CSA ISO/IEC 9316:97 (R2020):1997 Edition
Information Technology – Small Computer System Interface-2
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
CSA | 1997-02-01 | 473 |
CSA Preface
Standards development within the Information Technology sector is harmonized with international standards development. Through the CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT), Canadians serve as the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) on ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 on Information Technology (ISO/IEC JTC1) for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the I S 0 member body for Canada and sponsor of the Canadian National Committee of the IEC. Also, as a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Canada participates in the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative committee (ITU-T).
This International Standard was reviewed by the CSA TClT under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Steering Committee on Information Technology and deemed acceptable for use in Canada. (A committee membership list is available on request from the CSA Committee Administrator.) From time to time, ISO/IEC may publish addenda, corrigenda, etc. The CSA TClT will review these documents for approval and publication. For a listing, refer to the CSA Information Products Catalogue or CSA Info Update or contact a CSA Sales representative. This Standard has been formally approved, without modification, by these Committees and has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada.
This International Standard defines an input/output bus for interconnecting computers and peripheral devices. It defines extensions to the Small Computer System Interface (ISO 9316:1989), referred to herein as SCSI-1. It also provides more complete standardization of the previously defined command sets. It includes the necessary specification of the mechanical, electrical, and functional characteristics of the interface to allow inter-operability of conforming devices. This International Standard is referred to herein as SCSI-2. The term SCSI is used wherever it is not necessary to distinguish between the two versions.