ESDU 79027:1979
Viscosity of Liquid Alphatic Hydrocarbons: Alkanes
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ESDU | 1979-10 | 24 |
(Scanned original: to be superseded.)
ESDU 79027 gives the variation of dynamic viscosity at saturation pressure for 58 compounds from the melting point to 10 K below the critical point. The data were obtained by fitting a polynomial equation involving four unknown constants to experimental data taken from a wide range of sources for each compound; the values of the constants were also faired with molecular structure for compounds that were members of the same chemical series. The melting points and critical temperatures are tabulated together with values of viscosity at 10 K intervals, and the estimated uncertainty of the data is given. An equation is suggested for predicting the effect of pressure on dynamic viscosity for pressures up to 1000 atmospheres.