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BSI PD IEC TR 63335:2021


Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control systems, control rooms and electrical power systems. Specific features of small modular reactors and needs regarding standards

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BSI 2021 32
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This document identifies a number of issues of particular importance to light water Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are not currently adequately addressed by existing IEC SC 45A standards, and that could be considered when revising existing publications or that could be the object of new work item proposals. Whether each of these issues will indeed be addressed, and if so in which publication, will be the decision of each SC 45A working group.

Though there are a number of advanced Generation IV SMR projects underway, their specific needs are not covered by this document.

This document is organized as follows:

  • Clause 5 presents the main features of SMRs that are not typically found in large reactors or that are of particular importance for SMRs, and that could require specific or additional requirements and recommendations over those already provided in IEC SC 45A standards.

  • Clause 6 suggests, for each working group, a number of issues that could be considered in the revision of existing publications or as subjects for new work items.

  • Clause 7 suggests topics of importance to SMRs but that do not fit in the current scope of existing working groups.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
10 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
11 4 Abbreviated terms
12 5 SMR specific features
5.1 General
5.2 Passive design features and systems
13 5.3 Mutualised operation
5.4 Optimised maintenance
5.5 Mutualised plant systems
5.6 Integrated designs
14 5.7 Modular construction
5.8 Staged construction
5.9 Consideration of emerging technologies
5.10 Designing for an international market
15 5.11 Licensing in an international market
5.12 New designs (versus evolutionary designs)
5.13 Remote monitoring and support centres
16 6 Recommendations to existing working groups
6.1 WGA2: Sensors and measurement techniques
6.1.1 Current portfolio
6.1.2 Topics of interest
17 6.1.3 WGA2 roadmap
18 6.2 WGA3: I&C systems: architecture and system specific aspects
6.2.1 Current portfolio
6.2.2 Topics of interest
19 6.2.3 WGA3 roadmap
20 6.3 WGA5: Special process measurement and radiation monitoring
6.3.1 Current portfolio
6.3.2 Topics of interest
21 6.4 WGA7: Functional and safety fundamentals of I&C and electrical power systems
6.4.1 Current portfolio
6.4.2 Topics of interest
22 6.4.3 WGA7 roadmap
6.5 WGA8: Control rooms
6.5.1 Current portfolio
6.5.2 Topics of interest
23 6.5.3 WGA8 roadmap
24 6.6 WGA9: System performance and robustness toward external stress
6.6.1 Current portfolio
6.6.2 Topics of interest
25 6.6.3 WGA9 roadmap
26 6.7 WGA10: Ageing management of I&C and electrical power systems in NPPs
6.7.1 Current portfolio
6.7.2 Topics of interest
27 6.8 WGA11: Electrical power systems: architecture and system specific aspects
6.8.1 Current portfolio
6.8.2 Topics of interest
28 6.8.3 WGA11 roadmap
7 Issues of interest not covered by existing working groups
7.1 General
7.2 Systems engineering
7.3 Cross-disciplinary topics
29 7.4 Safety justification frameworks
30 Bibliography
BSI PD IEC TR 63335:2021