999. [27] Epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation. RUSSO, V.E.A., R.A. MARTIENSSEN and R.A. RIGGS, eds. Plainview, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1996. [28] EUROPEAN COMMISSION. EudraLex: The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union – Volume 4: EU Guidelines to Go… |
35 | [29] DRUMMOND, M.F., B. O’BRIEN, G.L. STODDART and G.W. TORRANCE. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. [30] Larousse Dictionary of Science and Technology. Edinburgh: Larousse, 1995. [31] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the approximati… [32] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH)… [33] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH). ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline Q8. Pharmaceutical development. Geneva: ICH, November 2005. [34] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH). ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline Q9. Quality Risk Management. Geneva: ICH, March 1999. [35] EUROPEAN COMMISSION. EudraLex: The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union – Volume 4: EU Guidelines to Go… [36] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Directive 2006/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 February 2006 implementing Di… [37] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USE (ICH). ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline E6(R1). Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. Geneva: ICH, June 1996. |
36 | [38] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DH) AND FOOD STANDARDS AGENCY (FSA). Committees on Toxicity, Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment. Annual Report 2006. London: The Stationery Office, July 2007. [39] WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). The Importance of Pharmacovigilance: Safety Monitoring of Medicinal Products. Geneva: WHO, 2002. [40] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (US HHS). Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). Protecting Human Research Subjects: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Guidebook. irb_guidebook.htm [41] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Council Directive 90/385/EEC of 20 June 1990 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States re… [42] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Council Directive 2007/47/EC of 5 September 2007 amending Council Directive 90/385/EEC [41] on the ap… [43] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices as amended by European Directive 2007/47/EC [42]. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1993. [44] EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Council Directive 98/8/EC of 16 February 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998. |